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Claim And Unleash The Mysterious Charisma Master Closers Possess with Ted Ciuba

by | In the Magazine, Ted Ciuba | 0 comments

The Master Closer routinely closes 4 – 5 times what the average salesperson closes.

Have you ever wondered how you could acquire that mysterious charisma master closers possess for yourself?

Have you ever dreamed a bit about what you could do with this mysterious, elusive power – if only you could acquire it?

Well not only are you about to discover what goes into making that magic charisma, you’re also going to get the admittedly rather simple formula you can use to raise and release it for yourself.

IT’S Not About Better Product Knowledge Or Your Certificates

The charisma that sells is not about better product knowledge or the certificates one displays. In fact, it’s something so unsuspecting that many people don’t even recognize what it is.

So they continue looking for that unicorn closing question that will convert the prospect on the spot. We might even say trick the prospect.

Even though we teach our clients ten setup questions for dunking the Big Ticket sale, there is no unicorn question.

The secret is in what you’re doing with the questions. You’re caring about the prospect as an individual instead of stuffing your solution down their throat just to walk away with a wad of their cash in your pocket.

Talk about uncaring! And your prospect can feel it too.

Once you get this sorted out, you’ll wonder how you maintained the closing ratio that you did, as poor as it may have been.

While it’s a given you must deliver on what you sell, the sales consultation itself is arguably the most important part of your business.

You can have the very best marketing and business building techniques in the world, but if you can’t move others to action on your product or services, you’ve failed. And you’ve failed NOT ONLY yourself but the prospects as well, who would have been better off with your service.

And you can get all the leads you want, but if you don’t close them, you’re destined to become a statistic.

If you don’t sell, you go hungry.

There’s Still Room For Features And Benefits

Nor is the approach I’m about to recommend a replacement for reviewing the features and benefits of your product or service. But it is the secret charisma which adds the power you’ve been lacking in your strategy sessions. It’s THE reason why your prospects don’t take action with you.

Selling Has A Bad Reputation

Selling has a bad reputation in our culture. That’s one thing, but it’s caused major concern and loathing among coaches and consultants too – and if you want new clients – YOU must sell!

That’s a setup for sabotage!

It’s impossible to feel bad, queasy or uncomfortable with the process and not have that come across to your prospects – AND affect your results. Here’s exactly why so many people under the same conditions, in the same industry and with the same offerings are suffering while the master closer is thriving.

You need a good dose of neural repatterning, which you’ll get in this article. You need to reprogram how you think about selling and what you’re trying to do in the sales conversation or strategy session.

The Old Way vs The New Way

The old way labeled the prospect as a “mark” or a “sale.” The old manner was to manipulate. Be clever. Be domineering.

In the new way you’re meeting with a friend and your future client. You’re there not as a shark but as a friend and a coach.

In fact, it might do you good to reread Dale Carnegie’s classic, How To Win Friends And Influence People because that’s exactly what you’re doing! Carnegie advises his readers to “Be sincerely interested in them.” He advises us to ask questions and to listen.

In fact, it’s in asking questions and listening that you learn about them. And this simultaneously builds a bond of love and appreciation. You may have experienced this same phenomenon yourself in the presence of a good doctor.

You ask about them. Few people ever do this, and fewer still ever listen. That will make you exceptional and you’ll stand out from the crowd. It’s amazing the influence you’ll develop.

And really, if the purpose of a sales presentation is to solve the problem of a prospect, you must ask to know what that problem is and what it entails. You’ve got to ask them what their problems are, what their visions, dreams, and goals are, their struggles, the meanings in their lives as well as their whys.

It’s About Positioning

This method of approaching the strategy session is about positioning. That’s right, one mental shift can change your results and your fulfillment in your career, not to mention the actual impact you make in the world which is presumably why you chose the career you did.

To sum it up, you want to change from “trying to get the sale” – to help yourself – to serving the client – for their well-being.

Hence the new mantra. But let me back up; you’ve undoubtedly heard of the old way mantra, “ABC!” which is an admonition to always be closing.

The new way mantra is “ABS,” which means “Always be serving.”

Your purpose is not closing, which “takes from” and objectifies the person. Instead, your new purpose is to provide value. And indeed, that’s the only reason a person would buy from you anyway – they see real value.

Make it easy on yourself! The question you should be asking yourself is, “How can I help this person get what he or she wants?”

The power is in the want, which you must ask questions to determine, and then inspiring them to take action on their own dreams and desires. In your selling function, you’re always selling the future, but not just “any future.” The future you’re selling – when you’ve asked questions to bring it out from the prospect – is the specific future your prospect deeply desires but has not been able to acquire yet.

Indeed, you’re doing a good and noble thing for this individual, and you should feel good about selling because what you sell helps their dreams come true.

You’re not “taking” from anyone! Who wouldn’t feel bad about selling if that’s the way you’re approaching it?! Instead, you’re helping them get the fulfillment of their vision, goals and dreams!

The mental shift boils down to a simple practice. You can easily commit to memory a six word affirmative command that will guide you infallibly:

“Quit “selling” and start solving problems.”

And as a joyful consequence, you’ll get the sale, and you’ll end up being one of the few true friends they have in their life because you listened.

The Medical Model Of The Sales Conversation

To execute on this, we fit what we call the “Medical Model” to the sales conversation, or what we frequently call the strategy session. We’ve followed the adage of “adapt and adopt.”

