Be The First, The Best, or The Only With Isabelle Mercier
Hello Coaches!
Want your ideal clients and prospects to say: “I would be a fool to do business with anyone else but you, regardless of price?”
Well, it takes a lot more than a cool logo and mobile-friendly website to bring this statement to life.
It takes the right ingredients implemented in the correct order to build that kind of trust, influence, and confidence.
And it doesn’t happen overnight.
It would be best if you were crystal clear about who you are, what makes you different, who you are best suited to help, and most importantly, what problems you solve better than anyone else.
This level of clarity comes through understanding and owning what your X-factor is your secret sauce.
Uncovering your X-Factor is simple, BUT it is not easy. Because when you’re in the frame, you can’t see the picture.
You need to look into your experiences and life lessons to see how they set you up to be The First, The Best or The Only. Build To Rock was created for this reason.
This program is exclusively designed for coaches and business owners like you to help you become an ideal client magnet.
Brand Strategist & Business Growth Catalyst Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte has been leading the “Speak Human Movement” and has an important message to share with you!
In this month’s LeapTV Episode, Isabelle helps you identify: Be The First, The Best, or The Only.
Listen in as Isabelle shares one of the things that will help you communicate what makes you different and why prospects and clients should choose you over anyone else, regardless of price!
So, how does this help you? Knowing and owning your money-making edge is key to your growth. Think about what unique framework, system, architecture and experiences make you the most qualified to do what you do.
And when you create that kind of clarity, and you can communicate that clarity with confidence, that’s when you start hearing your clients and prospects say: “I would be a fool to do business with anyone else but you, regardless of price.”
Here’s What This LeapTV Episode Is About:
Branding: Why should your clients & prospects choose you, regardless of price?
Leap of the month: Uncover your secret sauce.
Give it a watch & leave a comment or insight below the video to let Isabelle know what has resonated with you in this episode and one thing you will do as a result of it. Enjoy!

About Isabelle Mercier Turcotte
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a brand strategist, best-selling author, TEDx Speaker and business performance catalyst at LeapZone Strategies with the sole purpose to empower change and growth. "Momentum Generator" is her middle name and she has a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners raise the bar to create outstanding brand experiences through business strategies, performance coaching, and brand alignment.