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BCS: 174 | Are You Passionate + Are You Confident

by | Business Coaching Secrets Podcast, Karl Bryan

Are You Confident

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 174: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

–  Are you passionate?

–  Are you confident?

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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Are You Confident

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SFC 174

Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go. 

Hey, hey, hey. I hope you’re doing good. Karl Bryan coming at you. I’m coming at you, Solo, tonight cuz my boy road dog wasn’t able to make it. So I’m here today doing it solo. So there you go. And what am I gonna do? I think I’m just gonna rattle off some random thoughts.

That’s my plan. 

See what you guys think. And before I do that, if you follow my daily email, then you should, in my opinion, if you don’t. But you know what I do? I always started with a joke, so I was thinking how appropriate if we start this random solo session with a couple of jokes. Let’s see how I do. So here’s an email from Youngs ago, and what does it say?

So, my dad, it was my birthday, and my dad asked me what I wanted. So here was our conversation, dad. Karl, what do you want for your birthday? 10 year old me tampons. My dad was shocked. He goes, Tampons, what 

in the world? You’re 10 years old. Why would you want tampons 10 year old me? Well, I was watching TV, and they said that with tampons I’ll be able to go biking, skiing, and even swing.

Okay, now that I’ve offended, The female contingent, which I apologize for, but Hey, I was gonna say that. I’m just reading it, but I’m not reading it because I wrote it. But anyways, okay. There was another one that I thought was pretty funny. It says I’m sitting in the ER right now. I really don’t wanna get into the details, but I’ll just say that the quote unquote, dyson Ball Cleaner is a very misleading name.

Is that good? Pretty stupid. Okay, I got a few more. I gonna skip over how this is going. Never know how this kind things are gonna fly. You know, like when you do stand up comedy live, you know you’re looking into the audience, and you know, if it lands, everybody laughs, and nobody doesn’t land. Nobody laughs.

So, you know, but, okay, so you guys know that my poor, beautiful wife married me 14 

years. God bless. So now how she’s done it, frankly. 

But anyways, I’m gonna make fun of her here just for fun. She gets very, some of my emails, I’ll tell you, I, I don’t get spoken to for a day or two every once in a while. And she doesn’t listen 

to my podcast, so, All right, wife. So she was feeling all loving, okay. And I had my phone, and she decided to send me a text. And this is what the text read, wife. If you’re sleeping, send me your dreams. If you’re laughing, send me your smile. If you’re eating, send me a bite. If you’re drinking, send me a sip. If you’re crying, send me your tears.

I love you, Karl. Here’s my response. I’m on the toilet. Please advise.

That funny. I dunno. She’ll probably end up listening to this. I’ll get in trouble. I’m not gonna be spoken to. Okay, let’s do one more. I know my wife thinks I’m hot cause every time I walk by I can 

hear her say, What an ass. Hey, shout out to the old husbands out. Actually here’s one more. Last one.

Last one, last one. So my wife and I were deciding where we were gonna go on holidays. So 

I pulled out the world map, gave my wife a dart, and I said, Baby, throw this, and wherever it lands, I’ll take you there when the pandemic ends. So it looks like we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge. . Ha ha ha.

And obviously that was written during one covid time. Wasn’t that, wasn’t that fun. Remember that period of your life wearing mask in your car and driving around and people very, people very being, very nonjudgmental Uhhuh joke. 

Laugh again. 


So, all right, let’s get into it. So I just look, we’ll see how this is gonna go, but I’m just like random thoughts that I’m gonna throw out there.

Okay, so 

I sent something out recently and it was something to do with, you know, like non-binary, you know, Yeti, yi yi. Your opinion on that is your opinion on that. And I am fine with it, 

but somebody wants to be non-binary, you know, Go for it. But what I was 

talking about is what’s non-binary are things like passion, right?

So are you passionate? It’s not, Yes, no. The question is what level of passion do you have, right? You’re not hungry. When I say hungry, I mean like motivated, not like for food, although that would work as well. You know, are you hungry? It’s not, Are you hung, like, are you hungry or not? It’s just the, the level of hunger that you feel, right?

Maybe right after you eat. You might not be too, 

too peckish, but hopefully you get the idea. But hunger as in like hungry to pick up the phone, to knock on the door. To get in contact with 

somebody to really change somebody’s existence, really get it cranking, you know, it’s not, Are you hungry or are you not?

