BCS 144: | The Best Way To Get Referrals + Should You Do A Money-Back Guarantee?

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 144: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– The best way to get referrals
– Should you do a money back guarantee?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 144
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you want to attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams.
Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets with the man, the myth, the legend, the king of the Caribbean. Hello, Brian. That’s not getting old.
[00:00:55] Karl: That sounds good. It’s got a ring to it, bud. It’s got a ring to it. How are you doing road dog?
[00:01:02] Christian: I am doing pretty, pretty good.
I’d say I I’m not sure if I had COVID last week, but I would almost certainly guarantee it. Good luck getting a rapid test anywhere in this province, but I did run eight miles yesterday, so if anything, I pick it out of my system yesterday. So there, there is that. How about yourself? Did you go for an eight mile run or did you just go on another horseback ride?
Is that like on the,
[00:01:27] Karl: I went for plus weight eight mile walk, as I do every morning. Light sciatic nerve is still it’s. It’s nearly there. It’s not quite there, but that’s probably a lame excuse because of my sciatic nerves was over a hundred percent. I would not have been an eight mile jog, but I have been hitting the gym every day, which is also not good for the sciatic nerve, but just
[00:01:46] Christian: so everybody knows Tammy’s nickname for Karl is also my sciatic nerve.
[00:01:55] Karl: So unfortunately,
[00:01:57] Christian: so I’m reviewing your jokes that I’ve seen you send them. Dr. Oz says, rubbing coffee grounds on your naked body prevents cellulite. Apparently you can’t do it at Starbucks. And now the cops are here for my wife. Let’s not kid ourselves. You went in to London fog, and then you got some extra coffee grounds
that some of these acronyms that you’re saying as part of the group chat of your dad when he was in the ICU BFF, best friend fell BTW, bring the wheelchair. One of my personal favorites mil meal. I’d like to forget that is a beauty right there, bud. You know, I don’t know how you come up with this stuff.
Anything you want to send about that? Like what? Like, no. Okay. Well,
[00:02:57] Karl: I knew you’d go to mill by the way. My dad did have a couple of meals that he does tell me that he, and anyways, let’s leave that there, man. Let’s go. Let’s ask, let’s do some, let’s do some coaching stuff shoots. What do you think about,
[00:03:13] Christian: well, if you can get time to start we’ve we pretty much wasted everybody’s time and appreciate.
So we might as well give them some value today. All right. Diving in first question, I’ve got 15 coaching clients. Hello. Well done. Whoever wrote this question here 15, not as impressive. I’ve got 15 coaching clients, but struggled to get referrals. What do you suggest as the best way to get referrals?
[00:03:39] Karl: Yeah. Nice. Well, I’ll tell ya. You want to get strategic. You’ve got 15 clients. I would dare say that you might not have room for another 15. So there might be a different conversation about, you know, strategy and the higher level approach. But what’s the best way to get referrals road, dog. That’s premise, best way to get referrals.
Okay. So look, you, you want to be, you want to sell through not just to, right. So what you can do is you could set yourself up for referrals before you actually start the coaching relationship. Like here’s what I mean. When I build the five and a half million dollar coaching company, we used to do $400,000 a month in new, small business coaching clients, a large part, if not, well, a large part of our coaching clients.
When they were comprised of accountants, business brokers, think graphic designer, a web designer, a magazine, a newspaper, a promotional company. Like basically what I’m saying is B2B businesses. So, if you think about it, they had my targeted, like who’s the client of an accountant, who’s the client of a magazine showing advertising.
Who’s the client of the online directory. Who’s the client of the business broker and they’re, they’re all business owners. Right? So rather than this seldom a coaching program, which we did the way that I would teach, just the way that I would explain it, the way that we approached it is we’d sell through rather than to, right.
So every client that we signed on provided, you know, and assuming we did a great job and all that sort of stuff, it wasn’t about, you know, could they send us one or two referrals? It was like, if they had 300 clients, they had 300 clients they could send to us. Right. So, so we went to B2B folks as opposed to the mortgage broker, the chiropractor, the dentist, the roofer, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.
Right? So consumers versus B2B folks remember. What was it like we had, I remember a magazine, they signed up and they had sent us a hundred thousand dollars of high-end coaching clients. Within 90 days of me basically shaking her hands. Right. Pre COVID, by the way, very importantly. And that’s not a hundred thousand dollars of like fictitious.
Maybe that was like a hundred thousand dollars in my bank account as a result of, you know, shaking hands or, well, actually truth be told she came to my event. I had a bit of an idea is that she was coming so not accidentally and very strategically, she ended up in the front row. Cause again, people, you know, the front row, the second row, the third row will, the people closest to, you will buy it at a ridiculously higher rate than those at the back.
So let’s say that you got 10 rows. I can tell you your conversions in row one, two and three will be significantly better than seven, eight, third. What am I saying? 8, 8, 9 and 10. Right? So anyways, she was right there and a bingo Bango bongo. We crushed it. Or if you call that crushing it, right, this is way back in, you know, mid two thousands.
So let’s just, so you want to get more referrals, like let’s just maybe wrote Doug from a strategic point of view. Let’s maybe put a 1, 2, 3 to this one. You got to knock it out of the park, right? You got to go above and beyond and no doubt. That’s not a surprise, but again, you’d. How early are looking for those referrals, right?
You want to deliver insane value first and then look to the referral. You know, and then by the way, we’d also ensure they realized how far above and beyond we were going. Right? So like, one of the things we do is like tiny emails to go out at two 30 in the morning, or like, you know, 1230 dependent upon, you know, how much of a night our individual was.
And it was like we were burning the midnight oil. We would put together business plans or about 50 pages. We had software to basically facilitate that. So we didn’t need to write the business plan from whoa to go. And the business plan did not need to be perfect, but we would show up with like a 50 page business plan.
And they were like, wow, like this wasn’t in the agreement. I wasn’t expecting this. You put this together for me, like over the last week. So bottom line is we, there were, you know, we had processes in place to make sure that we appeared to be like that we were over-delivering, but we, you know, we absolutely were doing that right.
We’d strategically wait for what I call it. Like a moment we didn’t, the mistake that people make is they ask for the referral at like the 90 day mark, right. Or call three, or like at the beginning of the you know, like they set up a call and then they would, they would do the. You know, you’re asking the referral at a specific time.
