BCS: 175 | Creating A New Youtube Channel + What To Commit To

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 175: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Creating a new YouTube Channel
– What to commit to?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 175
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You’ve come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s none other than your boy, the road dog with the man, the myth, the fat biking, legend, fat biking. I don’t even know where I’m going with that fat tire bike legend. Karl Bryan coming at you straight from the beach, of course, because you know, he lives in the, that ding right there, dude, there is the scorpion image being popped in for those that were not on the pre-show now, you know, Karl welcome to the show.
[00:01:12] Karl: That’s it. Shoot. What’s going on bud? I have, I’ve been riding my mountain bike along the beaches I do every day and I’ve been turning my camera on. I got a few episodes in the can and there you go. YouTube, look out.
[00:01:25] Christian: See if you are not involved in the pre-show, you don’t even know what you’re missing. Cuz I’m looking at an image right now and I am scared for my life.
What is going on there? Hey, listen, what’s confusing to me. Besides what you just sent me, I’m like looking at business coaching beach ride. That is interesting. Like, could you make it any longer? Hey, speaking along 30 minutes, like for real. Like what’s going on and I see you already have two episodes.
Shoot. I, I think this, this whole new adventure yours, one of those double bikes. Me and you, I I’m just saying
[00:02:09] Karl: we,
[00:02:13] Christian: you could do like, you know, like carpool karaoke or where they’ve got, who was it like was it let, or, oh no Seinfeld, the way takes people in cars or whatever the heck it is. Yeah. You imagine you had the double bike and you, whoever you interview has to ride in the back,
[00:02:28] Karl: shoot. You might be, look, this is why we started it.
Right. We little bit of idea sex as I refer to it and look out, we could, who knows what we’re gonna come up with. I dang.
[00:02:39] Christian: That’s right there. You’re welcome home run. You can take that, but you know what, I’m really glad that it was mentioned here first and everyone will always know it was my idea. So there you go.
Yeah. So anyway, so I’m not sure if everybody’s seen it. So Carl has now he’s started producing YouTube videos because the man with a face for radio decided it was time to, to not be on radio anymore. But yeah, so rabbit hole central that’s for sure. We, but the anybody listened to this podcast, they’re, they’re not gonna be surprised.
Right. Like, but you know, what’s, what’s like, so just talk to me about the first, you know, I guess you’ve got two episodes out, shockingly. What’s some good advice that you dropped besides speaking of dropping. I know you dropped your phone a few times into the ocean, but aside from that dropping, what else?
What kind of nuggets nuggets did you drop on the podcast or the show? I should say.
[00:03:32] Karl: I, and, and again, and, and everybody who watches, I’ll tell you, episode three, you’re gonna see me drop my phone into the ocean. And like, and then I pick it up and remarkably, the thing’s still going and you’ll literally see me screaming, a word that rhymes with truck.
What just gave me, I’m like, that’s good. That’s how, what I’ll use from now on. And then I just kept going. I’m like, so that happened, but anyways, yes, you will see that, but oh, good. What am, you know, I think it’s probably stuff that we’ve talked on here. We’re continue again, the audio to podcast, we’ll continue in current form.
This is an addition for something to do. But you know, like percentages as a wealth hack is something I think I put in the first couple there. Talked about that a lot here, but I, I do believe that it’s important, you know, two to three is 50%, not 1% 20 to 30 is 50%, not 1%, two to four is a hundred percent, not 2%.
And then the other thing, like don’t measure what did I say? Like you could like, okay, you got a 2% conversion and then you increase it the 3% by changing the headline, creating a red arrow, a different off whatever it is. Right. But then you gotta make sure that you, you follow the trail to cash, right?
Because you could go from two to 4%, you know, double your conversions put significantly more you know, Cal like, you know what I mean, appointments on your calendar and then find that you actually decreased your conversion and decreased the number of, you know, the amount of cash. And then something else that I talked about, but it’s like, it’s retention.
It’s not just to cash as in first payment, but what about retention? Like, so example if you were, didn’t do this, but like, we’ll just do that here. Like you go to a networking group. Okay. And there’s the realtor, the mortgage broker, the insurance guy, the financial planner, the landscaper and butcher baker candlestick maker.
Right. There we go. I didn really ditch candlestick maker, busy, busy lad with us shoots. But here, so you go to the networking function, you get a lot of appointments, you get get a lot of, you know, like you’re, you’re doing assessments or whatever you want to call ’em in our world. You know, it’s a profit acceleration assessment.
You get a few coaching clients, but when you extrapolate those numbers out, like the retention, if you get three clients and they all quit in month, two, Versus let’s say that you did something different, like you did a, you did a live event and let’s assume that took a little longer to get together.
It was a little bit more effort. You had to outlay some cash, cuz you had to create some workbooks and book the room. Hopefully, you know, you fed the folks in our room if you follow our model. But if you got one client that, you know, saw through to 12 months and let’s assume you’re $2,000 a month, that’s 24 grand, significantly less dopamine, you know, it’s not like the Facebook post where you get, you know, you know, likes and comments and shares and like, oh, it’s so exciting.
It’s kind of the opposite. But when you look at your math at the end of 12 months what happened and what I’m getting at there. I want you to make sure you gotta follow the trail all the way. And I, and I don’t think people are doing that. So that’s part of that’s. Yeah. So that would like start of this percentages where you go from two to 3% and do you think you’re doing really good cuz you got a 50% improvement, but you know, the, the wisdom, you know, the, the person that’s been around the block been there, done that, got the postcard, knows that, you know, there’s a little bit of dopamine involved in that and hang on a minute, let’s make sure that we’re, we’re following this all the way through to retention.
But then actually what I said in video was that if you were to keep the client for 12 months, that’s amazing. The problem is that’s 12 months of data and you, you don’t know in month three, the guy, you could have wobbly legs with his client at three months and assume that he’s gonna, you know, be one of the guys of the gall that cancels.
And you didn’t realize that you were just gonna have one of those UN I’ve often found that my best coaching clients back in the day were folks that I had what I’ll call an uncomfortable conversation with early. Right. So, yeah, just had a, you know what I mean, like uncom, like, you know, they’re, they’re thinking of canceling, they’re asking for some money back or normally wouldn’t get to that extreme level, but you get the idea where it’s like, hang on a minute, we gotta really have a good hard look at this.
A lot of the time, those are the clients that stuck around for multiple years, cuz you were able just delay some things on the table. Effectively some rules would often come out of a conversation like that. Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, something, my job to come in and answer the phone and to sell the product and you know, handle the customer support issues.
