BCS: 148 | Presentation Framework + How To Practice Your Presentation

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 148: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Presentation framework
– How to practice your presentation?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 148
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding insights. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls churches around the world. Welcome to another episode, business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road dog. When with none other than the man, the myth, the legend Dr. Karl Bryan is in practice today. Ready to serve up. And surgically remove any of the problems that you have inside of your coaching business.
[00:01:02] Karl: Oh, shoot, shoot. You poetic. Well done. And I am not a doctor. I don’t know if the doctor’s saying somebody is going to be like, oh my God, he’s putting themselves you. I’m not a doctor. I do not have a PhD. I do not have, I am not a medical doctor. Most definitely. And they might not, but they wouldn’t even, they’d look at my application and use this toilet paper because that’s how it would be worth. So.
[00:01:28] Christian: End of the day you are a PhD. You’re pretty handsome, dude. And I don’t even, I don’t even know why I’d want to be on your good side. All right. Listen, to get onto your bad side, your jokes are terrible.
What’s this conversation with your wife says, you call an older woman who dates younger men, a Cougar. What’s an older man that dates younger women called rich. I love that. He says in all seriousness when we were hiking the other day with the dogs, I think I saw a Cougar you replied with. Yeah, I almost pooped my pants.
And you’re now going to refer to your drunk aunt no longer is a cater, a hands hands-on approach. Life coach, listen, your family dinners are far more exciting than mine.
[00:02:29] Karl: You’re champs. Anyway, there you go. Folks. You’re not getting the joke. I spend a lot of time on those bad boys. Get on the email list and gentlemen,
[00:02:37] Christian: listen, I need on the list, maybe on the email list and I read the jokes and sometimes I still don’t get them. So so there
[00:02:45] Karl: you go. You wouldn’t be the only one.
So don’t worry about that. My wife gets, so I ended up in trouble. Consistently anyways, what’s going on shoots. So we got some questions. What are we doing here?
[00:02:56] Christian: Yeah. Yeah. So, so this is sort of a continuation last week. You know, we talked about frameworks for doing a presentation. I believe that was last week.
Anyways, the question here that came in was just asking if you can go a little bit deeper and, and just sort of help them with that. So again, just frameworks, obviously. Especially you and I probably more so than a lot of other people love talking about live events. And but anyway, so with that in mind, I’m I would assume that that’s what they’re talking about.
I’m sure a lot of this could probably be converted to some sort of online format, but the general question was here a framework for doing a presentation. And if you could dive deeper into
[00:03:37] Karl: that.
Yeah, I think that was last week. We talked about that. So I think so last week, what we talked about is okay, so here’s a framework. I’m about to do a presentation. I’ve got a proper amount of time. Let’s call that at least one hour. You know, two hours would be much better than one. You can go deeper and educate them at a higher level.
Yeti, Yeti, Yeti, but here’s the framework. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. And then tell them what you just told them. Right. So maybe so an example you know, I will go over, we’ll go over three simple steps to driving traffic online for your coaching business as an example. And then two, so then it would be, oh, sorry.
Then no number one would be three simple steps and then I would give them, like, I’m going to explain lead. I’m going to explain conversion and then I’m going to explain fulfillment. Okay. So again, so today guys, I’m going to go over three simple, simple steps to driving traffic online. It’s going to be lead conversion fulfillment.
That’s what I’m about to tell you. Right. And then I tell you, okay, so what was number one? I said leads. So I would talk about Lee. And then I would give them a framework for generating leads. Like here’s how you do it again. Ideally 1, 2, 3, a, B or C that’s section kind of we’ll call it number two.
Cause section number one is tell them what you’re going to tell them. Section number two is tell them. Section number three is tell them what you just told them. Right? So that was number one. Number two is I’m explaining leads. I’m explaining conversion and I’m explaining fulfillment. This is where I’m delivering value.
And if they don’t buy from me or they do buy for me at the end of the day, they’re going to walk into the room and they’re going to understand those three things. And then what I would do is tell them what I just told them. Say, guys, we’ve been here for an hour. I’ve been here for two hours. What you just learned is this, you now know how three simple steps no me to overcomplicate.
No need to go down rabbit holes to three steps to, you know, driving traffic online for your coaching businesses. Two and three congratulations. And then by the way, and that’s it. And that you tell them what you’re gonna tell them. You tell them, then tell them what you just told them. Now, if I wanted the clothes, you okay.
So when I’m gonna get you to stand up, run to the back of the room and hand over your credit card. What I would do is I would basically rewind the three things that I just described. And I would give you solution to all three of them. So if you buy today, you stand up and you race in the room and you’re one of the first hundred people to buy XYZ and hand me your credit card for $2,000 or whatever number it is you are going to get.
Part. One of my program is lead generation. I am going to solve your problem. You were never going to have to worry about leads ever again, after completing and doing my program. The second thing that I’m going to do, if you buy for me is we’re going to talk about conversion and I’m going to provide you a framework.