That’s not the way to do it. You want to do it at like a magic moment. So like they just got their biggest client, they just formed a joint venture. They just called you to say, thank you. And they’re singing your praises and saying, wow, you guys are the best. There’s just commenting on. Wow. You guys really over-delivered by the way that email you sent me was at 1230 last night.
Gosh. You know, I really appreciate, and it’s very obvious that you’re going above and beyond. So hopefully you’re understanding instead of call three or day 90 or day two asking for referral, we’re waiting for an emotional moment. And then that’s when we, we put it in. Right. And then at this moment so let’s go to number three.
So one would be over-deliver two would be what do I call it? Wait for like a moment and then three at this moment. Like, you know, that’s the stage, I’d get them to refer their clients in a variety of different ways, right? The ideal situation, which wasn’t always possible was to go to their clients 10 of the time.
And we do live workshops in partnership with them. So let’s say that they sell advertising on a magazine and they sell advertising. Well, we go to them and say, look, let’s, you know, let’s partner up and run some workshops. The same workshop that you came to at the chamber of commerce, all deliver that in your board room, I’ll make you look like a superstar.
I’ll encourage them to spend more money advertising because that’s a very important part of business, right? Everybody hates advertising until they want to sell their own car and we help them Jack that up. But what we’ll do is we’ll put Ken instead of putting all hundred people, because we want to have smaller rooms and excellent follow up as opposed to big rooms and poor follow-up 10 of the time.
And then we’d do a presentation on their behalf. So like idea being rather than go to them and say, Hey, can I have a referral? What we’re doing is go to going to them and saying, look, let’s run a joint workshop, educate your business owners. Yes. There’ll be given the opportunity to buy and to basically get accountability and some coaching from us.
But most importantly, if they don’t spend 5 cents at the end of that workshop, they’re going to know, you know, like as do you after that presentation of the chamber, how to grow your business at a significantly higher level and they’ll know the same thing. Right? So that’s the X-Factor road dog. Is that the timing of the question for the referral?
So, so that’s it. And I will tell you, you will double, if not triple the referrals that come in, if you take the. Kind of approach. So that’s what I’d say, road dog. But I, again, the question originally, what was it? They at 12, whatever that was like 15 coaching clients, you know, can you handle another 15 clients?
And then are you going to have the opposite of network effects where your business starts to eat itself, where you now have more clients and not the processes in place, and you might end up with some, you know, some unhappy coaching clients. So think about that strategically before you go hammer and Tong after referrals.
So, so there you go, road dog. What do you think, bud?
[00:11:14] Christian: Well, so you’re, you’re talking about this moment, right? You mentioned that a few times. So can you explain that a little bit further, like this, this whole moment thing and explain everyone how that would work.
[00:11:27] Karl: Good Quip yet. Think of emotion versus logic, right?
Like imagine, go into the bar, meeting a beautiful woman and then trying to convince her to come home with you using logic. Right. Probably tried that back in the day, but emotion is the only way you’re going to get her out of the bar, holding hands and on your way to wherever. Right. You know, and I’ve never had a woman pick me up at the bar or that sounds amazing.
But I can only imagine it’s the same for, you know, women like it’s, it’s it’s emotion. It’s not logic selling coaching is the same, right? Like getting referrals is the same coaching clients make a decision to buy from you with emotion, and then they justify it as in the already made decision with logic.
Right? So sending you a referral referrals, the same, staging it at call three as a mistake, you want to have that moment. You want to have like an emotional, rather than a moment. Let’s just say. I don’t want to call it an emotional moment. Let’s call it. Right. And by the way, there’s only 70 emotions that you need to know.
And that’s fear, curiosity, certainty, guilt, pride, degreed, and love. Again, real like it might be worth writing those downs, but this is it, right? Fear, curiosity. That’s what, when you’re selling coaching, right. But fear, curiosity, certainty, guilt, pride, greed, and love. So your and your, your coaching clients are looking for a transformation.
Right. So paint an emotional picture of it for them. What does that transformation look like? As opposed to logic like the new holiday, the new freedom, the new demand, the new respect, the new website, the new Bulletproof system, the new capable staff that they’re going to have the new marketing system, the new You know, kick butt sales team, the new car, the new home, the new friends, the new parties, and understanding your clients at a slightly higher level.
And then what motivates them a road dog, going back to a podcast a long time ago, you and I, we kind of went through and there’s different things that motivate people, but one of them is freedom. And you were like, oh, that was the big one for me. So like to sit there, if I sit there and try to transform you you know, paint this transformational picture for you in the future, that looks like a very regimented, you know, 12 hours a day, no holidays.
You’re, you know what I mean? You’re in the moment. I might never convince you. This is amazing. But when it comes to deploy, if you do follow through, there’ll be self-sabotage and there’s a better chance that you’re not actually going to follow through. And that’d be wondering why, right? Like, why is it procrastination?
And that’s it because you’re, you’re not moving towards that bigger picture. Right? So, so bottom line. The referral party is looking for the same thing from their, you know, for their clients. They’re not just looking for it from themselves. I love the idea of my, you know, my number one client being able to go on a one month holiday with his family.
I love the idea of like, you know, somebody like road, dog that, you know, not only wants freedom, but frankly needs it. I love the idea of him having more freedom, totally juices me. So, so not only do you sell transformation to your client, but you’re actually selling a transformation to
For your referral for their referral partner for their clients. You know what I mean? So, so selling in a different way, but the bottom line is you’re using emotion as opposed to logic saying, you’re going to help them make more money and their clients make more money for a certain demographic and a certain individual that that might be the right approach.
Right. But generally speaking you’ll get a lot further by painting a transformational situation, you know, like sell the low score, not the golf club, right. Sell the longest drive, knock the golf ball, right. By the way, the semi-related note, right. Are our government officials at all, you know, walk this in our houses, different depending on where you are in the world, still trying to lock in your houses and, you know, keep your kids out of school and that sort of stuff, you know, like they, you know, they use fear, you know, you just scoot through your your Facebook feed and you’re going to see it right there.
So anyway, forget that topic. You know, so the moment wrote dog. It’s just, if it’s high on emotion, you know, again. Yeah. If you’re going to try to take a beautiful woman home from the bar using logic, it would be like a moment, right? Like when she was laughing, that’s an example. That might be a good time to ask.