But it is my job that provides you, you know, the, the vision of the entire forest as opposed to the tree and guide you. So anyway, so that, that was dropped, you know, I had a comment, like just a seven figure. Like, could you build a seven figure coaching company? And what I said is absolutely. Do I think you will, and the answer is probably not the good news on the back of that is that you don’t really need to build a seven figure coaching company to do ridiculously well.
Cuz again, part of the reason why we do this is 70 to 80% margins. You know, you get 20 clients at two grand a month, that’s 480 grand a year. You got 70 to 80% margins is it’s pretty good lifestyle, right? You you’d be half that you’re at two 40. And if you half that you’re at one 20 with massive margins.
So, but you okay, so that, okay, so you’ve got that, but then you gotta look at the three baskets where you’ve got lead generation. And then you’ve got conversion of the client. So lead generation takes what I’d say the grunt work it’s kind of science. And then the conversion I’d refer to that more of art, right?
Can I, can I get, you know, getting that conversion for $2,000 a month, 24 grand a year, or maybe it’s three grand a month, 36 grand, a year, four grand a month, 48 grand a year, five grand a month, 60 grand a year. So that’s conversion, we’ll assume that’s, you know, there’s a bit of artistry to, you know, closing that deal and handling the objections and just, you know, being a good salesperson basically.
But the third basket by a hundred miles, if you wanna build a seven bigger coaching company, most people instinctively will be thinking lead lead leads, leads, leads, and I’m telling you, lead generation is like I said, it’s just, it’s just pretty straightforward stuff. You know, like it’s not rocket science and it seems to be handled that way.
With trepidation, you know, people very. Nervous and cautious or whatever you’d say around that. But the fulfillment, let me just tell you here and now where I’m getting and what I’m trying to say and what I mentioned in a different way that I’m saying it here, but foundationally the same fulfillment is what will stop you from building a seven figure coaching company, right?
Not the lead gem. That’s the, that’s the science it’s the fulfillment takes all the time. So lead gen takes, you know, science conversion is art but the fulfillment is time and that’s what you run out of. And that’s what you can’t manufacture. That’s what you can’t create. So there was that. And I think maybe, and again, I actually wrote an email about this a while ago, and I think again, rode Doug.
I did a solo podcast here for the like last week and I talked about non-binary, but again, I’ve already, like, that seems to be very popular where, I mean, like, you know, are you passionate? It’s not a binary thing. Like, are you passionate or are you not? It’s what level of passion do you have? Are you able to influence your coaching client?
Are you not able to influence your coaching client? It’s not binary it’s at what level are you, are you able to, you know get your coaching client actually bloody do something is what I’m trying to say. Right? Like, do you believe in your abilities? It’s not binary it’s like, at what level do you believe in your, your abilities?
Both short, medium and long term. Right? So, so anyways, that seems to be, I think people like that umdo that non-binary kind of thing. And I, so some jokes could be made about that, but I’m not gonna make, I was just gonna, I didn’t
[00:11:20] Christian: realize you, you waged into the the gender war, but good for you. I’m proud of you, bud.
And I’m really glad that I wasn’t there for it. So there’s that? I didn’t realize
[00:11:27] Karl: that on our double. Exactly. I would’ve gone horrifically. I know that
[00:11:31] Christian: that’s happening. So where like, Okay. Where, where are you getting your content from for all this? Like, is this basically, is this a regurgitation of the amazing stuff that we produce here or or where, where are you getting your talking points from?
[00:11:44] Karl: Yeah, yeah, a bit of that, you know, I just look tell you here’s my strategy and it’s a loose one. I’ll give you the red hot tip, but I write I just three, I just three things before I leave, try to commit them to memory. Right? So just take number one. And I think a Dian Holland showed out to him. He’s my goalie many years ago, actually, Dian, Holland, good buddy of mine.
He he beat Patrick wa, which is pretty cool. Patrick wa debatably the greatest gold ender of all time. But anyways, he was fighting to be the backup for the Chicago Blackhawks. And the first ring goalie was Eddie bell for hall of Famer. The backup goalie was Dominic Haik hall of Famer ended up being significantly better than Eddie Belfor, by the way, then Damien hall Bussy, by the way, call Bussy.
But he was he was the, yeah, which he didn’t make it by the way, but anyways, great goalie had a hell of a time trying to score on him back in the day. Why? Oh, so Bussy, why am I saying, so number one, I think a Bussy and then like say, you know, it’s percentage, like the thing that I wanna talk about is percentages.
I just think of Bussy and I think of him as a real, he’s a bit of an analytical, you know, an accountant type. So I think of him in a nerdy kinda way, right. One, you know, number two, you know, I think of somebody with a number two and then number three, I think of somebody with number three and then I take, you know, I take them and then I associate it with that thing.
And then I can normally remember one, two and three, which by the way, has not proven to be overly successful because I’ve forgotten a couple of them and it’s half cuz I’m outta breath, you know, like I’m riding along the beach and it’s not the easiest thing to do on the, on the, you know, without talking the entire time, which kind of knocks the window outta me.
But that’s what I’m doing shoots. I’m just three things throwing ’em out there. You know, like one time, like I forgot. And then like, I was, I was riding by like a massive hotel, right. So I looked at the hotel and I was like, that reminded me like high unit of sale. So I started paddling on about, you know, if you’re gonna, you know, a coaching client, I would go for a higher unit of sale versus a lower unit, you know, a lower end unit of sale, which is something that I’ve talked about that I believe in that I think is important.
And in the future, you know, I might try to get more structured. I might not, I definitely not like there’s 30 min. I kept kind of paddling on for 30 minutes. And again, in the first one road, Doug, I’m kind. If road dog was here, I know what he’d be saying. He’d be saying shoots, you’re going down a rabbit hole and I’m stomping you jump.
Well, he wouldn’t, he would actually just jump right in which he does. But anyway, so that’s yeah, that’s, that’s what I’m doing shoots, but I do, I picture, I mean, YouTube videos, you know, like five to 15 minutes is where they’ll end up and where they kind of belong, but I’ll get my style shoots. I’m I’m committed to doing a hundred of them, a hundred that’s yeah, I’m gonna do a hundred and then I’ll know what I’m doing.
And I, but you know, I might not like it, you know, I might decide that just too much, you know, whatever I might, but I’m gonna do a hundred. So that’s my commitment. So
[00:14:35] Christian: how what’s the frequency that you’re doing are these right now? Is it weekly or what are you what’s
[00:14:38] Karl: what’s happening? Well, good. You know what shoots?
I’m getting some feedback and the feedback it’s really in some people just love them. Some people are like, oh my gosh. Like, I’m just, if, if you sent me this video every day, I would unsubscribe. Cuz I’m just not in, you know, I, I like your, your written stuff. So the answer is I dunno, at this stage, you mean the plan was to kinda one a week for the first week and then go from there.
