BCS: 140 | Do You Need A Different Approach To Higher-End Buyers + How Coaching Is An Experience

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 140: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Do you need a different approach to higher-end buyers?
– How coaching is an experience?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
For more magic on how you can grow a coaching business by attracting small business owners, filling local live events, and closing more high end coaching clients… go to focused.com
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SFC Episode 140
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You’ve come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:41] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy, Road Dog with none other than the man, the myth with no belly button.
[00:01:11] Karl: The Caribbean not gonna lie, not gonna lie. Nice place, bud. Never been here before. I.
[00:01:19] Christian: Are we gonna have to move up the time of the podcast because like you start drinking at, or does
[00:01:37] Karl: wild shoots kinda wild, but not gonna lie. I love this joint and I’m OK with the time change.
[00:01:44] Christian: I cannot wait to see the pictures and for a, the limousine to show up ALA Gordon GEK style, driving me to the airport to knock for a live episode. But you know, I won’t. Because, you know what, I’m still waiting.
I didn’t realize that two weeks had blown by that fast. I’m still waiting on that Tuesday. That two weeks.
[00:02:09] Karl: Crash. I’m pretty sure it was the last podcast. The apologize, but I’ll tell you, but we’ve had lost luggage. We’ve had delays like you have no idea getting outta Canada. You’re following the news. It’s not the easiest thing in the world right now, but that’s OK. We made it and I a owe you.
[00:02:31] Christian: And you know what exactly. No one’s feeling sorry for you. As you’re sitting ons, are you do this? Let’s do it. I lob a couple of softballs out there.
[00:02:49] Karl: Are you ready to, yeah, we’re not maybe do that. The beginning
[00:02:53] Christian: of the, we. Beginning of another calendar year. Everybody’s super, super excited. So let me ask you, because one of the main things typically that what I guess probably a lot of people wanna do is upgrade sort of the, the clients, right.
Their coaching clients. So do you need to a different approach to higher end buyers? How’s that for an opening question
[00:03:19] Karl: for you? Oh, boom. OK. There we go. Different approach to higher end buyers. Yeah. Like would
[00:03:26] Christian: you, you know, again, a lot of people are gonna probably be like, man, I, I wanna get a higher end clientele.
Do I need to take a different approach to, I guessing these people, because the question just reads, do I need to take a different approach to higher
[00:03:38] Karl: buyers? Yeah. Great question. Okay. And look, answer is absolutely like it not sure if you mean for clients’ businesses, but your, or your coaching clients’ business, but pretty much the same for both.
When, when you’re thinking people like, you know, everybody’s broke and nobody has any money. And there’s a lot of coaches that have that, you know, framework or belief, look, I dunno exactly what the numbers are, but 2,500 people, every single day become millionaires and north America probably more you know, like certain things happen every day road, dog, right?
Like a, a mum will lock her keys in the car, happens every day, traffic. Is, you know, brutal at the worst possible time. And the guy misses a meeting happens every day. A a guy’s been, you’ve been to Starbucks and there’s a slow moving line and there’s a guy waiting. And then he gets to the front and there’s a long line behind him, by the way.
And magically, he forgets what he wants to order when he gets up there. Right. Has to think about it. You know, these things happen every day, but things happen and nobody notices and things like that. You probably should. Go unnoticed, but 2,500 new millionaires every single day is something on the, what do we call it?
The, I should notice this and do something about it. List let’s call it, you know, like I’m in the Caribbean. You know, when I was coming through, I bought some high end rum you know, spent a uh, pretty penny on it. In fact, it’s right here. And it comes with some pretty flashy marketing material here.
It’s two 15. What is it? Celebration banana lace Turks, and KCO car, Caribbean rum there only 500 bottles in production, which made it an exclusive opportunity. So I’m only one of 500 people, right? It’s a mix of seven different straight rums made by fermenting. Then distilling sugar, cane molasses, each aged.
From five. I should put my glasses on five to 55 to 30 years and bottle that cast strength, 49.7% alcohol by volume. They also described it as a rum with rich, what is rich banana lacing, hint of vanilla and honey outs. The result being a long, dry flavorful finish and a blend that makes it enjoyable.
It resonates on your palette even more deeply. And with greater complexity. Each bottle comes in a, this is the marketing material. Each bottle comes in a deep red wood and leather embOS box with 18 gold on both which was applied. C.
There’s more here. Right. But no doubt that doesn’t sound like, and by the way, if you’re listening to that and you’re like, wow, this is really dragging on. That’s how you sell a, you know, a bottle that could otherwise sell for 12 bucks at the local liquor store or at seven 11. Or something that’s, you know, the same thing roughly that you could buy for 12 bucks for hundreds and hundreds of dollars, right?
Like it’s exclusive as heck it wasn’t 12 bucks and drinking. It is like an experience. Well, you, you’re not just gonna pop this on Monday night because you’re thirsty the same with, you know, a really think of more, maybe a really expensive bottle of wine, right? Like that’s where you might go like wealthy people.
