Joe Polish, Suicides, Divorces and YOU by Karl Bryan

Getting To The Real Problem
Success is easy.
It just takes a little work and consistency.
Instead, people look for the secret sauce but refuse to stay the course.
I remember reading about a situation and how it would almost inevitably play out.
The late great copywriter Gary Halbert shared this with Joe Polish.
Imagine a scenario where all you had to do was wake up every day, drive 1 mile to a location by 8:00 A.M., and you would have $1,000 you could pick up at that location.
What Would Happen Is This
People would be super happy for a week.
Then, one day, they wouldn’t go to the location to pick up the money.
Why didn’t they pick up the money?
“Well, I had a flat tire. I couldn’t drive.”
Why didn’t they call a cab?
Why didn’t they walk?
They should have asked for a lift from someone?
Lots of things get in the way in life and business.
Even “doing things right” can get in the way of “doing the right things”.
When you persevere, stay focused on the goal and hone in on what is important, what you end up with is an E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative and Fun) business and life.
The end.
I’d say this advice was, unfortunately, spot on.
I can help a business coach find high-end coaching clients or fill a local live event with 100% certainty. It’ll be hard work; you’ll need a little mojo. But it seriously just takes a little consistency.
I’ll put a business coaching spin on it.
Here It Is
All a business coach needs to do is wake up, make 3 calls to local business owners by 10 am each day.
On those calls, they must provide a small amount of value.
Ask them their goals and remind them to write them down.
Ask what the 3 highest priorities are today. Encourage them to follow up on their accounts receivable that are (ridiculously) aging etc…
Simple stuff.
Upon competition of the third call, $1000 would be deposited into their bank account on an annual basis of $365,000 per year.
Here’s What Would Happen
The business coach would be over the moon for a week.
Then one day, they wouldn’t make the calls.
Why didn’t they make the calls?
“I didn’t sleep well last night so I slept in.”
“I didn’t know who to call.”
Wasn’t sure what to say.”
“The guy abused me and I don’t want to bother people.”
Lots of things can get in the way of becoming a successful business coach.
Doing things right can get in the way of doing the right things?!
The End.
Look At It This Way
Coaches do not have a “client getting problem” nor do they have “a money problem”:… they have a refusal to help people problem.
You need 5.5 clients at $1500 per month to make $100,000.
If you called and helped 3 business owners every single day… with no expectation of a return, it would almost be impossible for you not to make six-figures.
You’d have to be a total idiot.
The reality for your local business owners is their marriages break up from lack of money over lack of love X 100.
Do you realize a local family with two young children are separating right now over lack of money and frustration caused by their business?
Nothing to do with how good or bad the business is.
More a matter of doing the wrong things in the wrong order.
Like lowering their prices, having no compelling offer, working primarily with the people that cause the most headaches rather than the 20% of the clients that derive 90% of the revenue, ignoring accounts receivable….?!
These are insanely easy and quick fixes that’ll put thousands into bank accounts.
The husband of the business described above is close by, tears in his eyes with a box of clothes over his shoulder walking into his new one-bedroom apartment.
The first thing he put up was a picture of his two beautiful kids.
They’re his absolute pride and joy.
He’s already counting the hours until he can see them on the weekend.
Problem is, it’s Monday.
That’s 91 hours but who’s counting.
He cuddled with the picture and read it a story last night, cause he couldn’t cuddle and read to them.
His kids cried themselves to sleep last night.
Mommy is equally devastated but she’s just had enough.
How does someone work 16 hours “totally consumed” per day and not make enough to cover the basic expenses for his family?
12 times he’s told her “we just need to load up the credit card one more time… this time it will be different. We can trust this guy… it’s going to work. I can feel it in my bones, baby.”
She painstakingly agrees one more time.
But It’s The Same Old, Same Old
She’s thinking “Does he not get the whole hunter, gatherer thing…?”
You could have saved their marriage last month by calling and providing some much-needed help and direction but you ‘didn’t want to bother him’.
Sorry kids.
A little further down the road, it gets worse.
A business owner committed suicide.
It happens every day, unfortunately.
This guy was advertising in your local area.
The ad’s he’s running are ridiculous with no chance of working.
One call from you helping…. and explaining the ad was never going to work because it didn’t have an offer or a call to action. No headline. Nor anything compelling to say…
Therefore why in the world would someone respond to the ad?!
One look at his website… with all his prices listed and pretty much zero curiosity created upon viewing.
A Dog’s Breakfast
Having an expert call and explaining this is a kind and gentle way…. would have eased the sense of “I’m a total and utter failure” and provided a little hope.
That’s all he really needed. Hope.
And you could have been that one person genuinely offering to help without reaching into his wallet immediately.
Jab, jab, jab and then right hook (sale) as Gary Vee would say. You had the power to save a life last week.
But didn’t want to bother him and needed “a script to follow”.
FYI you don’t need a script… you just need to give a shit.
BTW this was the same family.
He had the picture of his two kids and the book on his lap when he killed himself. You can still see his ads locally. But it’s too late cause he won’t be answering his phone tomorrow.
Sorry Kids…
Moral of the story?
The real problem is demanding to be paid before you help someone.
That’s the problem.
Time to finally go out and help someone…?
Provide some hope.
Not to mention start honing your craft as a coach.
It worked for Tony Robbins.
In my next post, I’m going to go significantly further in depth on how you can do this.
Watch for it.
Obsessed with your business coaching success,
Karl Bryan

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
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