BCS: 149 | What It Takes To Become A Great Leader + What Data Should You Collect

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 149: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– What does it take to become a great leader?
– What data should you be collecting?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 149
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding insights. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:42] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road dog here with none other than the man, the myth, the four and a half foot legend himself Karl Bryan is in the house. Ladies and gentlemen shoots. Welcome to the big show.
[00:01:02] Karl: The big chill, a little show shoots. I’m getting shorter. What’s going on, bud? What’s going on road dog.
[00:01:07] Christian: Well, there, there is a ton going on as we were just had a couple of, you know, it’s funny, like we are for those that are listening on the podcast, we do a pre-show exclusive. For people that are part of your coaching program, but anywho we had some really good wins, a big win that was just shared there.
And then we also had some really good conversation as well, just in terms of recurring revenue and, and sort of taking on bigger and bigger problems, which actually leads me straight into the very first question, because the first question that we had was what does it take for a client to become great company leaders, CEO?
And I figured, wow, this, this works out perfect. Because in the pre-show we’re talking about, how problems continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger. So I guess what does it take? Because obviously if you’re going to be a great leader, CEO, you gotta be able to knock down all these problems. So can you give us a frame w what you think it takes for a client to become a great company, Lee?
[00:02:16] Karl: Nice segue by the way. Nice segue. I’m impressed. Okay. Well look, Warren, Warren Buffett would tell you, and again, I’m in my mind, I’m kind of going like, well, who’s the best Warren Buffet. If he’s not the best, he’s pretty damn close. He will tell you that his personal superpowers that he says no to 90% of it.
You know, Greg upset this lots of times and multiple different ways, but that won’t change. You know, growth is yes. Successes. No. Right. Think about that. You know, like in my own little world, and I am not in any way. Categories categorizing myself and Warren Buffett’s company. Cause I am absolutely not, but I will tell you that I am smart enough to follow what the greats do and say, and follow.
And I, like, I get asked for an interview, like if it’s not daily, it’s pretty damn close in the, and it’s just a hard, no, I don’t even see the, somebody manages my inbox and I don’t even see the invite. Don’t want to know about it. But bottom line look, the answer would be this maybe that’s I don’t even know if that was the right look, data driven, put that in quotations.
It’s an unrecognized superpower. So you’re asking me, how do you become a great CEO or leader of a growing company? That’s gonna make a dent beat that a driven most people think like the high profile type you see on Facebook. You know, again, when you see somebody on Facebook and they’re talking about how they had a $50,000 a day or whatever like it’s just legit guys are just not going to post that that happen.
Right. Like it’s just, it’s just not happening. Right. So. You know, and, and by the way, I would dare say it’s the exact opposite, right? Like again, you know, you know, pictures of their kids or what have you with them, them trying to educate you, trying to push your buttons, trying to say, look, stop doing this.
But you know what I mean? Like they’re trying to deliver value. So some like some of the things about. I think to think about right. Is when you take the great CEOs, right. And Jack Welch his name would come up, right. And there’s a book called outsiders where they highlight this. But the reality is if you analyze the data, he really wasn’t that good.
You know, he was as much quote unquote celebrity as he was CEO, but like he never passed the OCS, you know, Jack, well, she never passed up a, you know, an opportunity to grab the mic or jump on camera. Right. The best leaders of companies when all of the say more often than not, this is not black and white, and that’s not to say that Jack Welsh, wasn’t great by the way, but he’s just, he’s, he’s recognized as you know, one of the greats of the greats of the grades and the way that you get to be great in that role is by the numbers, it would be you analyze them, you analyze the data is his numbers are, are not that wonderful, right?
So that the leaders of the most successful guys slash gals are the ones that you’ve never heard of. They’re definitely not the ones that are you know, celebrity driven and just think of Bezos and Zuckerberg. Again, they never see them getting interviewed. You never see them anywhere. Right. They’re celebrated because there’s such massive successes, but that is long.
Like they were mad. Like, you know what I mean? They weren’t celebrated in the early days. Right? They’re, they’re totally data driven. And I take a guest at 10% of business owners in this world would be classified as quote, unquote data driven. And then if you look at the stats, 90% fail, 10% are data driven and there might be something there.
Right? And if you give me a room of a hundred people and you know, what is the language of businesses, the question pose to the audience, you know, what percentage of people do you think will put their hand up or say marketing? And the truth is, and I think you probably know this if you follow our stuff, but truth is the language of businesses, accounting, like the amp, Mike, this isn’t me.
This is Warren. That’s what Warren buffet says. Warren buffet is the guy that I’m going to default to. Right. You know, success, you said differently. Success in business is just math. And you’ll see in my emails and I haven’t done this in a little while, but I used to talk about math. Or, you know, the numbers that do to do to do.
And I always very seldom, I don’t think I’ve ever used the word math in my emails and my blog posts without capitalizing it. Because again, I just want to draw your attention to it. So, you know, and you don’t need to be magic and math. Right. So now, cause I was like, oh my gosh, I’m not a numbers guy. I’m a numbers gal.
