What To Delegate & Why with Isabelle Mercier
Coaches! Isabelle Mercier has got a great video up for you this month!
What To Delegate & Why will help you focus on the vital parts of your business that need your commitment and focus… and how to allow great team players to take on what is dimming your bulb and eating up your precious time.
The question is, what should you be delegating? Which roles and tasks would help you gain the most opportunity in your business and open you up to more growth?
In this episode of LeapTV, Isabelle shares her own resistance to delegating in the early days of her business, and what she found when she finally took the leap.
Without question, putting off delegating cost Isabelle big in the early days of her business, and she wants to ensure you don’t need to go through those growing pains!
Today, Isabelle digs into 3 main roles to put in the hands of someone you trust, to free up your time, ease your mind, and create more room for your business to grow! Give it a watch and take a deep breath, you’ve got this
Here’s what this episode is about:
There are tasks, roles and systems in a business that are vital, and MUST be delegated for you to grow & thrive in your business.
When you’re too busy trying to do it all, not only will your tasks suck the life out of you – you’ll miss out on some better opportunities.
Feel free to leave a comment or insight below the video to let Isabelle know what has resonated with you in this episode and one thing you will do as a result of it. Enjoy!
Contributed by Isabelle Mercier

About Isabelle Mercier Turcotte
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a brand strategist, best-selling author, TEDx Speaker and business performance catalyst at LeapZone Strategies with the sole purpose to empower change and growth. "Momentum Generator" is her middle name and she has a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners raise the bar to create outstanding brand experiences through business strategies, performance coaching, and brand alignment.