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Editor’s Note with Karl Bryan

by | Coaching Lessons, In the Magazine, Karl Bryan

This is going to be a little more formal than my usual note to you… but it’s important and I want you to get it so I’ll explain in a very straight talking manner.

Pretty much all coaches want more clients. But no business owner is going to pay you $12k to $50k per year after reading your email or seeing something on social media. They aren’t going to sign up for your coaching after hearing you introduce yourself at a networking event or receiving a direct mail letter.

Now don’t misunderstand what I’m saying here. All the above forms for marketing your services will generate  interest in your coaching and even compel a prospect to say “tell me more.” But don’t expect to get a deal done straight off of these… it’s not realistic.

Coaching is an investment and like most investments, business owners want to know they’ll get a decent ROI before they part with their hard earned dough. They must see for themselves you’ll make them more money than, they otherwise would without you.  If you can show them, with 100% certainty, that you can make them money, and presuming you’ve built rapport and that they like and trust you…. they’ll sign up with you in a heartbeat. How do I know?

I’ve got more than 500 coaches in 24 countries that do this every day using our online lead generation software and coaching tools. I’ve taught them how to find any business owner more than $100,000 and do so in less than 45 minutes…  without spending a dollar on marketing or advertising. Once they follow my process, closing them into clients is pretty much a foregone conclusion. In fact, the coaches I work with DON’T have to sell their coaching services… They merely ask a very simple question once they find the money and follow my roadmap… “would you like me to help you with this?” BOOM.

Seriously, that’s all they need to do after following our simple 8 step process. But why does that work so well?  One word explains it all – CERTAINTY!

People are naturally skeptical of anyone who claims they can make them money (I understand there is MUCH more to coaching than making your small business client money… BUT there needs to be an ROI or they’re cancelling shortly).  As a coach you must PROVE to your business owners that you can and will make them money. Hopefully you have proven and tested ways that you as a coach can do this. If not, email me and I’ll help you with this.

But here’s the key to making all of this work. You have to have a compelling offer that will position you in FRONT of the business owner so you have the opportunity to find them the money. Unfortunately most coaches are attempting to do this by offering FREE business assessments or complimentary business audits.

STOP IT!?! When you offer to spend an hour of your valuable time assessing someone’s business, that business owner’s BS meter instantly goes off. They’re trying to understand why you’re offering your time for free, which of course goes against human nature and that typically leads to them ignoring or forgetting about your offer. This leaves you watching your emails or staring at your phone waiting for them to reply… which never happens.

The key here is to offer a “quid pro quo.” That simply means if I give you something you’ll give me something back. THAT’S human nature. If you want to offer a free business assessment, let them know there’s something in it for you.

The coaches I work with use my Profit Acceleration Software™.   The software uncovers major financial breakthroughs within 25 key areas of their business and extrapolates a dollar value to each improvement. The digital graph then shows the increases in that businesses  revenue, profits and overall valuation. In a nutshell it makes the results (your services) tangible.

Business owners love this stuff, and of course, so do my coaches. The software basically sells your coaching services for you. And instead of offering a drab and dreary “business assessment” that every coach on the planet offers, my coaches offer a Business Breakthrough Roadmap that the prospect receives immediately after the session.

The coaches can do this because the software I give them automatically collates all the data they entered during the questioning process and with the touch of a button, calculates where in that business the low hanging fruit is to be found and then it prioritizes all 25 areas from the most productive to the least productive so the coaches know where to start to generate the most revenue for their clients. Isn’t technology grand!

Now look, I know you may not have access to this type of software and that’s fine. My point is that you must find a way to separate your coaching practice from the herd. Find a way to make yourself unique and to stand out from the crowd. Develop your own unique methodology for getting your clients results – and then demonstrate it to your prospects in such a way they can instantly see the value you can bring to their business.

And best of all, once you develop it and then master it, you will have it for the rest of your life. And that’s when you know you’ve entered the top 1% of coaches worldwide. This is why in my last editor’s note I stated that world class information is my MINIMUM standard for this magazine, and it’ll stay that way for as long as I’m alive and kicking.

I want you to always feel comfortable that The Six Figure Coach Magazine is, and will continue to be, a safe place for you to learn, to grow professionally and to profit from financially. I won’t stop until you accomplish what this magazine is all about – building a lucrative multiple SIX FIGURE income for you and your family.

After all, YOU deserve it!

If I can help you, please NEVER hesitate to ask.

Karl Bryan


PS. If you know of someone that should be included and that has EXCELLENT information for business coaches… or if you know of an event that should be included or highlighted in this magazine… please email me:

 About Karl Bryan

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches…period. He is the editor of The Six Figure Coach Magazine and Chairman of Leader Publishing Worldwide, home of the largest private community of Business Coaches (24 countries and counting) in the world.
His goal is straight forward… to help serious coaches/consultants get more clients and to start using the internet effectively.

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