You don’t need to be magic with math. You need in order to be good at business, you need to know what math to seek, right? Like you don’t need to be able to create financial documents. You need to be able to read them the same way that you don’t need to be an electrician to turn on the lights you need.
You need to know what you’re looking for, which is a light source. And then you also know that it’s in the, you know, you have a pretty good ideas in general vicinity as that the light is there where the light switch might be. You know what I mean? Like, think about that as your metaphor. So, you know, there’s certain math that you should be looking to.
So, so road, dog, that’s what I’m going to say to be a great CEO. It’s not to be high profile. It’s not to be, but I had an internal call literally today, this morning I was going for my walk with one of my internal team at one of the things they said, you know, is that, you know what my words, right. And this is a very important part of my team.
I said, look, I want a little bit less raw. And I want to have a whole lot more. This is in your inbox, just sent this. I want to have a lot more measuring going on. I want to have a lot more completed, you know, we’ll call it implementation, right? Because it’s a mess. Three levels of businesses. I see it.
There is a implementation level. One level two is management and then level three imagination. Think about it. That way. The money is all made in level three imagination, but you can’t get there without the implementation. Right. So it needs to be some imagination led to implementation. And that is what I would define as a really good leader.
Bottom line. You know, you look just data driven is my answer shoots that I don’t think many are thinking along those lines. And just
[00:08:14] Christian: for clarity sake, what, what grade is your daughter in?
[00:08:21] Karl: We’re great.
Okay, so,
[00:08:29] Christian: okay. So I just want you all to be very clear when, when we say you don’t need to be that great at math, when Carl struggles with his daughter’s homework, but he can still help a business. Like there’s hope for the rest of us. I just want to point that out there, because there are times when I struggle with my kids’ homework and I’m like, I am horrible at math.
So anyways, I just wanted to point that out when so with, with that in mind though, now you, you’re talking about math, you’re talking about data, you’re talking about reading financial statements, just to kind of, I want to go a little bit granular here if that’s okay with you. What, what sort of data.
Coach be tracking like it. Do you have anything specific that like, yes, here’s your, whatever, the KPIs, whatever, like what sort of data should a coach be tracking?
[00:09:20] Karl: You had a nice look. Good news. Your data doesn’t need to be overly complicated. In fact, it probably works best when it’s, you know, nice and simple.
You know, look let’s assume somebody starting from scratch. Here’s what I had in my office for years, a white board, and I had new coaching sales written across the top. And it was only for new coaching clients. We signed up. Right. So somebody like a recurring payment didn’t factor into this board, it was new coaching clients and the columns.
I had a column for Monday to Friday, I think I probably had Saturday and Sunday cause I was doing that, but let’s just say I had seven columns predominantly Monday to Friday. And then I just, and then I had a total, so it was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And if I include Saturday and Sunday, that’s seven days, and then I had a total for the week.
And then by the way, I would also, my whiteboard was big and then I would have a total for the month and with a hundred percent discipline, I, a hundred percent discipline. I wrote down the number of sales for that day. And I’m pretty fiercely competitive just by nature. And I got to tell you that placing a zero in the column, like it would, you know, drove me nuts, you know, to the point of almost like shaking, like, oh, So what I mean, like why, you know what I mean?
Like what, what didn’t we do? Why didn’t we do it? What, you know what I mean again, and not thinking about that day it’s because you know that the sales are made 90, 60, 30 days prior. What have we not been doing for the last 90 days that would lead to having a zero on the bloody you know, Salesforce and it.
Discipline, and then subsequently the zeros. And if you’re in the game where, you know, most days you’re not making a sale that will stop happening. And by the way, you can also have upsells and that sort of thing. So that one simple tracking slash data, that’s a very loose, lightweight data strategy by the way.
But I got to tell you. I would dare say there’s not many things that I can attribute to my, you know, like a lot of success in coaching. More than that. So, and another thing that I did is I had a world record week, right? Like again, I was always very competitive. So I created a world record and the Olympics, there’s always a world record.
I had a world record week as well as a world record month. And I would acknowledge every every week I would acknowledge whether. I beat the world record, which was very seldom obviously. But you think about the competitively natured person having to acknowledge that they didn’t get the world record.
Right. And just look, here’s what I would encourage if anybody’s listening to that. And some are like, that’s not for me. And another’s like, oh my gosh, they’ve got their whiteboard marker in their hand already. You know, just try it and then see what happens over the course of, you know, Ideally three months and just start tracking your truck, start tracking your sales, and then by the way, help your high-end clients do the same.
You know, your, your data should most definitely be a little more impressive than just quote unquote new coaching sales. So what you can do is as you’re moving along and your clients are moving along, start creating columns after like 90 days, like, you know, new contacts. New appointments. You know, events attended events, hosted attendees to my live events.
And you could maybe break that up into virtual and live depending upon the dynamics of what you’re up to. And then add more where necessary, but keep it simple to start and then fall in love with tracking your data. Remember don’t, don’t do what you love. Like all billionaires will tell you, but they’ve already made it.
