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BCS: 165 | Know Your Customer Health Score + Tips To Help Manage Yourself or Your Clients

by | Business Coaching Secrets Podcast, Karl Bryan

Manage Yourself

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 165: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

–  Do you know your customer health score?

–  Tips to help manage yourself or your clients

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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SFC 165
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing.
High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:38] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets, since you, boy the road dog, with none other than the man, the myth, the makeup legend himself, the guy that’s got a face made for radio.
Karl Bryan, welcome to the show.
[00:00:54] Karl: Big. what’s going on, buddy. Yeah, I was a little bit late for the pre-show and maybe I was putting on makeup shoots. Maybe you’re, you’re high, Maybe you’re insulting me on like the highest level right now.
[00:01:04] Christian: Per, per perhaps maybe you were just trying to find the right to makeup to match your heels.
I don’t know. It’s hard to say.
[00:01:11] Karl: Actually. I might regret saying this, but anyway, so I did have, and I’m gonna go with it anyways, so I did a you know, a video. We, we reimagined our entire. Onboarding just recently. And I had to create a video that welcomed all the new clients. My wife. So she’s like, comes down and she goes, Oh, I, I need to do something.
I need to do something. And she put some, she puts makeup on me, right? But what she did, she didn’t put makeup on my face. He put makeup on my nose. She’s like your nose, cuz. I’ve had my nose broken five times. Right. And I’ve got very little skin on the front of it. And if you ever seen a picture of me, you’ll know that it’s a little bit sideways on my face.
But . Anyway, she comes and she put, she goes Makeup. And I’m like, Oh, this is like the big time. Okay, cool. I hit me and she just, and I’m like, You just gonna do my nose right? Like it was a little bit something. But anyways, there you go.
[00:02:02] Christian: I’m surprised she didn’t give you the glass with a plastic nose on it with a mustache.
Yeah, that right. Disrespect. All right, shoots. I wanna dive right in. I know that you had you had a bit of a, a weekend talking to some high end marketers. I’m not sure if you’re gonna name drop because you know you are a big shooter yourself. But just, just right outta the gate, just, just wondering how, how that went.
Like any, any sort of, you know, takeaways from that.
[00:02:31] Karl: What would I say? I tell you, that’s why I’m asking. That’s why I’m not, it’s not, it’s not the size of your brain, it’s the size of your thinking was kind of, That was a, a note that I put big highlighter at the top. You know, I was explaining like, winners concentrate on winning and losers concentrate on winners.
I get thrown it back to ’em and I, I heard a lot like just a lot of concentration around what the competition is doing. And, and that’s understandable and that’s fine, and maybe there’s a place for that, but like, again, winners focus on you know, winners focus on winners, and then losers focus on winners.
Is that what I’m trying to say? Right. Winners concentrate on winning and losers concentrate on winners. Right. You know, it’s competitive world, but you, you, you want to control that. You know, so like if a billionaire shows up and he were to give advice what would that look like? And it’s really, really simple, you know, product, I think we touched on this, it was either last week or the week before, but it’s just like three words and they are product, product and product.
Yeah. And then just the relationship. What, what’s the relationship your clients have with the product? And it needs to be absolutely stellar. Five, five star. Speaking of five star, like you, you know, you can go to. Go to a restaurant, right? And there’s a four star restaurant and a five star restaurant, or maybe the five, a four star hotel, and then a five star hotel like Math Road.
Doug, obviously, you know, four to five, that’s a 20% improvement. Like it’s math says that it’s 20%, but with that statement, product, product, product and the relationship between your client and your product, your service, your thing, right? It’s not 20%. It’s. It’s like Grand Canyon. It’s just monumentally.
Different business practices are what’s required to take you from four star to five star. You know what I mean? It’s not like a level up. It’s again, we talked about recently how like our onboarding, right? Like I, the instructions that I gave the team, it wasn’t, I didn’t want anything improved. Zero interest in anything being improved, although it was obvious that that was gonna happen in different areas.
But I said I want it re imagine. Right, So it’s Eon Musk 1 0 1. First principles you, you don’t want to go to. The reason Bill Belichick crushes everybody in football is because he uses the rule book to create his plays and the competition uses his plays to create their their plays, right? Like they go to Bill Belichick’s plays, then try and improve them, and then they wonder at halftime why it makes these unbelievable improvements that, you know, kinda.
You know, put things big time in their favor, even with a rookie quarterback. Anyway, so it’s, you know, reimagined, it’s just, it’s, it’s you know, going from four to five is not 20%. It’s literally a, it’s a re jing of the entire thing. And let’s just assume, let’s go to first principles. That’s, how did Elon Musk.
You know, send a rocket ship into space. And he’s not a rocket scientist and he’s never been to school for it. He just first principles that that’s how we did it. And again, we’ve talked about that in the past, but I think that there’s unbelievable power in that. And that again, is what I found. You know, it’s what I was talking about.
What else would I say? One, one thing. There’s not a single person there that did not say their product. You know, with, with what I just said, not a single person is gonna say that their product is not amazing, right? But then I asked, like, they all knew, you know, CPM and cpc, they know their click through rate.
They can gimme all these marketing numbers that frankly would, you know what I mean? Impress anybody and make. Eyes possibly roll back if you didn’t know a lot of that stuff. But then you ask like, Okay, so everybody loves your product, right? And then it’s like, hey, well, so what’s your net promoter score?