I am prepped provides you the solution to everything you’re ever going to want to know about getting in front of somebody and effectively getting their credit card and having them jump for joy and salivate in order to do so. That’s number two and three. After you’ve generated the lead, then you fulfillment, you’re going to have to fulfill.
So the other thing that I’m going to do is I’m going to solve your problem on fulfillment, blah, blah, blah. And that’s how basically I’m just rewinding the three steps. So, so that is what we talked about. Here’s something internally you know, with our internal, like my clients that are working with our software and what.
What if you only have 15 minutes? Okay. So you go to, which is common, you know, and not everybody feel comfortable, you know, getting up there for one to, you know, whatever number of hours to deliver a massive amount of value. Fear of public speaking could be part of it. A lack of experience and a fear of question can be part of it, which by the way, I’d get over that.
But if you’ve only got 15 minutes, what I would encourage you to do before I start. And you gave me 15 minutes with your audience. I would a million percent start with this in my head. I would say, what is the learning objectives? Of the 25 people in the room when I am done, what am I trying to accomplish?
What, what is the, you know, what’s the learning objective? What do I want to walk? What do I want them to walk out the back door? What did they buy for me? Or not fill out the form or not speak to me ever again or not? What do I want them to walk away and understand? Right. So I would, I would create that.
And just as a little bit of a film over that, Conversation and probably the other one, the other framework. And I’ve talked about this a lot, but I just continue to talk about it. Cause it’s so important. As a film over top of my presentation is I would be standing again. Rather than singing kumbaya again, internally, we talked about this to death, but it’s so important.
And what I mean by that is jumping up and down and saying how amazing, like, you know, like goal-setting gosh, all you gotta do is understand a particular activating system, your butter red Toyota, and notice that there’s red Toyotas everywhere. Well, if you can, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I think we might’ve talked about this last week.
Did we go over this last week? You tell me the red Toyota reticular activating system. Remember, I want to repeat myself, literally
[00:08:43] Christian: just had this conversation yesterday, but yeah, I don’t
[00:08:48] Karl: repetition.
[00:08:49] Christian: I believe, I believe they say repetition is the mother of all skills, so let’s just.
[00:08:54] Karl: Okay. Nice. Nice. So bottom line is goal setting.
The average coach will get up there and talk about goal-setting and get all pumped up and say, it’s going to be so amazing and explain the reticular activating system and see if you’ve ever bought a red Toyota. And then you jump into Toyota and you’re like, there’s red Toyotas everywhere, but you didn’t see them yesterday before you bought it.
How does that. Right. And it’s like, and so, and this is going to be the thing that once we set your sights on your goal, your reticular activating system is going to kick into gear. And it’s going to allow you to see all of the things that you need in order to gain the skills and the contacts and the network in order to accomplish your goal, blah, blah, blah.
That’s kumbaya, which is okay. And that’s got a place in your presentation. What I’d be doing is doing some, like, stand against that, right? Like why do most people set it? Like how many people that set a new year’s resolution, a company. Well, it never happened. And then I’d be like, why? So here’s what I do.
Like what about if you had four instead of celebrating, like, you know, creating new year’s resolutions, what if you did quarterly resolutions and then that way, every three months you’re setting your goals. Wouldn’t you accomplish maybe a little bit more, if you were doing that four times a year strategically you know, and with, and by the way, I’m your coach and I’m gonna hold you accountable.
Like that show I’m standing against. You know, goal-setting once a year, I explained that it never actually works, which I’d be correct. And they know it. And then I say, well, my solution to that is X, Y, Z. And you come up with a hundred different examples and frankly, a lot better than that. But as a film over top with my learning objective, as opposed to jump up and down and sing kumbaya, that’s rampant in the coaching space.
And I’d be a little bit careful with that. I might just, so look, when you’re having a presentation, three, three words, give to write these down. Certainly commit them to memory, but it’s cognitive, emotional, physical. The worst thing that you can do is stand up there and just spit things at people. And not having them emotionally invested in physically invested.
But again, Tony Robbins personally, I love him. You might love him. You might hate him. He’s very successful. You’d be crazy not to learn from what he’s doing and that’s that. What does he do? He gets up, he gets people crying. It’s just, you know, there’s a very much very emotional, you know, like the music, the massages, all that sort of stuff going through is all designed to entertain you and elevate your emotional state, the very real and tangible way.
So there’s cognitive. Cognitive is you should road dog. You should wake up at 5:00 AM every morning. You’d accomplish. And then he goes, yeah, I know that. I’ve heard that before. Sure. I’m going to do it. Of course he doesn’t do it. Right. And then emotional is what road? Doug, if you woke up at 5:00 AM and you currently wake up at 7:00 AM, wouldn’t we be creating like two extra, two extra hours in your day.
And by the way, with the kids. So they wake up at seven. So we can, you have two hours on your own. And imagine if you worked on your business in your business, could you imagine how much more you’d accomplish? So let’s do some math here quickly. By the end of the year, you’ll put another $350,000 in your bank accounts as a result of that, something like that.