Well, all people wealthier ones that like can afford it. Right. But they want two things. Wealthy people want two things, exclusivity and experiences. Okay. I’d, I’d encourage you to write that down. Wealthy people. Hi, forget wealthy people. Your higher end buyers are looking for two things from you, exclusivity and experiences.
And they’re looking for two things from your coaching clients, right? You know, like sell your coaching, like an experience as opposed to a transaction, help your clients create and, you know, create an experience, but also have an experience, you know, with, and through you. I remember I used to a hockey rink and we’d have, we’d take kids to like, if you play hockey, what’s debatably the number one hockey country in the world, it’s Canada.
Right. But, and if it’s. Automatic off your, maybe you’re thinking Russia, maybe you’re thinking the us getting significantly better at it every day, but cannabis kinda like the home of hockey I’d like to think. Right? Well, to this day I get emails and messages from kids who we took to Canada decades ago.
And they tell me that was the highlight of their hockey career. In some cases, a highlight, absolutely a high highlighted their life. And. We made it. So they were playing hockey, which was semi transactional. And then that’s what was going on. That was our business. That was the product. But then we created an experience where like, well, you’re a hockey player.
We take, you’re playing against Canadian and Canadian rinks, Canadian fans, Canadian, snow on the ground, super cold outside experience. Right. And by the way, and it wasn’t. You know, if your client sold perfume, create a, maybe you could create a custom line, right? Like for that special individual, that’s not willing for anything less than what their own unique fragrance, right?
Like take first class France, the precious do call it the home of perfume. I dunno. Is that a thing? Right. And meet our fifth generation master pure perfumer. Ben wa jar. To, you know, to create like royalty first ladies, Kings, Queens, movie stars, and other prestigious clientele before you create the per you know, the perfect personal scent for you.
And, you know, while in Paris, the city of love where perfume was invented. And I have no idea about that by the way, but let’s assume, you know, you and your guests will dine with Ben wall. You know, the head honcho of the. Perfume palace or whatever. I called it. Enjoy five star accommodations at the Ritz Paris and enjoy white glove car service, private tour of Paris.
And generally treated like royalty. As you go to the, you know, the home of perfume, a trip like that is not gonna be treat, gonna be cheap. And for the right person, it’s, it’s something that they can’t live without. It’s an experience. And it’s something they’re looking to, you know, if you, if your client sells antiaging skin cream, like they have.
You know, what do you call it? Like a Botox, like a me spa, right? Like take people to where it was invented and like teach maybe is a great idea. Maybe it’s a creating experiences for clientele is never a bad idea. You know, client sells a self them to a self American diamond mine sell motorbike, take them to where, take them to where they’re made, sell cars, take them to Italy.
Or take your high end clients to the back backstage experience at an F1 race, right? You sell coaching, take your clients to Vegas, and rather than gamble you know, take them on educational walk, highest hotels and explain. A tour of the BI Bellagio and hotels like it like explaining, you know, examining why people pay premium to basically be there, right.
Open your mind to the possibilities. Maybe these are great examples. Maybe these are bad examples, but like that’s why we go to Cancun with our business coaching mastery. Right. Like, I personally love it. I love the beach. The ocean brings out, you know, hopes and dreams and aspirations. Like for me personally, that’s, that’s what it brings out.
I just think at a significantly higher level when I’m there. Right. And my hope is that it does the same for our coaches and that’s why we bring them there. Right? Like people are attracted to and will pay luxury margins for experiences and exclusive opportunities. And ideally both at the same time, right?
Like one of a kind of unique, personalized perfume. Who’s got that who’s offering that the answer’s next to nobody. Right? The price comes these things alone, like it’s a large degree of exclusivity. Right. And here’s another hack for your high end buyers. Anything like an like there’s emotional drivers, right.
That will lead people to do something. And amongst many, but sometimes kind of surprising drivers is that they like to be told in a roundabout way. And not necessarily in this many words, although that would be fine. You deserve this. And most others do not. And if you own this exclusive thing, you know, your perfume that ride that trip.
Or do this exclusive experience that, you know, owning it, doing it will command, respect. You kinda get like your, you get a of rum really sort thing. It’s I dunno, it’s exclusive and experience, and I think that’s very important road dog. So, yeah, I’m just like, you know what, when you buy a Ferrari and there’s only 200 of them made, or a thousand of them made, they’re saying exactly this, but in different terms, right.
That this is exclusive, and this is an experience. Right. They know, like you buy a Ferrari and you spend, you know, literally millions of dollars on it. You only drive it 20 times a year, depending on where you live. Of course. Right. But like, it’s not a family car, right? Like if you have kids, you literally can’t take your kids in the Ferrari.
There’s only another right. One and behind. Right. So. That that’s so, so the answer’s yes. And everything, you know, everyone collects or desires, something like wealthy folks can simply afford to have, are willing to have more expensive things. So they’re pay more for those, you know, to collect or those experiences that they’re having.