I’m not sure shoots I’m
[00:15:02] Christian: in mind. Let’s let’s, let’s actually go down this conversation just for a second, if you don’t mind, because I think this is probably a big question for a lot of coaches in terms of content creation. Right. So my, like my, my input in terms of frequency is like, how, Hey, Christian, how often should I be posting on social media or whatever.
Right. It’s like, well, whatever you can commit to and actually stick to, I, I, I think would be a good one for sure. Yep. Then the other piece though, so are you trying to hit all the modalities or what’s the
[00:15:32] Karl: thought behind that? No, I look, I hear you. The plan is, look, I, my daily email I’ve done, I dunno where I’m at, but approximately 700 of them.
Right. So I I’m, I can’t interrupt. That goes very well. It’s got a, you know, pretty huge following or, you know, if I don’t send it out by a particular time, I’ve got emails in my inbox. Or we, you know, the team, but you know, there there’s people for ’em, right? Like where are they? So I’m not gonna disrupt that.
And again, the, the podcast, you know, we’ve been doing this for literally years, you know, we’re gonna continue to do this, but the, the YouTube channel, you know, I’m not gonna break it out and then turn it in at this stage, you know, I’m not gonna pull it out and then, you know, create a podcast out of it, although I might that’s just not what I see.
You know, it’s, it’s, it’s YouTube, it’s designed to be like, I just don’t think it’s gonna come across the same listening to a bunch of waves and not realizing that I’m riding along the beach. I just don’t know that we’ll have the same effect. That’s my thought process. So, what do
[00:16:27] Christian: you think, what would you agree with my hypothesis?
If you will, in terms of how often for
[00:16:32] Karl: frequency yes. Consist your is a spot. Like what can I commit to? And that literally at this stage, what I can commit to is doing a hundred. But I, you know, I’m not doing, I’m not committing to doing it daily. You know, Tori who guides me and helps me out. She’s like, look, let’s do one a week and plunk it in on Wednesday.
And I said, that’s got value, but then I, I, you know, I, I can do it so easily road Doug. Right? Like I, I do this every day anyway. So it’s just a matter of hitting the play button. So again, it’s not like I need to
[00:17:04] Christian: ride your bike and talk to yourself every day. You might as well just record it there. It’s right. It’s just pretty simple stuff, folks like, but no, it’s interesting. So what’s interesting to me though, is how far you’ve come. And like, let’s not inflate your head anymore because just based on the cartoon image of you on that bike, it’s big enough as is, but were like holy smokes.
What did I get myself into with this daily email then stack on podcast then stack on the coaching calls that you do. What, two, three times a week for all of your coaches then stack on now, a YouTube chat, like dude, like how, how are you, how are you pulling all this off? Like where are you finding the time for
[00:17:50] Karl: all of this?
Currently my, my wife. That’s why you’re not speaking to me at the moment. And she sees that usually like, oh my gosh, not something else, but no, you know, it’s you know, again, I. You know, what look, what would I say to that? You know, as I’m obsessed, legitimately with what we do, I love this and I hope I’m not, hopefully I’m channeling, I’m trying to, you know, kinda come through everybody listening here in that I really love this stuff.
And when I like the podcast, you know, who’s learned more through the podcast than literally collectively, like you’ve got millions and millions of minutes downloaded. We’ve got, I don’t even know where we’re at with downloads, but like it’s alar, you know, it’s a, you know, heavy six figure number. I’ve learned more than everybody collectively, you know what I mean?
Like that’s part of the magic when I write my daily emails, like in a lot of ways, I mean, it’s me teaching myself. Right? So, so the YouTube channel is not totally different. Like, I, I, again, like when I started the daily email, I mean, we, I was like, oh my God rode Doug. Like, what have I got myself into? But again, what I did is I made the commitment to just not stop.
You know what I mean? Like literally in the what do you call the YouTube deal? One of the things I talked about is like what you refuse to give up on. And quite frankly, I was thinking a little bit about that. I remember my dad asking me about like, how long are you gonna do these emails? Cause I would read them every night.
I don’t do that still, but we still, you know, I’ll read a couple you know, a week, but again, cuz I’m busy and timing doesn’t always work. He’s like how long are you gonna do these things for? I said, dad forever. And he’s like, oh my gosh. Right. But that’s just, that was the commitment, right? Like I just rather than, oh, well as long as you see the YouTube videos road, I’m very intentionally not throwing that out there.
Right. Because again, I am busy. I, you know, over 1100 clients live right now. 49 country with, you know what I mean? Y YY YY. So, so for everybody listening, hopefully you’ll also pick that up in that, like, what can you commit to, and how am I finding the time road, dog? I’m just, you know, I’m already riding the beach.
So I literally just got a little thing, set up a little, you know, phone basket. I Chuck my phone on, start talking and it’s a little bit better workout, but I’m learning a lot, man. You know what I mean? Like, and I’m, I’m gonna continue to learn a lot through doing that. And that’s what I think makes it kinda semi worth it.
If that I D
[00:20:11] Christian: what’s what’s, what’s interesting. So I story time here for me for just a quick second, because what’s, what’s fascinating to me is how quickly you can gain knowledge these days. And even you are still picking up, not like when you are like, I’m gonna learn accounting and I’m gonna make it relevant to the business coaching C like it’s not a small topic.
Right. But what comes to mind for me? There is look, we have so much available to us that we can become experts, whatever we choose to be. In a fraction of the time that it learned those people to, for the exact same knowledge. Right? So example is I just became the head coach of my daughter’s soccer team and we just had a, oh nice.
Yeah. We just had our first tournament and day one, we were, we were just pumping in the goals too. It was first game 15 three. Then we won seven, nothing and five nothing. And we ended up losing four, nothing to a very, very, very good team. I just think the girls retired, you know, it was the fourth game and the second day and whatever, do I know everything there is to know tactically about soccer?
The answer is no, but guess what? There’s 1,000,001 resources that I can go to. And based on what I’m seeing the weakness is, right. So I can go and be like, okay, the team needs this. I’m gonna go study this and I can become an expert pretty darn quick. At what I, what I need to learn enough. Right. So that whole being almost one step ahead.
And I just find it fascinating because it’s like, you do the same thing where it’s like, okay, well I wanna learn the accounting thing, man. There’s so many resources out there and I’m, I’m appreciative of the fact that you share your knowledge after a couple of decades in the business coaching space. Now I’m leading to a question here because it’s fascinating because people can listen to you and at times, yeah, you, we go down rabbit holes.