Right? Emotional. Attach it to, right? So if you wake up to do, to do, to do let’s do it, and then physical, what we do is we set the alarm clock, get them up at five o’clock every morning for 21 days. And then what happens on day 22, he no longer needs the alarm clock. It automatically happens. And he’s got the benefit of the extra two hours, right?
So you see how cognitive we explain it. We attach an emotional reason. Maybe it’s making more money. Maybe it’s more time with his kids. Maybe it’s more sexual this wife, maybe it’s, whatever it is. And emotional reason and then physical, I think that’s important. And then road dug pretty deep here, but I might look here’s another framework like business coaching mastery and Cancun.
I started the day. I basically presented for the vast majority of day. Number one, I didn’t have a confidence monitor. I didn’t have a bunch of PowerPoints with a zillion different slides. I literally have. I basically just talk for hours on end without a framework. And I did have some slides and I had one word on 90% of the slides, not trying to pat myself on the back, but I’m not like, you know, what’s the guy’s name, Jim quick.
Like, I’m not like a you know, a master, you know, a memory guy. That’s not what I am. What I had was a. Framework would look like this. So if I was going to do a long presentation, I really wanted to crush it. Here’s the one that I use and has been very successful with for me. You might be able to steal it, use it exactly.
Or you might want to adjust it, but just three words, question, problem, solution. This is a little bit different than the way I’m number one. Tell them what I’m going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you just told them would kind of be like my selling frame. And then this would be the one that I really want a job, the audience that I want to send them away with my clients as an example, this would be the framework that I would use as opposed to the other one.
And there’s a place for each you’ll need to do. There’s people way better than I to teach you on this stuff, but hopefully this will help you on your journey. Certainly give you a foundation. So. Problem solution. So I asked the audience a question, and if you listen to Tony Robbins talk, you’re going to find out what he does is just ask you a bunch of questions and then you wonder why you feel so hypnotized by him.
Okay. Question is time. So time management, we’ll assume it’s going to be part of my presentation. Probably should be if you’re a business coach, because you got energy and time, that’s it? Those are the foundation. Right. Is time using you or you, you using time, right? Or, you know, do you know what 80, 20, is there something to that effect, but I’d ask a question around time management, intentionally drawn towards that.
And I go the problem. Well, most people have heard, like I said, 80, 20. So do you. Do you have a time management schedule and are you using 80 20? And then the problem is most people have heard of 80 20, and then because they they’ve heard of it, they think that they know it. But when we do about two minutes of research, we can clearly see they’re not exercising it in any way.
Right. But again, if you have 10 things to do. There’s two things on the to-do list that basically are 80% of the value. So you should just drop the other rate and go immediately to the two, right? That’s the solution. So the solution is to basically identify your 80 20, take 10 things, identify the two, and then really what you should do at the beginning of the day.
If you just came up with three things that you’re going to accomplish in any one day, because road dogs not getting done is to do list. I’m not getting done mine. You know, anybody, Tony Robins, just from getting through his to-do list today, identify three things that you’re going to accomplish every single day.
Do those. And then what will happen is you will get momentum so that you will get so many more of the other eight tasks knocked over. It’ll blow your mind. Right? Moral of the story is have a framework when you’re doing your presentation, because the end of the day, remember it’s not about. What about road?
Dog’s not about it is about your audience. You got 10 25, 50, a hundred, 500, 5,000 people in the audience. It’s not about you. It’s not about how much money you can make. It’s about delivering the absolute you know, as much value as you possibly can. So I know that starting with the framework is going to make a lot of sense.
So that’s my I think what they’re looking for there was tell them what you’re going to tell him, tell him and tell him what you told them. But again, I wouldn’t, there’s other frameworks and whatnot, as you know, what do you think about,
[00:16:22] Christian: you know, it’s pretty cool that we look up to the same people. The difference for me is I’m typically sitting down.
So there’s that. Hey listen, I just wanted to go a little deeper on that just because when you’re talking presentations that totally blew over your head, which again, there’s a joke right there. Like all these short jokes are just coming to me today, dude.
[00:16:42] Karl: It’s unreal.
[00:16:42] Christian: Oh my God. It’s too much. I hope somebody caught that because it was anyway.
Listen, we talk about doing presentations. I just want to go a little bit deeper on that because we’ve talked about it before and practicing the presentation. Like I just think it’s so important. Can they, can you talk about that? Like how do you practice your presentation? Because again, it’s easy for you to give a frame.
But if they’re just going to blow it anyways, what’s the point of even getting up on stage, right?
So how you practice.
[00:17:20] Karl: Yeah. Okay. So I like it. I’m just gonna make sure that you know, your stuff and this comes back to respecting your audience and no doubt as we say that, everybody. Oh, of course, you know, respect your audience. It’s platitudinal but again, show me how much practice you did before your presentation.