And, and, and they prefer it. Like, again, the guy who buys the Ferrari would rather pay more because he knows that everybody else can’t have it. That’s, that’s where he he’s buying exclusivity. Right. And okay. I think also, and I’m just trying to kind, not so much dummy this down, cause I don’t think that’s possible in terms of this isn’t for just the local chiropractor, you gotta be able to think at a significantly higher level.
But they also spend healthy amounts of money on information type products around things that they collect. Right. So. Like travel to places where they can find what they collect. Right? So again, a, a guy who collects cars going Italy is gonna be more than just the average person going Italy. They wanna show off these things.
They wanna, these things wanna out with other people that also these things and they also wanna spend money on maintaining those things by the way that they spent a lot of money on. So semi ironically, also these overpriced things, they buy. They appreciate. Right? So like art jewelry, I know handbags watches.
I got lots of watches. I personally I’m, I’m a watch guy. You know, books, cars, sports memorbilia. So they overpay on this stuff and then it actually appreciates over time. Whereas somebody else is, you know, pinching pennies on getting whatever it’s that they’re getting. And then it ends up depreciating in an ironic way.
So, you know, the, the rich are kinda getting richer and you, you think about these things and this is what’s happening. So, so rather look, maybe in some note, rather than investing in the stock market might wanna consider a percentage of portfolio of your client’s portfolio in your portfolio in limited type collects, you may want to consider other types of passive income, but never invest in something you don’t understand, or certainly not something you’re willing to research, but road Doug.
Yeah. You need to sell different to high end buyers, different name. Yeah. You, you definitely take a, a different approach. So what do you think? Shoot. That’s what I’d say.
[00:15:20] Christian: Well, so with, with, with that in mind, because the it’s funny, right? You’re talking about building a bit of a different experience. The thing that comes to mind for me with that as well, would.
I remember going Tony Robbs mess. Right? Like if you’re, if you’re, because you mentioned the word proximity, of course, to me, when you mentioned the word proximity, proximity is power, right? Like it’s just like, that’s like for, for his high end stuff. What’s it called? The partner platinum program. Is that what
[00:15:46] Karl: its platinum platinum partnership.
What you paying for that
[00:15:49] Christian: like 50, 50 GS. I
[00:15:51] Karl: think it is grand hundred grand.
[00:15:54] Christian: Oh, is that what it’s so there, there you go. Right. I’m not in the platinum. I might be in the bronze category, but anyway, with that in mind though, like, look, look at what he’s doing for those folks, right? So you join platinum, you’re a premium, you get VIP backstage at V I P backstage, almost access.
You get these experiences that he does around the world. Right. So that’s, that’s pretty cool. Where it’s just, it’s, it’s a completely different, it’s an and I love that ex it’s an experience, right. I think, yeah. Like if you just took that word alone, Carl, and just like, how is your coaching and experience or is it yet just another Lada course?
Yeah. Like how can you make it? Experience. I think that’s a fantastic question. But with that in mind now, if you’re attracting some of these higher end people into your program or your experience, do you, them in with your lower, like how, how does that work? Like how do you yeah. You know, like, like yeah. He just, yeah.
In the same environment, like what do you think
[00:17:03] Karl: of that? Yeah. Well, good question. I remember a doctor asking, you know, can I bring these higher end types of clients paying 10 X, you know, more into the same area as I do. Like, so is quality. What do you call ’em like is luxury margin type clients that are paying 10, 10 X more into the same area as I do you know, his hundreds of other low end clients.
And just have the higher end pay a premium inside the lower end area. And the answer is no, no, and no like this is a psychological hat, but like you gotta, in that instance, you gotta build a wall, right? Like again, Tony Robbins, he brings everybody into his, like, he brings everybody into U P w but then he splits you up, right?
Like the platinum partnership, you can’t get into the platinum, platinum partnership area without playing, paying the partnership. Fees. Right? So, so let’s go the doctor, like it’s no, no. And no again, psychological hat
So environment DEC, a different decor, a different, you know, lot of staff differently dressed staff, a different name. You know, like this guy, he was worried about cost. He was thinking it was gonna be too difficult. Not sure if it’ll work psychological hack is this, guy’s not all in with the idea. Right. So we decided, you know, he was gonna try it on the cheap and then if it was working, he was gonna improve.
And then he would look to invest more in those customers are in that model. He would look to reinvest more. Once he started to see some success. Right. Well, That’s like asking your car to drive you around the city and then promising to drive, you know, to feed at gas later. Right? Like it’s just, it’s like, you know, asking your, your, your camp fire to burn and then promising wood.
A little bit later on in the night. Right. It’s just not the way it goes. So, you know, like these people, 2500, 2500 people a day becoming millionaires, whatever the number is. Right. So anybody gonna push back and these numbers, like it’s a lot every day. Right. And like, they want to be treated. They, you don’t wanna be treated, approached and served in the same way as you did before.
Right? Like why would. Right. Why would they think about that? Right. So like, so no, you need to create a wall road, dog. And again, a like a different door, a D. Lot of staff, a different staff dressed in a, in a different manner. So, so yeah, lumping everybody in one again, row Doug, my fear here, and this is where I go psychological is that people will go, oh, I feel like that’s a good idea.