But anyways that’s my answer sheets. What do you think? But does that make sense? So in the blank,
[00:15:51] Christian: well, it does it a couple of ways I can go here. I can go, we can go straight into data and advice by Dr. Karl Bryan
conflicting stories of how him and Tammy met. But anyway, we don’t need to go there. One is very confident on one side and the other side, that’s not at all how it happens. I’ll let
[00:16:18] Karl: that story told that story yesterday. So there you go. But
[00:16:21] Christian: anyway, let’s keep yelling. That’s the thing, but like all of your old stories are new again. Yeah.
Is this why you move every three years?
And by the time it’s just a matter of time, right? I think once you’re gone for nine years, you could just close the loop and start at the beginning again.
[00:16:47] Karl: I was just thinking that I was like, you know, like an open loop,
[00:16:52] Christian: speaking of open loops, you went a little dark there in that last one. How dare you say what’s going on and all of a sudden fights with governments and stuff, but it ties in really, really well because somebody wrote in and they said they have this.
Propensity. Definitely not a word that’s in my vernacular. To go quote, go negative. So many tips on staying positive. And then also to help my clients stay positive loyal boy, this is, it’s a beauty. So there you go. Who do you want to, you want to try and tackle
[00:17:23] Karl: that one? No propensity. I agree. We get some propensity.
We get some four syllable words going on shoe
[00:17:32] Christian: too early as a recording this too early. Stop it and tone it down on the big
[00:17:36] Karl: words. Okay. Look, I’d go negative. You know, it’s just your advantage point. You know, if you had looked for red Toyotas, you’re going to find red Toyotas and you’re looking for hurleys.
You’re gonna find them. If you’re looking for things to distract you from working throughout the day, you’re going to find. You’re looking for problems, you’re going to find them. You’re looking for reasons to be angry. You’re going to find it. But if you’re looking for opportunity, you know, you’re going to find those also.
And I know as I say, that sounds somewhat platitudinal, but the truth is, you know, if you you reticular activating system, you start looking for some, you will find it and then you will lie to yourself if necessary or exaggerate or adjust what you’re looking at. You know, gray will be black and, you know, turquoise will be blue, et cetera.
So, you know, just, you’ve got to help your clients. You’ve got to help yourself get excited about, you know, leaving your comfort zone, you know, and thinking outside the box, like everybody is nervous about growth, but then when they get it, you know, they, they love it. Just thinking, you know, if you’ve got kids, you’d just see it in them every single day.
They, you know, my daughter, I think we mentioned this with, we did mention this, but my daughter went in the talent. She’s crying and, oh my gosh. And like, you know, and then she did it and she, you know, she had really, really good so proud of her and like, could you imagine how amazing she felt afterwards, but prior to it, I mean, she’s literally in tears you know, pooping her pants and understandably, you know, she’s eight years old and there’s, you know, 150 people or whatever, staring, you know, the audience.
So, you know, and it’s a big stage, which is raised up and there’s lights, like, you know, bright lights, but anyway, so, you know, but how amazing did she feel afterwards? So what I’m getting at leaving your comfort zone is a great way to all of a sudden, you know, run to the negative, run to the anxiety and then kind of run right through it.
Like, look opportunity. I remember. I wrote some about this. It was a while ago, probably a couple years ago, but like in the early 19 hundreds don’t know what it was, but California fruit exchange it we’re losing money at market share on oranges and they hired a sales guy who had no experience selling oranges.
Right. It’s part of the legend of the story. What was the name, Albert? Can’t remember his last Albert Lasker. I believe it was, but his task was to sell oranges at the highest level of job, maybe back then, but, you know, beggars can’t be choosers and apple wasn’t around yet, but that was it. Like his job was to sell oranges and, you know, they were looking to capture market, share, looking to, to grow right a month into the job.
I have an idea. We should start selling orange juice. Right. And we’ll also sell the benefits of it being really healthy and occurred others to do the same. Right. And of course it takes many origins to feel one glass, well, orange sales increased by, I don’t know how much, but it was like a couple thousand percent.
And an Albert Lasker went down as the man that had mentored orange juice. Right. So like ice cream was around for a hundred years before the invention of the ice cream cone. You know, what is it? Was it Nike in the roll-on deodorant? No, that’s what am I saying? No, re roll on deodorant was brought by the ballpoint pen, right?
And the Nike, what is it? Nike, Phil Knight who owns Nike? He was using a waffle iron, I think. And then basically he, he poured rubber on it and that’s how the Nike, you know, the unique Nike sole, that looked pretty cool nowadays it’s old hat, but it looked really cool. Helped sell a lot of shoes. That’s basically, you know, he, he was looking for opportunity, right?
Like he’s making waffles and all of a sudden he’s got a new idea for the whatever you call it, you know, for the souls of a, of a Nike and then, you know, many subscription services, you see them all over the place, but like, you know, owning a car is going to become less and less and less popular in the future.
For sure. So there’s all kinds of subscriptions. If you live in a big city, there’d be no need to have a car, unless you really wanted one. I mean, you just got a subscription service and you can, you can just go start the car with an app. We’ve got suitors all over. You know, pretty much every city, Uber was originally a limo service, right?
Ray Kroc started this first. McDonald’s at 42 Colonel Sanders. I think it was 62 when he got his first place opened after countless rejections. So some monumental moments are about to happen in business. The question is, are you going to have one of them? Is your client going to have one of them the best ideas in 10 years from now?
They haven’t even been thought of, you know, like the next Uber, the next Facebook, the next apple Disney Rolex, Louie Baton, whatever it is, it hasn’t even been thought of, you know, earbuds, whatever it’s, the idea is still in between somebody’s ears and maybe you listening. Right. And, and you’re not too late, a big one that I hear.
They don’t use those words, but I hear it all the time. Like, you know, they had some success that they’re referencing and pissed off because they, you know, they, you can get lucky and make it, we can’t get lucky and keep it, that kind of thing, you know, really, it’s not what you make. It’s what you keep. You know, that kind of, you know, hit some straight in the nose and it’s like, you know, they feel a little bit late.
They’re trying to make up for lost ground. Right. And again, it’s like my daughter with the talent contest. Right? Like your, your struggle is often your greatest gift of your lifetime. And I know in the moment, and as I say that, everybody’s like, yeah, no, I know that. And they know an example, but the problem is if you’re going through hell, you know, are you continuing to do it?