The, the knowledge that you share is based off of a couple of decades. So it’s like, it’s sort of a shortcut, right. But my question to you is on that note, right? So couple decades deep. What do you know now? Like looking back, obviously the amount of knowledge you’ve gained and, and there’s been a ton of change, like internet, everything else.
Got it. Right. But what do you know today that you wish you knew even let’s just go back a decade ago?
[00:22:38] Karl: Yeah. By the way, shoot. You’re you’re you’re propping me up today, by the way. I I’m not,
[00:22:42] Christian: I’m not, I don’t get used to, for real. This is, this is very rare air that we’re in here right now. Folks just
[00:22:50] Karl: know this.
Maybe the YouTube, maybe this is the YouTube effect folks
[00:22:54] Christian: that’s there, it instant right there. Like, oh my he’s a big deal.
Now’s bud. Just so you know there
[00:23:10] Karl: it’s that’s okay. I’m and I actually wrote Doug on it, high five, cuz I, I agree. That’s a you know, the presentation that I ran last year at business coaching mastery. You know, I start with like four hours and that’s, I, I kind of, I think I called it what I wish they would’ve taught me in business coaching school, something like, you know, kind of a play on what they didn’t teach.
And I wish they taught us at Harvard or something to that effect. Like accounting being the language of business. I was a sales and marketing guy just accepting that accounting and not, you know, the story, oh, I’m not a numbers guy, right. Like is just ridiculous. You, you don’t need to be a numbers guy or gal to really understand, and you don’t need to UN I, I’m not an accountant and I don’t pretend to be one.
I am not an accountant. Right. But I can tell you that I’ve had, you know, Douggie Hoffman, as an example, who’s been a client of our, for about 11, 12 years 40 plus year accountant got a New York office with 30 accountants. I mean, he has said, wow, like, you know, you really understand accounting, but not again, in like.
You know, debits credits kind of way, but in a look, when I look at a financial statement, these are the things I’m looking for. These are the reasons why I’m looking for them. You know, here are the LA you know, here are the, you know, the landmines. Anyway, so that that’s one. And again, we have a four day which you guys could get access to four day how to read financial statements and find your high end coaching fees before getting started.
So that’s what we ran. It was very good. We ran it and by the way, Dougie was there to run it with us. So row Doug, that mental models, for sure. You know, let’s just say slow down to speed up or mental model is the ability to have conflicting thoughts on any one topic. Right? Like I, she had a conversation with a buddy and it went down politics and I won’t go into, you know, the names of the people involved in, you know, the politicians might be painfully obvious, but it was just one of those things.
And the other person, he just. So emotional and I’m just like, you know, you can’t like, what would Warren buffet say? The more amped up you are, the less thoughtful you are. Right. So again, so somebody that’s just too fired up about a specific politician is just not able to be objective. And then the way, so you you’ve gotta be able to have conflicting views.
So like you could be anti-vax but or Provac sorry, you could be Provac, I’m trying to think of conflicting view here. Like you could be Provac as a vaccination COVID you didn’t know what I was thinking about. And then you could be anti passport, right? Vaccination passport. In other words, you know, Provac but should you have to have.
The VAX to be able to travel. You know what I mean? Like that, that that’s an example. It would take somebody, you know, slowing down the speed up or kind of using a, a mental model and look different viewpoints on effectively the same topic. That’s the way I, I view mental models. And just slowing down to speed up.
And again, if you wanna know like this, if you like that, if that sounds like something and you’ll know instinctively, if mental models is something somewhere, you should go, something that you should be studying at a higher level, have a look, Charlie Munger is kinda like the OG of mental models. And if you just Google Charlie Munger, who you don’t know who that is, that’s Warren Buffet’s business partner.
Very, you know, again, and Warren buffet will tell you that, you know, he’s, it’s not smarter than him. You know, the two of are flat out geniuses and not just in the business world. He’s got some unbelievable content on mental models. That’s what I’m trying to say. So you check that out. Another thing, I’d say problems over ideas.
Carl, with this idea work road dog, is this idea. You think this is a profitable idea. Don’t don’t look, change your spidey senses to look for problems. I literally had a, this conversation internally with our guys today, the, you know, a meeting with the, the team and I’m like, yep. So, Nope, we’re going.
That’s a good idea. Tell me if you wanna know what I think we should build. Show me the biggest problem and then ask the question. Can we solve it? How do we solve it? Build that, right. So think about what that might mean for your friends, thinking about business, your coaching clients starting businesses, complimentary products, complimentary services, expanding growth.
And again, remember a guide on the weekend, heavy, heavy heavyweight to when I say heavyweight, I heavyweight. This guy’s boat could put half a Cologna in it. But anyways, he he said to me I read something recently and he was like, wow. Or actually not recently, it was something that came to him and he said, you know, growth is optional.
And and he just, then he, then he expanded a little bit with boating without going into it. Hopefully that’s self explanatory for a coach. It’s not all growth is not always good. Right. You know, what is you know, like trying to build this massive company so that you can build like a massive nest egg, like build a massive company, so you could have a massive bank account is just not the way it works.
That’s again, a lot of companies fall over from growth more than lack of growth. And example of that is, again, show me a 10 million company and I’ll show you an HR company that’s, you know, and, and I actually, 25 million is what I used to say, but I, you know, what’d come to the very. Tangible reasons which you might be able to read, but anyway, so a 10 million company, you become an HR company.
So thinking about that and then just maybe the other one wrote dog something again, over the last decade that I feel like has had a dramatic effect, actually two things, network effects talked about that a lot. And then compounding just again, so here, I think I said this in a video, but like road Doug, you, you take a penny and you double it for 31 days on day 31.
It’s amazing. Right. But the problem that’s, and, and it’s 10 million bucks right? Day 31, 5 million on day 30, 2.5 day 29, 1 0.25 day 28 doesn’t it’s day 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 for a long time. Right. And it just, it’s boring. There’s no dopamine hit. It’s like, you know, monopoly. I, you know, I pretty good at monopoly.
Don’t wanna say that I’m like, whatever, I’m good at monopoly. The reason I understand the strategy. If you play monopoly correctly, you buy everything. Okay. Halfway through the game, you feel like you’re losing, you gotta mortgage your properties. You gotta borrow money from the bank. You gotta borrow money from other players.
Right. But when it’s all said and done, everybody else will be in bed and you will still be playing. It’s a bit like day 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, when you’re playing monopoly. And by the way, and this is something I said in one of my video, I keep I don’t YouTube. Maybe it’s taken over my life road dog. But anyways, I did say this though.
Like, what if I play you at monopoly? Everybody wants to own what, when you play monopoly. And I bet what you’ve just said to yourself is the blue properties at the end board walk and park place. And why? Cause I think they probably have pretty cool names. They are worth the most. And if you land on ’em and there’s a hotel, you’re almost screwed.
