BCS: 146 | How To Disrupt Your Industry + Cross Sell & Up Sell Ideas

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 146: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Cross-sell & up-sell Ideas
– How to disrupt your industry
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:45] Christian: The king himself, the king of the wet.
[00:00:52] Karl: Road dog.
[00:00:56] Christian: A lot is happening. But because I’m reading your jokes from last week and I like to start every podcast with some of your lowlights, I guess we could say, because I don’t know how some of the stuff is funny. He joined the gym six months ago and still no progress. She’s going there in person tomorrow to find out what’s really going on. Someone’s underwater part in a movie. I hold my breath to see how I would be in the same conditions. Watching, finding Nemo was a tough couple of hours for me
as a, as we watch, you know, be at the sporting events, Olympic stuff like that. Like, I’m not sure if we were discussing this, like they should seriously throw out like an average Joe. Just the mix, right? So it’s like, we’re all the couch potatoes all the Monday morning quarterbacks you imagine like,
[00:01:59] Karl: yeah, absolutely. That would be dad, bod, you know, whatever the ski race, possibly with a broken leg, by the end of it, that would be hilarious for content
[00:02:19] Christian: hilarious. Because like, even, even like, you’re a pretty good skier. Right. But you would look like an absolute clown out there.
[00:02:30] Karl: Yes, I would. My dad bought an eye cruising down the slope shoots
[00:02:34] Christian: just like the mountain biking.
As a recall that one picture you sent me, you have a mountain bike and your helmet all laying on the
[00:02:41] Karl: side of the. That was nearly very bad results, but
[00:02:52] Christian: Hey, listen, first question that just came in is how
[00:02:55] Karl: tall are you?
I’m five, six road dog would make me out to be 11 live
[00:03:04] Christian: over the feed. So I just wanted five, six. Okay. That’s interesting. I didn’t realize you’re anyways, I’m going to leave the short jokes out of this right now. Just because I’m feeling salty today as well. Just so you’re aware. All right, let’s get into it folks.
We got, we got some good questions here. The first question just simply rich, can you give me some good ideas around cross sells? So obviously Carlos, we know there is an up sell the down, sell, you know, those are probably more the ones that people go to. Those are probably fairly, would you say they’re more overlooked than the other.
[00:03:37] Karl: So, and the question is ideas around.
[00:03:41] Christian: I just think it’s a great question because I think everybody obviously always talks about, Hey, what’s an upsell, what’s a down sell, but I think cross sell is really overlooked. So I thought this would be a great question to kind of kick us off of give us some good ideas around cross sells.
[00:03:55] Karl: Okay. Well, good ideas around that. Wrote a blog slash email about this sometime ago, an episode 21 times more profitable than a cross sell, but most mix it up. And that’s frankly, part of why profit acceleration software has 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences to help you avoid these types of fundamental mistakes.
But so cross sell. So the most famous is obviously, do you want fries with that? Most people mistakenly refer to that as an upsell, but it’s actually a cross sell made McDonald’s about a billion. I don’t know what it is, but a billion dollars of annual profit, so probably worth understanding and 95% predictability your new coaching client doesn’t have a cross sell in place.
So this is probably, yeah, I’d be doing a little bit of homework on this if you’re not completely familiar and that’s okay. Again, if you’re not completely familiar, don’t feel like, you know, just cause do you want fries with that is very common. You know, go do your homework. You’ll get better at you’ll.
You’ll be bad at it. When you start, you’ll get a little bit better and then you end up being excellent with some consistency and a compounding type effort. I think Amazon attributes, I don’t know what it is, but it’s like 30% of its sales to cross-selling. Right. So again, so like how do they do that?
When you go and buy a book, let’s say, you know, think and grow rich. What they’ll have is they’ll immediately have, when you buy that book the algorithm will spit out what books were commonly in the same category and books that were commonly bought with think and grow rich. You’re going to have, I don’t know what it is, but five to 10 books down below.
So that’s how they do it. So again, you know, McDonald’s Amazon a couple of. Successful companies doing it, your coaching client should. And like I said, what about 95% predictability? They’re not, and as a frame, but I want you to be thinking about is what, what do people buy before, during, and after they purchase from your coaching clients?
That’s how you’ll get to, if you’re wondering, well, how do I come up with the red cross sell you just before, during and after. Right? So like if they own a flower shop do you want to base with that? If they sell like a foam, I guess it could be, do you want a protective case? If your client has a law office, you know, they’re a lawyer, do you want a will with that?
You know, something like, you know, something digital. Do you want a memory card with that? I think it like, you know, digital camera, I don’t know, it’d be, you know, fancy digital camera. You’re a photographer. What have you, your client sells a printer. Do you want in cartridges with that? I had a bit of a challenge with an encourager yesterday, which of the Shaquille O’Neal commercial, you solving that problem.
And I’m thinking about Shaquille O’Neal was yesterday. And then today, as I’m saying that God sign me up. But anyway, so you know, a sporty vehicle do you want to refrack with that? Right? You’re talking about mountain biking, maybe tight, surfing, whatever it might be. Ikea, you know, they’re going to sell you pillows and a throw rug with your coach.
I used to have a a hockey. I used to have a hockey rink. You know, it like say I sold a pair of skate to, I would send you I would tell you extra laces and socks, you know, proper hockey socks as a. As a cross sell shoot, you know, a belt tie and shoes would probably go pretty handy. So the list goes on and on could be done with every one of your new coaching clients, but stop allowing them to be obsessed with driving more traffic, more sales, more sales, more sales, more sales, more revenues, trying to get to a million dollars as a framework, right?
You gotta be doing these, these basic kind of activities can be significantly. You know, working with the fund, it’s always the fundamentals, right. You know, the, the best, you know, Tom Brady, my boy, right. He falls into a slump. He’s going to the fundamentals, right? Barry bonds, back in the day, mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, you know, they’re pounding the ball and juiced up, like nothing else.
Doesn’t matter. They could do more steroids. When they fall into a slump, they go into the batting room and they go to the fundamentals. What are the fundamentals go to the fundamentals with your coaching clients? And this is where there’s a lot of magic there. And again, high profitable you know, high profitable activities is what you’re looking for.
And upsells, cross-sells sorry. Absolutely. Have that by the way, Doug, I’ve done properly with those examples and just let your mind wander. You could absolutely pay for your high-end coaching fees. You know, for, for 12, say your two grand a month, $24,000 a year. You’d cover that. Right there. Lots of opportunities.
What do you do before, during and after? So you’re, you’re
[00:08:32] Christian: on a bit of a roll here, right? So obviously you’re, you know, you’re getting everybody’s juices flowing. I’m probably thinking probably right now. Well, what, what else give, give me some examples of
[00:08:41] Karl: upsells then. Yeah. Good point. Okay. So should have done that road dog.