Are you doing it with enthusiasm? Right. And the answer is probably not to be changed your mind. Like you’re thinking about you go more negative than positive. It’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s the way that you see it. Right? Like my daughter, she had a situation different than the talent contest, but like, she was really you know, she was scared and I said, you know, You know, we’re just talking about her emotions and she was anxious and she was tan, kind of a sweaty, sweaty kind of Palm she’s eight years old.
So she didn’t have sweaty bombs, but you know, like that kind of deal, right. Nervousness a tightness coming over her. Right. And I’m like, but that’s the exact same way you feel when you’re excited. Right. So scared and excited are the exact same thing. It’s just a different vantage point. Right. So I don’t know that, you know, so negative, the positive, my question is that, you know, maybe if you reverse engineer it, you kind of matrix a situation and is it negative?
Or is it just a feeling of, I’m not enough? You know, that’s if you just adjust that ever so slightly and say, you know what. You know, if I could adjust the situation, I felt like I was running towards the fire instead of running, you know, away from it. And that as I’m standing in the fire, that massive opportunity, the next KFC, the next McDonald’s, the next apple, the next Disney kind of overcome me or B you know what I mean?
Or B I don’t know how to word that. You know what I mean? But just kind of became the thing that would be sort of a game changer. I don’t know, you know that’s what I’m going to say, road up. You just, you know, it’s a, it’s a vantage point. What you look for is what you’re going to get. And really, you know, what is negative?
You can only have one thought at any one time. Like, you know, me road, dog, you, anybody, your kids, your mom, your dad, your auntie, your uncle, any of your coaching clients, you can only have a positive, a negative thought. So it’s proven time and time again, like if you take on, like right now, if you’re standing somewhere where you can do it, I challenge you to take on the stance of Superman.
Right. Think about where Superman hands on hips, chest out, shoulders, back, head up, you know, a level of competence in your face. You know, and the muscles in your face and whatnot. You know what I mean? Like just, you know, stand like Superman or superwoman or wonder woman back in the day, right? Like stand like that hands on hips and watch.
Right. It’s, it’s absolutely proven to basically, you know, what is it, you know, Russian dopamine through your body and effectively you will become, you know, you’re, you’re gonna feel more confident immediately or smile. It’s impossible to smile and have a negative thought. It’s impossible. You me road, dog, everybody.
Like that’s the end. So again, my you’re you’re, I feel like you’re falling negative, make a habit of smiling and then assuming the Superman stance, right. Or a wonder woman as the case may be right. And you can completely change things. So I, you know and there’s so many folks out there significantly smarter and better than I they could, you know, provide you some value in terms of, you know, how to do it.
But you know, and, and if somebody, if you are not happy again, you know, like as a general, or you’re not happy at. Kind of pathetic, but like, if you do find yourself falling towards negative, I would challenge you. Are you working on something big, meaningful, purposeful in a strategic way. And do you feel like you’re getting, you know, a little bit closer, a little bit closer, a little bit closer.
We mentioned this all the time, but you close off the podcast with progress equals happiness. Well, if we look at your wheel of life and we look at the different areas, like your relationship with your wife, your relationship with your husband, relationship, with your business relationship, with your client’s relationship, with your kids your relationship with money, your relationship with your business relationship with you know, the level of wealth, your net worth well progress equals happiness.
And in that individual area, if you’re feeling short-term progress, any kind of progress in the moment, over a period of time, you’re going to feel positive about that area of your life, like your career. If right now you’re negative about your business coaching career or your position. Progress equals happiness will basically tell you why you are happy with it or unhappy with it.
You are either feeling progress for your coaching company and you’re not. And that will pretty much tell you where you’re at. So no road blocks. So that’s what I would say. But very importantly, we kind of got there by just, you know, like people are looking for transformation. And I’m
coaching clients by coaching for two reasons. One is transformation, and then the other one is reinforcement of their identity. Possibly a little bit rabbit hole. We won’t go down today. We may or may not have spoken about that recently, but think about that. So when you’re sitting in front of an individual I would be working out little red arrow.
You are here, what is it they want? And get a bit of a picture if they’re looking for transformation or a reinforcement of their identity. And if you adjusted your wording and adjusted your approach, and then the, I guess the pictures that you’re ultimately painting with your words, you might. You might find, but, you know, an example, if I’m a kick-butt dad and I feel like in a, like, what is a, kick-butt dead, it’s different to road dog.
It’s different for me, it’ll be different from you. Right. And the same, you know, as a mum, well, being able to maybe one guy thinks that being able to take my family away for a month, have total presence and be able to take them, you know, away for a month. That is what a successful fathers about, you know, so that’s a real, you know, reinforce that identity that that’s where we’re going to get to.
Right. And that, there’s also an element of transformation there. If they’re not there, we’re going to transform you, your business, your reality into something that’s going to make that happen. You know, a lot of dads, a lot of moms, a lot of families, they want to go to Disneyland. Right. That’s it for them.
That’s a picture of success, right? Paint that picture with your words and the direction of your, your meeting, as opposed to, we’re going to make tons of money and buy you a red Ferrari, you know, that that could be an example of what freedom means to the individual sitting in front of you. I don’t know.
Very importantly. If someone is going towards negative I don’t think that they have route they’re not moving strategically towards a bigger picture, a goal, a dream, a purpose on a consistent basis. And that could change everything. So what do you think you agree? Oh man. What do you think? Well,
[00:29:47] Christian: I don’t know, man.
It’s just such a, it’s such a personal thing. You know what I mean? Like it don’t, don’t overlook, don’t overlook your sources and what you’re taking in and turn off the news to get off the internet. For me personally, like I watch elevation worship elevation church on Sundays dude. Like that, that gets me in the right mindset. That’s a great positive message. Like what positive messages are you putting into your head? And, and that’s, you know, it’s, it’s a tough one, but, you know, because everybody can fall into a pit and go dark and go negative.
But you know, as long as you have that bigger purpose, vision calling, whatever you want to call it that hopefully, and typically will pull you through it. So we get all philosophical here and that’s probably not our strong suits.
I have I have a question here. I love this because I can’t wait to hear what you say.
Do you recommend offering money back or risk reversal when closing coaching? I fricking love this question because. This is a big one, right? People are like, how can I eliminate possibly all of the risks? How can I make this an option, no brainer. And especially with the money back. And I’m not sure where your head’s at on this, but let’s not kid ourselves coaches out there, dude.