It’s what level of hunger, Right? You ever heard me talk? The Beautifuls Serena Williams just retired using one of the examples that I always gave. Like, you know, she’s got more money than she’s ever gonna need, ever gonna be able to spend in three lifetimes, Right? 

What motivated her to continue to wake up at 5:00 AM.

You know, hit golf ball or hit golf balls, tennis balls bright and early, you know, 

What is it? And it’s just the level of hunger that she has versus the competitor. 

It’s just, it just ranks higher. Again, it’s not non, that’s non-binary. It’s not, 

Is she hungry? Is she not? 

It’s, what level of hunger does she have?

Again, Roger let you decide, did he have a significantly higher, you know, was his level of. 

You know, hunger a little higher than the competition. And the reality is, back in his day, the answer was yes. You know, so there’s passion, there’s hunger, there’s drive. It’s not, are you driven or are you not? Is your client driven or are they not?

It’s to what level are they driven? Is your client gonna follow the advice that you have? Yes or no? It’s to what level are they gonna follow? So hopefully you’re, I mean, I, I think that there’s power in that. In fact, I get a lot of really positive feedback when I sent that out in an email not too long ago.

But I want you to be thinking about that, right? And then the things that have a higher level of passion, higher level of drive, higher level of you know, motivation you know, they’re. Gonna help you. You know, I have a very high level of motivation passion and all the rest for the business coaching world, right?

I just love to learn truthfully, I’m doing this, It’s pretty late at night. And I just, you know, I’m wanted to get this thing out there and I’m, I’m pounding it out late. I, you know, again, to get my. You know, daughter to bed and had to get some dinner ready and, you know, to do, to do, to do, and I just, this you know, this, it was happening.

So that was that. So what is it for you, you know, again, you know, maybe when you’re thinking about niches, are you significantly more GE love cars? He’s got a mad passion for cars, old cars, custom cars. Well, there’s all kinds of different niches within the automobile, quote unquote industry that you could think about going to.

Right. And again, are you gonna be, you know, you could go to, you know car museums, you could go to auto body shops, you could go to collectors of cars, you know, So again, and you know, fitness is your. Passion. You don’t have to go to just personal trainers. You know, there’s things like yoga, there’s things like meditation, there’s things like meditation retreats.

Spoke to somebody recently does really, really well. 

Going to rehab centers, right?

Again, you got a high level of passion for rehab, rehab centers, and that’s a niche that, you know, there’s a higher exercise, a higher level. Of you know, passion, drive, motivation et cetera, and Matt Niche, well that might be right for you.

And then, by the way, what about your client? Yeah, it’s not binary. Are they fired up or are they not? Do they follow you or not? It’s not the way it is. It’s non-binary. So thinking about that, I think that that’s got some power. Talking to one of my favorite clients today, John Howard shouted out to.

Great guy, a doctor. And one of the things I’d like, not like PhD doctor, but like, doctor. Doctor and one of the things I said, so like you’d never own, like, have you ever seen a doctor’s office without a secretary? 

Okay. Doesn’t happen. Correct. Okay. So as a business coach, 

I really think so. You, you wouldn’t have a doctor’s office without a secretary, so are you gonna be a business coach without a lead generator or really, I want you to think copywriter when you think lead generator and then not somebody who practiced it once.

And you know, it’s like someone who understands writing copy at a professional level. That would be a really, really good idea, 

For you to have that person. I’m gonna say follow you around, right? 

But hopefully you get the, the idea. So if you agree with that, and I’m gonna guess that you, you see a little bit of like, you know, a little bit of that makes sense, but do you have somebody, are you gonna hire somebody?

And then what level of. Motivation, Do you have that to hire somebody? And it’s probably gonna be as I’m speaking, like, Oh my gosh, that’s a great idea and I’m gonna do it. But you know, when we’re finished here and when you wake up tomorrow, 

are you gonna follow through and are you gonna whip out your checkbook, whip out your credit card, 

pay some cash outta your bank account to somebody to basically follow you around and, 

And help you generate leads, 

generate interest, and a bit of the magic.

Is that a copywriter? Like they are gonna be like, one of the mistakes that I would make if I was ripping around, like, I’m not running 

around social media, like, you know, doing this’s, not what I’m doing with my time, but like, if I were to do it, my instincts are what I, my, in my instincts would be to just solve the problem right there, right then.

