From Pandemic To Prosperity By Susie Carder
Pandemic To Prosperity
In 2020, having a business and making money seem like the scariest prospects on the planet.
Just this week alone, the National Restaurant Association reported that 100,000 businesses have had to close their doors permanently.
Wow! That is really terrifying! It’s easy to see how people would want to shy away from even contemplating starting a business.
But I’m here to tell you that letting your fear lead the way in a time like this will lose you a life-changing opportunity. It almost did for me.
Living The Dream
In 2005, I had just sold my training and development company for millions of dollars. I was living the dream. I thought I would never have to work again. I had multiple streams of income. I had investment properties. I was deciding what incredible, relaxing thing I would do with the next chapter of my life!
Then the market came crashing down, and what took me 20 years to build was destroyed overnight. My properties were gone. My marriage of over 17 years was over. My portfolio was now worthless. I was sitting in an unfamiliar new reality now what??
I didn’t have 20 years to rebuild.
I was 44 years old, I had a non-compete in the industry I was in, and I was so lost, I had no clue what to do. I was scared, ashamed, and felt like a fraud. In fact, I felt so embarrassed I didn’t even want to try to do anything different.
The Voice Deep In My Soul
Then, I heard a voice deep in my soul that said, “get up.” “This will be your biggest lesson and your biggest victory!”
Instead of shutting down, I made the decision, in the middle of the worst recession our country had faced, to start a completely new business.
The voice had told me, “You know how to make money and build wealth. Go do it for other people.” I could have seen myself as a failure. But instead, I found two clients, and I decided I would do for them what I had once done for myself. I would help them build a multimillion-dollar enterprise!
Now 13 years later, we sit in the eye of another storm. How will you weather it? What will you build or rebuild?
We all have a power source within us, a floodgate we can open to bring prosperity and wealth. I have clients that I’ve talked to for twenty minutes and seen the floodgates pour.
Given this, you would think that everyone I speak to is six figures richer, right? Not necessarily. If they do not have the right money mindset, they may squander the riches I have helped them find. Will you allow that to happen to you?
Consider Your Answer To These Questions:
• What does money mean to you?
• Do you deserve money?
• Is it hard for you to keep money?
• Are you of the mindset that you are prosperous? Or are you poor?
This question is critically important for young women, especially if they are women of color. During the pandemic, so many have been laid off, which is especially harmful when you were already struggling.
A lot of young women work in service jobs like child care, food services, and home health care.
And to make matters worse, if they are women of color, they are paid less than their white counterparts, even when they are doing essential jobs like stocking shelves in grocery stores and warehouses, saving lives in emergency rooms, driving, teaching, and feeding our children at schools.
In 2007-2008, women of color made a miraculous mindset shift that changed their lives and shifted the future of the American economy.
According to an American Express report, from 2007 to 2018, the number of companies started by women of color grew from 160 to 174 percent! In 2018, per the report, an estimated 5,824,300 women-of-color-owned businesses employed 2,230,600 people and generated $386.6 billion in revenues.
Think of what that meant for all of the families that depended on them. That mindset shift was life or death.
Change Your Mind And Change Your Results
It is imperative that you uncover what money means to you. Because if you don’t, that underlying belief you have about money might sabotage your efforts to take your business to the next level.
Your thoughts create your reality, both positive and negative. If you think about it, when we try to diet, we usually don’t succeed because the first thing we think about is what we can’t have.
If you don’t believe me, pay attention this week to the chatter in your head. You will notice that most of those conversations are self-defeating. Garbage in; garbage out!
“The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives it’s own.”
What do you have to lose except your negative baggage? Tell yourself that you have lived too long with that baggage, and it’s time to upgrade the thinking, which will upgrade the action, which will upgrade the result.
Do you want to make more money in your business while having a good balance between work and play? Change your mind and change your results.
I have lived my life from this premise of putting powerful thoughts in my mind and manifesting those thoughts. Unfortunately, that can work against you if you aren’t careful.
Test It Yourself
Pay attention to your thought process regarding money, wealth, and abundance. Do your thoughts run along the lines of you’ll never be rich, your family holds you back, or you don’t have the right education, the right look, the right husband, the right wife, the right friends, the right job, etc.?
If these thoughts are constantly running in your mind, you are on the wrong thought path. You need to change course and start thinking more positively. This isn’t Pollyanna; this is quantum physics.
Until you come to grips with what you are putting into your mind, you won’t have access to the financial freedom you desire or deserve.
You can make money, or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both. We have to retrain our childhood conditioning and break free from our mental chains that keep us down and keep us small.
You are far more powerful than you think! I’m living proof of this theory. I had to change my childhood conditioning and the way I thought about money. I now believe I can earn as much as I want and be happy doing it. Guess what? My beliefs are my reality. So, too, can yours be.
What about you? How is your relationship with money? Do you have limiting thoughts about what you and your business can generate in revenue or is the sky the limit for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
I am Your Partner in Prosperity!
Susie Carder

About Susie Carder
In Susie Carder’s POWER YOUR PROFITS, the multi-millionaire entrepreneur breaks down her 8-step Predictable Sales Method, with worksheets at the end of every chapter to help any burgeoning entrepreneur chart their progress. The steps include insights on Mastering Your Mindset; Leading a Business With Power; Planning A Profitable Business; Creating an Operations Infrastructure; Selling Products and Services; Marketing and Sharing Your Message and Understanding Math and Money. Any entrepreneur will leave with a fool-proof plan to build a profitable business!