Adapted to the sales strategy session, the flow of the meeting breaks down into four parts. There are four things you must do, you:

1. Open

2. Diagnose

3. Prescribe

4. Close

Let’s look at each section of the sales session individually.


Open with greetings, introductions and engage in small talk.

Then set the agenda. In the hands of the able closer, setting the agenda is more than just advising the prospect what to expect (so they feel sorted and know where you’re going). In NLP terms, you’re exerting control. This is not just a conversation, but a conversation with an aim. You’re a professional. Like the medical professional, in this conversation you’re the boss. It’s stated subtly, but it’s real.


We teach our inner circle the “10 Setup Questions For Dunking The Big Ticket Sale,” which, incidentally, fit on the front side of a single piece of notebook paper.

And we teach them a probing formula to go deeper so they fully understand the facets of the prospect’s position and can let that magic charisma rise and infuse the meeting and the relationship which develops.

Armed with these 10 questions and common sense to probe the answers so they are fully revealed, your sales closing ratio will rise dramatically.

And I mean that literally, not figuratively. Remember the Master Closer – closing 4 – 5 x what the average person closes – is a widely known phenomenon in the sales profession. Put this to work for yourself and your closing rate will multiply.

Using questions properly, you discover their desires. You discover their pain – which they may not be fully aware of yet. You uncover the challenges that lie in their path to the “good health” they ardently desire.

You’re learning about the person so you can help them get what they want. And at the same time, an alchemical consequence goes brewing inside of them because they’re focusing on what they don’t have, what they want, how badly they want it and that they can’t get it without your help.

It drives them – all on their own will, without any persuasion from youaway from the pain of their current condition to the pleasure of the solution your service provides. Perhaps you recognize psychology’s widely acknowledged “pleasure – pain” principle here?


Then you prescribe in the next step of this process. Your diagnosis is completed. You know all about them, what makes them tick, what they want and what their challenges are. Here’s where you specifically tie in your service with the fulfillment of their visions, goals and dreams.

You assure them you identify with them, understand them and have the solution for them.

You summarize their situation – further agitating the pain.

You ask if they want to hear about the solution which is a form of non-resistant selling because it goes in under the radar of resistance.

You provide your prescription (your product or service), putting it forth and describing it briefly and adequately.

You ask if they have any questions and you satisfy those questions.

Then you move into the close.


You ask for the sale of course. But following this process, you’ll often find them asking you for the sale. After the prospect has their questions answered about what your service is and what it will do – their next logical question is about the price.

Most of the time they’ll ask you something like, “What do you charge for this?” or “What do your services cost?”

You inform them, and make arrangements to take the money.

That’s it. That’s the four sections of your strategy session / sales conversation in the medical model format.

Of course you 1) Open and 4) Close. But the main uniqueness and power of this approach comes from 2) Diagnose, which is a setup for 3) Prescribe in an environment of wanting and trust.

Now the touchstone is not your marketing agenda or the features and benefits you’ve decided are important. Instead, the touchstone focuses on the things that really are important to them.

You’re focused on them, not on you – they can tell the difference, and they’ll love you for it.

There’s a change in the dynamic of “selling” – from taking – to “serving” and helping.

And you profit because what’s important to them coincides with and increases your own bottom line.

Follow Through To Improve Your Closing Rate

There’s only so much one can put in a single article.

But don’t make the serious error of saying, “Wow, this all makes sense!” and then fail to follow through with the changes in your mindset and approach that can dramatically improve your closing rate and your profitability.

You have received the initial knowledge that bequeaths upon you that magic charisma that the master closers possess. You have been invited and inducted into their ranks.

Only your failure to use this secret knowledge will deprive you of the exceptional results – both in benefit to the client and in profits earned thereby – of the master closer.

Always Be Serving

The key is adopting an attitude of serving rather than selling. Remember our mantra, “ABS,” “Always be serving.”

Understand that the why is more important than the what! If you’re a business coach, the what for most business owners is more money. They want more money. But what they really want is the why they want the money.

Maybe they want out of the rat race, to retire early, a bigger house, faster car or better vacations.

Maybe a husband wants to give his wife a grand piano, or to let her stay at home and raise their children. Maybe it’s the mother who wants to ensure that their children get the education a lack of money denied to her, or an entrepreneur who wants to get their idea out to the world.

Find out what their why is, connect it with your product or service and they will motivate themselves to take action.

Rather than thinking they can’t afford it, don’t have the time or it wouldn’t work for them, they’ll be eager to give you their money because they’re moving to fulfill their vision, desires, and dreams.

It goes without saying that if you haven’t taken the time or moved with the decency to find out what those visions, desires and dreams are, you’re simply left shooting blanks. And you’re the one to blame for it.

When you know everything about them, then you can speak in terms of helping them solve their problems and get what they want, which leads directly to the sale.

Claim And Unleash That Mysterious Charisma Master Closers Possess

Adopt and adapt the medical model of diagnosis and prescription in your sales conversations.

Diagnose. To serve the client, you must know what your prospect’s ideal outcome is, what the current situation is and what the challenges are. Ask to find out.

Then prescribe the solution, inspiring them to take action on their vision, dreams, and desires.

The outcome is that you truly help them now because you help them get what they want. And you come out of it much better yourself, both in profit and in that priceless feeling of nobility.

 About Ted Ciuba

Ted Ciuba, known as “The Big Ticket Guy,” is America’s foremost internet marketing consultant. He made his first money online in 1994 and went on to form World Internet Summit, the largest and the longest running entrepreneurial internet marketing training organization in the world.

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