Well done. Do you want me to supersize that that would be your, you know, your templated McDonald’s. Yeah, I think there’s semi famous case study out there. Dollar shave club basically turned into a multi-billion dollar online unicorn. You know, basically just, you know, upselling your new coaching client, those deliveries.
Do you want it the next day or do you want it guaranteed before noon? You know, maybe there, again, whatever they’re delivering you know, they’re selling handbags and that type of stuff, you know, do you want a slightly larger version of the same bag for X, Y you know, X amount more, they own a flower shop, you know, do you want long stem roses with that?
You know, your client sells one year warranties. Do you want to have a one-year warranty? Do you want to make a special three year extended warranty? Right. You’ve seen that with computers all the time and TVs and whatnot TV, you know, do you want, do you want to get a 72 inch screen, right. For X amount more when they were buying the, you know, 56 or whatever the sizes you know, your client sells picture.
Do you want Oak rather than our normal wood framing for X amount more? You know, client owns a bar, you know, do you want a double with that? You know, do you want a double shot that you order a rum and Coke? You know, do you want a, you want a double and again, they have a warranty, you do an extended warranty.
You’re like Tesla, they do that with extra range, you know? So you get a bigger battery with your car and it’s set up. So right there on the website. You know, like a phone company gives you more downloadable space. Like I did that with my phone recently got X amount of photos, X amount of videos. And I had to upgrade my, my space.
Right. You know, hotel, you know, you’ve been traveling, it’s a bigger room or it’s a kitchen, you know, it’s a kitchen or maybe it’s a view, maybe it’s ocean front, depending upon where you’re at. Maybe an airline again, a couple of days ago, doing some traveling and you know, it’s like, do you want a bigger carry on, do you want to be able to take a third bag?
Do you want first class, do you want business class? Just let the mind wander. And again, you get there road dog the same way. Like what do you buy before, during and after? And every one of your clients can create an upsell or any other. And this is one of the sections by the way of, you know, profit acceleration software.
She could go there and there with a hundred percent certainty, you’ll be able to create other profitable, not just revenue opportunities, but profitable opportunities for your clients. And by the way, if your client doesn’t have a website, they might want a. They can basically do upselling and cross-selling on the product page to checkout page and the the thank you page.
So what do you think road, dog? That’s my that’s what I think.
[00:11:29] Christian: Yeah. Well, just from a digital, how’s your email going there? Just from a digital, Hey look, somebody bought, bought an up sell from you. There you go. Shoot. So just, just from a digital marketers perspective, the one thing I think that is actually kind of important to talk about here just for a real quick side note is I think people get too attached almost to like making those sales.
Like you got to realize if there’s a, you got to ask, it’s amazing how many people are too scared to ask. There’s going to be a smaller percentage. That is going to, to buy that. But like, you just you’ll know your numbers. Right. Then you can tweak it. Maybe, maybe that’s not the right offer. Right. Like if no one’s buying it well, then maybe you’ve got the upsell wrong.
Maybe there’s something else you need to think about. Maybe there’s.
[00:12:25] Karl: Yep. This is why. Okay. So for your coaching client, if you want to create an up, sell, cross sell and do it effectively, you get to kind of start with psychology. You’ve got these limiting beliefs. They don’t want to come across as that slimy sales guy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, always pushing, pushing, pushing, and then they get a no.
So do you want fries with that? They say that 33% of the people that are offered that say yes, and I put a billion dollars of profit in the McDonald’s a year, right? So again, don’t, you know, 70 it’s a bit like, you know, the professional baseball player was hit in 300, ends up in the hall of fame. He misses seven times out of 10.
Right. And he makes the hall of fame. You don’t, your upsell does not need to hit it. Maybe it’d be better if you get higher conversions clearly. But you know, do you want fries with that? Don’t think that everybody, like they don’t all take, you know, not everybody’s saying yes, it’s a 33% conversion on that and that’s pretty damn good.
So you got to start with psychology. The client gets a few nos and the, in their head, they start thinking that they’re doing the wrong thing. And actually as an aside road, dog, when people are talking about bonuses you’ll see if you ever buy anything online. You’re going to see bonus bonus bonus a hack.
Is that make the bonus and do this with your coaching clients or do this with your own company, make the bonus. What would happen if they were highly successful? Okay. Make the bonus. What would happen once they have success with the product that they bought a little bit of a hack. So there’s a psychology Jedi mind trick.
There, they start seeing themselves towards success in your conversions on your initial offer will go up. So there you go.
[00:14:08] Christian: When you say that, like,
Something that would happen if the success.
[00:14:18] Karl: Yeah. Nice one. So a business coach could do recruitment and training of staff. Okay. So as we’re working together, your business is going to grow. What’s a by-product of that. It’s that you’re going to have to hire people and fill some gaps. So I offer you as a bonus.
If you buy my coaching and it’s going to be three grand a month, 36 grand a year at the three month marker. Once we hit X established milestones, I’m going to bring you in to my quarterly event, where I teach you how to recruit and train staff at the highest lever to create a culture in your company.
That’s similar to what Amazon, Uber and Netflix have something like that.
[00:14:54] Christian: I like that. Cause you could even like, I’m just thinking of positioning statements already, right? I’m looking at this one, listen to our, our, the average person that attended this event, their average order value increased by X.
Right. Their sales increased by X, their referrals increased by now all of a sudden it’s like, oh geez, I might just buy this because of the bonus.
[00:15:16] Karl: Yup. If your bonus has done properly, that is exactly what happens. Like if you, if you go and you know, like Frank Kern, as an example, we’ll give him as a super successful digital marketer.
His bonuses are worth more. If you add up the value and the bonuses are significantly more than what you’d actually buy for the, whatever the product is. So absolutely absolutely love
[00:15:40] Christian: it. Okay. Next question came in. This is more about disruption. So I’m curious what you have to say about this because.
The I’ve seen you been you know, be a bit of a disruptor, more so at the bar than anywhere else, but
innovation and ways to help your client disrupt their industry. That was the question. So do you like, what’s your take on all that because it’s like, you know, there’s all this talk of, well, you’ve got to be a disruptor and you got to disrupt the industry and all that stuff. What’s what’s, what’s your take on being disruptive in innovation and, and
[00:16:15] Karl: within an industry.
Okay. Before I answer, I recall disrupting a couple nightly establishment with you. My man, no,
[00:16:26] Christian: listen, your dance are epic. You know, the best part about your dance moves is you don’t even need a partner. Like it’s a chair or anything. We’ll do
[00:16:36] Karl: perfect.
Okay, I’m sorry I got up. So just read me the question again, please. Disruptive innovation.
