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Trump and Omarosa thoughts… with Karl Bryan

by | Coaching Lessons, Karl Bryan

Do you give a crap that business owners kill themselves when their marketing fails and their business goes broke? I’ll address this question and my bro’s suicide below… keep reading to the bottom.

I’ll start with Trump’s new nemesis. When an election’s approaching (local, state, federal… doesn’t matter) it affects every kind of media because a lot of money is spent to try to get elected.

Except if you’re Trump. I’m Canadian and have zero skin in the game, but love him or hate him he got elected thanks to more free publicity (OK, and possibly the help of Russia) than anyone in the history of media. Hilary Clinton broke every spending record there was and still lost an election they said she “couldn’t lose.”

Well, Trump’s buddy, the one he handpicked for the White House, Omarosa, is playing the same hand that got him elected right now.

Does Omarosa’s strategy hold the key to your ability to get coaching clients? Why does one local business coach struggle to make a mortgage payment and one (the inferior one?) makes millions and builds a thriving coaching practice?

The same thing would be comparing the local busker and American Idol crooner Philip Phillips (did his parents seriously name him Philip with that last name??).

Or a coach that can totally transform businesses… like a Tony Robbins.

Anyone can close a high-end coaching client (all I did was sell “money at a discount” and almost never missed a single sale. Ask me via reply email if you don’t know this bullet-proof, dummy-proof framing I teach). But a select few can INSPIRE A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER TO ACTION, creating incredible wealth and transforming businesses and lives.

They use the same script and process… but one business owner is inspired by the coach and keeps paying for ten years and the other coach has the client cancel in 90 days saying they’re ‘overwhelmed’ (scary thing is the coach actually believes that’s the real reason and avoids looking in the mirror?!?!).

What’s the difference?

There are multiple factors at play…. but there’s ONE KEY INGREDIENT that will change everything for any passionate coach almost INSTANTLY.

Desire, experience, and intelligence won’t get it done.

Of course, you will need a basic understanding of how to elevate a business. A lead singer of a band can’t rock the house if he can’t hold a tune. Assuming you know your stuff as a business coach, there’s a key ingredient that separates the business coach that TRANSFORMS BUSINESSES from all other coaches (and don’t make the mistake of assuming you know your stuff without a proven methodology and process behind you).

Every industry has the same key ingredient… acting, music, politics, coaching, sports. One person goes on to make millions and the others struggle mightily.

This key ingredient can be summed up in two words.


Business coaches don’t put enough emotion into promoting their coaching. The result is no one cares.  The local business coach has a few people follow him / her… but it’s small potatoes at best.

Why? Because they’re scared. Worried “they’re not enough.”

They need to stop worrying about their own feelings more than their client’s situation.

If they don’t shift there will forever be a gap between the coach and the coaching client. And small business clients will keep canceling and not take action (Hello, mirror… good-bye window).

The secret is to push ‘passion’ down the coaching clients throat.

Why do you do what you do?

Tony Robbins struggled in an unhappy home with no food and an alcoholic mother.

Brendan Burchard nearly died in a car accident and asked: “Did I live, did I love, did I matter?”

Grant Cardone’s Dad died when he was ten years old and they financially struggled from that point on.

My big brother committed suicide when I was 16 years old over a business failing. Then my mother drank herself to death as a result, right in front of me. A horror story for a teenager simply trying to pick up girls, have a good time and hoping for a sober ride to hockey practice.

What’s the story YOU are climbing up from (and yes, you have one even though you likely think you don’t. *I have a process for this)?

Tell them your story, let them in. Stop trying to portray perfect. You’re a rock star exactly as you are.

The real issue is talented coaches are looking to others for validation. Business owners, friends, local experts, their spouse, authority figures etc…

If you don’t know who you are… you’ll forever seek others approval and permission to act. This will inspire no one… in particular, you!!

How do you become less concerned with what others think?

You must immerse yourself in mind, body, and situation of the business owner you’re there to serve.

A purpose FAR beyond you.

Get inspired by successful examples that are all around you.

A mother, Candy Lightner, loses her 18-month-old daughter Serena to a drunk driver and MADD is born. A local child goes missing and the entire community comes together.

Amanda Todd was a family friend and I drove her and my daughter to Cheer practice. She was the second most googled person on the planet the year she committed suicide (Miley Cyrus was number one). Her mother Carol is a friend and she now speaks to Prime Ministers, Presidents and Lady Gaga called her to discuss bullying.

I’ll give you the red-hot tip… it wasn’t always that way.

You’ll probably recognize this image of Amanda Todd. I wish I could still drive her to Cheer and my daughter wishes she didn’t lose her friend.

The key is EMOTIONAL CHARGE. Suddenly after or amongst the tragedy, there’s an emotional fire that can’t be harnessed.

These ppl were watching reruns of Seinfeld and Friends last week.  Now they’re on a mission crying to cameras holding pictures of their loved ones. And it works. And so it damn well should.

Here’s my real question for you. How badly do you want it? How badly do you want to impact these local business owners? Does your career as a coach matter?

Let me rephrase that… does it matter to you that it matters to them?

Marriages break up from lack of money 100 fold over ‘lack of love.’

Do you give a crap that business owners kill themselves when their marketing fails and their business goes broke?

Are you on a MISSION?

If not, why not?  Or is it time to listen to your spouse and go get a real job?

If you’re not emotionally invested, why would your ideal clients with successful businesses be drawn to you? No one gets inspired by Poindexter with no personality.

Business owners get inspired by a Tony Robbins-like passionate voice, puffed chest, strong language and willingness to do what it takes.

When you see Tony Robbins live he’s a beast. I’ve never seen him live where he wasn’t brought to tears. Staged? If you think it matters that he stages the tears… you’re missing the whole point.