What’s your turn rate? What’s your chs, What’s your customer you know, customer retention cost, Right? Crc, they didn’t have a single. You know, for the most part that would be an exaggeration. But for the most part, again, they knew all of, you know, specific metrics. They didn’t have metrics around product.
And that, in my opinion was you know what I mean? Like that was a takeaway that was like, guys, and you’re saying how much everybody loves your product, but you’re not measuring this. You, you don’t have. You know what I mean? You’re not, you’re not concentrating here clearly. So, so that was a, you know, saying it is one thing, but having it is another.
So, so road dog. That’s that’s it. But I, again, just highlighter top of my notes and I came, brought myself back to, and I, you know, thought about, frankly, first thing this morning is I was kinda like digesting a bit. It’s like it’s not the size of your brain, it’s the size of your thinking. And like, you know, the goal, what you’re trying to accomplish and your vision, and then your reasons behind that vision.
So anyways, that’s what I would say about product, product, product.
[00:07:15] Christian: Interesting. It’s, it, it’s, yeah. It’s interesting when you, It doesn’t surprise me that they don’t know a lot of, like, it’s, Okay, let me make sense here for a second. It always amazes me at how well people present the front of stage stuff.
Yeah. But when you go backstage, how unorganized another long show. It is like, give you an example. Right. So agency I do a little bit of contract work with right now. Big agency, you know, they do, I don’t even know, eight figures a year in revenues. They just launched a program through digital marketer.
And and they look like they’ve got it all dialed in. But when you go behind the scenes and you’re like, Oh my gosh, Right? Like they’re a bit of a go show in parts as well. So it’s always fascinating to me how people can make it all look slick. But when you actually break it down and like you’re saying, you take a look at some of these metrics, they don’t even know what they are.
I’m gonna ask you about one of those in a second, but when you talk about the difference between four and five star hotel, is that sort of similar to the difference between a Motel six and a super eight? Would that be.
[00:08:22] Karl: That’s exact. How did you know? Shoot. That’s exactly the example. I didn’t, I say that, that’s what I meant to say.
[00:08:28] Christian: we go. That’s, that’s kinda, I’m just bringing you back down. That’s, that’s really what it is. You know what? I will say this though. The, the Motel six, one of the best campaigns ever with the, we’ll leave the light on for you. Like how basic and simple and yet welcoming is that message. We’ll leave the light on for you so.
[00:08:50] Karl: Well anyway. Still there. Shoot. Listen, I can jump in row, Doug. Like the, the front. Everybody wants like a, I think what you’re just describing so that everybody’s got it. We’ve all been to a restaurant where if you’ve watched Kitchen Nightmares, you saw this all the time, where you’ve got in a restaurant, you have front of house, back of house, Right.
And again, the front of house can present really well and quite frankly normally does. But it’s the back of house where you go back there and you realize that, you know, the. You know, the stove hasn’t been cleaned and the air ducts haven’t been cleaned, and when you actually lifted anything up, you’re just horrified.
And then you went into the storage room, not just didn’t walk, don’t walk two feet into the storage room, but go to the back of the back of the back of the storage room. And you could be in for a nasty surprise. That’s an example, right? Like where again, and it, it ends up reflecting. Right? And the, the cook, how seriously is Cook taking his job if he’s not taking the time to make his, his area?
You know, not only hygienic but like spic and span. So front of house, back house. I think that’s important for everybody to understand that, that the chiropractors got the same thing. The dentist has got the same thing. The butcher, the bake of the candlestick maker got the same thing. Yes. Of course the candlestick maker, they’re
[00:10:04] Christian: the worst
Hey listen, the one thing I will say about that too is the one thing that I, I’m getting outta that is no matter how polished a business may look up front, you don’t know how much of aha they’re in the back end. So don’t pass up on wanting to talk to a business because they seemingly seem to have seemingly seem, they seem to have it, you know, all together, and they look all polished on the outside, right?
So, Ever do that, but hey, listen, you mentioned one of the the metrics c hs. Is that like a coastal health system or what’s, what’s happening there? What what, what’s, what’s going on there? My, what’s, what’s
[00:10:46] Karl: all that Customer? Yeah, you’re close. Shit. Spell out. Right. Yeah, like customer health score, maybe get, you know, a measure of customer success.
Right. Really simple. There, there would be so if you to break it down and little more, probably I’m not the expert in this area by the way, but if you break it down, you’ve really got frequency, like how much time are your users spending on your product software, your thing that’s a restaurant.
How often are, how, how often are your customers coming back? And what’s the frequency? Are they coming back every seven days? Every 14 days, every 21 28, et cetera. Then you’ve got, Brett, how many users in a specific account are using the product? So I used to own a hockey rink and we would do you know, a sports stadium, but we would do like birthday parties and like how many people were coming.
I don’t know if this is, that’s the best example, but how many people were coming to the birthday party and then you’ve got depth. How many of your products or services and maybe their key features are actually being used, Right? So again, so, so I think, look, frequency it’s the amount of time you spend on Facebook, the amount of time you spend on Instagram, the amount of time that you spend on YouTube, right?
That would be the frequency breadth. How many users in a specific account, a specific account thinking, Okay, so our, our, like a Facebook page or no, sorry, No, a Facebook. Would be an example, right? So again, people are there, but that’s, that’s an example of where, you know, Zach’s got, you know, influencers bringing large you know, niche group of people together.
