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How To Attract The Perfect Coaching Client, Every Time with Cindy Turner

by | Cindy Turner, In the Magazine | 0 comments

3 Easy Steps to Attracting Clients You Love to Work With

Running a coaching business and attracting clients doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, if you feel like you’re always pushing “up-hill” then perhaps consider that you’re ‘working’ your business just a little too hard. There’s a hard way and an easy way to do most things. Do you know the easiest pathway to success for YOU? The one that brings the least resistance, the most fulfilment and most importantly, has your perfect clients drawn to you?

In a dazzling digital world, coaches must learn the new ground rules for success to  attract clients or risk becoming obsolete. In a crowded and murky coaching market, success doesn’t come to those that mimic or follow. Success comes to those that lead, coach and create from a place of authenticity and heart.

Step #1    Be YOU!

(quote – Today, you are YOU that is truer than TRUE. There is no one alive more    you-er than YOU. Dr Seuss)

Did you know that you’re MOST ATTRACTIVE to others when you’re oozing with certainty and confidence in who you are and what you do? When you’re TRULY connected and in alignment with your unique talents and gifts, your ‘sweet spot’ or  ‘flow’ state, you’re like the lighthouse to lost ships. The first and most critical mission you have in your business is to find that place and then do what it takes to spend most of your time operating from there. Do the things you do best and delegate the rest.

What I know for sure is there is absolutely no competition in a crowded market when you bring your own brand of uniqueness to your work. When you align your strengths, your gifts, your experiences with the quirky things about you, this is when you’re most MAGNETIC and most likely to succeed. Think about it, which people are you most drawn to work with? The quiet wall-flower who wreaks self-doubt or the confident charismatic type who shows interest in you?

Discovering your uniqueness, building your unique brand and building the RIGHT business platform for you to shine are key elements in building a coaching business that allows for the full expression of you. No one is more qualified or capable of doing this than you. Connect with your unique gifts and talents and build your business to magnify your AUTHENTIC you. This is the secret ingredient to your success.

Knowing yourself in a deep and insightful way not only makes you more confident and impactful as a leader and coach but it gives you the BEST clues to identify and define your perfect client.

Step #2    Know and Understand Your Perfect Client

It’s been said that ‘like attracts like’. I’m not sure about you but it rings true for me. When I think about my closest friends, my mentors and my ideal clients, they usually exhibit similar behaviours and hold similar beliefs to my own. They are easy to connect with, rapport comes effortlessly and trust is established instantaneously. And what’s more, I tend to ‘get’ my clients more easily because I know their fears, what motivates them and their blind spots. It’s like I’m equipped with some secret insights that have my clients thinking I know more about them than they do. This is the ultimate weapon in building rapport and creating change in my clients.

So who is your perfect client? Can you define them? What do they love? What do they fear? What are their vices? What are they naturally motivated to do? What’s their self-talk saying to them? What are their blind spots? What is it they most aspire to have? And what keeps them awake at night?

Take the time to explore who your perfect client is in great detail. Picture them, feel their energy, listen to their thoughts, envision their dreams, give them a name. Get crystal clear. Your reticular activating system (RAS) will have you sourcing your perfect clients everywhere you go.

Tip: Pay attention to those that raise your energy and bring out the best in you, for they will be your perfect clients.

Step #3    Create RAVING Fans

Good coaches make you THINK – great coaches make you FEEL.

Do you wow your clients with your wealth of knowledge or do you create experiences that make them feel? Is your focus on telling your clients how intelligent you are and what you can do for them or do you demonstrate your wisdom by creating experiences that move and shift your clients to create real results?

In one of the fastest growing industries, the number of coaches is on the rise. There are plenty of coaches out there looking to make a quick buck, to catapult themselves to stardom and who make coaching all about them. Their focus is on themselves and their own interests and NOT on providing a valuable service to their clients. When your focus is on you, it will not be on your client.

Great coaches get themselves out of the way so they can be truly present to the needs of their client. They’ve done the work in identifying and understanding what sits below the surface so they can leverage these insights and help their clients overcome them. They know with absolute clarity what problem(s) they solve and can articulate this with ease. And more importantly, great coaches look to create great experiences that make their clients FEEL so they can get great results. Nothing is more effective in building a successful business than getting genuine results for your clients. They will do all your marketing work for you as they rave about their results and how you made them feel.

Coaches who create raving fans (yes, that’s return business) are generous, big-hearted and build genuine connections with their clients. They have found their sweet spot, defined their unique brand and excel at being of service to others doing what they love. There is nothing more rewarding in the world.

 About Cindy Turner

I live a free and adventurous life on my terms. I’ve run a successful, SOULFUL coaching business for 10 years and I know just how rewarding it is. To do work that fulfills your soul with people you love while making the money you deserve. And I’m super passionate about helping you experience it for yourself. I work with Coaches to become more confident, authentic and successful in every sense of the word. I attract game-changers guided by their ambitions to live their truth, create real value and be in service to others. They’re driven to leave the world a better place.

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