Okay. You ever noticed how little of an effect boardwalk and park place have on the average game of monopoly. And as I say that you’re probably nodding your head going, you know what? That’s absolutely true. Okay. If I play you in monopoly, there’s three properties I wanna own. And then there are ones right before free parking.
And the reason is that there’s multiple ways to go straight to jail. There’s different cards. There’s a space on the, on the board. Cetera. So you spend an enormous amount of time where in jail. Well, how many dice do you use when you play monopoly two and what is the most popular number? If you die? You know, if you roll the dice over and over a hundred times, number seven by far like number seven will have the, has the highest probability, right?
Cause there’s multiple ways to hit seven, like six and one. And four and three, et cetera, five and two. So seven is the most popular. So where you’re gonna land is on those properties are the ones that get landed on the most. So if you get a hotel on those three properties, those are the ones that bankrupt everybody.
Cuz again, you, you know you know, go straight to go. That’s the other one, you know, go straight to go. If you go straight to go, you just went by boardwalk and park place. Right. So anyways so you know, kind of playing with a, a, a bit of a like strategy. Why did I say that? I
[00:31:25] Christian: dunno, I’m trying, I’m trying to figure it out here.
What’s it? I have no idea. Like folks, here’s the deal. If you wanna win invite for poker, if you wanna lose, apparently it’s monopoly. This is you’re. This is a side of you I’ve never seen before and out stats on numbers of roles and monopoly and guru.
[00:31:47] Karl: Can you, you wanna know? What’s funny. So my daughter has, so my daughter’s nine and if you have a nine, you know, if you have a 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 year old, you probably know what an LOL though is.
So my, my daughter has LOL monopoly. So anyway, so we play and it’s like all these funny, like, you know, it’s, it’s not boardwalk and park place. I’ll give you the red hot tip. It’s all about these little things, but I’m, but I’m teaching her, right? And I’m like, and she got, oh gosh, she, she lands on you all own the utilities also, by the way, that’s a, that’s a good one.
Good. You, you wanna own, well, you land on a utility. Well, you land on anything. You buy it. That’s the rule. But if you land on the utilities, which some people will forego them, and that is an error you should buy ’em. But anyway, so I’m teaching her and she’s, oh, you buying everything up and she’s laughing.
And she owns all these properties. And again, she’s outta money, but you know, she’s nine. So she doesn’t care. Right. She doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, but you know, she just like flipping her cards around, like, look at me, look at me, look at me. And I’m like, you’re outta cash. And she goes, it doesn’t matter.
I’m just gonna borrow. And I just laugh. So anyway, so I’ve been playing a little bit of L O L monopoly folks. So anyways, I can’t remember how I dunno, I
[00:32:54] Christian: dunno how you got there, but I will say this to you allow the monopoly talk, but if you start going down a Dungeons and dragons route we’re done’s, there’s, there’s only so far, we can take a, Hey listen, to, to, to close the loop for you before you go to figure out why you went there and go down another rabbit hole.
You talked about the four day reading reading statements thing. Where, where, where do, where do you go for that? Do you have something set up for that? You want to set something
[00:33:21] Karl: up for actually? Okay, so it’s, you have to be a client. So the clients. No, they just, you just your clients, they just need to email us.
So, yeah. Good point shoots, but it’s this is for clients only we keep it a little bit in house. Maybe one day we’ll make it public some way shape or form, but right now you gotta be a client to get access to it. So
[00:33:40] Christian: boy, if I was Carl Bryan, I sure be offering that for a $97 product and a great little squeeze page, but Hey, that’s just me.
There you go. Shoots listen, we’re getting near the end. There’s two questions I have for you. Because there’s two names we haven’t talked about for a while. OK. The first and the second one is what’s
[00:33:58] Karl: that. Oh, I thought Brady, what were, what did you, what was the first
[00:34:02] Christian: name I’m gonna Brady, of course I’m going there.
Number two is Bezos, but number one is the boyfriend, the number one man in your heart. And I’m just wondering, obviously, big win sees an opener for your boyfriend yesterday. Tom Brady here’s I, I heard rumblings and of course I don’t hear this, but my wife, people.com, whatever. Giselle was not at the game is, is everything okay?
Like, I don’t know what’s going on. Giselle was not at the game. Morning if ever respond. I know you text Tom Brady every day updates, like what’s going on.
[00:34:37] Karl: I shoots, I think there’s some, there’s some trouble on the home. Okay. Well, there we go. My dad says my dad has a way of saying that that is really funny.
And I’m trying to think of what it is, but it’s not coming to me. So that’s okay. Maybe next time. But yeah, it’s, we’re old, Tom Brady. You know what? God bless him. Truly, man. I hope you. That’s not, I don’t know what’s going on, but it doesn’t look good. Like,
[00:34:59] Christian: doesn’t look a lot of you heard it here first. And then as soon as Carl figures out who he’s gonna be dating next, he will let you know for sure.
And he is hoping it’s him. All right. On a second note, Bezos, your other boyfriend, you talk about Bezos a lot and obviously there’s, there’s a lot to, to respect with Bezos. Just let me back that up, right? Like when you, when you take a, when you take a look at Amazon and, and Bezos, what are some of the key lessons that I guess you’ve taken from?
And are there any new ones as of lately that you you’ve taken from both Amazon and him individually.
[00:35:39] Karl: You’re right. We haven’t spoken about the boy Bezos. So look, letter, his letters to shareholders is a must read. Actually I read the book too. I believe it’s called one, no, Amazon, the everything store, that’s it.
Very good. But it’s letters to shareholders. It’s been unbelievable. He’s been like almost, you know, unwavering since day one on the long term vision. Despite lots and lots and lots of setbacks, you know, like Amazon scam and everything. He has broken like again, if you know, he talk gross profit and everything being so important again, he’s he goes for something, he went for something much more important.
It’s market share and long term cash flow. But look thinking long terms in a 10 year block. And I know for the business coach, I always say You know, a business coach like if you become a client of ours in the opening video, I kind of mention this, but I’m like, you know, who does well, who doesn’t, I’ll tell you who doesn’t do well.
It’s somebody here is an experiment going day to day, week to week, month to month and deciding whether or not it works, right? Like if, if you want us to be wrong, you’re gonna be right. That kind of thing. So if 10 years might be a little too much for you, but remember you’re gonna be, you’re gonna be remembered in life for what you refuse to give up on.
Right? So you’re not gonna be remembered for what you started or what you’re passionate about and certainly how much money you made, but what you refuse to give up on. So if business coaching is really what you’re supposed to be doing, and you feel it in your bones and you’re the person that coaches everybody and just never started charging for it.