I’ll experiment with it. And then reinvest as I see it working and. That’s and I understand where that comes from and no doubt that that could and would work in different dynamics, but it’s the approach is to go, you know, full on and really separate those folks. So, so that’s my answer. You gotta, you gotta create a wall.
Well, and the funny
[00:20:14] Christian: thing is if you’re saying that too, I’m just thinking like, it just personalize it, right? Like, if, if you, if you were the one paying the higher fee, what type of experience would you want? Right. Like, I think it’s just, that would be a good way to look at it because it’s like, well, if you’re paying more, you’re typically you’re expecting one, right?
Yep. If you find first class versus flying coach, that’s, it’s a different experience and you’re expecting. Right. Like, it’s, it’s wild to me. So just like anything, you know, so, but, okay. So with, with, with that in mind, like how would you handle it when you’re like currently targeting like the middle class even still exists, but you know what I mean?
Like sort of, sort of client and you wanna go elite premium? Like how do you, how do you handle that?
[00:21:05] Karl: Yeah. OK. BR create here’s my answer. Create, think this way. And this is for your clients and for you create global brands. And then niche markets, frankly, that’s, that’s a marketing hack. This is breakthrough moment, right?
I kinda went oh,
Right. It’s a global product for B2B folks. So we go to business. Coaches is our primary market, but, but we also go to accountants. We also go to, you know, magazines, go to online directories, go to radio stations, go to digital marketers. You know, anybody selling, advertising, absolutely going to promotional C selling mugs.
T-shirts if you’re you’re think, think this through, right? Like if you’re buying a mug. Or golf balls is a really common one, right? Like what are you really buying? And they’re trying to buy branding for their company. Right? Well, there’s no BR golf. They, they need a hell of a lot more than golf balls. Of course we know that.
Right. But they don’t. So a real easy question is what do you wanna write on your golf ball? And then what they say is like, always like really lame. And it’s just a company logo, which is fine by the way, like, whatever. But if they had something interesting to write on that golf ball probably go a little bit further.
So what you do is I would, so if I owned a promotional company, let me tell you what I would do. If I owned a promotional company, selling golf balls, I would do promotions from one side of the planet to the other, giving away free golf balls to entrepreneurs. And entrepreneurs are very, it’s very common for an entrepreneur to love golf.
Okay. So I would give away a hundred free golf balls that would pour gasoline on my lead generation. And now, by the way, the competition, what they’re trying to sell, I’m doing for free, which means I could potentially crush them. If I do a good job, I will. And now what I would do is I’d give ’em a hundred free golf, golf balls.
I would then say. What do you wanna write on the golf ball? They would say something lame. I would say, well look, good news. We’ve got an in-house consultant. They can find any business owner, a hundred grand and 45 minutes without spending a dollar on marketing or advertising, they would go, wow. Or they’re gonna say no, thank you.
Let’s just say it’s 50, 50 50. Say yes, please. 50 say no, thank you. Just gimme the hundred free golf balls or, and by the way, I want 500, so I’ll pay for 400 and I get a hundred free. Thank you very much. Here’s. You know, here’s the invoice smell you later. The other 50% would go into our hopper and then we’d run them through what we call, you know, with our software.
We call a profit jumpstart where we find them hundred, five minutes basically bingo. And then at the end of that, it’s like, look, do you want a little bit of help? Because like, You’re looking you, you ordering golf balls, cuz you’re looking for some marketing and some business direction. And there’s obviously some opportunities on realized with you.
If you’d like we have a consulting division, a coaching division, a business development program where we can help you at 500 a month, a thousand a month, two grand, a month, five grand a month, whatever your, you know, depending upon the fees and the size of the company, let’s just call it two grand a month for the sake of the argument, that would be $24,000 a.
Right. So I took somebody from free golf balls to $24,000 unit of sale with about 80% margins. And I was making significantly slimmer margins on my golf balls, by the way, most likely. So you see what I did? Road dogs. That’s what I, that’s a business model, right. Where you’re bringing them in for free, you’re delivering them value and then you’re selling them a luxury.
Product with luxury margins, which is consulting that’s. Most people don’t realize. The biggest thing about coaching and consulting is that you make 70% margins. This should, this should put a smile on every business coach’s face, but they don’t realize it. Like that’s the magic, right? Versus when you sell a thing, you know, you sell a tire, it costs you a hundred to buy, and then you sell it for 200, you know, you’re like, Well, depending on then you’ve got infrastructure and then you’ve got storage and then you’ve got dispatch and then you’ve got, you know inventory management, C cetera.
So your margins go down and down and down and down and down business consulting. There’s next to nothing. It’s we sell information. We use our mouths and our ears to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with 70, 80% margins. So in a nutshell, Doug What I would do. So that’s the way that I would do it.
But the way that I would get there is by offering, you know, free golf balls from one side to the other, but using my, how did I get there using my software as basically a global product, but then the niche market, we just went to a promotional company and took them from selling golf balls for tens of dollars and hundreds of dollars and maybe thousands of dollars for big orders.