So that would be an example of that. Maybe maybe it’s if you own a sports stadium, like how many kids are, or no, maybe it’s a sports league. How many kids in a specific age. Or maybe if you get a private school. My, my daughter just heard her school had a little graduation de and it was like, how many, It’s a private school and it’s like how many kids in each of the classes would be an example of that.
Right. And then, and then depth Like for us, we have profit acceleration software, digital acceleration software group coaching software profit acceleration simulator, so digital acceleration software behind the scenes with some digital marketers. We just did a little bit of a push and made sure that we got some digital marketers using it.
The, you know, the reason we got there is basical. You know, chs, so customer health score, like how, you know, how often they using it. You know what, Rod Dogan whilst on that, I’ll just tell you that ttv is a worthy metric. And again, you could go pretty deep on this, but just think how quickly do customers get value from your services and products, Right?
Time, ttv. Time to value. And the time is typically like from an initial action. So think of an opt-in on a, you know, on a landing page or think of in a retail environment walking into the store. So how long does it take for the customer until the moment they get value from the product, Right? So like, let’s say like with us, one of the re-imagining, you know, some of the foundation behind it, like let’s say a customer buys your software online, can they immediately log in and.
Right. And then if they can’t immediately, if they can’t immediately log in, then this is a problem. But once they log in, can they actually use it? So what do the, what’s, what’s the how, You know, frequently asked questions of the how to guide and is there a dummy, You know what I mean? Like you’d set up dummy accounts and that kind of thing.
You know, at time to value. Hugely, hugely important. I’m trying to think of like a dummy down, I think personal trainer, right? So road dog’s, a personal trainer, Dave down the street’s, a personal trainer. If I went and worked with that personal trainer, how long would it take me to feel success? And let’s assume that’s losing, losing a pound or two.
Right. Like, and very importantly for you guys, like for a business coach, how long until the client gets a tangible, you know, tangible value from your relationship, right? That’s again, we built a software where it’s guaranteed to find any business owner a hundred thousand dollars in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
If you really think about that, that entire premise, that entire value proposition is based. Ttv, like, you know, value, Like we want our coaches to be able to pay for their services for an entire 12 months before they even get started. But of course, that’s one thing, and then it’s like literally money in the bank account as you start to work with them.
That’s, yeah, that’s where it comes from. So yeah, that’s what I would What did you ask their chs customer health score and then just, there’s lots of different metrics. The bottom line is if all this is new to you it’s probably going to be entirely new to your clients. This is something you might wanna, if you do agree with me, that it’s, you know, it’s product, product, product of a billionaire would to be advising you.
And they would say, Well, if you really want to crack it and you wanna build a company that hits anything close to what my company did. I’m just gonna tell you one thing. It’s what’s the relationship between your product and the clients that use it, and that’s gonna tell you how far you’re gonna go, right?
So, measuring these types of things, like time to value, you know, like for, for your client, help them with that. And frequency, breadth, depth. That’s how you get there. So,
[00:16:04] Christian: so dubb at the end of the day, right, It’s the, what gets measured gets managed right there. Yep. There you go. So, so I, I guess, you know, find out what, what are, what’s the 20% of the a of the hundred, right?
Then what’s the 80% you don’t need to measure. Like, that’d be kinda the curious one, right? What’s the percent you need to, to. Manage, but it’s amazing how few people are, are actually looking at metrics and they don’t even know what metrics to look at. And, and now let’s, let’s, let’s actually pivot that for a second because one of the biggest things that we should be managing is ourselves, right?
So, and obviously cuz we, we actually had a question like, well, what, what if your client is just poor at managing themselves? You know, do you have a formula way to, you know, easily help direct them? I, I’d be, I’d be curious because I’ve seen some of your work ethic in the gym and it’s piss poor, I’m not gonna lie.
Rule number one, don’t get injured. Sounds me like you just don’t wanna push too hard shoots, but in business you’re a savage. So it’s interesting how you turn that on and off, but when you are, talk and manage yourself. See what I did there, right? You didn’t see that one. How, what, what? What tips or formulas would you say you could give somebody either to either manage themselves or help their clients help
[00:17:25] Karl: themselves?
Yeah. Nice. By the way, nice pivot. Nice pivot shoots. There you go. Making road not a, it’s not, it’s not amateur. Okay.
[00:17:35] Christian: Like that, that ended after year one and a half of the podcast
[00:17:39] Karl: we’re seasoned veterans. That’s it. Okay. So look I like, good question. Managing self, you know, you gotta, you know, I’m not, you know what I mean?
Tony, any, if you’re a coach of any you know, with any credibility, you know that managing yourself, managing your emotions, doing the same, you know, for and with your clients is killer. But, you know, like, it’s kinda like a new undertaking in the modern world where, The starting point would be like, work out your true strengths and weaknesses and not perceived, right?
Like a few hundred years ago, you didn’t need to manage yourself, right? You didn’t, you didn’t have many choices. You were born a peasant and you’d stay a peasant. You’d were born a merchant and you, you’d stay a mor merchant, right? Everything was kind of handed to you and you had little choice in the matter.
You know, we grew up assuming that. You know, people have like a MBA or somebody’s got a PhD and like they’re the smartest of all. Or that, you know, somebody’s a highly religious figure and then you assume that, well, they must be more honest than the average. So, you know, is the PhD smarter and more effective, more efficient?