And you think, oh my God, that would be my dream. If I could just, you know, if I could coach and then get paid for it. But you know, it’s one thing to say, you’re passionate about it. You know, are you willing to pick up the phone in cold call? And again, the person who won’t pick up the phone in cold call, that doesn’t mean that cold calling is mandatory to get it going.
But it’s the fact that you won’t cold call dictates that you’re still in your head. It’s about you and it’s not about you. It needs to be about if you’re really gonna succeed at business coaching, it needs to be about them, right? It’s like if you’re the coach of a hockey team and you wanna be successful, the coach of a football team, it’s about them.
It’s not about you. You know, it’s about ultimately wins and losses. And the way that you do that is by, you know, putting the right players in the right positions and you know, putting them in a position to win. Right? You gotta put them in a position to win. If you, I tell you how you don’t put a coaching client in a position to win is by having them not sign up with you.
So anyway, so just, you always do more for others than you do for yourself. You know, it’s 6:00 AM and you wanna go for a jog, you roll over and hit the snooze button, but it’s 6:00 AM and the kid’s gotta be at gymnastics or swimming or baseball or football or whatever, you’re you’re up and boom, the kids are there five minutes early.
Right. So those things I just look, you know, the needle movers are selection, price, and delivery. That’s, you know, at the end of the day, like what, okay. I said it earlier, like what’s the biggest problem our clients are having, look let’s, can we solve it? And if we can, let’s go solve that. That’s what our software ultimately needs to do.
So the, and then the accuracy of the delivery, there’s a little thing, like last mile delivery. Like you talk about a problem being solved. I mean, there’s billions of dollars being sold or, or spent, sorry, solving that three word problem. Last mile delivery. Like everything. If you, if you’re sitting in a house right now or an office, everything in your office, everything in your home was delivered in a truck.
Right. Then my question is what did they, when they said they were bringing the truck, did they say it’s gonna be delivered between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM? Well think about last mile delivery dictates. If they’re gonna be able to deliver it, you know, say road, dog, the coach, you know, congrats on the new coach.
It will be there between eight and eight 30. Do you think that’s a little bit more convenient than eight, you know, a 12 hour window instead of a 12 minute window. That’s what last mile delivery is trying to solve. And then, you know, Bezos is working on things like drone delivery and that sort of thing.
That’s where it all comes from. So accuracy, so not just delivery, but then if you extrapolate that out and go to like the root problem in delivery, it would be accuracy of delivery. And that’s last mile delivery. So forget Bezos your coaching client. How do they get there? What’s the number one problem their clients are experiencing.
Can you solve it? And then work to solve that and then put a price tag on it and then ultimately you know, create a way to be able to. Kind of mass. I don’t mass produce it. Is it not quite the word that I’m, you know what I mean? But sell it in lot, like sell it once and get it right. And then, so you can sell it 10, a hundred times read a quote over the weekend and it was like, what was it?
You need to, you have to be able to convince one person in your favor. In order to be able to convince the masses in your favor. And again, I’m making a horrific meal of that. It was nothing like that. but conceptually, that was it. Like you gotta be, if you can’t convince one, you’re not gonna be able to convince a hundred.
And if you can’t convince a hundred, you’re not gonna be able to convince a thousand. If you can’t convince a thousand, you’re not gonna be able to convince 10,000 or a hundred thousand and then ultimately a million, you know what I mean? Like, but so Tony Shay go off Bezos for a minute. And this is something I’m going to talk about on an upcoming video.
There you go. YouTube drop. But like Tony Shay wanted to his goal. He wanted to create world peace. Tony Shay owns Zappos, a rest in peace or bugger passed away a few years ago and we put him on the front page of the magazine, a very, very, you know, a troubled individual, but also a Genius. And then, so his goal was to create one minute of world peace, right?
Cause he realized the task at hand was way too big. So what he was gonna do is try to create one minute of world peace and like, Ugh, sometimes I hear thing, you know, something that kind of just takes my breath away a little bit. And that takes my breath away a little bit in that, not just the intelligence of it, not the world, peace thing.
Look, I think, you know, very noble pursuit. That’s not what I’m getting at all. That that would be great. And that would take my breath away in a different way. It’s not what I’m saying here. What took my breath away is the intelligence of that. Let’s call it that frame, right? Like you wanna create world peace and then you’re gonna create one minute of world peace.
And then what do you think would’ve happened next year? It would’ve become two minutes of world peace. And then it would ultimately got to one hour of world peace if you were being successful. Right. And then that’s how you create world peace. So you gotta sell, so your client, that’s gonna try solve, like, identify a problem, solve the problem you know, and create a product or a service around it.
Go do it for one person. We see that road dog in the internet marketing world, just so many people doing like, you know, they just go to the masses instead of go to one, solve the problem, make it right. And then go to 10 and then move towards, you know, 25, 50, a hundred, et cetera. Anyways, I think that there’s real value and magic in that.
Maybe a coach like Rob Doug, if I were to get Jeff Bezos were a business coach. I said this a while ago and I, I, I believe it more to be true today. Like when I said it, I think I was kind of off the cuff and like, I absolutely think I’m right in that. If Bezos was a business coach, what he would do, he’d be high end.
Right. And let’s assume let’s, let’s use five grand a month, 60 grand a year as like high end. Of course. There’s significantly more expensive coaches than that. Right. I know that, you know that, but let’s just be, you know, let’s, you might be charging 1000 a month, so 10 grand a month is hard for you to get your head around.
Right. That’s why I’m gonna use five grand, 60 grand. That’s gonna be Bezos. What he would do is he would scale the pricing, cuz he would know that ultimately he wanted to, you know, deliver and have you like totally addicted to him. So what you do, what he would do is he would charge a thousand month, one, 2000 month, two, 3000 month, three, then 4,000, then 5,000 a month.
He would scale his pricing. So he would get a $60,000 client, but he would only need a $1,000 credit card approval to get going, if that makes sense. And I think that he would do it that way. And then he would capture, you know, market share. He’s so much easier for him to get the 10, you know, 15, 20 clients and really be crushing it and do the math.
If you had 10 clients at 60 grand I have proven in my YouTube videos that I’m very bad at math cause I’ve messed it up a few times, but whatever let’s use, my fact that I’m out of breath, most of the time is my excuse. But you know, that’s cool, 600 grand and will assume with 10 clients, you can handle that mostly on your own.
So you’re dealing with some serious high margins that would rhyme with like 80%. So I’ll let you decide if that would be a good number. So anyway, so I think that he would do that and he just long, long. Okay. Why, why, why, why? Because he’s completely obsessed with long term. He proved over many years that he was obsessed with long term cash flow.