Then we know how your, you know, how good you are going to your presentation. I remember it’s not about that specific presentation. The framework is to build. You know, a body of work, she can ultimately get that compounding effect and really crush it. But here’s what I do is. Yeah, actually, here’s the problem that I see, right, is that people will practice the first we’ll call it their opening and the first one, third of their presentation for like 80% of the time that they spend practicing and then they never get to the bottom part of the middle.
And then very importantly, don’t get to the close. And let me tell you, when you do a presentation, there’s two parts that are most important by kind of a long way. If your goal is to really impact them and that’s coming in like the opening. Oh, you see somebody walking into the ocean and you can tell. I get this guy’s a local, you know, you can kind of tell this guy, like a surfer.
He walks into the water with a little bit of purpose and the water doesn’t really affect them. And then somebody who’s not used to ocean water, which is a little bit on the cold side, you know, they walk in and then take a step back. It’s pretty obvious. For everybody at the beach to know kind of what’s going on.
Or my dad always said, and I’ve said this on the podcast podcast before. When when you jump on a horse, the horse knows who’s in control long before you do right with again, the purpose, the way that you hold yourself, the way you grabbed the range, the way you squeeze your legs to do, to do, to do. So, so they know, so your opening is absolutely critical and your closest one that you should know upside down, right side back, you know, right side up.
Did he tell you to do so practice those? So what I do is I start at the end and I moved towards the beginning. One side, got myself comfortable. And I would definitely start with a table of contents. When I write a book, I build intellectual property, which I’ve done. Two decades. Maybe more for a long, long time built intellectual property, you know, like what we do in a lot of ways, right.
With the company, turn it into software, but it’s intellectual property start with a table of contents. Right. And mostly it’s like, imagine if you built the golf course without plans. Imagine if you built the house without plans, it would never happen. And then I want you to think of, if you’ve ever seen the plans of a house getting built, how detailed that.
How many pages are there and it is just unbelievable. Well, the plans for the average business, unfortunately, and I’m not talking about a business plan that you walk in, you know, and get off the internet and you walk into the bank. So you can get, you know, 80 grand or 800 grand or whatever number you’re looking for.
I’m talking about like a roadmap, you know, something that’s talking about profitability anyways road, Doug, the framework that I use is I get to know my presentation. I always start with the table of contents, but once I’ve got it, like when I did a full day, And I’m Ken UNCW and I started the end and then moved my way to the beginning.
Cause I know I’m always going to get the first, third, and that’s the problem most people have. So that’s how I do it.
[00:20:37] Christian: The other thing I just want to add to that as well. One thing that I like to do is a, take a deep breath before I start and I always take off my watch and then that way I am it’s right beside I do.
It’s beside my no. Because what do I typically do? I just want to blast through it, right? Like down, because odds are good. What I think is doing so painfully slow, others are like, oh my God, I can’t even keep up. Right. So that’s probably another mistake that most people would make. It’s probably going way too fast, trying to power through everything.
So there’s, there’s that one other thing, cause now again, you’ve got my brain going on this presentation thing. How do you, cause there’s always going to be somebody in the audience, right? That’s going to want to either be like me joke too much with you, or maybe they’re a bit of a smart ass or maybe they want to, you know, kind of almost put on display how smart they are.
How do you keep certain people in check? How do you keep control? Especially with. You’re asking questions, like how do you maintain.
[00:21:47] Karl: Yes. Hi five, by the way. Cause again, that can be a little bit challenging because you do want interaction, but you don’t want somebody to take over. I’ll tell you this before I answer you still want a hockey rink and I did a lot of hockey coats. When I started the hockey school, my spidey senses, they get on the rink.
My one 50 moment was to identify who the smart ass is. And normally it’s one of the, if it’s not the best kid, it’s one of the top five, for sure. Almost always. So identify who that is and really early, I get him to help me. Hey buddy. Like I need somebody to move the pox. I’ll always go pat him on the button and you’re a pretty good skater.
Hey, see those parks there. Hey, can you do this for me? And then he, you know what I mean? Like, so I get him on side. If you’ve got that room and I would identify who that guy is immediately and it’s going to be real obvious. Anyway, so here’s what I do though. All questions. Cause that guy will want to start talking to everybody else in the room.
So I say, guys, if we could, we’ve only got two hours together. And the goal, my goal is the same as your goal. And that is to get as much value as possible for today. I would like all questions to be channeled through me. So if you let’s say that somebody is giving you an answer and you want to answer Dave over on the other side of the, the the room.
Can you please. Channel it to me. And then I’ll take, you know, go through me and then I will repeat your question, the answer, maybe he’s going to hear it, but I want to channel through me so we can keep control of the room. So, so that’s how I do it, but I got to tell you, road, dog it’s experience. It’s confidence.