And put them the consulting business of charging to for consulting
brand. But they go to niche markets. Like they go to corporates, they go to artists, absolutely. And positively, right. They go to graphic designers of these types. So they go to different markets. Like click funnels is one that our audience would be familiar with. Again, it’s a, it’s a product that’s used at all different markets, but you feel like it’s just for internet marketers, but they actually go to like niches, like MLM and do insanely well with separate campaigns, separate, you know, separate game plan when they go to MLM as opposed.
You know, doing the, you know, going to internet marketers. So anyways, so, and then, and then by the way, if you wanna go one step further for each of those brands, you create three products, a low, a mid and a high end product. Okay. So maybe one that everybody’s familiar with, like, let’s go forward, right.
Global brand. Call it the F150. So that’s a niche market, four Ford. And then they’ve got the F150, they got the XL, the XLT and the platinum. And I’m not an F150 guy. I dunno what I maybe, but that, as I understand it, those are models. Right? My, my buddies all have Fs, right. Road, dog. Everybody drives them around.
So they’ve got these. You know, roughly three models underneath, you know, low end, mid end, and then high end and they sell for call it 75,000, a hundred thousand, 150,000 or whatever. For the higher end one, maybe a little more, maybe a little bit less. The, the Bronco just came out recently. Again, that is Ford is the global brand.
And then the niche market, the Bronco is selling to somebody different than the F150. They’ve got the Bronco, the Bronco sport and no doubt they get a lower end offering offering. I got no idea. I remember buying an FGA cruiser when I first landed back in Canada. I remember I saw thing was the first year they came out.
I saw it on a billboard. I was like, oh my God, that’s the coolest thing ever. And I basically just, I bought one, but again, they had like, you know, gold, silver and bronze level FJ cruisers, and they had three different price points. Right? The, the. Again, I’m not an iPad expert. I’d be amazed if they don’t have three price points, the iPhone three price points, right.
You buy a TV, they got three price points. So, so anyway, global brands, niche markets. And then each of those niche markets, you know, you build a brand and then they have, you know, three products underneath each don’t create 10 products. Maybe the moral of the story of what I’m trying to get at is it’s not just one product and it’s not 10 products by just having, by understanding that you build a brand free products, build a brand three products, build a brand.
Three products. I think that’ll help everybody with the framework. What do you think that makes sense? You like that? It
[00:28:36] Christian: makes complete sense. And the other question, I, you gotta be thinking about the Ascension, right? Like how do you ascend people? So you use the example of clicks as an example there.
Right? So what’s fascinating to me again, click funnels, not the best software, but definitely the best marketers of, of online sales funnels. But the thing that’s interesting when you take a look at ’em, so they do this thing called funnel. So they’re gonna give you, it’s like, Hey, we’re gonna give away some FreeFunnels and we’re gonna, you’re gonna watch us build them out.
So think of what they’re doing, the psychology behind that, right? It’s like, look how easy it’s to build out. You know what we’re just gonna give in a 14 day free trial from the free trial. Guess what you go to enough? You can only enough on, on Fridays. You can only have like, I think like five or six active funnels.
Well then what do you need to do? You need to upgrade your account? Like’s prettying, right? Like it’s just, there’s their natural Ascension thinking that you need to have all these files, but in order to keep them all, you need to have the bigger account. So wanna really briefly talk about, you know, we’re talking about premium clients and all that sort of thing.
Just the psychology, right? Like for you to, just to dive in, you were mentioning golf balls. You know what you’re not doing, you’re not buying pinnacle golf balls. Right. You’re buying pro V once. Like it’s your, your, your, if you’re branding to the higher end, don’t cheap out on getting a, basically a rock of a golf ball.
When your, your market, your niche is gonna know the difference. Is that is that sort makes like, yeah, you’re dealing with people that the psychology of them, like, you know, what, if you’re going for a hiring client for them to go out for and spend, that’s not a big deal. Right. But when you’re talking lower end client for them to go out to apples and spend 50, like, it’s just, it’s a different, you know what I mean?
Like, it’s just, it’s a different mindset and you have to approach that from a completely different standpoint. Like you have to understand. The psychology of where people are based on, on who you’re targeting. And I, I think that’s a, a pretty big deal. What do you, what do you think?
[00:30:46] Karl: Nice. Yeah, look.
Absolutely. Absolutely. But I like, but Ascension is what’s important, right? So you’re bringing them to a higher end golf ball, but it’s, it’s more. When you’re selling golf balls, you, you know, the Mar how much money you ever gonna make selling golf balls on average as a promotional company. Okay. It’s gonna be different for ping and, you know, pinnacle one cetera.
But like when you go from ball to 20,000 unit of sale with 80% margins, this is where the magic is. Right. And by the way, do they. The question is, remember problem solution, problem. Do they really need golf balls? They, they actually think that golf balls are solving a problem for them. Like as though this is better brand.