So I’m sorry. Their, their advice doesn’t count for you. Do what you’re doing. And then the other side of that, you want to make a lot of money to do what you’re good at and what you’re passionate about. My opinion. That’s what a million times better frame. But what I’m trying to get at is I want you to fall in love with.
Right. And another hack, if you’ve ever seen a professional speaker and then they’ll do like the whiteboard and they got a blue and then a green and then a red, and you wonder why the heck, why? I just just use like a black marker or like a blue marker the whole time. It’s right. Brain left brain people in the audience.
Right. So like engage them. So like maybe part of. And what you could do you know, to fall in love with your tracking is, do like, make it colorful, make it cool. You know, if you’re an artistic kind of person, you probably suck at sales and like, maybe that’s a way for you to fall a little more in love. You know, with the tracking of your data is you’re probably not overly analytical, you know, like make it neat.
You know, maybe it’s that. I don’t know. I’m thinking about this as like, did, I certainly never did this, but like a flower could be representative of one and then there could be like something that’s the shape of a tooth. I’m thinking banana, but I don’t think you have bananas, but I think you get, you know what I mean?
I dunno, just fall in love with the tracking and find your own shtick, right? Whatever that is. But, but that fall in love, like don’t, don’t again, not trying to fall in love with your business. Fall in love of marketing fell in love with the results of your clients. Fall in love with your coaching calls. Oh, in love with, you know, studying financial documents, my personal completely fallen in love with.
I just, I love, I very, so, you know, every day I’ll go for a walk and I’m always listening to something. I just, that’s what I do. Right. Most people go for a walk or run. They’re listening to music with Amelia. I never listened to music ever. I would 100% listen to, you know, something that would support my, my bigger goal.
Anyway, and that’s me. That’s not you. So thinking about that, but you know, fall in love with tracking that data’s what I’m trying to say. You know, and just, you know, Okay, Doug, last week I had a meeting with our internal guys might be ironic. This is like getting answered today, right. And we were talking about you know, support and then ways to measure it.
And then a key piece of data at the, you know, we’ll call it the ultra customer centric company, Amazon, because there’s nobody more passionate about customer service. I don’t think that Mr. Bezos here it is number of support tickets per. Number of support tickets per. The number isn’t zero and the system isn’t working properly.
Think about that. Right? Super happy here to super happy customers. Don’t send support tickets. Right. And that, you know, think about the magic of that, you know, and all of this, by the way. Look, when we go back to the you know, the sales board, all duplicatable. And, and if your client’s doing support, maybe that’s you know, something that they should be thinking about.
What we’re trying to work out is exactly how long should it take for a support ticket to be closed, done dusted. And certainly you know what I mean? Like, remember, like we had each support ticket needed to be responded within 24 hours. That was like, you know, the rule that was part of the rule book.
That was one of our rules. Right. So anyway, so I’ll duplicatable you know, what can you Be thinking about for your clients. Like if you’ve got a client than say they’re a hair salon in the, what do you call it in the staff room where they kind of eat lunch or they’re, you know, consistently walking through, put up a sales board because what are you trying to do when you own a hair salon you want associate and poo, you want to sell conditioner.
You want to sell pair gel and all the other stuff that might go with it you know, have a, a sales board and I’m gonna tell you that competitively. Are going to rise to the top and your, you know, champion when conditioner sales will go up. Just no question. So what else would I say that a road dog? So maybe, yeah, so that look Rhoda.
That’s what I look okay. Actually, no ham in closing, I was trying to think of something here, but like, okay. Here’s what all. Business coaches should do as actually no reframe all business owners, all business owners should do this. And as a business coach, you gotta be supporting your clients to do it.
Okay. So most people that have heard our stuff have heard me talk about TTT time to think, right? So you got to take one hour a week is the, you know, like where it should be a minimum could be every day, but that might be a little bit aggressive for most, but you take a one hour. It’s a pen. It’s a piece of paper.
I think that works way better than an iPad or a phone or something. Digital. You’d put notes on pen, piece of paper. Close the door. No phone, no computer, no internet, no sipping them water, no. Getting up and going to the bathroom, sort that all out before you sit down. Right. And basically all you’re doing is you’ve got a question that you put in the.
And then for one hour, you just write down the answer. How, how were we going to get support? Tickets answered within a certain timeframe, how are we going to eliminate support tickets for this unit of our business? And then all you do for one hour is just come up with ideas, come up with ideas, come up with ideas and just like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
That will be amongst the most functional and progressive. And what do I want to say efficient? Like, it will be an excellent use of one hour without question. So reframing this, like for this conversation, another hour they should have is time to measure, right? So TTM time to measure same thing for an hour, where all you’re doing is measuring activity in that one.
Now most business owners you’ll say will not have enough data. Like what the hell are they going to measure for an hour? Well, that’s part of the problem, man. Take them about 30 seconds and they’d walk out the door. So what they’re doing is coming up, not so like maybe 30, 30 is a frame to get going, might be 15, 15, 15, 15.