And then is the highly religious person more honest and the answer. Maybe right sometimes, but I, I, I don’t know. You know what I mean? You, you possibly could find yourself brutally disappointed. And if you speak to somebody who’s been around the block a little bit, that’s normally where that conversation would go.
Right? Like Rooke, here’s an interesting point, right? Like scientific research will tell you in. I think we talked about this a bit on the pre-shoot. Was it the pre Yeah, I think it was, I don’t know, pre-show or the, when we got started here, but the, the Stanley Cup was handed out and, you know, the one team lost, clearly one team won high five to the Avalanche.
Right? Nice one. But like, it, it, it, it, what do I wanna say? It hurts twice as much to lose. As winning makes you feel good. Am I doing a good job? That making anybody sense? If you, you went to Vegas and you put 50 bucks down and you turned it into eight grand and you’re 15 minutes into your, you know, your night at New York.
New York, right? Then you lose, so you, you went 50 and, what do I say? You turn it into eight grand and then you lose half of it towards the end of the, You will go home feeling depressed, right? What happened? Your brain fools you and forgets that you actually made $4,000 a profit, and you’re just thinking about the eight grand, right?
This is where, you know, your mind plays tricks on you when you’re trying to like, you know, like managing one self. Like I talk about science, I tell you, you, you know, you don’t know. What your true strengths are. You think you know, but I gotta tell you, you’re usually wrong and, and you’re also bad at identifying your own weaknesses.
And again, this isn’t my opinion, like these are, this is what science is telling us. Right? And I’ll tell you another thing. Road dog, we talk about feedback and data and like, you know, measurements. Most people, and I’m gonna say like 95%, and that’s just a throwaway number, but it’s like really, really high.
They’re not using real feedback and results to learn, what am I gonna call it? The truth quote, unquote, about themselves, right? Like, they’re go, what are they doing? They’re going with their gut, and what does gut stand for? Gave up thinking, right? Like, here’s a way to do it. Self-assess the past, like, what have you Always succeeded.
And what have you all, like, what have you almost always, you know, fell away from, or we’ll call it fail That right? And brutal honesty is totally required here. And then what you gotta do is like direct all of your focus and energy into the things that you’ve always succeeded at. Like that right there, you talk about 80 20, it’s way more exciting than that, but it’s 80 20, it’s, it’s closer to a one 50, right?
Where you’re, you’re dialing in on what you’re good at. But the problem is if you’re not assess. There’s a really good chance that you’re guessing wrong, right? So, and like people, like, don’t try to change everything about yourself, right? Like it’s so bloody hard and horrifically ineffective. You gotta stop the bad habits.
And then, like I said a minute ago, like really work to those, not just the strengths, but what I’m talking about is your natural strengths. That there’s a decent chance you’re a little bit off on. Like, don’t look, don’t take, don’t try to turn your weaknesses into strengths. That’s what I’m saying there.
And now to complicate that a little bit. You might think that you’re weak at something, but because you’re gonna do a ruthless, brutally honest self assessment, you might actually find that it’s just a bad habit, right? Like you’re not actually weak in a particular area, although you thought it’s just this bad habit that’s lingering, right?
So, so brutal honesty and measurement is gonna get you the answer there, but that again, like you’re, you don’t know what your strengths. And you know, you’re bad at kind of identifying your own weaknesses. If you thought about that as a frame, a little bit of assessment and with an open, like, do you know what I mean?
Like with an open canvas, you, you might be surprised at where you get to like, okay, let’s just acknowledging true strengths and weaknesses, right? Like most people, they, again, they’re like, they’re wrong, but it’s far more common for people to know what they’re not good at. And then even more, like more people are, you know, more people are wrong than right.
Like what I’m trying to get at is that you’re probably guessing you’re not using real feedback from your own life. And you’re, and by the way, your clients are also doing this, which is what I’m trying in my head. I’m trying to, I got these hamsters running where I’m trying to kind of bring it back to like what, Like that’s the relationship that your clients got.
Like they actually think that they’re good at something and they’re. And then they think that they’re bad at something and it’s actually just a bloody bad habit that they haven’t conquered. Right? So, you know, if you, if you can only perform from strength you know, you can’t build high performance on weakness, right?
And you know, you can’t, you, you’ve ever seen American Idol, if you can’t bloody sing, you can’t bloody sing. You can wear a pink suit and wear, you know, dress up like a clown and be like super good looking or super weird or whatever, but you’re not gonna quite get there. Right? And like past failures weren’t from lack of discipline or lack of willpower, is just the fact that you weren’t good at it, right?
Your clients weren’t good at it. And again, Your, your brain. So then why does that happen? I guess, and it’s, you’ve heard us everybody, Tony Robbins has certainly talked about this. Tons. We’ve talked about it on the podcast, but your brain is designed for survival, right? But it’s also designed to kind of trick you a little bit, like you’ve got these inbuilt cognitive biases, which again, if you listen to the podcast, we talked about it to death below writing.
You know, cognitive biases and the more popular ones and the ones that are, you know, really relevant in a coaching relationship. Like what we’re really trying to do, we have 50 of them. We’re trying to rank what the top 10 are for some mental acceleration that we’re doing. And we find that like get these inbuilt cognitive biases that make you overestimate your positive qualities and then underestimate your negative ones, right?