And not legit have the money to get that back to them. Like, you know, like, can you touch on that maybe too? Like, what are your thoughts on all this money back risk reversal stuff.
[00:31:17] Karl: Yeah. I agree with you, it’s a top of mind for a lot of folks in the coaching world. I’m going to say yes and no. Like if you’re legit and you’ve got more coaching clients, you can handle, you’ve been around the block, got a documented body of success there.
It’s just not necessary. And there’s an argument to say that the clients, you’re not exactly a need of a client. Think of the. You know, referral, you got 15 clients, right? Like you should be able to get five referrals in pretty short order. Right. So if you’re not, and there’s also an argument, and this is an argument, you know, this is not black and white, but maybe the client that needs risk reversal to say yes to you might not be the ideal client for, you know, the individual with a lot of runs on the board and a little bit less patience if that’s, you know, but also if you’re newer to coaching I would say, yeah, why not?
I’ll tell you what the risks are. So we’ll do put more pressure on you. You know what I mean? And this sweat, you learn at a higher level, you learn quicker. So that’s not such a bad thing, but know that you could see the, you know, you’re gonna, if you’re going to offer a money back guarantee, I presume you’re going to have to get your hands a little dirtier than otherwise.
You know, you’ll your learning curve will happen quicker. And then you’ll end up in the first camp quicker where you got the runs on the boards, you’ve got the clients. You’re like, you know what, if you can’t make a decision, I’m saying this all the time. If you can’t make a decision, we make the decision for you, right?
Like your best coaching, good coaching relationship you know, a good business owners make hard decisions quickly. If that’s not you, we got to really think about whether we want to be working together, because what I don’t want to do is going around and around and around. She goes and put all this effort in to find out that in 90 days, you’re overwhelmed.
Can’t keep up and you need to hit pause because you’re overwhelmed. Right. So anyways let’s just say if you’re super you know, if you’re. And you’re not in need of coaching clients just not necessary. And you should have, I, you know, sharpened your, your sales saw by that stage where it’s just not necessary.
And if you’re newer to it, you should put it out there and it’s going to help you close some deals, right. And coaching. Here’s the bigger framework. The. Message people you’re the business owner is not looking to take advantage of you. They’re not looking to look, I’m going to pay a two grand a month.
I’m going to get this guy to 90 days. And then I’m going to ask for my money back. That’s just not the way that the relationship will unfold. And no doubt. There’s an example of that out there, but it’s the anomaly on absolute steroids. Do understand that when you offer a money back guarantee, my experience absolutely positively because we did this for literally years and years, everything was a money back guarantee.
That’s just the way that we had, you know, framed it up. You know, people were not looking to take advantage of us, right? So the anomaly happens once in a while, but as a body of work, just no chance. Right. So I think that that’s what possibly the newer coach needs to hear. So if you do offer it, you’re, you’re going to be just fine.
And if you don’t deliver, guess what? There’s a debate to say. You should probably get back some money. It didn’t, it didn’t work out. And like in every business transaction, someone is taking a financial and an emotional risk. Right. So good operators realize the importance of having you you know, quote unquote, let’s say feel certain and therefore turn the risk back onto themselves.
And in some cases, even better than a money back guarantee like that, like, you know, I’ve done, I’ve done like platform selling where I sold to the front of the room and I gave a double your money back guarantee. Right. Or maybe like a few examples, like you have a puppy dog close. So that could be like where I’ll coach you for free for 30 days.
And then in week four day 31, you start with. Right or you know, a point blank money-back guarantee a double your money back guaranteed a triple your money back guarantee. What I recommend that again, you better know your stuff and you better be very comfortable with your paperwork. But that being said, again, people don’t buy double your money back guarantees that are looking to take advantage of you as a general rule.
But if you sell, remember this, if you sell 10 people, like let’s just say there’s a hundred people in the room and 10 people buy because of your guarantee that otherwise wouldn’t have bought. And then two people want their money back. You’re still plus eight businesses. Just math. Think about that. Another thing you could do is work with them and, you know, work with them at no charge until they’re fully satisfied.
No, there there’s one, like think of real estate, right? Like if you don’t sell it in 90 days, I’ll buy it. Think of like a business, think about a house, think about you know, any, you know, purchase that has a high you know, that’s probably going to get you know, sold you, you know, you could do something like that.
You could offer a bonus that let’s say you close them on coaching, and then you give them your book. You’d give them your online you know, online access to your online business academy. Like for all of our clients, we provide them. We make them an author in 30 days and we provide them an online business academy.
That’s super impressive. Well, if you cancel I will give you your money back and you can keep access to my e-learning system and keep my books. Right. So you could keep the bonuses and still get your. I think of the person that’s hearing you say that like, they’re very comfortable that you’re not full of poopoo.
Right. You know, maybe off, like I know Tony Robbins has done this a lot, like where you offer to donate the amount of money to a favorite charity, if they’re not satisfied. So that way, you know, presumably you could feel a little bit more comfortable that you’re not going to be taken advantage of, especially when you’re doing, you know, multiple seven figures.
This might be a better roadmap you know, offer to buy them the competitor’s product. If they’re not satisfied with yours, just imagine I’m, I’m coaching the roofer. And I’m like, look, if you’re not happy, right? One of my best buds is road dog down the road. Really good guy. We worked closely. I’ll tell you what I will pay, because if you’re not happy with me, that means you don’t want me to continue with you.
What I will do is I will pay road dog, come in here and work with you until you’re a hundred percent satisfied. What I offer. No being honest with you. Just cause I just don’t think that that’s going to be the greatest. That’s just not going to be the best frame for a business coaching relationship.
That’s not road dog that I won’t recommend by the way. That’s just like, as a framework, I don’t think that would get by. But imagine if you were willing to do that, you’re selling couches. And if you don’t love this coach, I’m all by the one down the street for you that you were also thinking of buying right.
Again, good example, bad example. But my goal here is to get your, you know, your kind of what your money back guarantee motor running you know, like one of the things that I used to do, you might be able to do this, like from a speaking event, right? Like a guarantee is very, very powerful. So what I would do is I would guarantee to solve any marketing problem.