[00:16:46] Christian: He was thinking about the chair folks that it was, it was
[00:16:51] Karl: what is your
[00:16:52] Christian: take on disruptive innovation and ways to help your client disrupt their
[00:16:59] Karl: nice, nice. Yeah. Okay. I mean, I, I mean, gosh, as you know, road, Doug, I think about this a lot.
I mean, I’m trying, you know, to disrupt the business coaching industry. Yeah, we invented software for business coaches, profit acceleration software. I’m going to continue to innovate and disrupt till the end of time. So this is a little bit of a framework and frankly, it’s fun and how I stay so passionate about what we’re doing.
You know, close to two decades into my little business coaching career. What you’ll see in. It’s insanely. Here’s an interesting one. It’s insanely rare for an existing. I call it Goliath to disrupt an industry. It’s almost always, always a new player, right? So Airbnb, Airbnb came from nowhere to disrupt hotels with a couple of guys trying to go to a baseball game or something in a city where they couldn’t afford.
And they put down an air mattress, right? Uber came from nowhere to disrupt the taxi industry. They weren’t yellow cabs that disrupted it, right. Amazon disrupted, disrupted retail. And it wasn’t the industry whale at the time. And still, I guess, Walmart you know, apple that IBM created the home computer.
And, and Netflix, you probably know the story of this, but Netflix was offered the blockbuster for, I can’t remember what the number was, but it was not a huge number by any stretch of the imagination. Blockbuster could have wrote a check very easily. So it was Netflix that disrupted movie rentals.
And I dare say that a blockbuster did buy Netflix. We, you know, as we, you know, TV the way that we know it with Amazon prime and Netflix, wouldn’t be the way it is. You know, Disney, wouldn’t be, you know, the Disney channel wouldn’t be happening yet. So a good question, I think is why is that right? Why don’t the industry leaders ever make the game changing slash disruptive technology?
Or you never see it as a framework? If that’s the case, it’s a message of caution for the existing industry leaders, maybe a warning and then seen as exciting times for the folks getting up off the ground, as in your coaching clients, what I’m trying to say here, wanting to really make a dent and be this next disrupter, albeit on a smaller, local kind of scale, right?
Like let’s not pretend like you’re coaching chiropractor or your coaching client, like the chiropractor, the landscape, or the roof of the butcher. The baker candlestick maker are going to be the next apple, Uber, apple, Uber, or Netflix. Right? Cause you gotta be realistically, but maybe be. Could be seen as the industry leader in networking, which I dare say that they are capable, your clients could go and disrupt that, right.
BNI is not going to go and disrupt networking. Right. Their model is way too established. There’s the airplane at 10,000 feet. Well, and truly, they’re not going to get out of the airplane and start making adjustments. Right. So, so as a frame, think of disruption as innovation and there are two types of innovation, so there’s maintenance.
Okay. Which is making the existing better. And then there’s this disruptive, right? Like, let me, okay. So let’s go maintenance, innovation improving an existing product, improving an existing service. And I, I dare say that this is mostly going to be done by a feedback from clients that are currently using it.
Right. So I think of improve it. You’re going to make it, what would you do? You’d make it faster. You make it better. You make it later, you make it stronger, more powerful you know, remove existing faults for sure. Right. But that’s, that’s kind of how you, you know, maintenance, innovation, you’re just making it better.
Probably pretty straightforward. Right. But then disruptive innovation, which is what we’re kind of talking about here. Like the Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, what have you, here’s the kicker road dog, right? Like it Garren, if you disrupt an existing industry you were guaranteed to have a lower performance in key areas.
That are currently valued by the existing clients. Right? So therefore the key players won’t go. So this, this is why the key players that the existing whales won’t go down the track because why would they want to create something that offers a lower level of performance? Right. Kind of, kind of goes against everything.
A successful company has become. That’s how they got to where they’re at. Right? So an example could be like, when Netflix came out, I want you to think of it. It was a long, it seems like a long time ago, but it was not that long ago, they had very limited number of shows. Many of the most popular ones were not available, right.
There were connection issues. So you’d be watching your show and then magically would disappear halfway through. You can imagine pretty disappointing right there. And there were not those issues on the videos getting rented from blockbuster, not even close, it was an established, you know, an established whatever, like model and they just weren’t interested in suddenly suddenly having these issues.
And that’s totally understandable. Right. The other maintenance, intubation satisfies current. Okay. So maintenance, innovation satisfies client’s current wants and desires. Whereas disruptive technology, the disruptor will meet clients future needs, like not having to get into the car. And go to blockbuster, right?
So therefore the big companies follow a predictable path of maintenance innovation as the way that it’s been. Right. They’re making life better. But ultimately like in the case of blockbuster, which I think is a great, I literally watched a movie about it a while ago now, but there’s a movie about, you know, basically blockbuster falling over on Netflix.
Right? So this approach will lead to its failure and that’s Netflix 1 0 1, right? So let’s start looking for examples of this. You’re going to see them everywhere, where again, the. You know, the existing player you know, it’s not about complacent, they just stayed maintenance, innovation. I never went to disruption maintenance or disruptive innovation.
Right. So, so existing successful company should I think, take caution and take so that the solution, that’s the problem. What’s the solution. They should take a percentage of the company’s revenues and resources human capital, right? As in people, and they’re focusing their time and energy in place, that unproven opportunities that would fall into a category, disruptive innovation, right?
Like Facebook is doing that right now with metaverse. Very rare for a huge public company. And look at everybody’s like, metaverse like, you know, they just lost an NBA or Metta just lost an unbelievable amount of value. And everybody’s talking about how, you know, Zuckerberg lost, you know, a hundred billion of his network or whatever, if you think he gives a rat’s backside, you’d be crazy.
And by the way, it might be a play. And there’s no guarantee that it’s going to come off. Right. I would dare say that it would cause ducks, the kind of guy that he’s a bit of a force to be reckoned with, love him, or hate him. It’s completely irrelevant. Right. But he is looking at disrupting it. So it takes a step backwards to take many forwards in the, in the future.
I don’t think that he thought that it was just going to take off immediately when he started creating these, these virtual worlds. You may or may not understand that, you know, you might want to look into it, but going in a very different direction, these effectively. You know, disrupting his own, his own space, you know, Elan the alien, trying to get home, you know, that same thing, you know, he’s just, he’s gone and disrupted things at a very, very high level, but he’s ruthless about how he does it.
The Google boys are also like that they, they actually pay, like they tell their staff, I can’t remember what it, what it is, but they get 20% of their time. And certainly the software engineers and whatnot, and put it into disruptive technology, like working on projects that they’re passionate about and many get adopted probably 90, 80% of them, you know, just kind of die with that individual.
But at least they get to spend 20% of their time using their creative juices. And that, that adds to the culture of the company and you know, job satisfaction the right way of saying it. So anyway, so we talked about this different times in the past, but like the iPhone didn’t crush the blackberries.
