Jen DeVore Richter
Articles by Jen DeVore Richter

How to Land in the Spotlight Without Hiring an Expensive PR Agency with Jen DeVore Richter
Jen shows you how to become known as the go-to expert in your industry and land hundreds of thousands of dollars in free media exposure.

Effectively Communicate Your Way to Big Results By Jen DeVore Richter
Effectively Communicate Your Way to Big Results. How to Find Your Voice, Connect to Your Perfect People, Get Results Out of Online Marketing.

Building a “Model for Change” – An Important Key to Your Success as a Coach By Jen DeVore Richter
Jen DeVore Richter shares three steps to creating, selling, and providing a model for change to ensure your clients’ success as well as your own.

Journey from NASA to Boss Women Rock with Jen DeVore Richter
Jen DeVore Richter shares her journey from NASA to Boss woman Rock. Top 3 Marketing Lessons from one of the biggest global brands – NASA.

How to Launch a Podcast So You Can Build an Audience of Raving Fans By Jen DeVore Richter
Jen DeVore Richter shares how to launch a podcast so you can build an audience of fans. Podcasting is a simple, (fairly) easy, and a really fun experience that has little to no big equipment costs.