It’s a guarantee. Right? And then I did that actually. No, no, that was probably 18 months ago now, whenever it was, but I guaranteed to solve any business coaching problem on the spot. And again, I should probably do a few more of those because they were a lot of fun, got some great feedback and I get again, and you know, it was kind of spontaneous.
And I think the folks that came liked it, I enjoyed it. But bottom line is you, you know, what salt, what, what, what presentation could you run and basically solve the problem. And then as I say that on you’re a business coach and you go, oh my God, to put that much pressure on myself to guarantee to solve any marketing problem on the spot.
You know what? It’s not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination. And if you’re like, so what you do is like somebody wrote dog asked me a question. He’s like you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right. He asked that question. Great question. And then I go, what I do is I, cause I’m like, oh my God, what’s the answer to this.
I need time to think. What I do is I get them to repeat the question. Which is going to give me about, you know, 10 to 20 seconds to be able to recalibrate my thoughts and get my thoughts together and think of what’s the answer that I should be bringing to the table here. And that’s how you do it. So, but guess what?
I did tons of them. So I got significantly better. The first one don’t kid yourself, I was grouping my pants, including the one where I guaranteed to solve any business coaching problem on the spot, which by the way is out there is a podcast. If you’d like to listen to it, there’s a few and give us four of them.
You could, you could listen to those. And I, I had some heavyweights that showed up. I’ll give you the red hot tip. And I was like, Ooh, if these guys ask a question, there’s a chance I get their goal was to stop me there. They could come up with something and make it, I don’t know. Could they have stumped me?
I don’t know. I can tell you that I didn’t get stumped and I don’t think you would get stumped. And I think by putting yourself out there like that, You know, it’s a little bit different than a money back guarantee, but it’s certainly a guarantee. That’s got a, a lot of power it’ll provide you preeminence in the audience.
Let’s say there’s 50 people in the room. I’m going to introduce you to 50 people. That will be pretty interested in working with you as their high-end coach, because of the, the way you put yourself out there. Right? Like who else is willing to guarantee this stuff and put them on the spot? And if you mess it up, you mess it up.
Guess what you’ll be, you’ll be that much better for the next one. It’s the excitement versus, you know, it’s you know, fear versus excitement. It’s kind of the same thing. So, so bottom line. There’s lots of others. No doubt, but I could, you know, think of and drop on you, but, you know, get creative, you know, your, your risk reversal strategy is designed to make your prospect feel certain because again, that’s curiosity will get me in the door.
Certainty will get me your credit card. Your job is to make them feel certain. We say that all the time to our internal clients, two words, curiosity, that’s where we guarantee to fight any business owner, a hundred grand and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
And then we built proprietary software that has 497 million weighted algorithmic sequences that populate a roadmap that the business owner can now use with, or without us to basically realize you know, the a hundred thousand dollars that we provided in the meeting. Right. And. What the hell did you just say and give me some of that, right.
So again, it’s designed, you know, curiosity, like show me, and then the certainty, when you sit down with our software and you walk them through, and then it pumps out a roadmap, there’s a level of certainty there where there’s, you know, values attributed to everything. And then, you know, we have a jumpstart 12 and there’s 12 specific areas with hard numbers beside it there’s a level of certainty, but it provides so, so that’s you know, risk, reversal, money, back guarantee, whatever you want to call it, it’s designed to make people comfortable, you know?
So just I’m selling coaching back in the day. Again, I would sell pretty darn close to a hundred percent of the people that I sat with. And that the simple reason is my attitude. I say this a lot, but it’s not about doing your best, your best. Isn’t good enough. You got to do what it takes, which is possibly the 2:00 AM.
Basically, maybe it’s 5:00 AM. Maybe it’s, you know, jumping in a plane and going to the client. Maybe it’s jumping in your car and driving down. Maybe it’s answering the phone on their behalf. Maybe it’s sitting beside them as they, you know, they answer the phone and do what they’re doing. Maybe it’s looking at their accounts receivable, like we talked about last week and helping them itemize it.
And, and, you know, age it and work out. Where are these guys at? What money may or may not? We be collecting right. You know, you you’re really it’s the attitude that like, when I sat with somebody, I was just prepared to do whatever it took. So I had no problem with the money back guarantee with guaranteeing results, with, you know, making grandiose promises.
Cause I was just committed to, you know, facilitating the, the results. And by the way, I didn’t have kids at that stage. And I got started at a younger age. So you need to work out exactly where you’re at, but you know, my coaching deals back in the day, a hundred thousand dollars was one, you know, I don’t know inexpensive, but I sold a lots of them.
I’ve sold 250,000. I’ve sold significantly more than that, you know, with contingencies and everything else. And yes, again, I did get paid But again, risk reversal in order to get somebody to pony up for a hundred thousand dollars, a hundred thousand dollar agreement, you bet your life that, you know, risk reversal techniques.
Some of which I just listed some, you know, a little bit, I used to carry a blank check in my pocket. You were humming and hawing. I’d whip out the check. I’d fill it out from 12 months from today for the number that you were about to part with, let’s say it was twenty-five grand. I’d write your $25,000 check made out to you 12 months from today and say, does this make you feel more comfortable?
By the way, I didn’t do it at the beginning. I didn’t do it all the time. I did it when it was necessary. Right. But again, I learned that was a pretty clever technique. So I was going into you know you know, a, you know, and again, by the way I was doing this all face to face, but I could absolutely do that on zoom, you know, anyway, And it was just a matter of sliding the paperwork in front of him, you know, order form close and say, look, let’s let’s get this thing started.
So that’s my answer. Road, dog. Risk reversal. I do money back guarantee. It’s once again, little red arrow you are here. If you’re new to coaching, I’m going to say that that’s probably a better idea than if you’re super experienced with your coaching. Probably not necessary. So that’s what I say. Shoot.
What would, what would you say?
[00:44:26] Christian: Well, the check I was going to bring that up because I know that that’s something that you used to do. Did you also have another a diary of so you would go to the bank after and cancel those checks to
[00:44:36] Karl: possibly possibly,
[00:44:38] Christian: oh my God. But I was, I was going to bring that up because that that’s, that’s a good point.
I just want to make one quick point. You, you talked about the solving any problem on the spot. No, no one, unless they’re a real jerk is there to intentionally try and stop. Yeah, right. Like they’re looking for an answer. And if anything else, you know, like if you’re looking to stall and by the way, I, I, now I’m curious how many times you’ve said to Tammy, could you repeat that question?