The, the app store displaced the Blackberry, you were not addicted to your iPhone, or you didn’t get addicted to your iPhone. You got addicted to the app. The iPhone was actually a significantly lower user experience, right? Because there’s nothing like the damn keyboard, a Blackberry you’re probably still missing if you really think about it as I talk about it.
But so the iPhone was actually a lower user experience for its function, but it’s the apps that got you, the weather, the stocks, Evernote you know, the Facebook app that you can just poke you know, Gmail is an app, et cetera. Right. So it was so again, make no mistake about it. Steve jobs is using a disruptive innovation approach here, not maintenance, right?
So, you know, Wikipedia made an encyclopedia encyclopedias extinct. Know a far inferior content when they first came out, grew over time and now they wouldn’t, nobody’s got encyclopedias anymore, literally died. Right. One of the things to think about too disruptive innovation is a direction you or your client want to go.
You should start in a niche market versus the whole company offering. Right? So you don’t want to send your coaching client into harms way. Like they own a networking group. Don’t necessarily shut the whole thing down and go, everything’s disruptive. If they’ve got it, we’re going to assume that they’ve already got a going concern.
They’ve got revenues, they’ve got staff, they’ve got a model, they’ve got something that’s working. You know, don’t put them in harm’s way. So what you do, like like, well, like when, like, when you think about taking a percentage, it’s like asset when you’re investing and if you do invest and you should invest, if you don’t invest, you’re nuts.
You know, every month you should be taking a portion of what you earn and. Put it towards investing. Don’t use what’s left at the end of the month, use it at the beginning, make it like a, a cost of doing business at Costco. You know, like it’s just like every month you should be taking a percentage of your income and putting it towards investing.
Right. But you should understand asset allocation and Tyson and Mike, Michael Jackson understood asset allocation where they followed asset education. They wouldn’t in a million years have got, they could, they, it’s not that they wouldn’t, they couldn’t have got into financial trouble. Right. But asset allocation for another day, it’s just that I don’t want you to be sending your high-end coaching client into harms way.
Right? So bottom line, if let’s say that your, your coaching client is an accountant and they liked the idea of adopting something like a live app style accounting into the practice, rather than going to all 400 or 4,000 of their clients, whatever the number is, you know, think about implementing. You know, for a niche, like let’s say local, they’ve got lots of construction companies and they live in an area that’s very, you know, lots of construction going on.
So they’ve got you know, say 50, 75, a hundred clients that are construction companies go specifically to that niche and think of decentralization, hire somebody, put them in charge of it. They oversee it. They do the construction companies. They do the live accounting and the app style accounting with those guys, but only go to a, you know, like a smaller, you know, go to a small percentage of them because remember it’s going to have a lower, it will have a lower quality functionality when they first get going.
It’s got a significantly higher upside and the chance to completely disrupt the, you know, disrupt the local industry, maybe the national industry, maybe the global industry, but don’t assume 25% or less of your companies, you know, clients offerings or Yeah, just, you know what I mean, revenues versus do the whole lot.
I think that’s where you could get into trouble. And again, thinking, I dunno, asset allocation is the right metaphor. You should understand asset allocation. And I would use that as a frame, so don’t go to all of them, but there you go. So the word of warning is that your existing clients can fail as a result of only staying in improvement.
Somebody is going to come along and turn them upside down. And that could be a massive opportunity for some coaching clients, as they say that, you know, disruptive innovation and Netflix and Uber, it’s like, oh my gosh, this is so far beyond where my local chiropractors at. And I, I would challenge that, you know, on a, on a local scale, you know, like we went and created software for business coaches.
You know, we didn’t stop everything we were doing and only you know, put all our eggs in the basket. We were already a plane, you know, with hundreds of clients and you know, many, many countries and, you know, and slowly, and now every one of our clients, nobody will work with us and not use the software.
So what do you think road dug, but that’s what I. I love the question. I agree. It’s something that coaches should be, and it’s like, are they going to do it when every one of their clients know, but they’re not understand that that’s where disruption lives. And then if they do go and just, you know, do anything that would resemble disruption, that they’re going to have to accept that they’ll take a step backwards to take many forwards with their client.
And it’s always psychology. So you’ve got to, you know, you got to help your client through that. So what do you think?
[00:29:40] Christian: So first off you made the comment about investing and, and doing that first. One of my favorite sayings of all time in financial planning has always been if you don’t do that, there’s typically too much month at the end of the money.
[00:29:53] Karl: Right.
[00:29:56] Christian: But it’s funny because as you’re talking, I’m Googling, cause there’s all these rumors of the Tesla phone coming out with. And Elan came out and he’s like, yeah, no, it’s like, he, he’s not looking to build a better mouse trap. He’s looking at neural link. He’s looking at how do we use the brain in better ways and then integrating it with science.
So what, what came to me is for you is let’s use LPW and let’s go, not like Elon Musk’s style here. Let’s go Karl Bryan style. Right? So it’s like, when it would have been real easy for you to be like, you know what we’re going to do, we’re going to create better websites for coaches. Like that’s not a
[00:30:43] Karl: disruptor, that’s building a
[00:30:47] Christian: better mouse trap.
You’re like, no, no, no. What’s going to make it easier, better. What’s the actual need. I don’t think anyone’s looking to quote unquote, disrupt. They’re just looking to make things better and easier.
[00:31:04] Karl: And I wrote out, cause they don’t understand exactly because they don’t have a frame. So they go to this, they don’t even, they’re not even going to disruption what they’re going to is improvement.
Right. And it’s like, it’s, it’s like Elon Musk. We’ve talked about this a while ago now, but like first principles. Right? So like, if you don’t understand the first principles, you’re not going to be able to disrupt. Right. So the first principles of football is the rule book. The first principles of hockey is the rule book.
So bill Belicheck knows the rule book better than probably all of the other coaches in the NFL combined. Right? Well, that’s why see what bill Belicheck does is he invents plays and then a lot of the other coaches take bill Belichick’s plays and then improve. Right. Well, they’re in maintenance, innovation, and he’s industries creating plays.
He disrupting. And by the way, when he comes up with a new play, often it doesn’t work as well as the other one, but then it gets a little bit better and he makes some adjustments. And next thing you know, he’s, you know, that’s why he’s bill Bella check, but that first principle, so, so you’ll, you know, you don’t want to, you don’t want to stay in the game of improvements.
That’s what you’re exactly right. Road, your coaching client, without meeting them. They don’t even understand that when thinking about it, there’s the disruptive path. And then there’s the maintenance path and they spend a hundred percent of their time and, you know, maintenance innovation, and they’ve got to realize that innovative.