But thinking about what things could you be measuring? Okay. Per say 30 minutes. And then, you know, going through the existing measurement sales last month revenues last month, traffic driven, like just every number that you could possibly conceive. And I believe that this could be a whole lot of paper printed out.
So you might need to have an iPad, a computer present for that. But if you do, you’ve got to have that bad boy on airplane mode because it just can’t be, you know, they will get pulled away. So frame two hours a week road dog, one time, two. And then the other one time to measure one hour a week for each.
And I’m going to tell you if yeah, you just, if business owners do that, they probably won’t. But I will tell you that if you do, you know, like you’re a business coach and you need to get 10 clients this month, what would I do? I would start with time to think I would go into a room, quiet with a pen and paper, and I would think about.
All the different things and the people that I can reach out to, and the train ventures that I can form in the offers that I can make and the people that I can talk to in the events that I can go to and the events that I could set up and what I could talk about on my Facebook lives and what I could write on Facebook and what I could write on Instagram, maybe it’s going to be a tick-tock, you know, whatever the video, I don’t know what, whatever, but I that’s where if I needed 10 clients in one month with a mill, without question, this is where I would start, where the most people start, they start with.
One zillion things going through their mind and then they don’t manage to get the, you know, the focus they don’t manage to dial in. So, so anyways RO dub you said things to track, so just pretty obvious different things, you know, understanding financial statements maybe should be mentioned in there.
The truth is that most, you know, they’re not ready for that. So I don’t want to dilate. The impact is this should be the number. If you asked me, what is the number one thing a high-end CEO does. And they are, you know, they, they trace, they track that up and then they analyze the data and then make their decisions based on data.
Right? Like what do I say about gut? Right? What does gut stand for? Gave up thinking, right? Don’t go with your gut. If the football coach went with his gut on fourth and one, he’d go for it every time. What does the football coach do? 90 to 95% of the time he punks it, right? If he’d let the quarterback who was emotional, make the decision they go for every single time.
That’s why it had the coach and the quarterback doesn’t make the decision. Right. This isn’t go with your gut, go with the data. Don’t go with your gut. That’s that’s what I got about. What do you think.
[00:21:06] Christian: Yeah, it’s it’s, it’s good. It’s funny because as I’m thinking of KPIs tracking stats, whatever you want to call it, right.
So just as a, to put it in perspective, too, right? If you, if you’ve got a marketing campaign, obviously you gotta see it through. And I would always caution people on the number of entry points that you have. You can always go granular later. Like you can always kind of go, oh, okay. Well, if we’re, where are you stuck?
Okay. Well top of funnel. Well what, okay. The ad isn’t converting. Okay. Well, what part of the ad right now are people actually looking at it and then are people just not clicking out? Then it’s just, what are the micro data points, but you don’t need to worry about those because you know, much, like you were saying, like the percentage of business owners, small business owners that actually track their data, I’d be shocked if it was.
[00:21:55] Karl: Like, I just, I be
[00:21:56] Christian: absolutely shocked if it was 5%. So for any coach to go in and actually start talking about tracking, like, I, I can’t even imagine the impact that would have on a business. It would be absolutely massive to your point of TTT. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it. Like I’ve been looking at the remarkable tablet.
Have you heard of this thing? Oh, I have, I have, it’s like a paper type tablet, right? So it feels like paper. It’s not connected to like anything, except for like your Google docs where you can then upload or Dropbox your, your notes to, and it’ll actually convert your handwritten notes into actual. But I’ve been looking at that with the TTT in mind of here’s an opportunity, rather than because I’m not at my desk and I’m like, man, I got way too many freaking notepads.
Right. Like it’s insane. Whereas this, this might be pretty cool option. I know that there’s some time and again, why this, cause I know people would be like, well, road dog, just to get, get a writing up on your, your iPhone or whatever. Yeah. No too many distractions. Right? Like this is just. That it’s the equivalent to that and a, you know, a pad of paper and a pen.
And you’re good to go, but anyways,
[00:23:09] Karl: just wanted to throw that out there.
[00:23:11] Christian: Hey, remarkable. If you’re listening
[00:23:12] Karl: sponsorship, I have heard, I have, I have not even as much seen one, but I have read about them and yeah, the reviews for some people who I have respect for have been they’re impressive. So there you go.
So that might, might not be a bad idea. And then, but again, what I would encourage everybody, you know, what. And it might be your thing, but I, I think there’s some magic pen paper, you know, like the physical con, you know what I mean? Kind of idea to that, but there’s absolutely some magic and capturing it into a document that you can revisit.
So, you know, what. Let’s try both.
[00:23:49] Christian: And it’s supposed to feel like actually writing on actual paper. That’s the part that I’m really curious about. Like how the hell does that work, but Hey man, whatever PFM, right? It’s just pure magic. So I’m just like electricity. I don’t question how it works. I just hit the switch and boom.
There it is. So there you are, listen. I don’t know. We’re up against a little bit, but here’s. I want to get into this question because you talk a lot about. Competitive advantage, right? Like, I’ve heard you talk about it many, many times. So can you just sort of, let’s just say help me out because I know nobody else struggles with this.