And if you ever read anything, see people, you know, in a lot of cases, they don’t want the problem solved that early, right? What really what you gotta do is, you know, if you, if you wanna motivate somebody, you need to understand what motivates them. And you ever had somebody like this person really gets.

Right. Like it’s three weeks later and somebody just, you know, they, they really you know, this, this person really resonated with you. This person really just left their mark. Okay, well, a copyright will understand some of the reasons that that happened. Like, don’t get into the solution too quick. You’ve gotta build rapport.

You gotta share the struggle. Like, Oh, I know the government or APAC idiots. I know these taxes are brutal. Oh my gosh, inflation’s driving me mad. And you know what I mean? Like, you, you wanna, you gotta go into, You know what I mean? To build rapport, you gotta share the struggle kind of thing, and then bring them up.

But my instincts would be likely, I just, I wanna solve the problem too quickly kind of thing. So anyway, so I think that, that I think the sub serious value in that, and again, would a doctor have a secretary? When an accountant have a secretary? And the answer is yes and yes. Like always when I say always, you know, not always, but like 

pretty, if you have any Always, 

let’s just go with always kid.

Here’s something else. Do you get frustrated? Does your client get frustrated with the business going up and down? You know, like that roller coaster? I got leads, I got no 

leads, I got appointments. I got no appointments. I got clients, I got no clients. I got, I got money 

in the bank account. I got no money in the bank account.

Like he, you get that sorta you know, crazy eight slash roller coaster up and down. Okay, look, 80, if you’ve ever heard me talk about 80 20, and again, understand that 80 20, it’s the magic of 80 20 is not 80 20. The magic of 80 20 is to keep going. 80 20 of the 20 80, 

20 of the 20 80, 20 of the 20, you get the one 50 and then 1% of your activity, 1% of your clients, 1% of your 

You know support tickets, that sort of thing.

Like 1% represents 50. And again, that you think about that as like, you know, really, Look, it’s a universal principle. You’re not getting away from it. I’m not getting away from it. Well, ebb and flow is a universal principle, right? So your business going up and down, your mind going up and down, you feeling massive levels of motivation, 

hunger, passion, et cetera.

Like in that non-binary, like, oh my gosh, my. 

My passions at a 10, and then all of a sudden it goes through the floor and you wonder what happened. Like ebb and flow is a universal principle. So it happened to Steve Jobs, it’s happened to Bill Gates, it happened to Jeff Bezos, it happened to Zuckerberg. It happened to Elon Musk.

It happened to Michael Dell, et cetera. Tony Robbins, believe me, you know Tony 

Robbins is. You know, and, you know, 

depends upon how much you know about his material, that sort of thing. But believe me, it was so far from a, you know, a straight upward trajectory, it’d be mindboggling. So don’t get frustrated with the and flow screw it up and see what happens.

I remember a long time ago, one of my first ever coaches, he made me Like I had a book, so, you know, multiple books, but put out a book years and years ago, like 2005, six, seven ish. Don’t even remember. It doesn’t matter. I was doing a presentation, it’s pretty large audience, you know, they’d 

all paid 10 grand to be there, 


And basically, 

and I would’ve been one of the younger people in the room. I was having a lot of success. So it was pretty early on. 

And. What I said from the stage was, screw it up and see what happens. And then basically Tyler, the coach at the time, made me sign one of my books, 

With, you know, he’s, You gotta write that.

He goes, It’s so 

good. And then the other day, So we’ve got this what I refer to as an er, what we’re doing Okay, before I continue that thought, what we are doing from a lead generation standpoint we’re, we’re, we’re doing some, you know, heavy work in that area to really refine you know, generating leads for a business coach, which leads to a point which, which leads to clients and all built around our software.

Right. And the metaphor that I’m using is, it’s like an er. So you ever been to the the hospital? And no doubt you have. And there’s like different, there’s, you know, respirator 

here and then the maternity ward is there, and then there’s cancer on different floor, and then there’s whatever 

else you know, whatever, you know what I mean?

All these different areas, right? Different floors, different areas of the hospital, right? 


they’ve all got their individual door. There’s 

a sign on the front, you walk in, right? But in the emergency, Everything comes together, right? 

And it’s for a short period of time, like, but you’re in there for the night and then you’ll get shipped off into 


of these areas, right?

