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One Thing: Day 543: My Dad

by | Karl Bryan, ONE THING Series | 0 comments

Day 543: My Dad


Yesterday I was explaining the power of Open Loops and how they can sell you copious amounts of coaching clients.

Speaking of things that make you go hmmm….

Dr Oz says rubbing coffee grounds on your naked body prevents cellulite.

Apparently, you can’t do it at Starbucks.

And now the cops are here for my wife.

In other news…

My Dad and Chief Editor of my daily muse… is in intensive care. If you’re into prayer

I’d dearly love one for my old man affectionately known as, Skinny.

Neil Bryan is a great man that I’m honored to call, Dad.



‘Another Open Loop’

Yesterday I got an insane amount of feedback on my example of an Open Loop that

will instantly drive more sales your way…

… If you’ve ever wondered why Tony Robbins is so hypnotizing when he talks, Open

Loops are a large part of his magic but its’ so smooth you don’t know it’s happening

and you’re often left wondering why you’re so intrigued.

In 2005 when I was closing and delivering my $100,000 business coaching

programs… here’s an example of how I’d use an Open Loop to evoke an insane

amount of curiosity and pretty much close the deal 12 minutes into my first meeting.

Similar to yesterday… here’s a 1,2,3 of what I’d say during my consultation:

Lead generation is the most expensive function of any business… yours, mine,

Disney, Apple, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, Ferrari etc… If and when you can control or

eliminate that expense… you’re margins will increase dramatically and we find our

newly successful coaching clients start making more money and their bank account

filling faster than they ever dreamed possible.

Joint ventures are like a Super Power of lead generation for you…

The right two joint venture partnerships will completely change the lead generation

process for your business. You’ll pretty much never need to generate another high

end lead ever again and you’ll always be speaking to A+ prospects who value what

you offer and aren’t interested in making you compete on price.

I know the EXACT two businesses that’ll totally shift things for you…. More on those two at a later stage but let’s keep going as I know we’re dealing with a time crunch and I have more magic to go over in our Profit Acceleration session.

They’re left thinking who are these two people they’ll introduce me to..?

As you keep moving along…

… on a subconscious level they’re already committed.

Now, if you’re thinking:

What if I don’t know those two businesses.

*Ideally you do… but if you don’t you just need to identify the industries they need to

go after and then it’s just a matter of them reaching out to the right people.

You heard it here first.

Now, pick up the phone and go help someone.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan aka King Karl

PS. I love you, Dad.

PPS. If this helps and you want it to really sink in… GO TEACH IT to someone cause that’s the best way for you to learn it. A friend, your spouse, a client etc…

PPPS. Marriages break up from lack of money… over lack of love X 100.

Business failures lead to destruction, addiction, depression, anxiety, suicides, and unfortunately, far more.

As good business coaches, we save marriages, save families, save kids from self-destruction… we save lives!

A true life of purpose.

PPPPS. If you’re looking for a proven system to follow for your coaching…. I created Profit Acceleration Software™ as well as our Digital Acceleration Software™ and high-end step by step training to support it…

It’ll teach you ‘How to find any small business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.’

Imagine finding your annual $12,000 to $50,000 coaching fees BEFORE you started coaching your new clients?!  And a proven coaching system created for you to follow with your new coaching client.

Reply to this if you want to start following a proven coaching system.

PPPPPS. Forward this to someone that needs to subscribe to my daily emails and get a limited time, complimentary subscription to my business coaching magazine go here:

PPPPPPS. They tell me my Podcast is Ric Flair style, Money Makin, Client Getten, Joint Venture Landing, Event Fillin, High-End Coaching Client Findin Gold For Business Coaches.

Entertaining, Informative, Uncensored, Unedited:

Business Coaching Secrets

Missed a day? Catch up here.

Karl Bryan, creator of Profit Acceleration Software™  

Karl is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and Chairman of, home of the largest private community of Business Coaches (24 countries and counting) in the world. His goal is straightforward… to help serious coaches/consultants get more clients. Find out more at

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