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The Simple System For Supercharging Your Marketing And Increasing Your Profits

by | Karl Bryan

As a coach, you want to be successful at online marketing. 

There are several things I do and that I share with my client family members that you can begin doing now. 

First, sit down and think about everything that needs to be done in your business to make it more successful.

After product discovery and /or creation; marketing needs to be at the TOP of that list. I notice that coaches often leave marketing to the wind.

If you really want to be successful, you have to place a high priority on marketing and NOT on coaching – yep, that IS what I said☺.

I will break this system into four weeks and guide you through in this article.

Week One – Plan Ahead

The most important thing you can do to ensure your marketing success is to plan in advance what you will be marketing and the different ways in which you will do your marketing for your services and products.

Marketing is not a “one and done” proposition. It takes a few weeks to get the message out and get ideal prospects to answer your calls to action.

Qualified prospects need to see your messages in multiple ways. Create a separate plan for each service/product as well as a marketing channel for each.

Week Two – Email Marketing

The most important way to earn money as a coach, practically on demand, is to build a healthy email list full of hungry prospects.

Make it your goal to build your list so that you can market your products and services repeatedly to your audience in this no cost yet direct way.

Create ongoing campaigns for your auto responder segmented by where, when and how a prospect signs up for your list.

If you know in advance what you will write about on your blogs, social media and in email marketing, you’ll be more successful and get more traction faster, and you can also use services like backlinks from which can help with this as well. 

Week Three – Best Promotion Tactics

If you are like most of my client family members, you’ve heard or read a lot about promotional tactics yet some of what you read just doesn’t feel right to you. The fact is you don’t have to resort to sleazy tactics to succeed at earning six and seven figures as a coach.

You can market your services and products with integrity and pride because all the products/services you create and provide are exactly what you claim they are. No marketing “puffery” required.

When you are proud of your products and are standing in transparency, integrity, and authenticity, you can promote on social media, within blog posts, and by email and feel great about it. There is never a reason to feel guilty about making money from your coaching when what you provide is of high quality.

Week Four – Get Exposure

Even if your coaching business is 100 percent online, getting exposure requires that you step outside of your comfort zone and start using other mediums such as online radio interviews, guest blogging, authorship, speaking engagements, and more.

I suggest you also do strategic joint ventures and /or pay per click advertising on Google or Facebook. Plan out what you will do each week, then simply repeat it every time you have a new coaching product or service.

This will help you become a six and then a seven-figure coach more quickly than you ever thought possible. The truth is, increasing your profits is simply a few weeks away if you follow this proven game plan.

Case Study

My client family member, John, came to me unable to get a conveyor belt of qualified prospects. The day he hired me I had just returned from vacation and hadn’t paid much attention to my leads and sales.

When I opened my sales calendar on Monday Morning and saw a full schedule of booked calls for my team as well as the income from new ideal clients, I had to smile.

I shared my fully booked calendar from my team with John showing him the red-hot leads that self-scheduled their calls before the week had even begun, all WITHOUT lifting a finger.

Then I gave him the same 4 step process in this article.

Less than 38 days later, John was relaxing with his family for the weekend and on Monday told me, “My calendar got full and my salesperson has closing deals”.

This is not some “marketing hype”. This is actually what happened.

Sixty-four days later he said, “I got so many prospects that we had to turn off our ads, and then cancel anyone who hadn’t filled out a pre-call application”.

If you want to get a steady, consistent flow of leads, booked calls, booked appointments, and scale your business even while you’re chillaxin follow the system.

If you’re mumbling to yourself about what a cliche marketing technique this is, it’s because you’ve never experienced the power of the RIGHT paid ads + automation + scalable systems, and you need this process more than anyone.

If you want to join a like-minded community and learn more techniques and see some of these clients in action, consider this your invite.

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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at


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