Coaching is a Team Sport, not a Solo Sport with Cindy Turner
Especially if you’re a ‘people’ person who gets energized by being around others. Social isolation is a growing epidemic with 40% of American adults reporting they feel lonely. A figure that has doubled since the 1980s.
The up-side is that we live in an amazing time of freedom and opportunity. We can have amazing businesses that have great impact and provide great lifestyles. And yes, we can work from home in our happy pants or PJs. Too cool!
However, the down-side is that working from home can make some activities more difficult like WHO do you collaborate with for new ideas, troubleshoot key issues or bounce ideas off of? And who do you celebrate successes with?
When I was first getting started in my coaching business, I often found myself sitting at my desk overwhelmed by all the many things I ‘had’ to do but not knowing where to start or what might work. I felt isolated and alone having left a senior corporate role where I was surrounded by my team and many others.
According to many profiling tools, I present as an ‘extravert,’ but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to observe that I love being around people, helping people and that I get energized from the charge of our connection.
Being around people brings out my best. It makes me feel alive. Significant. Connected. Loved. So one day while suggesting to my client that he should play to his strengths, I had one of those ‘moments’ when I knew I was coaching myself too. Has that ever happened to you? So it dawned on me that working by myself for many hours a week actually had me working against my natural preferences and rhythm.
Build Your Unique Business Model
I’m sure you’re a fabulous coach who gives great advice and support to your clients, but if I asked you ‘what’s your superpower’ and ‘does your business fully enable your gifts,’ what would you say?
Some coaches are brilliant at public speaking or networking or writing or shooting videos or number crunching or perhaps, working quietly behind the scenes. Your easiest pathway to wealth is to bring your superpower to the front line in your business and surround yourself with others that compliment you.
Coaching is a Team Sport
Coaches often seek me out when they’re overwhelmed and exhausted and ready to quit. They’ve been going ‘solo’ in their business and for a few, have had pretty good success doing so, but not in a way that’s sustainable to their well being.
Going ‘solo’ is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a tough gig.
I see coaching as more of a team sport. One that accesses your superpowers and leverages the strengths of those around you. A model built around connection, collaboration and support.
5 Reasons Coaching is a Team Sport
1 Collective Intelligence – More minds are better than one. Most coaches I’ve worked with love and do their best work in collaboration with others. Surrounding yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs who ‘get you’ and what you’re trying to achieve in your business is a sure fire way to fast track your business growth.
2 Play to Your Unique Strengths – There’s no such thing as a perfectly rounded entrepreneur who boasts a complete skill set. Explore what your superpower is in your business and allow it to shine. Then build a team around you so you can leverage the strengths of others.
3 Share the Journey – Do you feel like you’re on this journey alone? That people don’t really understand you and what you’re doing in your business? Playing solo is one way to roll but finding a like-minded tribe and sharing the journey will always get you there faster. And it’s way more fun too!
4 Surround Yourself With Winners – It’s been said that your income is an average of the income of the five people you spend the most time with. If those people are multi-million dollar entrepreneurs, then fantastic! And if not, surround yourself with people who are achieving, who inspire you and who are making the kind of money you want to be making.
5 Celebrate Your Successes! – Kicking goals and celebrating your successes is one of the most business-critical things you can do. Take pause, reflect and give yourself a big pat on the back. This is even more fun to do with a team that’s helped lift you up and get you there.
Find Your Winning Team
As I say to my clients, if what you’re doing is working for you and getting the results you desire then well and good. But if not, what options are available to you to change it?
“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” Oprah Winfrey

About Cindy Turner
I live a free and adventurous life on my terms. I’ve run a successful, SOULFUL coaching business for 10 years and I know just how rewarding it is. To do work that fulfills your soul with people you love while making the money you deserve. And I’m super passionate about helping you experience it for yourself. I work with Coaches to become more confident, authentic and successful in every sense of the word. I attract game-changers guided by their ambitions to live their truth, create real value and be in service to others. They’re driven to leave the world a better place.