So on average, like people think on average their IQ is quite a bit higher than it actually is. Right. And that’s, This is 80 20, not my opinion. This is science. Right. And by the way, women tend to underestimate their IQ and then men tend to overestimate it, which again, I find interesting, right? But like, people don’t, you’ll do a survey and you’ll find that 90% of the people think that they’re over average again, Like people are tricking them, you know, There’s no brutal honesty or no assessment, no data.
So they’re all just assuming they’re over average, right? Like the, there was a, a steady done on. Was it the people that were like, like as drivers, how many people thought they were above average driver and it was like 90 plus percent thought that they were above average drivers? Like, that’s impossible cuz obviously it, you know, even 50%, you’re either below it or above it and like 90 plus percent thought that they were.
In the higher bracket, right? Or maybe football season. We talk about hockey every year. You know, I’m adamant that the, the Leafs are gonna win the, the Stanley Cup. Never bloody do, can’t get outta the first round. But it’s, you know, football season’s gonna be coming. And it’s like, if you’re a passionate fan, you look at your team and no matter what the experts say, you think they got a real.
We’re certainly, you know, the vast majority of the team supporters feel that, right? Unless they’re in the middle, you know, the beginning of a really hardcore rebuild, they, they really think that they got a chance like this is gonna be their year. Right? And, and people think that, like generally, if you look at, this isn’t my opinion, this is like stats.
This is science. People think that they’re smarter than they actually are. People also think that they’re better looking than they actually. Right. And the science will tell you much like 90 plus percent people thinking they’re above average driver. That it’s just a bit of delusion or like, what was that?
Road dog, that flight, you know, the Malaysian flight three 70 comes to mind, right? Like it went straight into the ocean, right? Like, like That like horrific scenario, right? It was like five years ago. But people with family on board and on that flight, they are positive that their loved ones are still alive, right?
Or a mom of a brutal criminal, right? The worst of the worst, absolutely believes that her son, her daughter, is innocent despite insane amounts of proof, right? If that’s the reality, what’s the underlying issue? Well, what, what leads people to use their ga gave up thinking and be ridiculously off and, you know, not be in tune with their strengths and completely misdiagnosed their weaknesses and go to American Idol and actually cry when, you know, Simon Cow says, Oh my gosh, you’re absolutely brutal.
You’re not going to the next, you, you see them, right? Like they’re ball and they actually thought they were really, really good. So what is it? It’s. Like a hundred percent. Like it’s fear of not, you know, addressing reality. And then if fear is the problem, what’s the solution? It’s one word real simple. And I talked about this on a, you know, on a weekend and it said courage.
Courage is the solution. It can solve almost everything for you, for your clients, for road dog, for me for our kids, for your best friend, for the guy that’s smoking. You know, if you can, and you, you, here’s what I would recommend, right? Like, if you see your clients, you see yourself maybe in what I’m describing every time you go to start something, right?
Cause again, I’m, I’m defining problems here. Like, what is the solution? Let’s say that you wanna go in a diet you’re gonna do a project, you’re gonna hire a new staff member. You’re gonna form, you’re gonna form a new mastermind. You’re gonna create, you’re gonna start a business. You’re gonna create a business.
You’re gonna start a second business, which is normally a horrible idea, by the way. But anyways you know, you’re gonna do a Facebook ad campaign, write down in detail what you expect the result to be in six months. Right? And then, and by the way, maybe 90 days to make it a little bit, you know, tighter of six months is too much for you to swallow, but like six months and.
Re like, revisit what you expected to happen in six months, and then use that feedback to determine your strengths and weaknesses. And good chance of what I just described is something that you’ve never done, your clients have never done. And it’s just, it, it’s, it’s not the, it’s not the done thing. Right?
And that is why people struggle to self-assess to. Yeah, they just, they, they, their strengths and weaknesses, they got it all mixed up, right? And, and remember your brain like it wants to trick you, right? So again, you don’t measure, don’t acknowledge. And then what we do instead is we change directions, right?
We decide that instead of we’re gonna Facebook, we’re gonna go to YouTube, and instead of going to YouTube, we’re gonna go to TikTok. And instead of starting a business in this niche where instead of being a business coach, I’m gonna go and be a management consultant, I’m gonna go into leader. Right. So, and, and that’s how they, and they get there because of these creative excuses.
Right for why it didn’t work out. Like why wasn’t I successful as a business coach? Why was my Facebook ad campaign not successful? Why did the client let me go in 90 days instead of doing a harsh real assessment of it? Like, again, when you take on a client, I want you, you know, write out, like I said a minute ago, exactly what you think is gonna happen.
Let’s say the three month mark, the six month. Right in detail and then revisit those notes. And you might find that, Hang on, I gotta do some self-assessment here that I, I thought I was really motivational and I thought, I was like, you know, you know, Tony Robbins had nothing on me, and all of a sudden all, you know, they didn’t do anything.
They didn’t do anything. They didn’t do anything well. That’s not, there’s no such thing as a bad student. There’s only a bad teacher, right? So, so again, you, you come up with these ideas in your mind, like, you know, Oh, it’s just timing for them and you believe it, and it’s just, No, it’s not. It’s that you didn’t motivate them.
