Why this is YOUR magazine with Karl Bryan
I want to personally welcome you to The Six-Figure Coach Magazine.
First and foremost, this is YOUR magazine! We created this publication to address the problems, frustrations, and concerns of business coaches around the world. We want to provide you with the latest strategies, tactics, tools, resources, and support that will enable you to take your coaching practice to the next level.
We are committing ourselves to providing you with a publication that is unmatched in its breadth and depth of quality information that will enable you to increase your leads, explode your conversions, and help you get transformational results for every client you coach moving forward.
We have assembled a world-class team of coaching professionals with hundreds of years of combined experience and expertise in the coaching profession.
Together, we will coordinate our efforts through this publication to bring you state-of-the-art training and resources so you can build a 6 figure coaching practice and provide yourself and your family with the lifestyle you so richly deserve.
For example, we’ll keep you apprised of the latest trends in coaching, and how you can capitalize on them… both professionally and financially. We’ll provide you with access to expert help so you can submit questions and client situations that you’re struggling with and receive the solutions you need to resolve them once and for all.
We’ll provide you with detailed, step-by-step strategies in the areas of lead generation, lead conversion, sales, marketing, and advertising as well as social media.
We’ll provide you with word-for-word scripts and detailed presentation formats so you know exactly what to do and say when meeting with prospects one-on-one or hosting a live event, seminar, or webinar.
We’ll also deliver a multitude of case studies so you can learn what is working in the real world and duplicate those successes with your clients.
Why is all of this so important? Business coaching is exploding across the globe right now. Forbes magazine has just reported that coaching is now a $100 BILLION per year industry. Compare that with the fact that internet marketing is only $19 billion and direct mail is $48 billion.
But now consider that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics just released their estimate that coaching will DOUBLE over the next few years. There simply has never been a better time to be a business coach.
So remember this… we have your back!
We’re here moving forward to keep you on the cutting edge of the coaching profession. We want to provide you with everything you will need to build yourself a 6 figure coaching practice. We hope you’ll participate in this exciting journey with us.
Karl Bryan

About Karl Bryan
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches…period. He is the editor of The Six Figure Coach Magazine and Chairman of Leader Publishing Worldwide, home of the largest private community of Business Coaches (24 countries and counting) in the world.
His goal is straight forward… to help serious coaches/consultants get more clients and to start using the internet effectively.