Which is just insanity, right? It’s like, do they have an upsell? Do they have a down sell? Do they have a cross sell? Do they have a proper upfront offer? You know what I mean? Like, do they have, do they have what you just described with click funnels where they’ve got the funnel Friday, which is clearly no note it’s value add, but it’s designed to drive people up the Ascension letter.
Right to the higher end product. So, and then by the way, which falls into business model, right? Like, do they have a proper business model? And. There’s about a 90% chance that the answer is no, if they’re the average business owner. Cause they, and they don’t cause they don’t study this stuff. They don’t know it.
Remember they’re they’re really good chiropractors. They’re really good dentists. They’re really good. Landscapers. They’re really gooders. And then they go into business, but they don’t study business. And then when you tell them, gee, you need to go study business. They think to themselves, oh, I gotta go commit four years into local school.
Right. And it’s like, yes, Maybe not, probably not gonna quite get you there, but I it’s. You
it’s is complicated learning. Street’s way to learn to street. You go and, you know, getting a couple scraps, but a little bit of advice is gonna go a very, very, very long way. Bad advice. Not gonna work real well. Good advice. Can make life a whole lot easier for you. So, so there you go. You’re you’re,
[00:32:56] Christian: you’re like the reference point that you pick is street
[00:33:11] Karl: I’ve been beat up in hockey. Many. Maybe I should have used a hockey fight getting my butt kicked embarrassingly in front of all my friends and family hockey. That’s what I shoulda used as an example. I
[00:33:29] Christian: like that was
[00:33:32] Karl: but you know what I mean? Right. Like, like truly like fighting is one of those things. That you, you know, it’s, you can learn as much as you want about it until you’ve been there. What does Mike Tyson say? Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched square in the nose and then the plan’s not so good.
So I dunno, the guy selling, what I’m trying to bring across is like the guy selling golf balls, right? Like he’s so, you know, or the guy buying golf balls. You know, he, he’s thinking that he’s branding his company and marketing his company by calling the local promotional company and getting bugs t-shirts and golf balls.
And it’s it’s wateringly. I do like this though.
[00:34:18] Christian: And by the way, Carl, I do wanna point something out though, because. If we can just talk about this briefly. I think one of the biggest misconceptions out there is if I charge more, I have to do one on one coaching because there’s far more value in one on one, right? Like you talked about the proximity is power thing.
Like if you are, if you’re coaching high end people. And you bring them together. There are so much value in that. Like, can we talk about group versus one
[00:34:52] Karl: coaching for a minute group, man. Yeah. Group coaching. As you know, I spent seven figures in the last 12 months developing group coaching software, which by the way, some of the, the magic that’s coming to it, my opinion it’s magic.
The marketplace will let us know. But I gotta tell you. Bloody cool. But so, so yeah, like ultimately, you know, my entire company is a group people don’t notice it’s a group coaching program, right. That’s really what it’s. And the more coaches we bring in the more high level operators, the more low end operators that we become, you know, that, that become high end.
Because what ends up happening is they end up teaching us something along the way that I would’ve never learned. Do you know what I mean? Like I’m not out there in the trenches right now. I’m not speaking the chiropractor, the landscape or the butcher baker candlestick maker. Although we well and truly have that, you know, that data I don’t wanna make out.
Like we’re not on point, but we’re, we’re not out there with the chiropractors, right? We’re not, we’re, we’re building the software, we’re building out our program. So that the way that it becomes better is by bringing in coaches. They’re basically doing this and then they’re using our software and they’re like, oh, we need this.
Oh, it needs to do that. Like, I got something on an email for one of our guys on the weekend, heavy say, heavyweight, you know, he’s probably got 50 coaches underneath him, you know? And he had zero. What he met us. He’s now got a team of 50 coaches, you know, doing an unbelievably, well loving what he’s doing, but he gave me some feed.
We built a client simulator which will become, people, will be hearing about that a lot in the, not too distant future. But the bottom line is he pointed something out. That I wouldn’t have seen, you know what I mean? He’s like, oh, and, and this is a mistake. Well, if he’s right and I dare say that he is, I, we need to test some stuff.
Right. But he dare say that he is, well, his feedback road, dog, he’s one of a thousand. So his, his feedback experiences and his willingness to tell me, you know, this is a change that needs to be made. The other 999 existing coaches and the thousands to come in the future are gonna benefit as a result of that one person’s feedback.
Right. That’s an example of group coaching. And so, yeah, so like just group coaching, the dynamic, the think that you have to be doing everything one, well, look, Tony Robbins, forget what I’m doing. Tony Robbins group coaching on steroids. I mean, that’s what the guy does, right? That the, you mentioned the platinum program, right?
Hundred thousand, his 10,000, like here’s Tony Robbins’ model. Okay. He charges you roughly a thousand. I think it might be 15 hundreds, but just low end fee. A thousand dollars, which by the way, looks a lot like a hundred dollars a month, 1200. That would be your membership site, but a hundred dollars a month, 1,001 time you show up and you do a four day U P w.