It’s just a me problem. When looking to create a competitive advantage for your clients over the competition, like where do I start with that? Like, do you have a frame in terms of, cause again, it’s, it’s easy and you hear it a lot, right? Oh, I just got to have a competitive advantage. Okay. That’s cool. But how do you actually create that?
[00:24:43] Karl: Okay. Well, okay, just go here. Right? I would three point play for coaching point. Number one is the little red arrow you are here where you go establish that. Right. And then we got to go point to. Is what do you want? And then the great example that I led the metaphor and the example we used many times, Kobe Bryant.
I want to be the greatest basketball player of all time, right? And he’s 15 years old talking to the camera, get establish where you’re at, and then you decide what you want. And then the coaching, the reality, the journey is the two points, right? And the more simple something can be, the more likely it is to get done.
So, so, you know, by, you know, by defining that goal, Nice and tightly, which is, sounds easy, very, very hard to do that can make it so much easier than not to mention establishing in a very honest, vulnerable way you are here, which again, most coaches aren’t willing to do that. Another example that I give, I wrote an email one of my very first, but I get a daily email.
It might’ve even been the first. I think it was the first one. Anyway. So I just talked about Jim Carey, right? You and I wrote dog does love the guy for a good Canadian boy and a funny, I just think he’s like he did man on the moon. And if you know that movie, that was the Andy Kaufman stuff. And he was in character for like three months and then he did like mask and dumb and dumber and then ACE venture, which I think is just awesome and hilarious.
But like, how does that is the guy that does mask do man on the moon, such a serious role, right. And. What I’m most, most actors because they haven’t established a little red arrow. You are here, they’re spending all their bloody time going to interviews when really they should probably be going to acting.
School was kind of like my, my frame for that. So the little red arrow you were here, you kind of, you’re not really that good at coaching. You’re not really that good at, you know, passionate about business and helping these folks look, this could be, this might be where you might want to start, you know, go and do some damn home.
On how to, you know, how to help a business owner to do, to do and road, dog. And I, on this podcast have apparently delivered a whole insane amount of value. You can just listen from episode one or you go enroll in a course or whatever you want to do, right. Hopefully that little red arrow. What do you want?
You got to create that. But that being said, the ultimate competitive advantage, I’ve done this a lot and just different, you know, like I’ll have a room of people and ask them because I’ll tell you there’s a specific, competitive advantage. I don’t, this isn’t necessarily what you were asking, but I feel like I need to go here.
No matter what you’re doing, saying helping, or the sport that you’re playing, you know, from football, the backgammon, basically in anything, I’d give you the same answer on the. Competitive advantage. And again, I’ve had rooms of people when I’ll ask, and then I get you know, answers like, you know, it’s a, what do you get you well, and you get answers like communication.
Look, you’ve got an inferior game plan and you communicate it with your players perfectly congrats. You just lost the game, but you sounded great doing it right. Or, you know, do you use is it character, which is what some will say? Well, congrats. You’ve got great character. That same inferior game plan gets deployed.
You shook hands after losing, unless you’re I say this, right? So you were really good guy. You were a fair player with good character, but you still lost. Right? So the list goes on and on, and the answers are, you know, very often the same. And predictable. And again, it goes for hockey. It goes for any sport.
It goes for building a career in acting. It goes for discussing politics when debating when you’re selling against the competition, when you’re at war you know, maybe more specifically when you’re doing high level business or business coaching what is it. And it’s the ability to see the entire playing field, right?
The war will always though the war will be won in the temps, not in the trenches. And that’s kind of the, you know, against me. What most, you know, or kind of, you know, thinking about is their framework. Wayne, Gretzky’s famous for saying he didn’t skate to where the puck was. He went to the, where the puck was going to be.
Right. He, he created what he said. He created the two on what you can picture hockey. You don’t need to understand hockey to understand this, but he created two one-on-ones all over the. Are all over the rank, right? So he had the puck, he would skate and he’d be looking for, not for others players. He’d be looking for one guy and then not all of the, all five of their players, but one of their guys, he created 2, 1, 1, and then he created 2, 1, 1, and then he created 2, 1, 1, right.
That was kind of his thing. So, so that’s kind of it, but the ability to see the entire playing field is 10 times more powerful. And when you’re rolling, The entire game, like that’s an it slow down for you is not what Michael Jordan said. There’s not a Kobe Bryant said many, many interviews and no doubt, a Wayne Gretzky interviews up there where he talked about that.
And anybody that saw an entire playing field knew when they said two week lock downs back in the day to slow the curve or whatever it was, it was zero chance. This thing was going to be over in two weeks. We knew that we were cooking, kicking the can down the And two years later, welcome to your new normal, right?
Surprised not. So the view of the entire playing field It’s like, that is what I would call you know, like your ultimate competitive advantage and men, by the way, Charlie mongers I’m saying comes to mind where show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcomes. Again, competitive advantages is understanding that if you put the right incentives in place, The right outcome is going to come in them.