And it’s knowing your stuff I’d like to, but also, so if somebody asks, okay, well, here’s what you do. Somebody asked me a question and that I don’t know what it is, you know what I mean? But you got to do it. We talked about this recently. I think you actually said it, but like you throw it back to them. First of all, compliment them on their question that gives you, you know, one to, you know, like a second or two to percolate your thoughts, but also go back to like, What do you mean by that?
Like I know you said XYZ. What do you mean by that? And then that gives me more time to think about what my answers to recalibrate my thoughts, et cetera. So by road dog, but for anybody listening though, because what I don’t want to do with psych, everybody else wrote dog, right? Like, wait know, generally speaking.
I would dare say, actually I wrote it. I ran a few presentations. Why would over I guaranteed to solve any business coaching problem on the spot. And by the way, when I launched my coaching, when I launched my coaching career, but very early on what I used to do, I used to do a presentation. For business owners where I guarantee to solve any marketing problem.
And don’t think I wasn’t pooping my pants, Ben, and don’t think even before I ran, like I had some pretty heavy hitters, you know, enroll into the solve any business coaching problem on the spot presentations. I mean, I wasn’t sure what I was going to be answering. Right. So, so don’t think I wasn’t a little bit nervous.
So, I just don’t want anybody getting worried about that. Cause it’s very rare, but you know what? You gotta be able to control that room and you gotta, you know, when I say stick your chest out, right? Like Michael Jordan, you know, stand there like Superman and just control it. So that’s my answer.
[00:25:01] Christian: Yeah.
So now let’s take the next step. Okay. So now you’ve done your presentation. You you’ve you’ve crushed it. You’ve had a follow up you’re you’re good to go. Listen, Carlos, here’s the deal, bud. Like, I, I love, I love what you can do for me. Is there a way that we can barter and maybe exchange services? Because we had a question come in about like, what’s your opinion on barter?
Like, cause that’s something a lot of people run into and I think we’ve all faced that where people are just, I’m just going to exchange services. I know I’ve got my opinions on it, but I’d love to get your take on what, how a, what do you think about it and B how you handle it?
[00:25:42] Karl: The look barter is underused and incredibly powerful technique.
You know, you’ll see that barter is flourished. Well, that’s an exaggeration, but it becomes more popular during tough economic times when cash is low. The words of my father, if you can’t get a full meal, grab a sandwich, right? So when the economy turns. There’s going to be some hard times ahead for many business owners, the one that, the ones that are going to be able to think outside the box are the ones that are going to survive and potentially thrive.
Right? Again, some of the biggest companies in the world were built during very difficult economic times. Yeah, a bit of a shot in the arm and a little bit of excitement for the rest of us. And it’s, it’s things like this, just thinking outside, you know, barter, you know, and again, I it’s underused, right?
When I, when I started my advertising company in my late teens, I used to trade ads for pastor actually dinner, you know, car repairs. I remember I got a futon bed, which I was just insanely excited about. Like I desperately wanted this futon bed and I’m like, Hey. So I went in and said, Hey man, do you want an ad?
I wanted that bed. That’s clever. Yes. And of course the bed, I have no idea, but let’s just assume the bed was maybe 200. This was many, many, many years ago, but it would have only cost him a hundred. Right. And it was $200 retail. So, so yeah, basically we made the exchange and I got the bed that I wanted it.
I didn’t even basically know what the hell it was. And I guess I was kind of bartering at a young age. Right. But this technique can increase. You know, purchasing power for the average business owner dramatically. So like maybe like some things that I would think about, right? Like don’t create time limits.
Right? Part of the appeal of burger is they can just get it when they get to it. Right. I’ll tell you like gift cards. They often don’t ever get to it. If your clients have the capacity to create gift cards, you want to do it because in a lot of cases, It’s just, it’s just going to be a good buddy strategy.
Let’s put it that way. You know, go to your ideal clients and offer a direct trade. You know, a goods and services always, always offered the retail value and not the cost. Right? Like I said it with the futon, right? Like it’s $200 retail and the fact that it cost him a hundred. Often with the business owner does elementary mistake on steroids, but they’re thinking it’s a hundred, right?
When clearly it’s. It’s 200, right? Like we do this, like we provide an online business academy slash online business school slash membership site, kind of all encompassing for our clients. And they can go to an accountant or a radio station or a promotional company, or a bookkeeper or a networking group, you know, anybody beat up.
And then they can offer 12 months membership. Right? Well, the retail value on those memberships, $500 a month, it would be up to each individual that owns their own school, but like it’s worth. Have you ever seen it the 52 weeks? They all coalesce. They all, you know, they all run into one another. It’s unbelievable.
52 week curriculum. I mean, it’s just undeniable that, but bottom line is at $500 a month, which is six grand a year. It’s ridiculously good value, but let’s say you go to their website and it’s only a hundred dollars because they’re selling it online. And, you know, things online are less expensive than things offline.
It’s kind of a one-on-one. Like debatably. So what, when they go to the accountant, did they use the number 1200 as in a a hundred a month by 12? Or do they use the number 500 as in six grand for the 12 month membership? Right. And by the way, if you go to the accountants, you know, you’d go to the magazine and you offer them 10 memberships that are were six grand, each that’s $60,000 of value.