Okay. On day two of the event, he basically says, look, if you like, what you hear, if this is good value, I’ve got a, you know, a, what does he call it? Mastery university. And if you wanna buy it, it’s $10,000. So he took you from 1000 to 10,000, right? And you pay $10,000, then you become part of his, his university.
Right. And there’s 5,000 people in the audience. And I would dare say that, you know, 2000 of them would say yes to that, or thousand of them would put their hand up and buy that do the math
day. He’s very, he’s got a way of getting people in the room that have real, like, you know, money, like has a hundred that they would be willing to part with. And then he brings them into a separate room. And then he makes out, like, he’s not gonna be showing up, but then he does show up. Cause remember Tony Robbins does his own selling to this day.
Okay. There’s a magical piece of magic in that. Everybody’s trying to get away from selling. And there’s a debate to say that that should be your primary role. Maybe not depending upon your personality, what you’re good at, but then he put you in a room and then he sells you a hundred thousand platinum partnership, which again, X amount of people say yes to, and then you’re in the hundred thousand platinum partnership.
And then he sells you into the higher one, which is roughly two 50,000. If you make it into that, there’s a chance that you go into his queue. Because he has no time to do it, but you could spend a million dollars to get his coaching, the a million dollars plus upside. So, so RO Doug, you see the way he brings you in, and it’s a natural Ascension ladder.
And then the more money that, the expression that I want you to be thinking of in all, all group coaching, everything, I just described marketing the university, the master university, the platinum partnership. And then I think it’s called titanium, whatever it. It’s all group coaching, right? The one to one stuff is the million a year.
Maybe that’s group. I got no idea. So, but basically it’s all group coaching, you know what I mean? And then what happens is you’re just rubbing shoulders when you’re, you’re rubbing shoulders with other people that can spend a hundred grand on Tony Robbins. You know, there’s just, there’s, there’s some magic in that, like it’s got network effects by the way, right?
Where the more people that come in the better it becomes for the other. For the other participants. Right? So, so yeah, group coaching. I know exactly what you’re talking about. Road dog, people have this misconception that you gotta do one to one coaching or, or that’s where the highest level of value is.
And of course there is, and, but don’t think for a second with group coaching that you’re not doing, like call it spot coaching, right. Where you’re doing some, one to one. And you can still do some one to one stuff, but the framework, the model is group and the more people you’ve got in there, the higher level of questions, the higher level of discussion, the higher level of master mining, the higher level of ideas, the higher level of feedback.
If you’re doing something like what we’re doing, we’re building out software. Again, the more people that are playing with it and using it the better, the data, the better, the information, the better, the feedback, the better the critiques. And by the way, just because we get a critique, one person, not, they’re not always right.
And this is where again, you gotta be careful to, you know, have a you know, like, you know what I mean? You gotta continually analyze that data just because somebody says something or that’s their experience, doesn’t make them. Right. So anyway, so yeah, road, Doug, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but group coaching.
This is why we’re, you know, spent a lot of money on group coaching software, and we’re gonna continue to, we haven’t even, we’re still in the sandbox big time, maybe the quick. But the sandbox right now with group coaching, but it’s, it’s super impressive. I think I said recently we got a billionaire who’s just agreed to beta test the the group coaching software for us and it’s, it’s gonna be cool.
So yeah, that’s group coaching. Debatably has a more value to say that it has more value also road dog. I think that that’s not necessarily a fair things to say, because I, I think that there are definitely. You know, parts of it that are more valuable as group, but then I think there’s other parts where you just need somebody, you know, to bounce off of.
So I think that there’s massive value in having, you know, one to one as well, but it should be part of the Ascension, but, but a coach to think that all the value is in one to one is. So I think that’s where we’re going.
[00:41:53] Christian: What do you think? You agree Carl? That if, if, if you just have a business, a coaching business, that’s all one to one.
You, you don’t have anything that’s scalable. Yeah. Hundred percent, right? Like you’re, you’re, you’re just trading your time for dollars. That’s all you’re doing. And, and so you’re not even really building a business. You’re just creating yourself a job. I dunno. That may
[00:42:14] Karl: be hundred percent, right. So hundred percent.
Right. Make sure it’s but that being, but, but road dog also, just to be fair though, but there’s also folks listening. Right. See a lot of like, like coaching. It just depends what look, little red arrow you are here, right? Like where some folks, they, at that Twilight part of their life or career maybe. Right.
I don’t wanna say life, but like, you know, their career where like, they’re like, look, I, I don’t, I don’t want anything scalable. I don’t wanna sell anything. I wanna make, I I’ve got my retirement set. And I just never wanna touch 5 cents of it. So anything that I spend on my holidays, on my grandkids, on my kids, on traveling, I just want, I wanna be able to pay for that.
So let’s call that 10 grand a month for simple math. I wanna be able to, you know, I need to make 10 grand a month so that all of my. You know, monthly expenses are covered plus plus plus, you know, for an emergency. And I, I feel comfortable and I sleep well at night knowing I’ll never have to touch my retirement.