Maybe you go back to the pandemic. Like the government employees were making the decisions where they worried about getting laid off. Where the government officials concerned about a pay cut, where their benefits in jeopardy was their retirement at threat. And the answer is no, no one, no. Well, show me the incentives or show me the outcomes and magically, they decided that we should all be locked inside and that we should shut down businesses and keep everybody safe.
Right. When you listened to the podcasts, when road dog, when are talking about it early on, I said, you could do 20% of the, what do you call it? The. You know, the restrictions and get 80% of the value. Right. And they knew that early on, but they, you know, they didn’t make the adjustments to do, to do, to do.
But there you go. So that, so the ultimate competitive advantage of seeing the entire playing field, but then road, dog, if we go granular like business, what would I say? So look, what’s the biggest problem that your clients face go and solve it. Like it GAM we’ve said this a million times on the podcast, but we’ll say it a million more people come to us every single day as successful entrepreneurs.
And they, is this a good idea, Carl, is this, will this be a profitable idea? Carl, would this idea work Carl, right? It’s like question it’s idea, idea, idea. If you want to be. Successful in business. You’ve got to change what we’ll refer to as your spidey senses. And instead of looking for ideas at midnight and 2:00 AM, or maybe it’s five in the morning for you, what you want to do is identify problems.
Okay. And then the question is, once you identify the problem, can you solve it? Right? And then by the way, how many people have that role? And then people are people willing to pay big numbers of, you know, a lot of money for those problems. How hard does it to find the people with those problems? Is that clearly?
Is it like people between the age of 18 to 25? Is that people over the age of 60? Like I would just use one right now, like anti-aging right. So I was in a skin road, dog build business, but it was at a shop the other day. And there’s this guy he’s pretty Pretty I’m going to use the word flamboyant.
Okay. But he’s like, you know, he’s flamboyant dude, man. Right? Good guy. Fun. I’ll have a beer with him any day of the week. Anyway. So he’s, he’s invented this space cream that is made by scorpions. And then he shows me, takes me in to his little dealio where he has cages for like, I don’t know. I’m going to say 5,000 scorpions, something like that, right.
I’m like, okay, get me the hell out of here. But anyway, so he, and then he has this whole lab, which he showed me the whole thing. I spent $10 million developing this and then basically this particular skin cream he was wearing gloves and been made pissed the scorpion off. And then the scorpion stings, the glove.
And then the glove has a tube, which by the way, he defined as a cargo. See that condom looking thing that captures the two little droplets from the one bite. And then I think they can get them to bite. I dunno what I’m going to say once a week. I can’t remember what it was, but it’s not like they’re biting, like you don’t just put them back and then go grab them an hour later.
That’s why he’s got thousands of these scorpions or whatever it is anyways. Pretty hilarious. But the whole idea. As you put this stuff on your face and he grew up in Florida and take skin cancer is a passion of his. So anyway, so he believes that this is going to help save people from cancer cure cancer.
And he’s a flamboyant dude and he likes to look young. So he thinks that it’s going to help people look young. And yes, I bought some in case you’re wondering. And so there you go. So that like he he’s solving, you know, in his mind. And I just, I say his mind cause. I don’t know, but he is solving anti-aging in a very real and tangible way.
Do you think if he said, oh, and by the way, Kate Beckinsale you know, they get, you know, I probably don’t need to tell you that is, but she’s reasonably attractive woman. She has never endorsed anything as I understand it. And she endorses this. Right. So, so anyways, so.
[00:34:25] Christian: I don’t even know where to go with this.
Like, are you, are you freaking kidding me? Like first off, were you wearing a very particular t-shirt when you walk into that place? That’s the first question I have, but this is, this is something else. This is, oh my God. You have the most magical stories I’ve ever like first. How would you put yourself in that position to meet that type of individual?
That’s like hurting scorpions? Like where the hell do you meet these people? Dude, it is amazing. Oh my God. I sure hope that was scorpion cream. You’re putting on your face anyways. Wow. Like I had good like realistically fantastic points I was going to bring up and then you went like sideways. So, I don’t even know.
I, I I’m, I’m lost right now. I’m
[00:35:23] Karl: completely lost. You got to get this back on the rails. This is unbelievable. It’s amazing. Skin cream.
[00:35:30] Christian: Oh dude. Oh my God. Yeah. So there you have it folks scorpion cream and business coaching. I, I don’t even know how these two things work together, but here we are. What are the metrics of his business?
I wonder like how many times the scorpion bites, the glove, the. Deposits the cream into the condom. I don’t, I don’t know what’s happening.
[00:35:55] Karl: Of course it did. Like,
[00:35:56] Christian: listen, if anyone has the most random stories of anyone I have ever met in my entire life KBS at the top of the list, 100 times out of a hundred, there’s no more need to test. The tests are complete.
[00:36:11] Karl: There it is. Oh my God,
[00:36:13] Christian: dude. All right, folks. I, I have to leave it there because I don’t know how I’m going to follow that up with any sort of questions.