You know, they’re gonna understand it as an example, when I was a first principle and a first principles, if they will take a step backwards to take many forwards, the way that Netflix had a really bad selection of videos and a lot of internet connections got disrupted and it didn’t work as well, the iPhone, when it came out, it did not work as well as the Blackberry and worked out pretty well in the end.
Right. So building better websites is just, you know, and it’s not that it’s lame. It should be, should you do that? Yeah, you should. But is that how you’re going to disrupt an industry and build a company with a B instead of an M don’t don’t call
[00:33:04] Christian: yourself a disruptor by having a better mouse trap like that?
That’s the craziest part to me of it all is when you’re talking about I wrote it down here, like pretty much guarantees a lower performance in key areas that are currently valued by the existing client. That right there blows my freaking mind. So. Is it the, how do I put it? Like the, if I’m looking at whatever, is it the future ease and the future use is more exciting than perhaps the perceived value of what’s currently existing.
You know what I mean? Like, cause if you’re going in and you’re saying you’re going to go through pain, almost using this knowing it’s going to be worth in the long-term.
[00:33:54] Karl: Yep. Okay. You bring up another case. See, you gotta think bell curve. Okay. So you’re looking for early adopters, right? So just to think of the people, there’s a really good champion for you’re listening to this, that you weren’t an early adopter of the iPhone.
Right. Which is totally okay. But as it became more and more and more popular, you jumped on board as the belt came up. Right. So, so when Netflix, again, you’re, you’re not, I’ve never researched this for two seconds, but I can tell you that the target audience for Netflix, when they first came out was not, you know, 60 year old, non tech, like, what am I trying to say?
Technologically advanced individual, not a chance. Right? Like it, it, it, you know, it had to be somebody who was really technol, you know, tech advanced, but like easy. Right. So, and they only went to wow. Yeah. Anyway, that’s the. That’s it, you, you know, you gotta be thinking along those lines, you will have to take a step backwards.
Your clients will take a step backwards. You need the market to early adopters. You’re you’re not adopting, you’re not marketing to the masses here. So,
[00:35:04] Christian: but with that in mind, Carl. So if we take a look at that, do you think that there’s areas that you simply cannot go with lower performance in, like there has to be, I guess you’d have to notable your industry and whatever.
Right? There’s going to be certain things that are just, people are going to be like, yeah, no, we’ll go. That’s a no fly zone. I’m not touching that.
[00:35:23] Karl: Not, not really. Cause you just, otherwise you’d never disrupted, you know what I mean? Like there is just, no, there’s no sacred cows. You, you just, you gotta go and you literally are providing a lower.
Lower performance in the key area that they’re currently buying. Again, use Netflix as your frame. You couldn’t, you know, if you wanted to watch Seinfeld, you couldn’t do it on Netflix, right? You want to watch an episode of friends, but imagine you couldn’t, and these are the types of things that you wanted to watch, and everybody else wanted to watch.
Right. But they weren’t available. But lo and behold compounding took effect and I got a little better, a little better, a little better, a little better, a little better, some better shows, better shows, better shows, better connections, better functionality, more adoption with smart TVs. And here they are. So no sacred cows,
[00:36:10] Christian: no sacred cow catching up to have all that.
And by the way, I think an important point here as well is just to add in. There are early, there are disruptive. And then there, there are others that can definitely win by catching onto what they’re doing. I just think, I think Netflix, I think prime, I think Disney plus I think all these and they’re doing very, very well on their own.
Thank you very much now, you know, don’t tell me the peacock or some of these other streaming services. Like you’re, you’re a little late to the ball now at that point, like there’s got to come a point where it’s like, you might as well just attach yourself to that rather than trying to start your own new.
That you again, you know, disrupting anymore. But anyways, this is a rabbit hole, but I am somehow Matt, you got me down this rabbit hole and I’m trying to find my way out right now. It’s crazy.
[00:36:59] Karl: Okay. But Rhoda, what you gotta do is you need some, so Casey, you’re going to go disruptive innovation. So then Netflix, but they had to move into maintenance innovation because now they had their thing, they disrupted it, they got it on, you know, the early adopters were there in order to get the bell curve and continue to swell.
They need to make it better, make it faster, get more popular shows, et cetera. So again, but you got to understand that there’s two types of innovation, you know, I don’t know of a third, like there’s disruptive and then there’s maintenance. This is it.
[00:37:32] Christian: So how do you tie that into business? Like aside from an actual coaches perspective, do you think a coach can disrupt the coaching.
[00:37:40] Karl: I think that a coach would be crazy not to understand what we’re talking about. So when they’re helping their client and the client’s talking about doing something new, a new product, a new service you know, a new niche that they’re probably going to have to take a step forward or step backwards in order to take multiple forwards.
I think BNI, I get you are a business coach. There’s a really good chance that you have a client who was a networking group. And if you don’t, you could go get them right. Easy. I got to tell you that their number one competitor locally is going to be an I. And my question is case. So what, let me give you an example.
And I’ve actually thought about this long and hard BNI, in my opinion, they completely missed the boat because I believe that effect, I really believe like at my core as a first principle, is that the gap between success and failures education, like if you’re in a limo driving by, and we’ll assume you’re worth, you know, hundreds and hundreds of million in that limo and you pass a homeless guy, the gap is education.
You just know things that he doesn’t know the end. Right? So BNI I’ll let you decide if they do any education, like you go there and then it’s like, okay, well, I’m going to send the realtor some leads. My question is, does the realtor know what the hell he’s doing? And the answer is that 95% of a chance, the answer is no right.
So I think that DNI is missing the boat with education. So if you created a new networking group and it was based as a platform around education, the user experience, cause I don’t know, do you have the best education? There’s a good chance to say that you don’t, but you keep at it, keep at it, keep at it in three years time, you could be the best educator in the entire city, the entire state, maybe nationally, maybe globally use our software, cough, cough, cough.
But you know what I mean? Like you, you, you, that education, or maybe what you’re going to do is create Gulf network or maybe what you’re going to do is, you know, there’s, there’s a whole bunch of other things. Again, I could go on and on. Cause I, this is something I’m passionate about because I think people want to network and we talk about this all the time road dump, but they go to the local dealio on Tuesday and hang out with the insurance guy, the real estate guy in the mortgage guy, all of which are struggling and.
I don’t know, is that where you want to be like, personally, I’m going to the yacht club, I’m going to the oil and gas club. I’m going to the, you know what I mean? I’m going to the higher end clubs, the golf course, right. That’s what, even like golf that much. Right. But that’s where I’m going, because I know successful business owners are out there playing golf and also some, some lightweights are there, but I got a good chance to getting some some decent business owners.