That’s what he was looking for and, and market share, but he was not, he was not about right. You know, literally didn’t profit for gosh, no, the unbelievable period of time. Like, and that’s why everybody was like, these guys were a joke, right? Amazon debts dot scam. It’s where it came from. Anyway, so there you go, road, Doug, I think that’s there’s, you know, there’s more but like road dog or sorry.
BA, there you go. RO Doug.
[00:44:42] Christian: You, and I love that. You’re, you’re basically putting me in the same bucket. That’s that’s really good far, but any who, Hey, just real quick. I know we’re kind of going along a bit here today and, and just respect you know, the, the length of the podcast here. But so with the scaling thing, so if you’re bringing on coaching clients, not, not coaches, but coaching clients.
Yep. Like you’re good with that. You’re, you’re good with the, the tiering up and, and yep. And sort of willing to give up more of your time then, then the dollars collected initially. Like again, cause this is what’s interesting to me is over the past while we’ve demonstrated and talked about two very contradictory models, right?
Because there’s the Musk model which has charged the high end price upfront then to basically get to a point where you can then afford to go lower. Nice. Yeah. And right, and now we’re, we’re going the opposite way. So I guess what we’re ultimately saying is look like both work as long as well, I guess, you know, the old cliche, as long as you do, but what, what are your thoughts on that?
Because we’re, these are, I
[00:45:50] Karl: literally read my mind like that second. I was like little bit RA, literally we talked about that. So remember what I said though, but if Bezos was a business coach, this is the approach because Musk wasn’t looking like when he was getting going, he was looking for proof of concept.
So the, the difference is that gates would charge, like, look, forget what he. What, what did or sorry, Gabe, what did Musk do when he started the Tesla and he sold $150,000 dollar, little convertible sports car. Right. It looked a lot, like a lot. In fact, when he brought it out, I had a Lotus a lease and it actually looked just like a Lotus a lease.
Right. And he was charging $150,000. Can’t remember the name of it, but you know, people and it was electric and that was its big thing. It wasn’t, it was cool looking, but that’s not why people bought it. They bought it because it was electric and it went so damn fast and blow your mind. Right. So the way that he must does it is he charged it.
He, he basically charged 150 grand sold X amount of them used that money to basically invest in a way to create a hundred thousand dollars car. And then he created an $80,000 model. And now I, you know, now he has a 60, you know, there’s a 60 and maybe even a $40,000 Tesla. And what they did is the exact opposite, but I understand it it’s completely Bezos.
That is not, not, not the way he built Amazon. And he did it in such like he was market share and recurring cash flow. So I just know road dog that the does the average, does the chiropractor have five grand a month? And is the average business coach gonna be able to convince the chiropractor to spend five grand a month and whip out a credit card?
We both know the answer to that, right?
[00:47:28] Christian: Yeah. So, so would you then say, okay your pricing model would be in distinct correlation to the, the niche that you’re.
[00:47:39] Karl: Yes. And no because
[00:47:40] Christian: if you to a high end market, I’m not saying like, if you went to a high end market and you’re like, oh yeah, by the way, it’s 200 bucks a month. They’d be like, what?
[00:47:49] Karl: Yep. Like, so the question road Dougy where the right question to ask is not, what do we do? But the right question to ask is what do we want?
So the coach that we’re talking to, is he 65 semi-retired and really only wants to have 10, 12, 13 clients. And that’s it that’s different. Right? Whereas we’ve got a guy who’s 40 years old, wants to build a monster, you know, has built a seven figure coaching, you know, sorry, built seven figure businesses in the past, that number doesn’t scare him and he’s gonna go and he is gonna hire the staff.
He’s gonna put coaches underneath them. You know what I mean? Like he, he’s gonna go a little bit more aggressively than two different approaches might, you know, might fly. And by the way, I would also be weighing up. Like the person’s sales ability, the truth is that coaching, which factors into it, you know, if you can coach you can’t sell and if you can sell you can’t coach.
And I just know the average analytical, excellent coach tends to suck at selling. So thinking that they’re gonna be able to close $60,000 coaching clients with consistency for people that’s 60 grand. You know, if you go into Microsoft and sell a $60,000 program, it’s nothing. When you go into the, you know, the dentists office and you’re hitting them with a $60,000 you know, program before proof of concept that might, that’s hard for them to swallow, right?
So, so it’s two very different approaches and insanely good point. And the question is, before you decide which one you’re gonna do, you go, what do I want? And what most will tell us road dog is they wanna make 250 grand a year. Without being a slave to the company, to the phone, to the internet, to the location.
And they could legitimately be in Mexico on the beach work until noon, hang up with the rest of the day and have a kick ass lifestyle. And, you know, the Bezos model could work really, really well. Doing that, but look, there’s argument for both and yeah. Their level of experience and whatnot all gets factored in it’s two different approaches, bud.
[00:49:52] Christian: So Brian, and that’s the, that’s the beauty here, right? But again, like real quick, I, I, my only rabbit hole here is one of the hardest questions that you can ever possibly ask yourself is what do I want? Yeah. And, and you gotta ask yourself that across the board, like, dude, I just had a guy in one of my men’s groups and he was talking about asking me, cuz I’ve got, you know, two decades worth of experience in financial services about creating a personal budget and financial plan.
And I said, well, What do you want? Like, what’s the lifestyle that you want? Like you can’t, you can’t possibly think about creating a budget and with, without asking your, you, your wife, your like what, what kind of a life do you want for yourself and for your family? Like, I, I just don’t understand that it’s the same sort of deal.
And in business coaching, you wanna build a business. Great. Well, what does that look like? Right. You gotta look beyond and go, okay, well, what, what is the business that I wanna build for myself? How many clients would I ideally like to serve and how much money do I wanna be making? And then that might actually go a long way in terms of which model do I need to create and which one do I wanna follow?
Do? Am I more the, the Elon Musk type? Or am I, am I more the Jeff Bazos? And at the same time, what’s the niche. What’s the problem again? Great question. You brought up earlier. What’s the problem that you’re solving. Cause otherwise if you’re not solving somebody’s problem, you’re just, you sound like everybody.
And that’s a huge problem.
[00:51:12] Karl: So guys make sure that everybody picked up what rode dog, just put down, like, again, this is, you know, from a place of wisdom, working with, you know, tons of clients and, you know, dynamics and different personalities and different, you know, different goals would be an understatement.
Like every individual has their own, not only own set of goals, like not only their own set of goals. Right. But their, their own what am I trying to say? Like their own world, right? Like one, guy’s got three kids under, you know, the age of 10 and then the other, one’s an empty nester. Like it’s just a very different, so it’s road, the guy put it out there to road dog.