It’s a lack of money, right? It’s lack of talent. It’s lack of age. I’m too old or I’m too young. I don’t have a degree. You just, you come back to resources, right? And the ultimate resource is to be resource. Right. But a but a real and harsh self assessment would quickly determine that, you know, lack of leadership lack of passion, maybe possibly passion for the wrong thing.
You might be passionate about your own bank account, but not passionate about your client’s bank account. Well might not. You know what I mean? That might not be the best thing. Or maybe you just, you know, legitimately lacking the management skills, the leadership skills to, to follow through. And then the question is, do you got it?
Is, is that a bad habit or do you just suck at it and you need to, you know, very much think about it. Am am I in the right place? Right. So, I don’t know, I’m kinda, I. This is Rabbit Hole city. But anyways
[00:31:44] Christian: you’re on a, you’re on a massive rabbit hole. The, the one thing that I will say is you talk about mindset.
Yeah. And the one thing that came to my mind, cuz you talked about like the it hurts twice as much to lose. Yeah. It’s interesting cuz here we go. We’ve got some deep philosophical lines coming up from our, one of our favorite shows, Shorey. He was talking about how the younger generation. Here’s what he says.
It’s not that they don’t love to win, it’s that they don’t hate to lose.
[00:32:14] Karl: True, true. And that is like, you’re, you’re saying that that’s, that’s, you believe that to be real. Is that right? Like Yeah, a hundred
[00:32:23] Christian: percent. 100%. Because it’s, it’s easier to, because you talk about bouncing from like, let’s just say one campaign to another as an example.
Oh, that didn’t work out. Okay. Well, I’m gonna move to the next one because I’m gonna win there. Okay. Well, you just got beat so you don’t hate to lose because you’re, you’re always just thinking you’re gonna win it the next thing, rather than having that harsh self assessment. Right. Of wow. Like, okay. It, it’s, I think that that’s part of kind of a bigger problem.
But anyways, I don’t want to go down a huge rabbit hole because I totally. And you’ve lured me into yours, so this is not cool. But can you, can you, can you give me sort of just a practical business example to play this out and get this back on track?
[00:33:13] Karl: I dunno, that’s Rod’s way of saying, shoot, I gotta step in here and Practical example. Practical example. Look, Go three. Okay, go three levels. It’s probably what you gotta do. Like let’s say it’s somebody we hear all the time. You’re gonna hire a, you’re a business coach and need to hire a lead generator, right? But it doesn’t end up happening. And if I ask you why, you go one later deep.
And the answer would be something like, Oh no, good people available. The good ones want too much money. It’s too expensive. And then if I went deeper, why go one level deeper? Right. Maybe the answer is that, you know, people work for things they believe in, like they, you know, they, they wanna, they wanna work for not a person.
They wanna work for a bit of a cause and a vision and a visionary is the kind of person that they get attracted to. Right? So when, when you interviewed them, they asked you how much are you gonna. And then you told them, and then guess what happened? The discussion kinda ended there. Right? I’ve, I’ve said many a times, like when I’m hiring a new staff member, the last thing that we talk about is the money, and it’s a one hour conversation and I’m talking about the vision where we’re going.
You know what I mean? Like I’m really selling the vision of the company and then we get to the, you know what I mean, the Xs and O’s and I get tell you that very consistently that that’s why folks stick around and you road, you know, like my staff, you know, Big Al just had his tenure anniversary. Chris has been with us for, I think it’s eight or nine years.
Craig’s been with me personally. My right hand man for 13 four. I’m gonna say 13 years, might be 14, might be 12. I think it’s 13 years. You know, Adrian and I were on 12 or 13, right? As my business partner, total legend. My, my bookkeeper she’s been with me for over a decade. My number one sales guy, Scott Walker, showed out to him, legend late for the Pittsburgh.
He’s a Pittsburgh pirate, very cool guy. And you know, he’s been around for a decade, so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That’s, you know what I mean? But they’re not staying for, you know, what they’re staying for is that they’re, they, they really believe that we’re doing something special here. We have an internal call.
You know, that onboarding stuff, that big part of it, it’s like, here’s, it’s not just what we’re doing, it’s why we’re doing it. Right? So anyway, Okay. So, okay, you go, why if you just got on the phone and started talking about numbers, don’t be surprised when they don’t end up working for you. Right. And then let’s go, you know, why one deeper, which you kind of just did, but it’s like you don’t have a vision for your company.
You know, and the positive influence that you’re gonna have on local businesses in the community. And that’s why you can’t detract the team, and that’s why people aren’t willing to refute, refer you your services, et cetera. And then it’s the same with the jv, right? Oh, I, I, I can’t convince the accountant.
They all seem interested, but nobody follows through. Go three le, go three levels deep. And you might find the same thing happens, right? Like you’re gonna find that there’s a fundamental business flaw as your weakness. Shout out to what I said a minute ago. Like, you’re, you’re, you don’t realize that you, you think you’ve got a vision, but I ask you what your vision is and you don’t have one.
And then when you speak to somebody who’s gonna work for you, you’re not telling ’em that. I got bad news, right? If I go to your website, I can’t read it. If I go to your LinkedIn profile, I can’t read about it, et cetera, right? But again, it’s kinda undiagnosed and you are bad at recognizing your own weaknesses.
And you’re no good at recognizing your strengths, by the way. And again, sometimes you’re ridiculously off and the weakness is actually a bad habit, right? So You know, and, and rode dog. I said a minute ago, Courage, right? Courage can solve everything, but it’s hard to go there. You know, like so many people, they just stay on the surface, you know?
