George Washington, Presidents Day and Closing High-End Coaching Clients with Karl Bryan
“The Crazy Ones… Make ALL The Money.”
Last week I wrote about how to have some pretty wild sex… my marriage and other craziness from my magazine.
I didn’t know George Washington… but I guarantee he was bat shit crazy.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have led the American Revolution, had a holiday created in his honor… and his head placed on the American one dollar bill.
Not bad.
You don’t become a legend without being a tad nuts
- Henry Ford
- Steve Jobs
- Abraham Lincoln
- Madam CJ Walker
- Ray Kroc
- Mohammed Ali
- Oprah Winfrey
- Nelson Mandela
- Michael Jordan
- Gandhi
- Madonna (OMG I love her)
- Tony Robbins
- Bruce Springsteen
Add your personal favorite… they’re all cra-cra.
No, your ex doesn’t count.
If you’re a business coach how do you become a legend and possibly get your head stamped on a dollar bill one day?
Unrealistic? OK… how about making you a ton of money as a successful coach and setting yourself up for a beauty retirement?
Crazy will give you a head start but won’t get it done.
There are multiple factors at play to achieve this level of impact…. but there’s one magic ingredient for all the icons.
Desire, experience, passion, and intelligence won’t get it done.
Of course, you will need a better than a basic understanding of your field. The lead singer of a band can’t rock the house if he can’t hold a tune.
Assuming you’re prepared to do the work there’s one magic ingredient that will separate you the business coach that transforms businesses from the forgotten 4th place finishers.
Every industry has the same magic ingredient… politics, acting, music, coaching, sports, public speaking, copywriting etc…
One goes on to make millions (often, inferior) and the others fight for the droppings. I can sum up this single magic ingredient in two words.
Emotional Charge
Politicians that don’t put enough emotion into their campaigns (Hilary Clinton, Al Gore, Jeb Bush and a long list of others)… get forgotten.
Talented sports stars that place more emotion into the microphone than the playing field… get forgotten.
Business coaches that don’t put enough emotion into the marketing of their coaching practice… no one even knows of them… let alone forgets them.
They’re trying to build a following from scratch, tell everyone that’ll listen how passionate they are and sing out a pathetic “I’m too good to cold call…” type idiotic argument when their lack of results are questioned.
The question is, why?
Because they’re scared.
Worried “they’re not enough.”
George Washington finally stopped caring what people thought.
The legends eventually stop caring about people that don’t matter.
It’s the result they’re after.
So coach, if you want to see your name on the $10 USD one day (Alexander Hamilton will be pissed but he sounds very lame) stop worrying about what others might think more than the small business owners dire situation and need for direction.
One business owner is inspired by the coach and keeps paying for four years. The other coach has the client cancel in 90 days saying they’re ‘overwhelmed.’
The scary thing is the coach actually believes ‘overwhelm’ is the reason and avoids reality. And therefore still sucks.
Hint: There are no bad students… only bad teachers.
Question for you
Why do you do what you do?
Tony Robbins struggled in an unhappy home with no food and an abusive alcoholic mother.
Brendan Burchard nearly died in a car accident and asked: “Did I live, did I love, did I matter?”
Grant Cardone’s Dad died when he was ten years old and they financially struggled from that point on.
My big brother committed suicide when I was 16 years old over a business failing. Then my mother punished herself daily and then drank herself to death.
I had a front row seat for all the action.
What’s the story you’re climbing up from? And yes, it’s there even though you likely don’t think you have an impactful one.
Tell the business owner your story. Let them in and be vulnerable. Stop trying to portray “perfect.”
It’s so lame and non-memorable. Not to mention pathetic and untrue.
You’re a rock star exactly as you are. Warts to the forefront.
How do you become less concerned with what others think?
Immerse yourself in a purpose far, far beyond controlling what others might think of you.
There are successful examples of this all around you.
A mother, Candy Lightner, loses her 13-year-old daughter to a drunk driver and MADD is born.
A local child goes missing and the entire community comes together.
A friend of mine is Neil Bantleman.
He’s a Canadian teacher and was arrested in a very famous and corrupt case of child molestation and sent to prison for 11 years in Indonesia. Hello, mosquitoes.
There are still rallies, protests and all kinds of gatherings to help right a horrific wrong from 4 years ago.
Everyone is still fighting. It will not stop until he’s out and that will hopefully be soon!!
Look at the impact Trump has globally. Irrelevant if you love him or hate him… the guy creates an emotional charge.
That same emotional charge got him elected, President against Hilary “who could not lose.”
What could you accomplish with that magic ingredient of emotional charge?
Suddenly after or amongst the tragedies above, there’s an emotional fire that can’t be harnessed.
They were watching reruns of their favorite TV show (Billions!) last week.
Now they’re lighting cars on fire cause the wrong guy got elected… the wrong team won the series… searching through muddy fields for a child… or on a mission crying to cameras holding pictures of their loved ones.
And it works. And so it damn well should.
Here’s another question for you.
Do you care local business owners are about to kill themselves when their marketing fails and their businesses go broke?
Are you metaphorically willing to light a car on fire for the struggling business owner?
Maybe at a minimum, I can get you fired up enough to rally yourself the courage to make a cold call and offer something super cool and helpful?!?!?
At least maybe send a FB / LI message?
Too crazy???
Remember: The crazy ones make ALL the money.
Don’t try to sell them something on a cold call like a lame arse… call and help them (if you need direction on what I’d say and how I turn a phone number into a $50,000, long term, coaching client consistently… just ask).
Or is it time to listen to your spouse and go get a real job?
If you need inspiration… please do this.
Open your mailbox or look at a local newspaper (yes plenty of them still exist) or search the internet and look at the marketing/ads.
Blown up business cards.
No compelling offers. No call to action. No expiry dates Etc…
In other words, the advertisers are wasting their hard earned money!
The result is a heartbroken Father that feels like a failure when he looks into his kids’ eyes and can’t afford a summer vacation.
The websites are also 95% a waste of time.
Their social media posts are the same.
Nonexistent actually.
Go to a networking function and listen to the lame elevator pitches.
When you do call/connect do you think the small business owner has… an upsell in place? A down sell? A cross-sell? An upfront offer? A proper marketing message? A process to capture email/phone/info? USP? A proper business model? A proper revenue model? Proper goals are written down? Understanding of their 80/20 rules?
Is someone in your area finally going to get pissed off and say something to these people?
Is someone actually going to stand up and frigging do something?
Maybe you perhaps??
Do you give a crap that business owners kill themselves when their marketing fails and their businesses go broke?
So many other situations like this if you just open your eyes and stop worrying about whether or not you may or may not be perceived to be bothering someone.
And when your spouse tells you to go get a job…. your new emotionally charged response will ensure they never say that to you again.
Ok, it’s 3 am and I’m trying to get Profit Acceleration Software 2.0 completed… gotta go. I have a plan to beat you to replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10. His family will be pissed. Does anyone even know who this lame arse is on my $10 bill?!?
BTW I’m Canadian so this will be a hell of a feat ha ha
Lots more coming your way and I’ve been working on something big for small business lead generation for successful business coaches!
BTW – We’re told my magazine is making some waves and changing a lot of coaches lives for the better… Please share this with anyone that can benefit and or that needs some:
Obsessed with your coaching success,
Karl Bryan
PS. If you want to know how I find any small business owner $100k in 45 minutes without them spending a dollar on marketing or advertising… holler.
PPS. If you want access to my online system for generating small business leads and or my online coaching system to help you leverage your time with small business folk… just holler.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at