And road dogs said, whoa, whoa, I can’t give you that answer until you tell me this. What do you. And then he also said something really important. He said, one of the hardest things you can do, they can do road dog can do, I can do our wives, can do our kids for that matter, right. Is like, explain actually, my daughter knows exactly what she wants, cuz she keeps telling me.
But anyways, you know, like, but what do you want? You know what I mean? Like you gotta, when you ask somebody what they want, what do they do? They start cradling off what they don’t want. Right? Yep. So anyways, that’s pretty powerful in my opinion, folks, hopefully you pick that up. There you go. Well, you
[00:52:24] Christian: know what I want right now?
I want you to, to share with me the one thing that they can take from this episode and to implement into their business right away. That’s what I want. Carro
[00:52:35] Karl: shoot. It’s gotta be the, the Zappos, Tony, she again, he wanted world peace. He wanted to create world peace and that’s what he wanted to undertake.
And he wanted to create one minute. World peace. So if you’re looking for, you know, you wanna make a hundred grand, you wanna make 250 grand, you wanna make 500 grand, but your business, your client wants to do similar. But let’s talk about you. Look, I want you to come up with one. You’re gonna go to networking functions.
You are gonna follow a set specific process. You are going to get one coaching client at $2,000 a month, going to networking functions, delivering that exact process and then fulfilling on it. And then it’s time to start talking about going to get three. And then going towards 10, et cetera. But, and I use networking.
Is that the best place to go? No. You know, also go, you know, we’ve talked about this right, like road Doug and I like the local B and I group or the local networking group. That probably, well, that’s not probably where we’re not gonna go. That’s where we’re not gonna go. Cuz that’s that’s and not to be, but that might be the right place for you, but that’s, that’s the sandbox.
Right? Understand that you’re, you’re going to get clients at the networking functions that probably are gonna quit in 90 days. Why? Because they’re not the highest caliber of clients. How do we know that? Because they wouldn’t be at BNI with the name badge on their chest if they were high, high end. And that might sound brutal.
That might be harsh. That might be untrue at your local B and I, because they’ve the guy who runs, it’s done a bang up job and he’s created a really like a seven figure group and these guys are heavyweights. Okay, perfect. That’s a group that rode dog and I would go to right, but we’re not, you know, generally speaking I think you’d battle mightily.
Define me that room. Okay. So if that’s the problem, what’s the solution. It’s the golf cor it’s the, the golf club. It’s the yacht club. It’s the oil and gas club. You know, those type there’s, there’s so many different groups out there. We, we talk about this on the pod, like the, you know, where when you go to a charity event.
Okay. Do you know who’s gonna be there, rich people. Okay. Now that one you can take to the bank and can not just rich people, but connected people. Okay. They’re very charitable, like, so go to that event and find a way to, you know, if you don’t, you know, if you can’t don’t, you know what I mean? I don’t know, find a way to do some work, do some sweat equity, help organize it.
Hopefully maybe, you know, whip out your credit card and, you know, ding a few bucks down for a cause that you believe in that you can really get behind. That makes sense. And one that you, you know, again some of those charities, I can’t say this without saying. Following it with us, some of those things, you know, like you, you know, they collect a hundred thousand dollars and 80 grand goes into their pockets, right.
Because of all the amazing work that they’re doing and 20 grand of it as in 20% of it is going to the actual cause. So, and don’t give your money that group, but anyways, to do a little bit of homework. So yeah. What did I say, road, dog? Just find one way. If you’re gonna pick up the phone, if you’re gonna do joint ventures, if you’re gonna partner with an accountant, just remember go to, when I go to the accountant, I wouldn’t try get ’em to send me 10, 20, 30, 50, a hundred clients.
I would say Mr. Accountant, take me for a test drive. Give me one. Let’s see how good I am. Maybe I’m the best thing that ever happened. And maybe I’m pull of poo poo. Okay. Give me a shot and get one client that way. And then that’s, then you’re gonna know, then you can move towards another, in another that’s the way you get to 10, you don’t make 250 grand a year net with your coaching company, by deciding you wanna make 250 grand a year net and your coaching company, you do it by solving problems and being a kick butt coach.
You know, and having, you know, other people saying good things about you and that kind of thing. So, so that’s all I got. There you go. So that’s my one thing
[00:56:25] Christian: you and I both know that is far from the truth. That is not all you got. Listen, what can we agree on this? Can we agree on if you’re gonna, for, for, you know, we’re talking about all the power of one here, basically, right?
How about you just ask yourself what’s one problem that I can solve, right?
[00:56:42] Karl: What’s say that again. Hear that, say that
[00:56:44] Christian: again. What’s one problem that I can solve. Yeah. But like, I, I just think, and, and again, if you’re gonna go to these networking events and you’re gonna do all these things, please don’t be the guy that’s gonna be that pushy, annoying douchey sales guy.
Like nobody likes that guy just genuinely want to help and watch what happens. Like it just, that, that blows my freaking mind every single time. And it’s just like, when it’s like, when I see all these sales trainers and everything else, you know, why you need to push so hard in sales it’s because you, you, they’re not buying the fact that you genuinely sincerely want to help them.
And they’re, they’re just not buying it. So you need to use some sort of tactics to, to, to almost force them to do it. And I just, I hate that. So that’s, that’s my Alex Hermo and me where I’m like the reason you gotta sell. So. Is because you don’t have a great offer and you don’t have a great offer because you don’t know what problems you’re solving.
So, yeah. Boom, on that note Hey, and by the way, on your your pitch of take me for a test test drive folks, take Carl for a test ride on his brand new YouTube video series. There it is. How is that firsts folks? You
[00:57:58] Karl: you’re getting good. Your’s buddy. You radio shoots.
[00:58:02] Christian: I, I just, I have, I have just great visions of me coming down to see you on that double bike, riding the beach together.
It’s gonna be a beautiful, beautiful series. I just, I, can’t even, I can’t even imagine how gold that episode’s gonna be, but anyway, until that happens, folks, we wanna thank you for tuning into another episode of business coaching secrets, the podcast with none other than the man himself, the, the king of the Caribbean, the king of the.
The soon to be the YouTube king, Karl Bryan folks. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre show, or again, you want access to that four day What is it now, the accounting program just want more information to all that stuff. Go to focus.com and subscribe today. And you’ll definitely get all that.
And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it and please rate it as we know that that is massive with all of these streaming services. And that is it for another week. We’re gotta wrap it up here, cuz we are way, way, way, way long. So remember folks progress equals happiness. Take care. Everybody we’ll see you in the next episode.
[00:59:10] Karl: Bryan built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees.
Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.
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