[00:45:12] Karl: Like,
[00:45:16] Christian: what am I going to say here? I’m sure that’s happened a few times, but again, if you’re, if it’s like, you know, okay, well, before I give you my thoughts, tell me what you’ve done to try and solve this problem before.
[00:45:28] Karl: Nice. Nice. Nice. You just bought yourself three minutes
[00:45:33] Christian: at least
[00:45:35] Karl: if not 10,
[00:45:39] Christian: like right, right there. That. And then, and why do you think that didn’t work? Like you’re basically going to get them to answer the question, right? Do you still believe that strategy could work? Yes. Okay. How so? What would you change? What would. Great. What do you need me for? Right. Like it’s just, or you add some magic to it.
I just think that,
[00:46:00] Karl: yeah, definitely. Ad I like that. Yeah. So like I said, they’re answering it. So what you do. So if somebody listening and they’re like pay, but if they do all the answering that I’m not going to walk away with all that preeminence, right. First of all, just by facilitating the presentation, you will get that, you know, you just do or for certainly a good percentage of your audience what you do, like say road, dog, road bugs in the audience.
He asks something. I give, you know, he gives his own answer. Cause I ask a clever question. Like road dog just gave us. Now what I do is he answers. Let’s just say he gives five bits. I go perfect. Now what? I just heard one too. And you need to be listening. You got to give a crap, right? So road Doug’s give me his answer.
He’s in the audience. Most people are listening to respond. I’m listening to them. And then I’m like, okay, I hear one, I hear two, I hear 3, 4, 5. And then in my brain, I think I’d probably recap, you know, calibrating that to go pay road, dog. Love it. Really good answers. I think for, I think these two are four, five, and I think your best bets are one, two and three.
You know what I mean? So now I’ve gotten you to answer it and then my preeminence comes through, okay, let’s put this in an orderly fashion for you. Right. And then maybe we 80 20 at one 50 at where I’m like, what’s the big needle mover. Right? So anyways, I, I liked that road dog. Well,
[00:47:22] Christian: don’t shoot the, the, the other thing I will say is this too, right?
A great coach. You don’t always have to have the home run. You don’t always have to have the answer. It’s just asking a better question. So at the end of the day, you can frame it that way too and go, okay. Folks. You see what just happened here by simply allowing me. To reflect back to him or her and ask, go deeper into the question.
Right? It’s all about, it’s all about having that. And that’s, what’s truly all about a coach is there to help you ask better questions. So you come up with better solutions. That’s like, that’s it. And for the most part, you know, like that’s anyways,
[00:48:03] Karl: fantastic. Oh, you said, Hey, road dump. Can, can I just say you said something really important there?
Cause not just, not just about the question it’s like you said to come up with better answers, right? So are solutions, right? Because ultimately that’s what coaching is, right? You got to find solutions, too many folks. They spend all their time and kumbaya and everybody feeling wonderful about themselves and getting motivated and Yetta, Yetta, Yeti.
It’s not to say that that’s not there, but that the role of you as a business coach is a problem solver.
[00:48:34] Christian: Well, this way, you and I both love Tony Robbins, right? So when, when, if you have anybody watched on Netflix, you know, the, the right. I think you and I have probably, we probably streamed it like a thousand times between the two of us when we’re not watching our favorite Christmas movie, but anyways, so the family man, Nicholas cage,
any who’s. So on, on the on, on that, like when remember at the beginning, when that girl stands up and she’s just like, oh, you know, I’m not happy with my weight or something. And she’s like super skinny to begin with, but, and then when they interviewed Tony behind the, the stage, he’s like, look, people come at you with surface level problems and it’s the same in coaching, right?
They, they they’re at the surface level and you’ve got to go probably 2, 3, 4, 10 layers deep to actually get to the root of the problem. And it’s the only way to get there is to ask better questions. That’s it?
[00:49:35] Karl: Yeah. I want to say, yeah, agreed. High five. If you define the problem properly. Which is not easy to do, but if you define the problem properly, the answer is staring straight at you.
That’s where the magic is. The solution to the problem is in defining the problem properly. It’s like sharp. What’s that saying, Doug? Like if I, if I had an hour to shop down the tree, I’d spend, you know, 50 odd minutes sharpening my saw, and then whack it right. A little bit the same, spend your time, defining the problem more time to finding the problem, which in a compounding way, you’ll get better and better and better and better and better at it.
Like I’ll just tell you, here’s one for me road, dog. I have found myself recently and I’m driving my wife nuts with it, but I can’t help myself, but I just on a constant, like throughout the day, I’m big rocks, big rocks, big rocks, big rocks. I’m just, I’m spending my time. I’m just making sure I’m not working on that.
We talked about the love triviality recently. In fact, we’ve talked about it a few times. Super powerful. And the lobster reality is that if given the option between working on something trivial and something complex, you will go to trivial, organically, naturally, you know, automatically you need to go to complex.
And the example we gave was, you know, the local school working on the yearbook instead of a curriculum, right. So I find myself on a daily basis. Just go in big rock, big rock, big rock, big rock, big rock. And I gotta tell ya, it’s a needle mover and it’s just defining it. And that’s relevant. For what we’re describing with, you know, defining the problem properly.
But it’s just, I think that if you know what I mean, you’re just a body that, or maybe it’s the different way of asking it for you is 80, 20, 80, 20, 80, 20. I find the big rock, big rock is different for me than 80 20. But what is it for you, you know, and ask yourself a really simple, easy, but high-level question consistently throughout the day, and you might find that your, your level of productivity, your level of efficiency the level of, you know, the number of problems that you solve on a daily, weekly, monthly basis might dramatically change.
It’s harder, not as fun, but so it’s a needle mover, so,
[00:51:53] Christian: okay. And that, that is cause I was my boy Elan. I was inspired by him the other day when I heard this, because I think, okay, I’m going to go back to this risk reversal. ’cause I can guarantee you. And I know you’re gonna agree with me on this. A lot of people are really concerned about the offer they’re going to make, but they’re not even picking up the phone to have the initial conversation.
And Elon Musk was asked, how do we even know? You’re trying everything you can to get to Mars? How do we even know that you can actually live there? He goes like, first off, we’ve got to get there to find out, but you can’t find out unless you get there. So that’s it. So what’s, he focused on getting there and then he’ll solve that next problem when he gets there.