To have surgery or whatever it 

might look like. But you got this ER process, so I want you to think. So what with our lead gen, what we’re doing is we’re doing this hardcore 

er where I said I 

wanna bring everybody together for a short period of time, about 90 days, and we’re gonna basically, you know, tighten this thing up and create these processes and really, you know, drill down.

So, so that’s what we’re doing. 

So, Oh, on that. Then I’m like, Oh my gosh, where was I going? So anyway, so my Scott Walker, one of my so he’s my business development manager, 

Been with me, He’s been top sales guy for literally a decade. Great guy. Some of you listening to this would’ve spoken to him, but legend, legend of a guy.

And anyway, so he, so I, you know, we were talking one day and he said, You know, 

the number one thing that I learned from you, I learned, you know, one of the very first 

calls we had really early on cuz I was battling, he’s a bit of a perfectionist, played professional baseball you know, a bit of a perfectionist and, you know, will self admittedly tell you that, you know, he’s been guilty of getting in his own way.

And then what I said to him was, Look, Scott, stop overthinking it. Don’t worry about it. Just screw it up and see what happens. Right? And he kinda, and he said that that was the most valuable thing he ever said, cuz it was like, you know, he’s a baseball player, right? And if you know baseball, you know that if you hit the ball three out of 10 times, you’re bating 300 and you can even paid about 10 million a year to do that in the major leagues.

Right? So three Outta 10 is amazing in baseball. So we brought the metaphor back to, you know, baseball and just said, you know, That’s right. You know, like in baseball, what did I do? You know, I didn’t, I didn’t make contact every time I struck out. But I never stopped swinging. And he was like that, that really helped him.

So screw it up, see what happens. 

And that was, so then Scott said that on the ER call, 

Scott had said that, and then he was like, Look, you know, you, you’ve gotta get these guys to do something. So again, I wrote an email very recently, but just like momentum is a force multiplier. Right. Like you just, you gotta get things going.

And I found 

like one of the things actually literally just today had a little 

bit of a revelation and it was just like through, not happenstance, but just because we go on hammer and tong, Hammer and Tong, Hammer and tong, it’s like, Like, if you like, Okay. The, the, the lead generator is important. But I gotta tell you, if you pick up the phone, if you send out the messages, if you might leave the comments on social media, if you lick the stamps and send out you know, literally, you know, print out the, the, the letters and fold them and put ’em in the envelopes.

I mean, you wouldn’t do that long term. But if you did do that for a period 

of time, think of the er. I’m gonna tell you what you would learn. And not so much just learn, but 

the force multiplier effect of motivation. Like I just said, I had like this revelation just like literally today. Right. And I gotta tell you that it, it came from the force multiplier effect 

more than Well, yeah.

Just that’s where it came from. I mean, I just, you know, through 

whatever kind of came with, you know, like an insight. Somebody this comes to you like, Oh my gosh, this will be amazing. And yeah. So it just, it, it came from that So there you go. So if you are, screw it up and see what happens. You know, if you are struggling to generate leads, which we hear all the time, and I really, if you, if that is you, I promise you lead generation, if you wanna build a seven figure coaching company, it’s about the fulfillment, not the lead gen.

Right? The lead gen is a system telling you it is just not anywhere near as hard as everybody makes it. Not to mention it, you’re a client of ours. I literally say this in the opening video, but like, 15, one to one clients and you’d be flat out, right? So generally 

speaking, depending upon where you’re at in your career, 

And if you had 20 clients at two grand a month, that’s 480 grand.

And if you had 10 clients at two grand a month, that’d be 240 grand and 70 to 80% margins, which is amazingly what I’m getting at. You just don’t need to generate that many leads to have, you know, 10, 15, 20 clients. Right? So So just screw it up, See what happens. One foot in front of the other and oh, said, I lost my train of thought.

Sorry guys. But I, so what I was saying there, like lead generation, so I’ve, I’ve got a saying, and again, you would’ve heard me say this on the podcast. If you’re a client, you’ve definitely heard it. But if you introduced me to a business coach with a lack of leads, I’ll introduce you to a business coach with a lack of confidence.

This comes back to confidence. It’s just not that hard. But when you’re lacking confidence, cuz most, a lot of people, you know, especially in the 

subconscious level, not just not conscious, but 

subconscious level, you’re scared of Yes. More than you’re scared of. What if somebody actually says yes, I know what to next get found 


Something else that I wrote down was 

the groundedness of a grandfather, right? Like, I just want you to think of. You’re speaking to, hopefully it’s your grandfather, somebody’s grandfather, but to a, a grandfather, you know, like my old man, you know, he’s 80 years old. Lots of experience, just type of guy.