At different times he fumbles and misplaces words and corrects himself… He. Does. Not. Care. And do you think HE NEEDS to be there at one o’clock in the morning doing an intervention with a suicidal attendee that’s taking longer than ideal?

Yes, he does need to be there cause he’s on a MISSION.  He certainly doesn’t need the money and he doesn’t do what you pay him for… he does what it takes!

Forget being brought to tears while speaking at a live event or staying until one o’clock in the morning for a RESULT… most coaches don’t even have a video on YouTube.

Business coaches want to be successful and let loose but are terrified of pushing the boundaries and possibly looking stupid.

It’s like skydiving. You literally crap your pants until you start falling… at its most dangerous point it gets calm and amazing. You’re free falling and pointing at buildings… having a casual conversation with a guy strapped to your back at 100 miles an hour. Like it’s suddenly normal.  The YouTube video will be no different. Ok… maybe your fourth :o)

All your hopes and dreams are JUST on the other side of the emotion you recognize as fear.

I played hockey for a living once upon a time. If you want to score on a 6’5” professional goalie wearing $10,000 of equipment you best not ‘shoot the puck.’ SHOOT THROUGH THE PUCK so he can’t damn well see it.

When I started as a business coach back in 2004 I’d knock on doors and do live presentations in Melbourne, Australia. When business hours were over in Australia I’d start calling into Canada where it was morning.  Because I didn’t want to stop!

Like, everyone, I was terrified someone would hang up on me, tell me off… and I spent a lot of the time feeling like and being treated like a loser.

But I was on a MISSION.

It never got easy… but my MISSION kept me from thinking about it / caring.

If you’re caught in the lead generation hell of trying to get in front of business owners that can actually afford you or trying to fill your live presentations… I can relate.

I remember getting kicked out of a business I was cold calling on and a number of his staff were watching it all unfold. One of them knew me. I’ve never forgotten that feeling of thinking I was a pathetic idiot. It was hard to knock on that next door.

My ex-partner many moons ago had a rich family and I remember her not believing in me when I was getting started as a coach and making fun of “my books” about money and success. Then I was disappointed when she broke up with me?!?

Huh!? Thank you for that.

I remember feeling like I wasn’t enough and having no confidence in my ability to market my coaching.

I know your struggles and have been there. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I can help and will fight MMA style to help you succeed. No business coach in my community is going to be left behind on my watch.

Picture a raging forest fire in the mountains… a deer is looking for a way out. His life is on the line and he knows it. He moves left, moves right, jumps a fence… getting more and more desperate for a way out.

It’s getting hotter and hotter, his skin is burning and the deer is now moving so fast it would blow your mind. Once he finds a path to safety he GOES and doesn’t stop.

That’s my mindset when I’m generating leads for my coaching.

Do you?

If not, why not?

Close your eyes and drop yourself in the middle of the forest fire with ADHD on steroids.

Make calls, send emails, search LI, search FB… join forums. Start your own forum. Write down your goals. Set your password on your phone to your monthly target of income (this works great). Get scared. Get desperate. Act. DO SOMETHING. Get some momentum so you can find your path to safety and when you find a way to help a business find $100k in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising… GO / DO IT / BUY IN.

Your coaching company will go to the next level and your lead generation will get easier when you start hammering EMOTION down the throat of the local business owners.

Pick up the local newspaper (yes, there are PLENTY of them just look in your mailbox and head to the local store) and look at the ads they’re selling. Just blown up business cards.

No compelling offers. No call to action. No expiry dates. Huh?!?!

In other words, the advertisers are WASTING THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY! The result is a heartbroken father that feels like a failure when he looks into his kids’ eyes and can’t afford a summer vacation. Soul crushing.


Do you give a crap that business owners kill themselves when their marketing fails and their business goes broke?

So many other situations like this if you just open your eyes and stop worrying about whether or not you may or may not need to “cold call.” Get out of your own way and it can all shift VERY quickly for you.

Once you start showing some “Emotional Charge”… your ability to become an incredible storyteller (more on this coming your way soon) will blow your mind.

And get you some high end coaching clients… that stick around.

And when your spouse tells you to go get a job…. your new emotional response will ensure THEY NEVER SAY THAT TO YOU AGAIN. Period.

OK, I’m sweating profusely but rather than go have a shower and sweat the small stuff… I’m going to work like a deer running for safety in a forest fire and change some lives. Hope you are too!

And don’t worry… I’ll shower later :o)

Ok, it’s 2 am and I’m trying to get an email done about being “average” (screw that!)… I’ll also tell you the song that was playing when my big bro passed away in 1988… think you’ll like what I have to say about avoiding average results… watch for it tomorrow.

LOTS more coming your way and I’ve been working on something BIG!

Obsessed with making you profitable,

Karl Bryan

PS. And can I ask a favor..?

I’m a tad obsessed and spend hours pouring over these articles (I realize how sad that is hahaha) trying to bring value to you and the greater business coaching community.

If you know a coach looking to take their coaching to another level or that will enjoy reading my ramblings… plz forward this or have them go to

… For a complimentary (available for a limited time) subscription to TSFC.

Post on FB / LI/ IG / Twitter… even MORE APPRECIATED. I will do everything in my power to change their life positively through my articles etc…

PPS. Get EMOTIONALLY CHARGED and go help someone. Possibly save a life? Save a marriage? Keep a kid from taking the wrong path because you helped make Dad / Mom a success?

PPPS. It worked for Candy Lightner (MADD), Donna Norris (Amber Alert), Tony Robbins, Brendan Bouchard (absolutely works for me and it’s why I pour over these messages and insane hours while others are sleeping) and so many others… can you find the fire in your belly??

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at


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