And again, we’ve talked about this different times in past podcasts. When I want to go to a JV, I want to show up as Santa Claus, not the Grinch. So go there, waving gifts around as opposed to going, Hey, send out an email to all your folks. And when they buy for me, I’ll start paying you. And if they stop paying me, I’ll stop paying you.
So what I mean is the stupidity of that is. You know, hopefully pretty obvious, but that’s what tends to happen, right? So like what do you have to offer the accountant? What can you give him for free and the whole idea of having your own online business school and a 52 week curriculum. And I don’t need to meet the accountant’s promotional company that they, they deal with a lot of businesses that are struggling.
Right. And you just look at the stats 80% fail almost immediately. Right. So believe me, most of his clients are having a tough time. So if he was able to bundle. Your membership at $6,000 with his thing, measuring how that could change things, right? Like the promotional company, let’s say his average first order is like $2,500.
Well, if you go, if you do a $5,000 order, first time I’m going to throw in the $6,000 membership to my buddy XYZ business academy.com. Right. So hopefully you can see how you could bundle that in. Okay. But that’s, what’s important here is that we’re using the retail value. $6,000 a year and $60,000 for 10 memberships, as opposed to you know, like 1200 for the the year.
Right. So anyways, You know and by the way, like, so then I’m thinking like a business coach, like what could you, like, you could go get digital marketing services in exchange for your high end coaching services. Right. So somebody does digital marketing, or you could get them to do a digital marketing presentation.
We’ve been talking about presentation. So we’re blue in the face today. Right? So. I’ll do your coaching and I’ve got, you know, so say I’ve got 20 clients and I think 10 of them will buy, well, let’s say you charge two grand for a four-hour XYZ on digital marketing. You know, 10 people say, yes, what’s that 20 grand and you get it for free because you’re doing coaching.
And then by the way, you sell it four times a year. I can be an extra 80 grand in your, in your skyrocket, all profits. Boom. But you’re, you’re bartering. So there’s lots of different ways you could do it, you know, and also sports, like, you know, trading deadlines coming up in hockey as we talk, right? Like there’s going to be a lot of three-way trades.
Right? How could you go about creating a third party? You know, could you hook up the digital marketer, the accountants and your coaching slash consulting services? Could that work well and okay. I’ll tell you this, no one else is doing it. So if nothing else, you’re going to stand out a little bit. You’ll probably get these guys on the phone, which the deal may or may not come together.
Hopefully it does. But you know, like your, you know, the biggest threat that you’ve got is, is not being known. You know, what’s that saying? Road, dog, gum. It’s not what you know, it’s who, you know, Kate, that horse pucky it’s who knows. Right. That’s the real X factor who knows you, that they don’t know you. And frankly that’s because you hide behind your computer and hide from the phone as well, rather than picking it up and reaching out, you know, delivering value and doing Facebook lives and doing live presentations and going to the chamber and going to the networking groups and going to the yacht club and going to the.
You know, at the golf course and wherever else, you can go and put your mug and deliver value and then show up solving problems. So show up, Hey, I wonder if I can get a client here. That’s your mistake, right? Show up. Delivering value, show up, standing against show up saying things that are clever. That not everybody else’s.
Right. And by the way, road dub, can’t talk about burger and then not talk about the tax savings. Right. Which could absolutely blow your mind. Remember it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. And, and there’s lots of new apps and software. And I don’t, don’t ask me which ones, cause I got no idea, but you know, that will help you with barter management and that sort of stuff.
So these, you know, these technologies have opened the door for, I think what could be a thriving barter marketplace, which has never really taken off one day. It might, maybe it won’t, but who cares? What’s going in the broader marketplace. You want to make 250 grand easily with your business coaching.
It’s not just about money straight in the bank account when you make the two 50 so that you can do XYZ, right? Like you see a football player, that’s making many millions of dollars a year driving a BMW will very common. I don’t know if this falls into burger, but I guess it does, could be sponsorship, but the football player, the professional athlete is driving the car for free, right on the backup.
You showing up to all the games, the kids see him, the parents see him, he signing autographs outside of his, you know, his Ford as opposed to his Marathi and that, and by the way, that’s what the smart ones do. And then the stupid ones of course go spend, you know, a million dollars on a Bugatti or 400, $500,000 cash on their car and then wonder why they retire.
And they’re flat broke because they don’t think about these types of things. Anyways, I dunno. So barter road, dog. I’m not sure if I’m doing that. This justice, but it’s a look it’s a, and again, experts out there, but a million times smarter than I will ever be. It’s not something that I actively, you know, study or, you know, involved in.
So. I think you should be encouraging. I think you should be thinking about it. I think your clients should be thinking about it. I think it could be one of those things, like you said, the three-way deal. I think that’s something that other people aren’t doing that may or may not come to fruition.
