The Easiest Way To Write A Book By Susana Perez

When your ideal clients start to research online about finding a good provider, they will find you; but they will also find your competition.
Now the tricky part is getting prospects to CHOOSE YOU.
Truth is that most people have no idea how to pick a good coach.
They know truly little about the important skills they should be looking for, or what questions should they ask, or what to avoid when choosing a consultant. One thing they do know for sure…they want to work with an expert, someone who has been there/done that.
Many times, entrepreneurs; including business owners, coaches, trainers, speakers, etc., find themselves unable to stand out from their competition. Writing and publishing a book and becoming a Bestseller is an automatic credibility boost. Used as a marketing tool the credibility that can come because of a bestselling book is as powerful as having an MBA.
When prospects see you as THE Expert, it makes it easy for them to choose you over the competition. One of the most powerful and proven ways to create INSTANT CREDIBILITY, TRUST, and EXPERT STATUS is to be the author of your own book. But not just any book, a Best Seller!
When you have a published book that is laser-focused on educating your ideal clients about a specific solution to their problem or desired outcome. Your book becomes a 24-hour lead-generating source that never gets sick, never takes a vacation, and says exactly what you want it to say 24 hours a day, 365 days (about 12 months) a year. The purpose of your book is to generate leads.
Your job is to give as many out as possible.
Published authors automatically are seen as experts in their field and becoming a Bestseller is an international recognition that will make them stand out anywhere.
They write a book focused on their expertise that solves the problem their customers are having. The book by itself is an immense value to their customers, but most customers will want to hire them to perform the services explained in the book.
Most authors use the book to become known to their customers and others, who have experience in the field are often overlooked.
Their bestselling book gives them a chance to stand out. It gives them a marketing platform.
Strong marketing campaigns create an emotional hook between the business and the customer. This is done by clearly explaining the benefits of the solutions they provide.
Prospects are more willing to listen to someone after learning that they are not only published authors but Bestsellers. They are more confident about hiring them and willing to pay high ticket pricing.
The book also has benefits to the author as it becomes a lifetime accomplishment. It also helps authors to compartmentalize their experiences.
They rewrite and give meaning to their stories. This is very personal and life-changing for the author.
By becoming a published author, I learned:
1. Many coaches are already experts in their field, but they struggle with knowing how to get recognized and to stand out from the crowd.
2. Many people start writing because they want to reach out to more people than one-on-one meetings with their own personal contacts/clients.
3. Many coaches want to write a book because it gives them credibility in their field.
4. Coaches start writing because they want passive income from their book sales
5. Becoming a bestselling author gives authors confidence to continue with more books.
6. Becoming a bestselling author gives them the visibility they need to reach more people.
7. Coaches who have become published authors are able to charge more for their services and they have additional products generated from their books to offer to their clients.
8. Authors can repurpose their book content to create speeches, courses, or masterclasses which gives them more income.
Now let us talk about the easiest way to write a book.
Hone-in On Your Book Idea
I always tell my writers to write about what they know. You know your skill. You know what your ideal client’s most pressing issue is. Talk about their pain and show them how to take care of it.
Outline, Outline, Outline
I used to hate outlining; I thought I could just sit down in front of my computer and write to my heart’s content and that everyone will be able to understand what I was trying to say. It does not work that way.
Authoring a book is like cooking a dish you never cooked before, you need a recipe. To be able to take your reader from A to Z, you need an outline. A step-by-step process.
Do Your Research
You know your skill, your industry, and your client. But things are always evolving, changing. To be the expert, you need to make sure you stay on top of your game. Even if after all your research you do not learn something new (which is unlikely), at least you are able to deliver a well-researched book.
Start Writing
Set up a routine, a schedule. Do your best to stick by it. If you miss one day (it’ll happen), go back as soon as you get a chance and catch up on your missing work. Want an easier way?
Record yourself talking about your chapter topics. There are people that can transcribe it for you, there are apps that can type it for you. Find your way and start.
Finish Your First Draft
You finished your first draft! YAS!! You did it! Now, do not edit (we are doing the uncomplicated way, remember?). Hire someone else to do the editing. There are people that would love to do it for you.
College students needing extra money, Stay-At-Home moms with degrees that can do it for you at an affordable price. There are freelancers’ apps and websites. People from all over the world at your fingertips.
In today’s day and age, we do not need a Publisher to publish our books. Anyone can do it at places like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
You will need a few more things besides having your manuscript ready to be able to publish such as a formatted file and a book cover. You can always DIY those things or hire someone to do it for you. But after that all you need is to upload your book and hit the publish button.
Become a Bestseller
You can become a Bestseller by driving sales to your book on a specific day (launch day) and making sure the book is listed under relevant categories.
If your book is about Mindfulness, for example, you want to research books in that specific topic and look under which categories are published under and put your book in the same category.
Now, if you want to delegate most of the book writing process to an expert have a guaranteed Bestseller; I will be more than happy to help.
Make sure to go to my website and fill out a contact form and I’ll get back to you for a no-cost strategy call.

About Susana Perez
Susana is a versatile and highly motivated entrepreneur. As a serial entrepreneur, her highest accomplishment has been owning a very successful cleaning company that earned high reviews in her market. She later sold that business in 2017 and self-published her first book the same year. In her spare time, Susana likes to travel, cook, read, and spend time with her loved ones. See more about Susana at