You know what I mean? Like that’s where they’re at and, and that’s OK. But then somebody else, you know, younger, you know, our age who wants to, you know, build and wants to kick some, you know, what and wants to, you know, sell something for multiple seven figures and really crush it. Kate, what you just described is not the.
Is not the roadmap that they want. So, so that’s, you know what I mean? Like it’s just, it’s that little where look two things or, well, three things, little red arrow. You are here. Two, what do you want? Right. Like what’s the destination. And then coaching the roadmap is the gap in between. And right there.
[00:43:54] Christian: Oh, there you go.
Right there. The, the hardest question for anyone it’s like asking my wife, what do you want? Where do you wanna go for? You know what I get from her?
I’ll I’m like, oh my God, can you tell me where you. Save a
[00:44:18] Karl: lot of time.
[00:44:20] Christian: I love Doug on that note. Cause I know you’ve got Ramla in the queue. I’m sure they’re melting away right now.
I swear to God. I’m so jealous right now, dude. Okay. So close. What is the one thing besides keep your slushies outta the sun? What’s one thing that people can take from today’s episode and, and implement it right into their business.
[00:44:45] Karl: One thing. One thing. I, I think that just the premium buyers, like, just knowing again, like thinking metaphorically of creating that wall, helping your clients create that wall, helping your clients build that, you know, that, that premium high level, what in Tony Robbins’ world, it’s the hundred thousand dollars platinum partnership, you know, creating that product.
But, but it needs to be it’s, it’s a different experience actually that road. So I, I wanna leave with that, but also just two things, wealthy people, no people that buy platinum level products and services want two things. They want exclusivity and they want experiences exclusivity. Experiences, like I said, I bought some high end rub.
There are only 500 of them. I’m like, oh my God. I gotta be, I, I, you know what I mean? Like pathetic, whatever. I dunno, but maybe this says too much about me. Dunno, but I’m like, yes, please. Right. Like just immediately the exclusivity of it. Sign me up, you know? So I think that, that, so when you’re right now, everybody’s thinking, yeah, you really
program and don’t exclusivity experiences.
Like I talked about earlier, I, I think you’d be missing out like, like if a re like, OK. A retail store road. Wants to compete. Get, we get the question all the time. In fact, we’d answered this probably a year ago now, whatever, but somebody was saying like, can a retail store legitimately compete online with Amazon or, or, sorry.
No, no. Does a retail store, can it compete, you know, brick and mortar with Amazon long term? Like, is it just, is it PO, is it a flat? No. Is it a maybe? And is it a yes. Right. And the answer is if you want to compete with them, you must create an experience. So an example, if you wanted to have a hockey shop, you can’t just have a hockey shop the way you did 10, 20 years ago, they’ve gotta come in and have an experience.
So that would look like a hockey rink that would look like different sticks with different lies and different curves so that a, you know, where they can go and they can shoot and maybe there, and if there was a goalie in net, that’s a higher level experience. And if there’s no goal. Right. So like, and if you have you sell, you have a basketball shop and you’re selling basketball shoes.
To have a basketball court and for them to be able to dribble a basketball, shoot a basketball, that’s an experience. That’s how you’re gonna compete online, but trying to create a basketball like did back in the day, I think you’ll struggle. That’s you compete by creating an experience, a hockey rink, and we would take people to Canada.
Because Canada is the home of hockey apparently. Right? So if you were a hockey player, you would want to play against Canadians in Canada and walk through snow on your way. Like that’s the coolest bit of everything. It wasn’t even like playing hockey was amazing, but walking through snow on the weight of the rink, total magic in that, right?
If you live in Florida, you live in Arizona, you live in the Southern states, you live in a, the Southern hemisphere in a warm climate. Walking through snow to your hockey game is just freaking magic. And then playing against Canadians, you know, in, in Canada is just next level. So it’s, it’s an experience and people talk about it for many years to come.
So, and, and parents will re you know, finance, you know, like, you know, Borrow money against our house, cetera, and really, you know, and, and spend bigs on this stuff. So there you go, dog. That’s my answer. That’s my, that’s my exclusivity and experience issues. You, you mentioned
[00:48:29] Christian: hockey hockey life, right? Like, like that’s, that’s a different experience walking into hockey life store.
[00:48:35] Karl: it’s a unbelievable. Right. It’s just unbelievable.
[00:48:37] Christian: Yeah. It’s, it’s unbelievable. You know, to take it outta hockey terms before the non Canadians listening it’s sort of like going into what’s the hunting store, like Cabellas or That’s the other pro bass pro bass. Thank you. Clearly, I’m a hunter. But like you go in there and it’s like, it’s it’s right.
Hundred percent anyways. It sounds like they’re hundred percent for for the next bar dance. So let’s wrap this up. All right, everybody. Thanks for tuning into another episode of business coaching secrets with the, my time man himself king Carl. And if you’re not on the inside getting access to the break, you’re getting Carl’s daily email.
We just want more information on how to build your own coaching business reviews
and that is it. Folks. We will see you on the next episode. And as I always like to say, remember, progress equals happiness, take care, everybody.
[00:49:44] Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.
This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high-end coaching fees. Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.
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