He just make you laugh like you have no idea so quickly. He’s still got his, his 

bearings unbelievable. 

You know, cognitively, he’s right there not moving like a gymnast 

anymore. But, you know, he’s 

cognitively he’s there, but he, he just, he just has. That, that level of confidence, and he’s just got nothing to prove, 

you know, been there, done that, got the postcard, you know, he is lived all around the world, had a great life, accomplished 

lots, you know, made lots, lost lots.

He just, he’s got one of those, he’s one of those guys. If you sit down with him, I promise you’d 

be entertaining. I’m gonna interview him one of these 

these days. And you, you probably take away some nuggets, but I’ll just tell you this when you’re speaking to somebody you know, and you speak too fast, You know, when you you know, you kinda leave and you kind of got that, Oh, I made a meal with that.

You know, that was like a dog’s breakfast. I want you to think of, Just speaking with the groundedness of a grandfather, a guy who has been there, a guy who has done that, a guy who’s got exactly nothing to prove, and all he really does is care at the deepest level about you, about your family, about your positive results and your success.

Speak from that place. And I think that you might find that that might be pretty powerful. Another way Zig Ziegler would say something different, and I, I, I’m gonna say that it’s kind of exactly the same, but different. He will say that when he is speaking to a prospect, trying to close them he, he, he positions it that this is a five year old boy, Your son.



or your daughter, right? But let’s just say your son sitting on the bed. And he’s been a 

bad, bad, bad, bad boy, and you, you know, are done. Now what 

you’re there to do is explain to him that what he’s done, 

that he can’t do that anymore. 

That he’s gonna have to have a timeout in this room. He is not gonna be coming out.

There’s gonna be no tv, there’s gonna be no computer, no iPad, no nothing. And he’s been a bad boy. He 

needs to 

learn from this experience so that he becomes better and that it just can’t be happening again, or the, the repercussions are gonna 

be significantly. 

He say, So speak to them from that place, which I believe is very similar to the groundedness of a grandfather, but I need to think about that cuz it’s, it’s, you know, again, it’s not what you say, it’s, it’s what they hear the way they hear it.

Right. Again, you can’t motivate somebody if you don’t know what motivates them. It’s of the same, different but the same family. And that, you know, when you say something, it’s seven, did I say this on the podcast recently? And I, I’ve got my daughter, like I, I, you know, hitting her up with this thing that’s 7% of.

My poor daughter. 

Sometimes you’re like, Dad, stop it. Right? Stop teaching me. Go away. But 7% of communication 

are the words, right? And. That leaves 

93% with my bad math. There you go. 93% is the tonality. It’s the speed of your face to face. There’s a lot of body language in there, but if you’re over the phone, you know, it’s the, it’s the volume.

It’s the words that you put, that you accentuate. It’s the, the rounding down of your voice towards the end of the sentence. It changes. So anyway, so learning all that sort of stuff I think has got a lot of power. But so yeah, it’s not what you say, you know, it’s what they hear and that’s got power.

Here’s something else. You get a five x return on exercise without going deep on this. And I’m not the, I don’t pretend to be like the, the fitness guru cause I am not. But that being said, I take my health very seriously. I 

encourage you to take your health very seriously and I. The health of my family very 


So what you’re gonna find, I don’t, So if you do, like, if you go hard, I’m gonna say three times a week. When I say hard, I mean you really gotta run yourself outta 

breath. Like I say to my daughter every day, you 

like, Did you run yourself outta breath? Did you run yourself outta breath? That’s a very common thing for me to say to my daughter because every day I wanted to be running herself outta breath.

Well, If you work out really hard, okay. To the point where you’re think about your your ability to breathe as your engine, okay? And 

then you’re trying to make your engine a little bit bigger, a little bit bigger, a little bit bigger. 

If you push that envelope, You’re gonna find that you get a five x return.

I would need to go deeper on this to be able to explain exactly where you’re gonna get the five return, yada yada yi. Different levels of exercise, you know, 2, 3, 4, 5 two being like the pace where I could talk, but you would know that I was exercising kind of thing. And that’s like level two. And then level five is like hardcore pushing it all the way to the limit.