Let me just an accounting, but also just sorry, but I just had an example there of accounting, right? Like if you were going to, if you were going to take your client’s road dog, if you were an accountant, right. I wrote a, I wrote a book accounting, 1 0 1 for business coaches. And you were going to create an app that did like, you know, live accounting on the spot.
Well, I don’t need to be there to know that those individually there would be some issues the end, right. Because. You’ve never done it at before. And your clients, aren’t going to use it the way they’re supposed to be using it, right. Just like Netflix was a challenge. And if you stick with it and you accept the fact that the user experience is going to go down, but ultimately you’re going to end up with something really special.
You could absolutely get there. And I think there’s a lot of people listening that are trying to get joint ventures with accountants and trying to get clients, you know, local accounting firm clients. So there you go. I see. You could think locally and then think statewide or provincial wide or whatever, and upon where they are.
I think they could make a bit of a dent and thinking disruption, what do you think?
[00:41:29] Christian: Well, I was just thinking of your, cause I hate BNI as well. It gets just, it’s crazy. Right. I, I really do like, to me, it was always you’re there because you really need some sales and it’s obvious and yes, some of BNI chapters are successful.
I don’t even want to hear about it. Like I just don’t care. Like I just think they’re so few and far between. I, I think if they spent more time on less of the pitch in it, just like a cult, but like if they spent more time on a relationship, so you talk about going to the golf course and stuff like that, man, you got to have a runway though.
Like you can’t be going in there thinking I’m going to close within the next 30. Like no, no, no. These relationships take some time to build. So
[00:42:17] Karl: strategy grow Doug, they need a structure. And again, the best strategy is to be like in a war businesses, war, and the worst strategy in war is to be predictable.
If you were predictable, you and your, you know, you’re getting killed the end or you’re not coming home. So in business being unpredictable is a really good idea.
[00:42:40] Christian: And at the end of the day, all I’m, it’s funny because this morning I just had this really beautiful thought and the thought simply was, you know, like the next customer, your next customer is not far away, but are you willing to spend to get them right?
Like I, I do with digital ads every day. You want more customers, Jeezy. I just increased your ad spend. Like it’s, it’s not a big deal. And I know what that looks like. I just, I just know because I do it every single freaking day. So you want more clients? Sure. And some we’ve had topics conversations with clients.
It’s like, I need 40 calls booked every single day. Great. If our average call book call ratio is, you know, it’s 150 bucks, it’s 150 bucks. Like it’s just, that’s just the average. There’s no PR there’s nothing personally. So anyways, it’s just the whole BNI type thing. And I think we’ll dive into it a bit next week when we start going into more cold outreach and stuff like that, because there’s a big part of me is I look at all of the information that I’m surrounded by.
I know exactly the office you’re sitting in right now with all the information that’s surrounding you, you and I could discard 99.9% of all of it, and just be sitting there with our phone and we would do just fine. Thank you very much, right. Would you not agree to have just the overwhelm, what ourselves under with the amount of new, the next shiny thing, when it’s the old school tech at times as it’s funny, we talk about disruption.
I almost feel like the phone is a disruptor these days. Like maybe old-school tech could actually be a disruptor to your business by actually producing clients.
[00:44:29] Karl: I dunno. So just fundamentals, man. Instead of what do I, I used to have a thing. I used to quit my emails all the time. You don’t have a money problem.
You don’t have a client problem. You have a refusal to help people before they pay you problem. Right? It’s like you just so like, don’t like don’t pick up the phone to get clients pick up the phone to help somebody. Don’t send an email to get a client, send an email, to help somebody don’t create a social media post to get a client, do a social media posts to help people that right there.
I mean this entire podcast, my daily email, as you know, rodeo, the entire company is designed help. And we just know that we’ll, we’ll, you know, we’re in 47 countries now, right? Like we’re just good. Things will happen, but you got to lead with value. Value value is fundamentals, man. Don’t pick up, you know, don’t do all of this stuff to get clients.
This is the psychology that Jedi mind trick that, you know, the, the hack, the mental health. Do all of that stuff to help somebody and strategy and accept that you might have to do it more than once, you know? Cause then what happens Rodel? He’s like, listen to us. And then they go and they do a social media post and they don’t get a client.
They’re like, no, no, it doesn’t work. Do it every day for 30 days. And then let me know how it’s working and then do it every day for 90 days. And let me know how it’s working and magically, what will happen is you will get not only a client, but you will get a compounding effect. You get better, your information gets better.
It’s my daily email, right? Like I said, this law, they got a hundred thousand people roughly get my email every single day. I have learned more writing the emails than all of the folks combined that have read. All right. Cause I’m doing the work. So you get this compounding effect, right? So when you, so forget me, you, when you go and create value on your Facebook page every day for 30 days, every day for 60 days, every day for 90 days, you get a compounding effect.
Like people actually, cause you start one of the compounding effects that you will rise higher in the algorithm because Facebook see that you’re very active. So they’ll show you more in the newsfeed. You will get better. Your clients see 1, 2, 3, 4. And they’re like, wow, Dave, really, you know, Susie really knows her stuff.
So the referral doesn’t happen the first time they see it, the referral happens the fourth time. Maybe it’s the 40th time that they read something to go, wow, that’s really on to something. Right? So you get this road, dub strategy, man. It’s fricking hard work, right? So like that’s, you know, the, the, the beauty.
And so then if you’re listening to this and you’re like, you know what, I’m committed to that. The magic for you, is that, what is it? The, you know, the traffic on, I’m going to make a meal of this, but traffic on the extra mile is non-existent because people aren’t going there right. The road, Doug, you and I, we talked about it literally yesterday, over a beer.
So anyway, so there that’s it, man. It’s hard bloody work and then actually just end the predictable bit, like, so when you write a post, okay. So the unpredictable bit number, war, or business is war. And the worst strategy at war is to be predictable. So on your social media posts, guess what? You don’t put a sales pitch.
You know what I mean? It’s just like help them, help them, help them, help them, help them. And then it means a little bit more, I think. Right. And you you’ll be able to show me somebody who will eminently disagree and that, and they can be right. Okay. But I can also be right. And these are my experiences. Is that just speed, you know, just value, value, value, and all of a sudden they’ll start like, w what’s the deal with this guy, right?
Like what did he sell? Anything like what’s going on and they’ll, they’ll start hunting, literally hunting you down. So if so, what did I just say? If you go to your social media, like Facebook, LinkedIn, wherever, and you add value every day for 30 days at the bottom of every one you say, Hey, call me like heaven.
Forbid put your bloody phone number on there. Like, please don’t do that. And your email, like, it will dilute the impact of the message above because now the predictability there, like they know exactly what you’re doing and why you’re doing. All right. So anyway, I dunno. What do you think that helps
[00:48:45] Christian: chap jab, jab, right hook baby, right?