So all right. Scorpion king, do you want to leave us with the one thing that people can take out of today’s episode and implement to their business?
[00:36:30] Karl: Thanks for the lab. Shoot. Thanks a lot. No one, one thing, get back on track. Look, one thing is data for sure. I, I want you to look over the last, so forget going forward.
Okay. I’m going to challenge it. Anybody listening to. How much data did you track last week? And I would say if you’re the 95, possibly the 99, but the 95%, definitely the 90, the answer is zero. And I’m going to say that that’s a problem that you need to solve. And then you’re not a math person. You’re like, oh my gosh.
That’s so, you know, cause again, if you do like a disc profile, you know, like I said, this a long time ago, road, dog to good, but you know, The borough, like what you look, you talk about. Great CEO, great leader earlier. Maybe this should have been the answer, certainly part of the answer, but operating in a conscientious way.
Right? And I, again, my poor daughter, I say the store all the time, she cleans her room. I’m like you did that in a conscientious way. We’re practicing spelling. You did that in a conscientious way. You know what I mean, a conscientious, so operating in a conscientious way, but there’s a really good chance that if you’re a good, you know, you’re a good entrepreneur.
You know, a conscientiousness is just not your thing, like tracking data more specifically, it’s just not going to fall on your, oh my gosh, I can’t wait list. But that being said, you want to grow, you want to go to the next level? I think that there is some magic in that, so slow down to take many steps forward.
So I’ve talked recently a lot about pause and silence and whatnot in my email. Pause, you know, just take pause with your business and operate maybe a little bit slower, you know, write down your contacts, the, you know, where it’s at, get CR you know what I mean? Like think of CRM and, you know, establishing, you know, just some data points and whatnot.
What’s happening with your business? How many contacts, how many events what have you learned you might want to put on the list? For me personally, I have a deep, deep, deep passion for learning. Insatiable appetite for new information, but that then that could become a fault, by the way, you got to make sure that you’re taking that information and implementing it.
But, but road, dog, I’m just gonna leave it with data tracking data, but don’t get all like, it doesn’t need to be all super amazing data, right? Like how many sales surely you’re going to handle that on a. With a few different markers, right. And just, you know, Monday’s red and Tuesday’s blue and Wednesday’s green or whatever, that might be good for you.
Right. And and there you go. So data, data, data, data, data, and then we said like one hour a week, To measure data, maybe break it up into 30 minutes, right? Like 30 and 30, 30 minutes is what data could I be collecting, measuring, and then get passionate and fall in love with that process, hopefully in a conscientious kind of way.
And then the other half is actually measuring your data, like looking at like how did I only manage to make one sale? Wow. That’s not good enough. Right. And then again, going to your, you know, like, how are you going to Jack up? So I’m kind of mixing time to think with time to measure bottom line, measuring for an hour and then died.
And then thinking about as half of that, what kind of numbers you’re gonna measure. And then time to think is defining a problem, right? That at the top of your page, and then basically, you know, writing like a band chief for the next. The answer in solving that question or answering the question that was top.
So there you go. Shoot. That’s my, that’s my answer.
[00:40:03] Christian: Well, it’s funny too, right? Just, just to, to expand on that a little bit, not to encourage a rabbit hole, but just when, when you’re putting down just the pure data on stuff, it’s like, you know, not just how many sales did I make, but how many sales meetings did I have?
And then how many sales did I make as a result? And then all of a sudden you’re going to become obsessed with. How, how can I improve that by one by two, by whatever. Right. And, and just to go back now that I’ve got my thoughts and my wits about me again, after
[00:40:32] Karl: the scorpion story,
[00:40:33] Christian: the, when it comes to data, the example I always like to give people is golf, right?
Like if you’re just the guy that’s out there, just smashing your drive, as far as you can go with everything else, you’re not, you’re not playing golf. Like you’re just not right. Like. If you’re actually looking at the length of the hole and you’re actually assessing which clubs and not just how far you want to hit, but where you have to leave yourself.
And then you’re tracking fairways and regulation. You’re tracking greens, you’re tracking pots. Like all of a sudden, all of these data points are going to give you a story. And that story is going to give you a better way to possibly even resolve an answer, you know, give you better results. So it’s no, it’s no different in golf as it is in business.
It’s funny, you know, somebody who’s taking golf a bit more seriously will have no problem measuring their Gulf data. And a lot of business owners are big golfers. So that might be a good one. Like, do you track your data when you’re, you know, like how many pots you take and everything else? Well, why aren’t you tracking that inside of your business?
[00:41:31] Karl: So I want to jump in for one because I love it. You’re totally, should’ve said that I super important point. Thank you. So guys, it’s not just because again, it looked, the sales are obviously. You know, like fall in love with like, you know, the sales appointments, the number of calls, et cetera. Again, getting too obsessed with the result because here here’s what happens, right?
Like this part, when you start taking time, time to measure, this will become abundantly clear really, really quick. What will happen is that like, let’s say I’m ripping around them. I’m going to networking functions for real simplicity. So I go and I’m like, oh my gosh, I went to all these. I went to 10 networking groups.