And it’s like, road dog, you and I like, we love getting together and having a beer and it’s like our conversations are any, like, if anybody listening in, they’re anything but surface level. You know what I mean? Like, We go deep fast. And you like it. I like it. And that’s why we love to have a fear together, right?
And that, and certain people are like that, but it, that takes a little bit of courage. It takes a little bit of vulnerability, you know, not to make out, like everything is all wonderful. So anyway, so courage fear, if fear’s driving you, you’re, you’re not able to, to grab. You know, and then, and maybe also road dog for some, truthfully, right?
Here’s the problem. You’re listening to this. There’s a chance that this is a problem for you. If you’re 80% of the population with oxygen and blood through your body, you jump from thing to bloody thing. Right, Like there’s your problem, right? That’s why the guy isn’t working for you. That’s why you don’t have anybody on board.
Cause that’s why you don’t have division, cuz you’re jumping from bloody one thing to the other, right? Like if you’re a bad payer, you attract bad payers. If you’re highly motivational and. Kick, you know, just a crushing individual, you’re gonna, you know what I mean? You, that means that you’ve done a lot of personal development work.
You’re gonna attract those type of people, right? But misdiagnose the problem, and then they blame somebody else. Or don’t, again, don’t get to the real problem. Like a, like a great salesperson, right? Ro dog like you, Like it’s not just about talking smoothly, right? It’s about listening. A really good salesperson listens and actually gives a crap and takes meaningful notes, follows up.
Why do they follow up? Cuz they care. Like they really care. They really believe. If you’re not sold, you can’t sell it, right? So like, what would I say? Like focus on how.
Focus on the strengths you lack in an important area. Okay, and let’s assume that’s lead generation. We’ll find a partner if you suck at generating leads. Find a way to influence the accountant, the business broker, the promotional company, right? Build on your strengths. To get to world class. Like that’s what you gotta do.
Don’t try to take your weakness and become good at it. Go to your strengths. If you, if you, you show me somebody who’s passionate about something, I’m gonna show you somebody who’s good at something. Like you’re passionate at. You’re passionate cuz you’re good at it, right? The things that you suck at, you are not passionate about.
Once you get past a certain point, right? Once you hit that, that kind of plateau, right? So again, The jv like become world class and watch how fast the accountant is attracted to you as opposed to you being attracted to them. Road dog, we always talk about it. When you do a live event, you know what you gotta do.
You gotta be amazing. Like amazing. And how do you become amazing by not being amazing for a period of time. You gotta get out there and talk and you gotta self-assess and, you know, need to revisit what it, you know, did and did not work. And, you know, how many referrals did you, you know, get and not get?
How many clients did you get and not get, and you know, kind of build on that. I’d also say like, stop loo using like ignorance as an excuse, right? Like, I’m not a people person, I’m just, I’ve been overweight my entire life, so that’s why I’m gonna stay overweight. You know, I just can’t. Cold call is what we hear all, all the time.
It’s like, it’s not about whether or not you can cold call if you’re not willing to cold call that says you’re not all in. You gotta go all in. That’s the secret there. The secret is there is no secret. But you gotta go all in. You don’t need the cold call, but the fact that you won’t cold call means that you’re probably not gonna get there.
Right. And like addressing bad habits, again, people confuse these weaknesses for bad habits. It’s ridiculously common. Like you might think that you lack energy as an example, right? Well, if we took two minutes to reverse engineer something, you might see that on, you know, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night, you’re having a couple pops pretty.
And then, so what’s happening is you’re falling asleep, but with alcohol in your body, you’re not gonna sleep at the level you are without. And then if we look at your daily regime, you’re not working out. And if you’re not working out, guess what? You’re not gonna have as much sleep. So if you kick those bad habits, you might find that you actually have more energy than 50.
You know what I mean? Then your competition times a lot. But it was the bad habit that was holding you back. Right. And importantly, avoid tasks that are weaknesses. You know, if you’re disorganized, but amazing at sales, you gotta hire somebody. Like you have to have an as. You don’t have an executive assistant.
You are one, by the way. But you know, like, you know, if, if you’re not organized, except that you’re not organized, and don’t pretend like you are, but just hire somebody. Unbelievable. And don’t just hire the first damn person and don’t hire the person just because they’re willing to accept the insanely low amount of money that you’re willing to pay them.
Right? Like, like go to somebody. So road dog. That’s what I’d say, Bud, what do you think? Yeah,
[00:41:47] Christian: it’s funny, I, what, what comes up for me is the, the Dan Sullivan who not how, Right? Like yeah. It’s just focus on, on your unique abilities and focus on your strengths. And then just who are you gonna get to do those other things?
Not how are you gonna do them? I just, yeah, that, that’s huge.
[00:42:07] Karl: Absolutely.
[00:42:08] Christian: All right, we’re at the top of the hour, so I, I think we’re just gonna tease the next question I was gonna ask you. And it’s all about accounting, so that if that doesn’t absolutely dry up anybody wanting to listen to the next episode, I don’t know what that’ll take.
But anywho there was a gray question for your book about accounting 1 0 1 for business coaches, but we will take that on next week. So, looking back at sort of, kind of the rabbit holes that you went down today, What’s one thing that you would pull out from today that somebody could actually implement into their business?