Gary V right there. What does Gary V say? Well, I saw him in Dallas who, I don’t even know, like six, seven years ago. And he said, you know why I give all my stuff away for free? And he swears a lot more than that, but you know why I give all my stuff away for free in percent of you won’t do a thing with it.
Cause everybody’s so scared Carl, like, well, I can’t, I can’t give away my secrets, so I can’t give everything away for free online. Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can. They’re going to do it anyway. And the people that aren’t, they’re going to call you.
[00:49:26] Karl: Yeah, you just reminded me of something. I wanted to say. So here, so yeah, look, there’s the fact that Kate something else, this is what you reminded me of.
Okay. If you think that is not strategic for Gary Vaynerchuk to say, I give, I give all of my best stuff away for free because 99% of you, aren’t going to do anything with it. Incredible strategy in that. Right. So you’ll, you’ll see him say that all the time. Right? He and I, and it might be that he’s moved on to a slightly different message, but he used to say that all the time, right.
It brings me to Tony Robbins, right. We love Tony Robbins. Some people love them. Some people hate them. I’m totally fine. You know, whatever. Right. I, I like this stuff. I think he puts out great stuff. Right. So, and, and by the way, and if you hate Tony Robbins and then you are in coaching, and you’re not smart enough to go and look at what he’s doing and break, you know, reverse engineer, some of his processes and understand some of this, when he, you know, he would teach you is called feeding your, my opinion.
You’re crazy. But here it is. So he has just released a book recently life force. Okay. And again, I was talking to a buddy about this a very short time period ago. I want you to find a single interview where he talks about life force and he doesn’t mention snowboard. Racing down a mountain with a 22 year old, a young guy, half, you know, less than half of his age, wiping out and ripping his shoulder, the bits.
And then he went to doctor after doctor and it was going to be surgery, surgery, surgery. You can no longer do what you do. You’re going to be out for, you know, nine months or whatever it is. I want you to find an interview where he doesn’t say that. Okay, little hints. You won’t okay. So now I want you to think of this.
Why? Okay. Choose will be. We talked about this at different times on the podcast, but two words, origin story. Okay. And he says it now, I want you to think, is that right? And I love Tony Robbins, right? I really want you to think that he really go to doctors upon doctors and then be given the diagnosis that it’s surgery, surgery, surgery, surgery, surgery, and it was only then that he decided to call one of his best buds who just happens to be, I can’t remember his name.
Peter Diamandis. Kevin singularity guy, whoever that is, right. Peter, whatever his name is. Right. You could look them up, you’ll see it. But you think it was then that he went and called one of his best buds. It was either business with right. Maybe that’s the case. It might be, it might be, it might be right, but I love Tony Robbins.
Right. But he it’s very strategic the way that he tells that story. And it’s a very important part of selling the book, selling the process. And most importantly, influencing you. He’s not doing it for his own good looks. He’s not doing it for his ego. He’s doing it so that you whip out your credit card, you buy the damn book and then you all the proceeds go to charity to do, to do, to do so.
My question is, if you agree with that and again, go have a look at an interview where he talks about life force and try find one where he doesn’t talk about that. You won’t find it. My question is this, and this is what I was talking to my buddy the other day. When you sit down and speak to somebody about.
What’s your horror story, right? What is your use? The story that you tell, right? And then once you tell it, 5, 10, 25 times, what you’ll say to yourself is nobody wants to hear this story, but you’d be horrifically wrong because they’ve never heard the damn story, right? You’ve told it 25, the magic compounding you after you’ve told the same story, 25, 50, a hundred, a thousand times, guess what?
You get better and better and better and better at telling it in an emotional way that influences the other individual is in a boat. This is about influence your, your job as a coach is to influence the other person. If they don’t buy coaching from you, you can’t influence them. You therefore failed.
You don’t have coaching call number three, four, five, six, and seven because the guy never whipped out his credit card. Right. So when you tell your story How do you do it? And what my buddy over a beer said a short time ago. He’s like, yeah, but you know, he’s in the mortgage game and he, you know, millions of dollars just sat in the other.
He’s like, people don’t want to be dealing with somebody that they want to deal with somebody who’s, you know, wickedly successful. And I said, you are a hundred percent correct, but guess what? At the end of the Tony Robbins, you know where he’s talking about the book, he also talks about how he is now able to move, you know, in three days he was moving better than he ever could.
Right? Like, again, that’s the success part of it. She had got to have the horror story. Tony Robbins used to always, always, always talk about, he was 11 years old. It was Thanksgiving. They weren’t going to starve. You know, that story right. Where somebody rolled up to the door and handed them food. Right. He always told that story.
So. What am I getting that road belt, but you just mentioned Gary V and him telling that story. And he said it very consistently, very strategic again, think of war and predictability, all this sort of thing. When you sit with somebody selling your coaching in that first 15 minute call when you sit down with them to sell coaching, I would like to know your quote unquote version of Tony Robbins is rip shoulder, or, you know, Thanksgiving when he was 11 years old.
And I’m going to say, you don’t have it, and you don’t say it, and you may have a. You totally should. Right. So anyways, and then, then if you’re like, Carl, I don’t have that horror story. I didn’t, you know, have a brain tumor. I didn’t have this, I didn’t have that. I didn’t have somebody save me when I was 11 years old.
Just you don’t become a business coach or a coach by accident. A promise. It was one thing that I know is that right? Like you’re, you’ve decided to take on a career where you help people for a living. It’s like, you’re, you know, a clinical psychologist is what we are in many ways. You don’t take this on by accident.
There’s a reason why you got here, how you got here. You’ve just never really taken the time to connect the dots and go, wow. I never thought of it that way. So what you do is go to your three most horrific the three most painful periods of your life. And the reason you became a coach is probably there.
So, and then connect the dots, right? Turn it into a little bit of a story that you can tell in an engaging, emotional, powerful, influential way. And you are going to find that people are going to be a million times more interested in referring you, showing up to your seminars. Like again, if I cold call you and I try to bring you to my local I’ve run hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of local live events with a million percent certainty.
If I spoke to you. Three minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes. I’m telling you I’m dropping my origin story in there and then in an ethical, but very strategic way, because I want you to know that I have been down in the dumps, but I have also elevated myself. There was a process that I followed it. I’m going to show you that process when you come to my events, put me on a little bit rabbit hole there, but I really, I, I hope folks will follow that and then create their own version of the shoulder story.
Enormous power in that for a business coach looking to, to crush it and
[00:56:33] Christian: have the courage to
[00:56:34] Karl: share it. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, that’s, that’s a Jedi mind trick. That’s a very important, we started with that today, right? Like it’s psychology 1 0 1. The reason your coaching client doesn’t do FYZ is is they don’t. Yeah, it’s psychology 1 0 1, you know, there will, I don’t know, embarrassed is the right word.