Ideally it does, but it might get you talking to the accountant at a higher level, like, you know, get creative. I don’t know.
[00:35:02] Christian: Well, I’m thinking, can you stick around after, just to help me figure out a strategy that I can barter with RBC for my mortgage? Like, is that the policy,
[00:35:08] Karl: Listen,
[00:35:10] Christian: depending on, depending on your cashflow situation, because typically you’d want to barter for things that are not tax deductible first, right?
From a sheer tax planning perspective. But if again, you can’t afford the marketing. Hey, there’s a great one for you, but just take a look and by the way, if you don’t have a monthly. Maybe get on that. But if, if like, take a look at your monthly budget and take a look at what you spend and take a look at where maybe there’s a service that you’re already using, that you could go to and maybe barter and save yourself a few bucks and all it’s going to cost you is time.
Right. Like I’m just looking at mine. I’m like, well, there’s like a meal prep company, right. Again, like I, I could. Right. But now with that in mind though, I know we’re up against the clock here, but with that in mind pricing, like that’s the first thing that comes to my mind. Right? Like you give a discount, you know what I mean?
Like, cause isn’t that what typical people do, it’s like they put themselves in these situations where they then buy bartering or they discount their services because I know I’ve gotten myself in a position where it’s. You want to win them over and then you discount and then you end up getting resentful, but like, how do you, how do you stay true to your price?
Or are you okay to bend on your price? And I would say if you are, I probably say only short term, but what are
[00:36:29] Karl: your thoughts? I would say, okay. My mind goes to second, third, fourth order. It depends. Right? Like, okay. As an example, road, dog, You’re coaching to be through, to do. And this is an accountant, right?
It’s like it comes back to 80 20, and then magnifying magnifying magnifying. And you end up at one 50, the accountant has 400 clients. And if you bring it home and you deliver massive value for that individual. That one guy, especially if he likes you and he sees the results, did he to do he, he could send you enough clients for the next three years, right?
So I would absolutely been, so I, I refer to this instead of selling through you want to, or sorry, instead of selling to, you want to think of it as selling. Right. So same thing, the promotional company. What did I say earlier if their average unit of sale straight up is 2,500 and may bundle you and your online business academy or your group coaching or your one-to-one consultation so that they can increase their unit of sale to five grand, which by the way will work.
And those numbers will need to be played with because I’m literally spitting them out as I’m talking. You know, what, whatever the unit of sale is, Jack it up and throw yourself in the middle. You know, this is a good scenario. Would I be willing to discount my fees? Would I be willing to bend over backwards?
And the answer is abscess stink and loosely, you know, it’s you know, it’s just a one 50 thing. What was that? I was talking to somebody, but a modeling agency last week. Like, like here’s an example, like you’re you, you own a modeling agency and you want to crush it. I got to tell you, you got to find out who.
Like you got to get the top model locally and then don’t do your best to do whatever it takes to get them in. And then everybody’s going to say what, what, which everybody knows that top model locally. So when the modeling agency is, you know, canvassing and looking for more models to bring in, they just say, you know, like Kate Moss, Tyra banks, whatever, like the Kate Moss Jr.
The Tyra banks junior is under our agency. Do you want to be it immediately? It’s just, that’s the sales pitch the same way, you know, Tom, Brady’s got an agent and then what do people say? They don’t even say their agents name. They say my agents the same as Tom Brady and the same happened with Wayne Gretzky and the same happens with all the top athletes in the world.
Right? Your Connor, my gig. Your agent is Connor. I’m a David Z. Bobby or by the way, but so, but you know what I mean? Like the power of that is it shouldn’t change. So so would I be willing to, if I was going to coach I’m a, a dog, I own a doggy daycare, right. And Tom Brady’s wife is looking for a doggie daycare.
Maybe she doesn’t even know she’s looking for a doggy daycare. And I say, Jazelle, I’m going to pick your dog up in a limo. I’m going to wash him personally on the way in the limo on the way to the doggy daycare. I’m going to look after him for how long one week, two weeks, three weeks look it’s playoffs.
Why don’t you give them to me for a month? I’ll personally walk them every single day. I’ll bring them. My dogs she’ll sleep in my bed with me. Bring me your dog, because what I’m going to do from now on, like, I’m going to talk about how Tom Brady’s dog and his dog. With their dog, you know what I mean? Or, or, you know, Tom Brady chooses my doggy daycare over all of the others.
It doesn’t matter if you’re charging them. If you’re giving them a discount, whatever. And maybe by the way, you charge them three times as much, but really what I’d be willing to do is do whatever it takes to get her in to get that dog in there because it’s going to help you market. It’s like those one 50 things.
Right. So you know what I mean? You kind of. Road dog is just, it depends, you know, I mean, and by the way, road, dog, the coach that’s listening. Do they have 15 clients and they’re flat out, well, then I would hold steady. Do they have two clients and still learning you know, and need to expand their network to do, to do, to do well.
