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Looking Back By Mike McMahon

by | In the Magazine, Mike McMahon

What I would tell myself back when I was just getting started as a coach

I was recently asked what advice I would give to someone just getting started as a coach. Here’s what I told them.

Starting Over

If I was starting over from the beginning…

I would know that what most people teach about building a coaching business is a waste of time. That’s because most of them teaching it have never done it. So be careful who you listen to. Make sure you’re learning from coaches who have been there and done that.

Start by getting crystal clear on the big problem or problems you solve and who you solve it for. This isn’t an area to take lightly. Figure this out because it drives all your marketing.

Make sure you can articulate why you are the right coach for the job.

Understand at a deep level what the pains, fears, and frustrations of your ideal client are. If you don’t know, reach out to people you feel could be your ideal client and ask.

You want to be able to describe their problem or problems better than they can. When you do, they will know deep down that you have the solution.

Understand what the value of the solution is. In other words, what’s it costing them to live with the problem on both an emotional and financial level.

 Don’t charge by the hour or even by the value of what you do. Set your price based on the value of the result you help your clients achieve. 

In other words, what’s it worth to your client to have the problem solved. This is as much emotional as it is financial. 

If you want to make more get good at solving bigger problems. The bigger the problem you solve the more your solution is worth.

Whatever you do, don’t try to sell coaching. People don’t buy coaching. They are buying the result they believe the coaching will get them.

Sell The Solution

Sell the solution or as it’s usually referred to the transformation.

The best way to do that is to package up your offer into a program. Your program is the exact steps your client needs to take to enjoy the transformation.

Understand that more content or coaching sessions are not required to create value.

The straightest path to the solution is the most valuable. If you’re targeting high-paying clients, you will find they are busy and prefer speed. They will gladly pay more for a faster solution.

If you can help your client reach the result in 6 weeks offer a 6-week program. If it takes 8 weeks, it’s an 8-week program. 

After the initial program, you can offer ongoing coaching or another program. Think about what your clients will need now that they are at this new level and offer it to them.

At this point, they should trust you and be willing to invest more to work with you. 

Making Money

Learn how to make money as a coach first. 

Once you know how to do that then you can worry about things like your logo, or branding, or even business building.

As one of my early mentors taught me make money first build the business second.

That means you need to learn how to attract the right prospects and enroll them into your solution.

You might be the greatest coach in the world, but no one will know if you can’t enroll them into your solution. Besides, you’ll go broke and get a job if you can’t make money as a coach.

Do not, and I repeat, do not build a course until you have a track record of success with your 1:1 clients. Even then, don’t build it until you’ve sold it.

What I mean is create the outline of the course and what the result will be and then go sell it. If you get buyers build it.

If you don’t get buyers figure out what you missed and do it over. This way you won’t waste months and months building something only to find out it won’t sell.

It’s fine to get your first clients from friends and referrals. Some coaches are born networkers and never have to market themselves.

But, if that’s not you start building your email list as soon as possible. 

Create a Hot Button Lead Magnet™ and get prospects on your list. Your Hot Button Lead Magnet must be related to the solution you provide. That way it leads them to you and continues to build you up as the authority.

Create an email sequence around the problem you solve. Use the emails to invite them to an enrollment session.

Don’t do free coaching sessions to get clients. 

If you need practice as a coach feel free to work with some friends or other coaches to gain the experience. But don’t do free coaching sessions hoping that the prospect will be so impressed they will hire you. 

I’m not saying you can’t get clients this way. 

What I am saying is learning how to do a proper enrollment session is much more effective.

Learn how to help your prospects uncover their true problem and what it’s costing them. Again, this is emotional and financial.

Overcomplicate Things

Don’t overcomplicate things. 

A simple Stranger To Client™ funnel is all you need to fill your practice. For example: Offer a lead magnet then on the thank you page have a video walking the prospect through it.

You will build the know, like, and trust factor. Then have a Call To Action inviting them to a call to learn more.

At first, you may want to do an initial get acquainted call and if you can help them schedule an enrollment call.

With experience and when your calendar is filling up, you will want to direct people to an application. Use the application to filter out people who are not a good fit for what you have to offer.

This way you will filter out the tire kickers and keep your calendar open for more qualified prospects.

Base your fees on the results you help your clients get. I hinted at this earlier, but I mention it again because most coaches undercharge.

Don’t worry about what others are charging because if you do you will end up competing on price. 

Final Advice

My final piece of advice is to remember to have fun. You are in an industry where you have the privilege of changing lives.

To quote Zig Ziglar – “You can everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want.”

Get out there and help people and remember to enjoy the process.

Mike McMahon

 About Mike McMahon

Mike McMahon is a Master Sales Coach who specializes in helping coaches and consultants master the art of enrolling high paying clients without being pushy, salesy or slimy. You can learn more at

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