Right. But they just don’t have the competence to do it. And I think all that’s for the ups for road dog, you know, he’s got, you know, decades of experience doing this stuff. That’s not true.
[00:57:01] Christian: I also want to say this, Carl, when you go to these events, right, there’s three types of people in the audience.
There’s the person that’s there. That’s listening. That is when Tony is doing something with one individual and he’s like, wow, that’s really going to have a big impact on them. There’s the other person that can take any story and relate it to them and be able to adapt and get a lesson, extract the lesson from that story.
Then there’s the third person. This is, this is something that I think is, this is why we talk disruption. We talked all this stuff. I think this is a very important part. When you go to a Tony Robbins event, when you go see a presenter, you’re not just taking in their information that they’re producing.
You’re watching his tonight. You’re watching his presentation. You’re watching everything that he’s actually putting out there and how he’s laying out his content and the way in which he’s presenting it to, to get to us. That’s his origin story. Okay, cool. Like, you know what I mean? Like there’s just so many different elevations there of thinking that.
And I think that that’s super important. Just wanted to point
[00:58:06] Karl: that out. I would call that like, you’re looking for a frame, right? That’s what you’re doing. Totally. That’s why, again, we have like profit acceleration software. There’s 12, it’s called jumpstart 12. The initial part of it, there are 12 key areas that the fundamentals of business, if your client goes and puts these 12 things in place, like almost guaranteed, they don’t have 11 of the 12, if not all the 12 in place properly, they might think they have an upsell.
Right. But it’s very lame and not working and they’re not tracking it. They don’t have any data, et cetera. They’re going with their guts. Right. Guts stands for gave up thinking and it’s, it’s a frame, right. It just makes it so much easier. So, so there you go. Shoots. Yeah. I love it, man. I love it. I love it.
All right.
[00:58:49] Christian: So do you want to, have we already closed out? Like, do you want to,
[00:58:55] Karl: yes, no. You know what. That right there. Because I, you said I wanted to work that in somehow some way anyways, so there you go happen at the end, but like go watch Tony Robbins talk about his book and he’s going to dote out, be on all kinds of podcasts and he’s going to be doing interviews and all that, whatever I’m telling you, he’s going to heal.
I don’t know. Maybe I’m horrifically wrong. I don’t know. Go watch. And you tell me, but whatever he says, whether you can’t stand them or you think he’s the greatest guy ever to not, he does very little that doesn’t have a very strategic approach, you know, feeding and all this sort of stuff, reverse engineer, what he, what he’s doing.
And that’s part of what he does and you should too. And you’re probably not. And I hope that if you do, you’ll results will go up. I love that dude
[00:59:41] Christian: right there. The whole, even if you can’t stand somebody, success leaves clues, right? Take a look at how they’re doing. And they’re all doing it. They’re all, everybody has their origin story that they’re producing and they’re putting out into the marketplace and guess what that’s going to do for you.
It’s going to separate you from your competition. Like it just so, and it’s the best part is it’s real. It’s not some BS made up marketing ploy. This is, this is, this is you. So embrace that and, and, and put it out into the market and you know what? Yeah, it could be embarrassing, but you know, there isn’t one super successful person that I know that hasn’t put themselves out there and that’s the thing.
People can think they’re crazy and everything else. So anyways,
[01:00:34] Karl: Random just recently a random business and life hack every once in a while. I just throw a bunch of crap out in one email and what, I can’t remember quite what it was, but it’s boring people, lack critics. Right? So there you go. Don’t be boring, you know, put yourself out there, right. Don’t be shy and, and you’ll get better.
You will get better. So read some of my early, but I read some of my early emails. I literally, yeah, I cringe, you know, I’m like, oh my gosh lane, no, no, no frame. If you see my emails, now you’re going to see a frame. You see my email, if you go to like, you just Google it, like, you know, one coaching thing, you know, number 1, 2, 3, it’s gotta be out there somewhere.
It’s gotta read them. You’ll see that it’s got no frame and just frame it, literally rambling on. And I thought I got better. I created a frame. I was you know, I created a frame for myself and it’s so much easier. I can now pump off an email and, you know, a very short period of time. Whereas back in the, you know, when I started, it was, it was challenging, right.
But 500, 600 days later, A little better. So there you go. Shoot. I love it. It’s interesting
[01:01:36] Christian: too, by the way, if somebody just did that looked at your framework and how you’re doing your emails. Like if you’re just reading the emails to read the emails. Yes. There’s gold and all that in there, but go beyond that and take a look at the way that Carl structures, his emails and everything else.
Copy that. Build your own frame and, and roll with that. Because if it’s working, it’s working right. Take a look at all the emails that you get. There’s likely patterns. Once you start seeing frames and patterns and things, you’re going to see it in business after business, after business, like it’s just
[01:02:05] Karl: disruptive.
Okay. Road diabetics. We’re kind of going along here, but I love it because you said it like you, I don’t know what you said, but you said you wrote that down. Like, okay, if you, your clients, you are going to disrupt an industry. If anybody’s going to disrupt an industry, understand this right without metaverse right now, right?
You are going your existing. What do we call it? Like the user experience? The important part, the necessary part of the user experience is going to go down in order for the disruption to take over and eventually elevate and crush the old model. Again, Netflix is your example. It’s it’s going to be Uber, Uber.
What’s the challenge that Uber had is that there wasn’t many of them, right? So you, you, you know what I mean? You’d call an Uber, but they weren’t even in the city, the other main, like, okay, well, this is a bad user experience, but guess what? And taxis were because they’d been around for a hundred years.
Well, how’s it going? Right. We all know the, you know how the story, and how’s the story going to end and taxis are going to make the adjustment, which they kind of have kind of heaven Uber’s taken over. Right? So there you go. Shoot. I’m going to have to go backwards to go
[01:03:19] Christian: forward. We, we better wrap this up, but we bought some material and we got to save something to talk about this week, or so there you go.
Well, everybody, thanks for tuning into another, a long episode of business coaching secrets with the man on top of the hill king aro. If you’re not on the inside and getting to the pre-show or you aren’t getting those daily emails that Carl was talking about, or maybe you just want some more information on the profit acceleration software, the group coaching software, everything else that this crazy lunatic is up to go to focus.com and subscribe today.
And of course, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share with a fellow coach or someone that you think might make a great coach. And of course, Tom Brady and Tony Robbins fans are always welcome as well. And of course, we’d really appreciate if you’d rate the episode. As we know that all the streaming services get a heavy amount of weight towards review.
So, if you could do that, that’d be fantastic. And that is it for another week. And again, as I always like to end my favorite quote from Tony Robbins progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody we’ll see you on the next episode.
[01:04:27] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes, without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coaches super power. So as a business coach, you’ll never again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.