Cause there was, there’s a few there, but like, if, if you could only choose one, what’s the one thing that somebody could take and be like, Hey, this is the one thing I’m gonna implement in my business
[00:42:48] Karl: this week. Well it was, it was rabbit hole pill shoots. I’m not gonna lie.
[00:42:54] Christian: Something different, something new, Right?
[00:42:55] Karl: That never happens. Right? I was glad when you jumped in. My mouth was dry sheets. Not the size of your brain. It’s the size of your thinking. I think that that, you know, I, I think that there’s some magic in that. But the one thing, kind of what I just talked about a second ago, but that’s like the solution, right?
Like if you’re, What, what I was trying to say. Not sure if I did a fabulous job. Hopefully everybody picked up what I put down, but like, you’re not really in tune with your strengths and you could be way off on your weaknesses. And by the way, you might be spot on, but the way that you’re gonna get there is by assessing, right?
So let’s, let’s assume that I define the problem that you are out to lunch on your, your client is out to lunch on strength and weaknesses. So what we gotta do is ask the question and go three levels deep, right? Like, again, I can’t, I can’t find a lead generator to work for me. With me, Right? Or I can’t find a joint venture partner and then go That’s, you know what I mean?
Like your first answer would be, you know, I ask why. Then you gimme the answer and that’s the first level. And then we go a second level, and then we go third level. And by the way, there’s no reason why you can’t go five to seven levels. But I gotta tell you, when you get to that third level, and this, cuz this is a very much a fundamental thing, you’re gonna, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re gonna find that there’s just a fundamental flaw.
That you gotta sort out, you know, you just, again, you’re, you’re trying to interview people to work for you and you’re talking, you’re surprised at the fact that you know they’re not gonna work with, for you and you’re just talking about money the entire time. It’s the same, it’s like the daycare, right?
Like they answer the phone. And what does mom say? Where, how much? It’s the first question, right? Like is this the first? But when you search a car, what’s the first thing you look for? How much, when you look for a house, what’s the first thing you search for? How much, right? Like what’s the criteria on the website?
What’s the criteria? Price, Price, Price. It’s the first thing you look at, but guess what? It’s the last thing that you buy on. Right. Cause again, otherwise we’d be all running around in $2,000 cars and that’s clearly not the case, right? So it’s a little bit the same there, where absolutely they, and they need, we have to assume that they’re gonna need to be able to make enough to stay outta poverty, right?
They gotta be able to feed themselves and their family. But that being said, if you have a big enough vision, And a high enough, You know what I mean? If you’re, you’re exercising that or not, not exercising, well, hopefully you’re exercising it, but you’re, you’re presenting it in a way that they think, Wow, this is really the kind of person that I wanna work for.
This is the one kind of cause that I wanna get behind, and this is really something that I feel like I can grow with. And he doesn’t even have a salesperson yet, so I’m gonna be the first one. And maybe we can make this some into something special. And by the way, he’s not good at X, Y, Z. And then those are my skills.
Like I really feel like there’s a good fit here. You know what I mean? Like, they’re not going their road dub, right? Like they’re, they’re just, they’re having a conversation about wages and getting surprised when, you know, people are, are working for them for wages, which probably isn’t gonna be high enough.
What do you think shoots you? Picking up what I’m put
[00:46:02] Christian: down. That make sense? The one thing I, I’ll go deeper on with you real quick, is you’re talking about the size of your think. Can I just challenge you that the size of your thinking is directly correlated to the quality of the questions that you’re asking yourself.
[00:46:19] Karl: Shoot, nice, Nice.
[00:46:22] Christian: What do you say? Right? Cause it’s all based on that. Like, it’s the, You gotta ask better questions. So if you’re asking yourself, I need to make, how do I put more money in my bank account? That’s a, that’s not a great question, right? Yeah. Like, what do you, what do I need to deliver? Then who do I need to?
There you go. I Right. All of that. Yeah. I could go down a massive rabbit hole with you right now. Shoots. We could, this, this could be a five hour podcast, but we’re gonna cut it short there unless there’s something else you wanna finish on that you want more? No,
[00:46:52] Karl: we’re good. No, I, That’s right. It’s, it’s thinking is nothing more and nothing less than asking and answering questions to yourself when you listen to Tony Robbins.
If he’s talking for an hour, you’re gonna see that 40 minutes of it is him asking you questions. So if if thinking is asking and answering questions to yourself, what he’s really doing is directing. Your thoughts, right? And then, so what happens is you, that’s by the way, hypnosis NLP 1 0 1, and that’s what happens.
You fall into a little bit of a trance and that’s why Tony Robbins is Tony Robbins. So, so, yeah. Under that’s, you know, the questions you were asking yourself. If you wanna know why you’re thinking at a low, medium, or high level road dog, just hit it. You’re, you’re not asking big enough questions. Start asking bigger ones.
So there you go. Shoot, That’s what we
[00:47:41] Christian: Album. We end with a compliment to me. Holy smokes. Record this. What day is it? I’m gonna have to go ahead and just save this episode. All right everybody. Thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the Man, the Myth and the legend himself, King Karl.
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And of course, as always, we’d appreciate it if you would rate this episode as we know. It’ll move us up the ranks, and that is it for another week. We will see you in the next episode. To remember folks, progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody.
[00:48:30] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit Acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an.
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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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