Well, here’s the value that I want you to take away. If you take supplements, you take, you eat, you know, you take your vitamins every day. You, you know, let’s say that you keep your meditate that’s good for you. Things get hairy. You gotta have, you know, you’ve gotta take you know, blood, you know, like things to reduce your blood pressure, your cholesterol, that sort of thing, right?

All of those things have a return. Okay? But none of them have got, including surgery, by the way, I believe, like chemotherapy falls into this, right? Where there is no surgery, there is no supplement, there is no Meditation or vitamin that will provide you a five x. Actually, I’m gonna take meditation out of there because that’s difficult, I’m gonna go things that can be hardcore, like supplements, vitamins that you could, you know, you could measure.

You know, when you, you take blood pressure pills and then you have high blood pressure, like you could measure that you get a five x return on hardcore exercise three times a week on your longevity. Okay, so if your goal is to live to a hundred, and that’s my goal, 

You might wanna think about that.

You wanna, you wanna work out hard three times a day to the point of, you know, building, expanding your chest and your ability to breathe at a You know, like, Yeah, it’s like, like at some stage, like if you, Here’s what I wanna say. If you run like super fast, you get, you know, your heart rate goes up and then your breathing goes, you know, greater, greater, greater.

At some points it tops out and there is no ability to breathe. At a higher level, I’m not explaining that properly and anybody in the health of fitness is laughing at me right now. But you, hopefully you get the idea, right? You just, you get it to that limit and you just can’t go any further. Well, when you do that, like you’re muscle, right?

There’s, when you push bench press, you can only do it, you know, five times. And then if you can continue to do heavy weight, next thing you know, you’re doing it seven times, right? Like you push your, your lungs work similar to that. So if you start pushing that, you would get a five x return on your longevity and no supplement, no surgery, no anything that the doctor could provide you will provide you that level of return.

So the question is, and again, no, I think nonbinary type of example here, like what level of desire, passion, motivation do you have to exercise at that level? And it’s not gonna be, You know, you do 

or you don’t. It’s gonna be at what level. And I want to encourage you to really take what I said seriously.

If you wanna have you know, not just a, you know, you wanna have a, a long life and not just a long life, but significantly higher quality of life, right? Like, as, again, you, you wanna turn 80 at what level? Like often talk about anti-aging, right? Like going to the co if you wanna see how old somebody is, just watch them walk from behind.

And you’re gonna be able to see that some people have significantly better dexterity than others, right? What level is yours? And good news, you can depend upon where you’re at. You can, you can really improve a lot of this stuff. So there you go. Five, return on exercise. I think that’s powerful. And by the way, not just for you, but for your clients.

All clients. If you take on a client, you should demand that they work out. And if they’re not willing to own their mind 

and their body, 

they are not gonna be willing to own their 

business. And therefore they’re not nearly as good of a 

client and they will thank you. It’s hard. And this is that accountability.

You know, did you go to the gym? Did you do your pushups? Did you, did you do the treadmill? Did you do the rowing machine? Did you push yourself, you know, three times this week to the point where you’re. You know, exercise, you know, expanding your capacity to your lung capacity anyways. And then like social media success, I’m, I’m in the process of playing with some stuff.

I’m not gonna say what it is in case it doesn’t happen cause I got about a million things going on, but I got a bit of a fun play, right? Like when I see something, again non binary, it’s not like, You know, do I wanna do it? Am I not gonna do it as say a what level? And it’s gonna need to excite me at this point in order for me to go and add something to my to-do list.

And I assure you, I am not looking, I am looking to take things off, not put them on, but I am obsessed with the business coaching industry and your success and the industry success, et cetera. So, Might just do it cause I think it might be a lot of fun and provide a lot of value. And when I provide a lot of value to you, by the way, guess who learns more?

I’ve written like, I don’t even know, but close to 700 daily emails. Guess who’s learned more? 

Than everybody, you know, Guess who’s learned the most out of everybody reading? And that would be me, right? The person writing it. So again, a lot of, you know, my emails and whatnot, it’s like an ode to myself, right?

So you cares about me social media success. Here’s what I’m concentrating on. Let’s assume that this is a YouTube channel. I’m not gonna concentrate on how many clients, how many opt-ins I wanna, I know very nobody knows better than I. After 700, whatever, daily, whatever number of daily emails, well over 600.

Like it’s momentum is a force multiplier kind of thing. Like it’s just my knowledge and my understanding and my ability to write those email has compounded, compounded, compounded. So what I want you to do, if you want to have success with social media, I want you to put, I want you to count a hundred posts.