Then I I’d be willing to do significantly more switch little red arrow. You are here. It’s what do you want? And the coaching is the line in between, but those two things sound easy. Finding those two points. All the work is, and as you get better at coaching, the quicker you can do it. And the better you get at identifying what they really are, because remember, if you ask somebody what they want, they will immediately respond with what they don’t want with like 80 to 95% predictability.
So people are not really good at knowing what they want is the moral of that story. So as a good coach, you get more strategic and better at pulling that out. So, so there you go shoots. All right. Lots of
[00:41:07] Christian: to do, to do to do’s today. I don’t even think you realize you’re doing it. That is the du Purdue.
That’s all folks here today. Listen, shit, listen to your big shooter. What what’s the one thing you’re all about the one thing you are, Mr. One thing, your doctor, one thing, what’s the one thing that anybody listening can implement into their practice.
[00:41:33] Karl: What’s the one thing I think, like we talked a lot about presentations, I just think before they do a presentation.
You know, before I do a presentation, but definitely before you do a presentation before somebody does a presentation, it’s like, what’s your like, framework, you know, building up, like, I would think framework, just think 1, 2, 3, 1 through five. Like what, what’s the game plan? Like if, if I got 15 minutes to speak to you, what’s the learning objective?
What am I trying to accomplish? But I literally answered a Texas just this morning to do with real estate. You know, somebody was asking was. The buyer is asking and you know what, this is the answer. And I’m like, oh my God. I’m so, so let me just give you, so what happened? The conversation looked like this.
I don’t care what they asked. I just know what I’m going to. Okay. Like I’m not interested in, it is something that’s a little bit on that. You know what I mean? I don’t, I don’t mean that to sound condescending or arrogant. I mean, not to say like I’m a politician, no matter what they ask, I’m trying to, if I were to be trying to sell you a house, no matter what you asked, I might give you an inkling as to.
The answer, but I’m going to tell you what I want to tell you, which is how many offers have already come through how busy we are, how many of the people that actually did come through, how much they love the house you know, how we think that we’re gonna, you know, we’re kind of comfortably getting over ass.
Like, do you know what I mean? Like, I’m going to be, I’m going to be talking about everybody. Nobody could believe how beautiful the suite was downstairs or the back, whatever, you know, or the ocean view. That’s the answer I’m giving them. I think of poker, right? When RO Doug and I are playing poker. And then, you know, I asked him a question.
I know I am horrible at poker by the way, but my dad was a professional poker player and I have sat beside him and watched him. And I, I do. I’m positive of this. When you’re playing poker, they don’t give you anything. They, they, they, they don’t give you the opposite either. Because again, by the, you know, the breath, the speed of your breath by your Adam’s apple, you’d be amazed at what they can get.
You know, add up sitting there like you, you watch the poker on TV and somebody just staring at somebody for two or three minutes. The guy hasn’t moved, this is stupid. Just make your decision. And that you’d be categorically incorrect or it just hasn’t happened yet. And that’s why he’s continuing to sit there and stare.
And that’s why they have the time clock, because if they didn’t, they would just sit there on a stare off. You know, when one guy had the bluff and the other guy had ACEs type of thing. So, so anyways you know, Road dog. It’s a little, like you asked if somebody is asking questions, how do you do that again?
I already know what I want my answers to be. That might be a bad example there, because I would definitely honor the question and go into, you know, in a dynamic like that. Generally speaking, not black and white, but. What’s important is that there’s certain things that I want to say, and I’m going to bloody say the, and I don’t think that most people are thinking along those lines and that type of a dynamic framework prior to getting started.
And it, and if you want an example of this, and again, I literally think we talked about it last week, but it’s not a surprise to anybody listening to this. It’s like the politician, no matter what they ask, they just am you see it in the debates all the time, right? No matter what gets asked, they go on you know, they, they, they answer the way that they want to answer.
So, so there you go. Shoot. How does that make sense?
[00:45:02] Christian: I think the most important piece of advice right there, ladies and gentlemen, if you were paying attention, Was, you can sit and watch poker. You can sit and listen to people playing poker, and you can still suck at playing poker
[00:45:25] Karl: and I’ve played poker. Let me just tell ya everybody. They want it. I told the guy next time I said, he said, do you want to play. I said, buddy, you should be sending a limo to my house. That’s what you should be do. Shouldn’t be asking me, you should be doing what it takes to get me to the next post. And here’s
[00:45:42] Christian: the red hot to very well for playing poker with guaranteed.
Number one by Carl Bryan on any I’m all in no matter what. It’s you’re trying to posture yourself at the table. The problem is well losing and having to rebuy by the second hand. All right. Listen, thanks for tuning business. Coaching secrets with poker legend, Karl Bryan. And if you’re not on the inside and getting more poker tips or business coaching tips would probably be better for you or getting his daily emails, the profit acceleration software, the group coaching software.
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[00:47:03] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending it.
Dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coaches superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.