So I would say a lot of coaches, a lot of people in general with the questions and the problems that they have are looking way into the future about problems that could potentially arise, but they’re not doing the front end. Pick up the phone,
[00:53:01] Karl: nice case. So can I just tell me if this is what you’re saying, worrying about your client, asking for their money back after you work with them with 90 days, right.
Is kind of like the, this is the little rock, right? What you got to do is you got to come up with your pitch, come up with your deliverable will come up. The problem that you’re gonna solve, get your butt down to the local networking group, the local chamber, the oil and gas club you know, the yacht club high-end networking event and get in there and get yourself a darn clients.
Right? So you agree with this, the equivalent of Elon Musk worrying about whether they’re as opposed to getting
[00:53:40] Christian: there cart before the horse, you’re worried about, you’re worried about a conversation, what, which is three conversations down the road when you’re you’re you’re not even getting appointments and you’re worried about a closing conversation.
Right. Like, what are we talking about here? Like, it’s just to me, that just seems insane. And I realize like for me, I could pick this whole thing apart myself, but we’re going long and I don’t want to spend all day on this. But the thing that I find absolutely crazy is if you’re setting a frame of, I’ll give you your money, what kind of a, what kind of a frame are you setting?
How much confidence is that client getting that? Well, you know, like, no, no, no, no, we’re good. Like, you’ll be fine. Like the, the whole risk reversal thing should be an afterthought. It should be just an add on, it’s not like a big selling feature. If one of your biggest selling features is you can get your money back.
How do you think they’re entering that relationship like that? To me, it’s like, what are we even doing here? Like, you’re, you’re almost setting yourself up for disappointment. Like that’s the way I view it. Anyways. I just think it’s we talked about negative mindsets. I think that’s a very negative mindset to go into.
Unless you’re just talking to volume business. This is a relationship business. So setting up some negativity, I don’t know if you’re doing anybody, any, any, any good? I don’t know. Maybe that’s just me. Maybe I’m completely wrong, but I’m not going into it thinking it’s going to fail. I’m going into it knowing it’s going to work.
And like you said, if I got to sit with them, whatever I got to do, you drove around with a real estate agent in their client,
[00:55:21] Karl: the story, but done that more than once, by the way. But yeah, literally in the car and I was, and again, I leveraged that times a million because now I knew the legitimate problems that a realtor.
You know what I mean? Like, so imagine damn. I mean, like you see the difference and yeah, that’s, that’s, I think the average coach though, would hear that and it’s like, oh, am I going to go? And then you gotta be careful with setting a precedent. Like, are you going to have to, you know, get them to ride with them every day type of thing.
And it’s clearly not the case. You just manage expectations before you get going. Like, here’s what we’re going to do this week. Here’s what we’re going to do. And part of it is I’m going to do a ride along with you. I want to have a little bit of a look. I want to hear some of these conversations. I want to, you know, when somebody, you know, to the ad, what’s that call look like?
I want to hear you anyway. So yeah, absolutely. But you gotta do your best man. Do what it takes.
[00:56:11] Christian: Exactly. Do what it takes and go in with that mindset that it’s just going to get done rather than focused all of your time and energy of five different money back guarantees you can make don’t waste your time.
Take that time. And Paul. Right. Like, that’s it. All right. I’m done. I’m I’m like,
you know what, anyways, what do you think? What do you want to close us out on? What’s one thing,
[00:56:38] Karl: What is one thing? I think the negative versus the negative versus positive, it’s just a vantage point. There’s a debate to say that that’s platitudinal and you know, every motivational video on YouTube or audio would kind of cover that.
But then my question is, okay, so you know, it, are you living it? Are you doing it? You know what I mean? Because you know, it’s like, success is just, it’s going to happen inside your body, in between your ears. What you say to yourself about yourself when you’re by yourself matters. Right? So again, a little bit, the road dog’s point of you’re worried, you know, about things, three steps from this.
Just go, when the capsulated go solve some problems, go solve some problems, go to the network, go to a networking group with the attitude of solving people’s problems, as opposed to going to the networking group and trying to get a client. You know what I mean? Imagine how that, and that’s something that you can control as opposed to something it can’t control, which is very important.
And then see if you get a better result. And if you want an example of how I do this, I read an email that goes to 100,000 people every single day. It takes an enormous amount of time and effort. And I do it and, you know, podcasts wrote that. I don’t even know where we’re at road dog, but we’re well over a hundred podcasts out there, maybe approaching 200.
You know what I mean? Like we’re here, we’re consistent. I like to think we’re resilient. You know, there’s times when you weren’t feeling well, there were you know, public holidays. There were times when, you know, I was just knocking. My dad was just, you know, put an ICU. I don’t know if that wasn’t the most ideal time to be saying road dog, let’s get this post, you know, this, get this podcast going and answer some questions, but, but you do it and not in any way, trying to pat road dog, and definitely not my self on the back, trying to say, that’s how we do it.
You know what I mean? So for you, you can control, you can’t control whether or not you’re going to get a client, but you can control your attitude, your positivity to go down to the local networking group. Quote unquote. When I say networking group, you get some very high, low level people there. So be a little bit careful with that little red arrow where yet you’re just starting out.
That’s perfect, fine. But ultimately I’d rather spend my time at the yacht club, oil and gas club, those types of clubs, the golf club. And I think that you’ll find a higher level of entrepreneur staring around. So that’s what I’d say.
[00:59:03] Christian: It’s not what we experience. It’s not what you experienced. It’s how you explain it to yourself.
All you want, and then any circumstance choose to use it as a lesson. So anyways, all right, man, we’re on fire here. Like we could keep going. We’re encouraging to make phone calls and talk to people and help business owners get on the right track. So thanks everybody for tuning into another episode of business coaching secrets with the king of the Caribbean himself, Dr.
Karl Bryan. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting curls dealer emails, or you want more information, how to build your own coaching company, or perhaps the group coaching software, which so shockingly we didn’t touch on today, visit focused.com and subscribe today.
Also again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share it. We don’t want to you know, spark any outrage and have Neil young hate on us or anything like that. So the more positive reviews. So if you could do that, that’d be great. And of course, refer to everybody that you know, and that is it for another week.
Remember folks progress equals happiness. Take care, buddy. We’ll see you on the next episode,
[01:00:21] Karl: Carl Brian built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes, without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coaches superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.