You know, like put together like a, you know, like, you know, one line, two line, three line, four line. Cross ’em out. You got five, one line, one line, one line, one line. Cross ’em out. You got 10. Put a hundred posts up in a hundred days. Or maybe it’s three a day, by the way. But put a hundred posts up and then talk to me about having social media success or, you know, do a hundred comments on other people.

It’s very, very, you’ll see a lot of influencers will put, like, just use Dave Ramsey as an example. You’re gonna see a lot of people looking to. Amplify their ability to influence as in their crowd, their heard, they’re following. They’ll post on, you know, people like Dave Ramsey who has a rabid following.

They’ll post controversial stuff, educational stuff on their, their post. Right. So if you started posting on, you know, just. People who have like a following, you’re gonna find that if you put some good stuff out there, and that’s the whole idea, you’re gonna get way, way, way, way better. Write a hundred comments.

And that’s again, I, I guarantee after you’ve written a hundred comments, you’re gonna have a completely different understanding of what it takes to write a comment that gets a lot of likes, a lot of hearts, a lot of comments, and you know, when and engagement. And then again, if you wanna do a YouTube video, you know, do a hundred YouTube videos.

Okay. And then talk to me before you’ve done a hundred YouTube videos, like you just don’t know what the heck you’re doing. Right. So just, you know, And before you’ve done a, You know, I always say like, we have a program Live Event Mastery. You run local live events, and it’s like before you’ve done 10, you’re just still in the sandbox.

You know what I mean? Like sure, we wanna hear your feedback, but it’s just until you’ve done 10, just please. You know what I mean? Like that’s what you, and yes, you can get clients in the first one and the second one, but you gotta do your 10 to get the compounding. Remember, you double a penny for 31 days and what do you got?

The answer is 10 million. The problem is you spend an enormous amount of time, Day three, day four, day five, day six, day seven to 8, 9, 10, 11, and it’s incredibly unexciting. In fact, it’s unexciting until about a day 24. Okay? 

And then it gets exciting. You know, your, your YouTube videos are gonna be very unexciting prior to a hundred.

Your social media posts are gonna be very boring up until a hundred. So I think that that’s got value. I, I said recently in an email Like, I just spent an enormous amount of money, like a, let’s call it a hundred grand trying to make a cold outreach work. Right. But then what does a, what does a business coach do?

They get started, they make six cold calls and then tell me it doesn’t work. Right. And it’s just, it’s a bit like live events. 

It’s like social media. It’s like buying advertising on social media. And it’s, you know, all the rest, it’s, it’s, you know, sending out cold messages. You, before you sent out a hundred cold messages, made a hundred cold calls.

You just, just don’t, and then you’re thinking, Oh my gosh, I, I can’t cold call If you’re the person, it’s not that you have to do cold calls to succeed in business coaching. But if you’re the person that says, I won’t do cold calls you, you just got no hope and I’m sorry. Like it’s that attitude that will stop you.


It’s the non-binary kind of thing. Like the level of passion, desire for other people’s success. Cuz he goes not cold calling is all about you and success is all about them. You know, I think it’s Ziglar to say, if you wanna, if you wanna accomplish everything you want, you gotta help other people get what they want.

Right. I’m making a bit of a meal of that, but that’s effectively what he said. Right. Coming towards the end here, I’ll just tell you, you’re, I’d literally said this today on one of our profit acceleration calls. I was thinking about turning this into a podcast actually, cuz it went pretty well. And the reaction of.

Floyd, who I was going back and forth with, which was pretty good. Just in that he, he just saw something that he didn’t otherwise see. And again, I didn’t do a heck of a lot apart from, you know, kind of direct him, right? But what am I getting at your best client? Who is your ideal client? And before I give you the answer, I want you to think about that, right?

Who is your ideal coaching client that’s gonna comfortably pay you your high end fees? Do the work. Highly motivated. Highly passionate. You say jump, they say how high, Who is it? And you are the one guiding them. Right? Who’s your best client? And lemme just tell you, what did you come up with? I’m curious.

Want me to give it to you? Look in the mirror and it is you. Five years ago. Then, by the way, do you wanna know who is the only person that’s a better client than that guy or that gal for you? You five years ago? Do you know who that is? The only client that can be better than you five years ago in the situation is you 10 years ago.

