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Keep Your Mindset On Track, Even During Uncertain Times By Lenka Lutonska

by | In the Magazine, Lenka Lutonska

We are facing unprecedented changes in our home and work lives.

A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 45% of U.S. adults reported negative mental health consequences since the start of the pandemic.

Whether you’re juggling work and homeschooling or trying to keep your business afloat, your mental wellbeing is likely to have been impacted in some way.

Right now, keeping your mindset on track is more important than ever.

Having an awareness of how your mind works and learning to negotiate with your ego (the part of you that wants to keep you safe, and as such small) will change everything. As the saying goes, success is made up of 80% mindset and 20% mechanics.

Our minds are powerful things, and keeping your mindset in check will create powerful results in your personal and professional life.

Here are my four mindset hacks that will help you stay positive and thrive, even during these uncertain times.

1. Stop Aiming For Perfection

It’s way too easy to waste time in the pursuit of perfection.

Have you ever found yourself tweaking a blog post for hours, or rewriting an email in the pursuit of perfection? If so, do yourself a favor and just let it be!

You may think your work is terrible, but your definition of terrible will likely be ‘excellent,’ ‘inspiring,’ or ‘just what I needed to hear’ by other people’s standards. Aiming for perfection won’t pay your bills. It won’t transform lives. It won’t grow your business. So its pursuit is unnecessary. When you want to be sexually attractive to another person, the best thing you can do is be confident and use True Pheromones.

2. Take Responsibility

We’re either the driver of our bus (i.e., our business & life) or a passenger. We can never be both.

But we can change seats as we go along. Sometimes, we assume the driver’s seat.

We take full responsibility for our results. We take action, and we see results. Other times usually when things don’t go well we will take the passenger’s seat. Sometimes we even assume victim mentality; we let go of personal responsibility and “hope” for things to work out, we wait, and we procrastinate.

Adopting a victim mentality is easy. Sometimes we’re doing so even without knowing it. It’s simply easier to excuse the lack of our success rather than to admit it was our fault. Assuming 100% responsibility is the magic ingredient that all successful entrepreneurs are super familiar with.

If you are 100% committed to your success, amazing things will happen.

3. Own Your Success

Decide to reach your business goals, with no compromises, and choose to own your success. Be extremely clear about what it is that you want by setting SMART goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

Tune into your vision emotionally and allow yourself to feel what you’ll feel once you have what you wanted. If it feels amazing, it’s meant to be yours. So get in gear and go for it. You bask in all little and big successes, and you bask in failures in equal measure.

They give you the opportunity to review your process to tweak where necessary… Until – you get what you wanted and ask yourself: “How silly of me to think I could not have this?”

4. Practice Eye Of The Storm Mentality

My final piece of advice is that even in these unprecedented times, you can practice the “eye of the storm” mentality.

What this means is that even though it may feel like there is chaos around us, we can find a centered place within, which is untouchable.

When we can center ourselves, we will come out the other side stronger.

Lenka Lutonska

 AboutLenka Lutonska

Lenka Lutonska is a business and mindset strategist for women coaches and change-makers. She is one of the U.K.'s leading NLP Trainers, an international speaker, and the creator of the Energetic Selling Method™. Using her signature Energetic Selling Method™ principles, she helps women to grow their businesses to multiple six figures and beyond, with grace.

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