And then, but where did you go? You went like, let’s just call it BNI. I beat on them a little bit. I don’t mean to, but like BNI is, you’re not going to meet the highest level of entrepreneur at a BNI meeting, generally speaking. Right. So I’m often said, you know, go to golf course, go to the yacht club, go to the you know what I mean, go to the high oil and gas club, like go to those events and you’ll probably have more success, but make sure when you’re doing your measuring, like you could be driving traffic online.
And then increase. Let’s just say you get, you know, a thousand leads a day and your conversions are 1%, right? Well then you all of a sudden, you know, you’re like, oh my gosh, I got to Jack up. My, my the number of leads. Well, then you go from 1000 to 2000 and then your conversion stayed the same. So you think you’re doing great, but what if all of a sudden, because you change the campaign to get more leads.
You, it led to decreased sales, decreased revenues and decreased retention. So you’ve got to make sure that you follow, like, what’s the goal. You’ve got to clearly define what the goal is, right. And the goal of success. And then what does that mean? And, and part of success. And I’m, you know, well-documented, you’ve gotta be careful sitting there measuring your own numbers because it should be about way more than that.
But reality is the. You got to feed the family. Right? So to, to pretend like revenues are not critically important would be silly. But what I’m getting at is that you could go to more networking functions and then actually have your revenues decreased your clients, decrease in the retention, decrease all.
And you’re like, what the heck is going on? I tripled my activity and then think of the networking groups for driving traffic and all the different, you know, direct mail campaigns, et cetera. You gotta make sure that you see the data points all the way to fruition, like all the way through not in a silo.
You can’t see these numbers in isolated way, although you need to, but you got to see it as a body of work. And this is where you’ll get better on the data tracking. So road dog, you bring up a really, really good point there. Thank you. I guess it’s really important that it’s about the journey. More than, you know, just that end goal, but you gotta understand, you could have way less appointments, way less meetings, and then have higher level clients like close on this roadmap.
Like I put this on my personal Facebook page where the way to drive, if you have a tactical offer you’ll get the most leads. If you have like a strategic offer, you’ll have less leads, but a higher level of. If you use, like, what do I call it? A spirit driven where like become the best coach. You can be as an example of a spirit.
It’s not the best headline I can improve that, but hopefully you get the idea that we’ll bring in way less leads, but higher quality. Cause the person that wants to be the best business coach, they can be. It’s going to bring a higher level of client. Like we’ve talked about this recently, we’re doing a how to read financial statements, basically how to find your feet.
In record time before even working with your client, by reading financial documents, there’s going to be a lot of our clients are going to be interested, but who’s is going to be interested. Let me tell you it’s going to be the ones that are going to kick some butt and the ones who are going to be successful.
It’s going to be the higher level folks. They’re going to be attracted to it. That you know, reading financial statements. In other words, it’s going to intimidate some people is what I’m trying to say. So those people aren’t going to show up, but frankly, they’re the ones that need to show up the most.
Right. And you’re going to have a ton of account that Sarah, again. So anyways, road, dog. Very good point, but data, gosh, it’s a, it’s such an important topic.
[00:45:46] Christian: It is. And it’s funny how you say the people that need it the most probably won’t show up it’s because their awareness quite isn’t, it’s not quite there yet.
Right? It’s so funny how that always works. Just real quick, I just want to give one real quick tactical thing that everybody can do. Maybe this can be a segment going forward. I don’t know what I’m committing myself to here, but Well, the one thing that I am going to say is if you, like, we all have calendaring systems, all of us, right?
We’re we’re all like, and there’s confirmations going out, please don’t have your confirmation emails suck. Like, because 99.9% of them are absolutely atrocious. You understand that? Nobody cares about, Hey, here’s a reminder, like, eh, delete. What if all of your reminders, it’s a sales opportunity. It’s another opportunity for you to get them excited to actually get on a call.
Don’t please for the love of God, do not let that just be the standard meeting reminder that is there, like put in some testimonials, put in some extra value, especially if you’re, if you’re a client of Karl’s you’ve got so much information that invalue could drop inside of that, that are going to get people to go.
Holy smokes. This guy, every touch point, he’s delivering value. So I just want to throw that in. Please, please, please. So on. Thanks for tuning into another episode of business coaching secrets with none other than the man, the myth, the legend, Carl Bryan, himself, ladies and gentlemen on this very show. And if you don’t on the inside and getting acts at the pre-show or you aren’t getting Carl’s daily, daily.
Or you just want more information on all of the great ways that Carl can help you inside of your coaching business, go to focus.com and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the show, please forward it to a fellow coach or someone that, you know, perhaps a great salesperson and that type of thing.
And of course, it’s always, if you liked it, please rate it as we know that that is huge with all the streaming services and that is it for another week, we will see you on the next episode, everybody. And remember progress equals happiness. Take care of.
[00:47:52] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes, without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coaches, super power. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with businesses. That can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.