Let’s Talk About Money with Isabelle Mercier
Coaches! Isabelle Mercier has got a great video up for you this month! Let’s Talk About Money is chock-full of tips and insights around making more money (and who doesn’t want to earn more money right?). Let’s first get one thing straight, profitability is about more than the fees you charge your clients for your services. In fact, your fees may not be an indicator of your profitability at all!
In Isabelle’s latest episode of LeapTV, she’s digging into three key aspects of growing your business and growing your profits. To do this, she’s talking strategy and, perhaps, a shift in perspective.
Let’s be real numbers don’t lie… but, do you know what yours are telling you? After years of working with coaches, entrepreneurs & small business owners, Isabelle knows that most are “too busy” to look at their numbers and truly see the story being told. Today she’s sharing with you exactly what you need to do to know if your business is growing OR to find out where there might be trouble on the horizon.
Get out your notepad for this one! You’re gonna want to take notes
Here’s what this episode is about:
Like the old proverb says… If you’re too busy to track what you’re doing, are you really doing it? …Okay, maybe not a proverb, but you get the idea.
Building a profitable business is key to ensuring your future success, and your profits, are driven by Positioning, Leveraging Your Time & Tracking Your Results.
Feel free to leave a comment or insight below the video to let Isabelle know what has resonated with you in this episode and one thing you will do as a result of it.
Contributed by Isabelle Mercier

About Isabelle Mercier Turcotte
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a brand strategist, best-selling author, TEDx Speaker and business performance catalyst at LeapZone Strategies with the sole purpose to empower change and growth. "Momentum Generator" is her middle name and she has a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners raise the bar to create outstanding brand experiences through business strategies, performance coaching, and brand alignment.