That’s it. That’s the person you wanna be looking for, to coach, and you are gonna be able to guide them at the highest level. Again, you can’t motivate somebody if you don’t know what motivates them. And that’s why it’s really cuz you can really get inside that individual quickly. Anyway, so hopefully that’s a value.

I had something Here is little, but you know, like how much time do people, I, I honest to goodness, I do not know what gas prices are right now. And I, and I promise this isn’t like, Oh, cause I don’t care and blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s none of that, none of that. I, honestly, got no clue and I’m not going to find out anytime soon.

And I haven’t known for years. 

And as soon as I even look at it or pay it, I just, just move on. Okay. So you could spend time. Saving money on gas, and believe me, it’s a fi very, in the grand scheme of things, it’s just not a significant amount of money. Regardless of how, you know, you’ve got your eight cylinder and your.

Your big 

F-150, you know, gu guzzling gas, and you’re driving all day. It’s just not that significant, right? 

So you could spend that time with your energy and your focus and killing brain cells, thinking about the gas prices, inflation, and who’s running the country, and who’s running the state, and who’s running the city, and what decisions they’re making.

Or you could spend that time, effort, energy focused. On increasing your knowledge, which by the way, I’m preaching to the choir because if you’re listening to me and you’re this far into 

this podcast, you’re clearly fall into that. But I’ll challenge you to take that to the next level. I’ll challenge you to take the actions that we’ve talked about here today.

You know, put those to practice, and then I would challenge you to go find a local business owner, the chiropractor, the dentist, the butcher, the bake of the candlestick maker. And kick them into it. That’s what I would challenge you. So, so there you go folks. That’s what I got. All I got. Hopefully that was, that was a value with a little bit of experiment, by the way, for myself here too and something that I’m working on, but shall see.

But any who, hopefully that provided you guys some value. Hopefully you like my jokes at the beginning. You didn’t, don’t know. Don’t know. Should I close you off with a joke? Okay. I’m gonna close you off with a joke here, folks. Okay. Here is a conversation between my grandpa and my 10 year old self.

Grandpa says, Come here little Carl. I’m gonna tell you a story. My grandpa told great stories, so I said, This is me. And I go, Awesome. Grams. Tell me, tell me. I love your stories, Grandpa. When I was young, I used to be an explorer and a hunter. Me, 10 year old me. Wow. Really? Grandpas grandpa. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This one time I was in a jungle, I was in Africa. I was hunting for a lion, and this is, if you ever watch the movies where they do the safari, that’s where I was. It was super dangerous. 10 year old me. Oh, that’s amazing, Grandpa. Tell me more. Tell me more, Grandpa. Well, I was searching for a trail, went outta nowhere.

A lion jumped out at me and grilled my shit. My pants. Me. Yeah, I bet you were really scared. Grants grandpa. No, no, no, no. I really shit my pants just now when I went.

Awkward silence in stars. There we go. How is that? And by the way, I’m not supposed to swear on this podcast, so maybe I just got myself in trouble with 

Apple. Who’s my closing? There you go. If you like my jokes in the podcast, let me know. But any who? . Oh my god. That’s that’s all I got. You might be happy to hear that.

Who knows? Maybe you want me to keep going. Don’t know. But I will tell you this guys. I appreciate you. I appreciate you listening. I mostly appreciate you taking some action on some of the stuff that I talk about and put out there. And yeah, I just, I, I genuinely could, not from the most sincere place.

I just really, I just wanna say thank you. I appreciate you listening to the podcast, reading my emails. 

Lots of you guys are clients, so of course I appreciate that more than you know. And so. Yeah, there you go. But that’s all I got for today. So if you wanna, in any way you’d like to you know, pay it forward, what have you, or pay it back, or however you wanna say that is, you know, pay it forward.

You know, go find a business owner, pick up the phone, send out the messages, knock on the door phone. Somebody that knows somebody who knows somebody who will put you on the phone with them and really, you know, and again, just you know, push the envelope. Don’t do your best. Do what it takes. To get that individual to start engaging with you and, you know, do what they gotta do to take their life, their business.

Subsequently their marriage and their relationships with folks like their kids, which is what happens because you know, the high tide rises all boats. And that’s what I love. So, so there you go folks. God bless you. Take care. I really appreciate it. Appreciate you and I’ll see you next week. 

Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches. How to find any small business owner, more than $100,000 in forty five minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees.

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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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