5 Things to Look for In a Business Coach with Nina Hershberger
“Great things in the business are never done by one person.
They’re done by a team of people”- Steve Jobs.
It’s true. No one person can lead a business to success.
But having an outside business-focused coach to see things the owner can’t see is often the key to increased bottom line profits. A great coach becomes an integral part of the business team. Finding a business coach is easy. Just Google and you’ll get a list of thousands.
But finding THE RIGHT business coach is another matter.
Here are the factors that a business owner needs to consider to help them select the right coach that matches them and their business
1. Successful Business Background
Look for a coach that’s walked the walk and has real-life experience in growing a business. While they may be an expert in their field, picking a business coach that just left their corporate job but has never run their own business might seem great initially, but in the long run, real-life business experience trumps book knowledge. Yes, there are exceptions.
2. Great at asking questions
Asking questions to find hidden opportunities is not something every coach knows how to do. It can be as simple as asking if you’ve renegotiated your leases recently to reduce your fixed costs. Lowering costs and increasing prices can result in a significant increase in profits without having to get new leads or convert more prospects into customers. Smart coaches will work to find the low hanging, easy-to-grab profit fruit before focusing on the things that can take a bit more time and money.
3. Great listener
Yes. God gave us two ears and one mouth. If a business owner can’t get their coach to stop talking long enough to listen, it might be time to move on.
4. Genuine interest to help a business succeed
At the end of the day – all that matters is your bottom line numbers. Does the coach just think about their fee or are they truly committed and interested in your success? Do they have a performance guarantee? Can they earn their fee back within 90 days because they focus and really bring amazing results to a business? A coaching de gestion service will help you as an entrepreneur.
5. Good judgment and strong analytical skills
A business coach helps business owners in handling pressures and obstacles. They will also help you in discovering effective ways of managing your business and people. In order to do that, they should possess good judgment and great analytical skills. They should show efficiency in identifying your business issues, what is needed, what you were doing effectively and what you need to improve.
Remember that choosing the right coach will lead your coaching client’s business down the road to success. They will invest time, money and most importantly, trust. So business owners should make sure that they choose wisely. They must ensure they choose the one that’s truly knowledgeable, effective and matches them and their business needs.
And now knowing these are the things business owners MUST consider when choosing a coach, how many of these do you offer YOUR clients? The more of these you can include in your service offerings, the more unique you will become.
You will begin to separate yourself from your competition and position yourself to dominate your market.

About Nina Hershberger
Nina is a marketing fanatic who loves helping local businesses not only survive, but thrive. She was recognized as one of the top 6 marketers worldwide in 2009 and is the author of “30 Minute Marketing – 101 Ways to wow your customers, clients, and patients”. She hosts a national marketing mastermind group where business owners from varied niches gather to plan, strategize and share marketing ideas.