BCS: 141 | Why Poached Coach Clients Don’t Work Out? + Is It Right To Franchise

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 141: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Why poached coach clients don’t work out?
– Is it right to franchise?
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 141
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:38] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road dog with the man, the myth, the legend. Dr. Karl Bryan, sir. Are you able to hear us today through that lab coat of yours? What’s going on?
[00:00:58] Karl: How do you think, what do you think? Is that a good idea?
[00:01:03] Christian: Do you wanna try saying that word again? I don’t think that’s how you say it. Doctor, but so there, there you go there, you over your jokes for the previous week, and I don’t know what to make of it. Can, can ex explain this to me. If you see me in the garage, practicing my, my nun chucks and my CROs. Just keep driving. I don’t wanna get you pregnant. Can you dive into that for us? If.
I’m silent night on your car. Horn is. And I, this, this one this one hits a little close to home. Life altering difference. Speaking of broken promises, we have to get together sometimes is a great way of saying I regret running into you.
[00:02:05] Karl: You like that would shape.
[00:02:06] Christian: It’s something else, bud. Your comedic genius is something else now as, as I’m reading these and by the way, speaking of comedic geniuses, rest in peace, Bob sagt. That was some, oh, tragic, tragic news. Unbelievable. What is it with all these comedians, man, like again, allegedly, no drugs or anything found, but man, that’s just.
You probably grew up watching full house, like with uh, Well, hang on a second. No, you probably were about 38. When that show came out. Is that about,
[00:02:37] Karl: oh, come on. You wish you wish let’s go with it. Go with that. Yeah. Yeah. Rest in peace, man. He’s bit of a legend of our time, full house. Not that I was a huge house fan, but America’s funniest home videos might have been more my style, I think, but yeah, God bless him, man.
He was just getting back into standup comedy and whatnot, apparently loving it and doing a great job. Oh, man. You never know days number.
[00:03:03] Christian: Apparently he did a two hour show the day before. Oh really? Yeah. That’s what I heard. And imagine that you’re at his last show, man. I can’t even listen. Life is short to everybody.
Like, you know, that’s, that’s all I gotta say about that. I, holy smokes. Because he was what, like, he was well younger than you. He was 65 or something. so you,
[00:03:24] Karl: something like that,
all get off the
[00:03:30] Christian: jokes I’m getting on the old joke.
[00:03:32] Karl: Yeah. Let’s go back to short. Let’s go back to
[00:03:36] Christian: short pick your, your pick your theme. So speaking of short you’re, you are in the Turks and CAOs. Like how far can you walk out? I hope it’s, you know, one of those where you can walk out a distance before it goes beyond four feet.
What’s what’s it like there, bud?
[00:03:53] Karl: Actually, you know what it is bricked, although though, I cannot walk far out into the water. It’s actually know there’s this massive reef. It just, it really is unbelievable. The entire island is protected by this reef, which makes it insanely calm. And also I was saying, but like the, the color of the water and whatnot, it’s just, I D know, I don’t know how to explain it, but anybody that’s been here will know.
And if you look it up on the internet, you’ll be staring at it, but this amazing green, blue color, that’s just like, Go smack it. So love it. Love it. Love it. It surf.
[00:04:26] Christian: Is there no surfing there then? Carl?
[00:04:29] Karl: No, not really. Now. There’s little bit, but it’s,
it’s the opposite. So, you know, like jet, so it’s like surfing, but like, you know, with like a, you know, what do you call it? Like a motorized surfboard, which you need flat water for. A bit of that ripping around. So, no, it’s very, it’s ridiculously calm for the ocean. So there you go. Thanks to this reef that runs yeah.
Runs anyways. It’s very cool, man. Very cool. But look it up and there it’s here. It’s but TURs Ando shoots. I love it. I love it.
[00:05:07] Christian: It’s something else, bud. Like. Yeah. So anyways listen, I’m gonna dive right in here because we’ve got, we’ve got, believe it or not questions beyond just your choice and jokes. Somebody wrote in here and said, like you recently mentioned in an email, why most coach, client relationships don’t work.
Can you go deeper for me and real quick, stay tuned until the end. If you’re wondering about these daily, like Carl sends out a daily email. So I’ll be pumping that up at the end of the, the show here, but there’s gold in there, but again, you mentioned coach client relationships don’t work. So why, why would you mm-hmm why would you say that?
Can you, can you dive into that for us a bit?
[00:05:47] Karl: Yeah. Sorry. Shoot.
It’s not just coach client relationships, but what I would’ve explained there is like, why does the government, why do most so many businesses fail? And why do government seem to be like insanely ineffective and, you know, kinda waste their time and money? Law of triviality would be a huge reason why, like it, it’s common to give a disproportionate amount of importance.
The trivial trivial issues is what it says. So normally at the expense of things that are more complex, right? So given the option when given the option between complex and trivial, trivial wins every time without, you know, strategic, you know, like game plan, conscious thought, like, you know, strategy.
Type approach. Right? So the government will, they, they avoid things like let’s say they got some traffic issues, right? And the reason for that is they have a bottleneck, like a bridge, what have you, well, that will stop the city from growing. And, and if the city does grow, which it tends to, then all of a sudden you got these log jams and everybody’s waiting in, you know, rush hour traffic to get their kids to school, to get to work at certain times of the, of the day.
Right. So instead of spend. An inordinate amount of time trying to solve that problem and major issue. The government will work on. Stuff like, you know, the local bike path, the local Parker, planting flowers at the local park would be like an example I’d give right. And, and the local school, by the way, same thing, they spent all this time on the yearbook and look the yearbooks important, and it should be kick ass, the curriculum that’s 10 years old and the textbooks that are 10 years old and the, you know, like the curriculum that’s kinda lame and outdated and not really.
Working anymore. This might be where they might wanna, you know, think about bringing computers, teaching computer science. So
problem are about
of things to be thinking about. And the curriculum, the traffic issue are problems. You wanna go to problems and you wanna ultimately change your spidey senses to go straight to solve problems. Right? And here’s where I see this a critical importance for coaching clients, it’s business coaches and the business owners.
So again, they’ll spend a large amount of their time working on let’s just say a specific client issue. Rather than going to what’s real, what’s really important would be a better word for saying, right. So rather than what’s super important and going to those real issues. Right. So think little rocks versus big rocks.
I’ll assume everybody’s seen that experiment right where there’s a guy on stage. And he’s got a jar and then he’s got these big rocks and he’s got these little rocks where, when he takes the little rocks, puts them in and then tries to put the big rocks on top. They’ve got no chance of fitting.
Right. Versus when he puts the big rocks in, and then he, then he, you know, starts pouring the little rocks in basically everything fits and there’s, there’s lots of room, right? So like basically you gotta go big rocks and then the little rocks on top. So think about that with your coaching client. All that being said, I’m on record many a times, and I absolutely would do this.
When you first start working with a client I get. Because, you know, we, again, you end the podcast with progress equals happiness for a reason. I wanna make a little bit of progress and I wanna have some short term wins early, but ultimately the big wins you know, like the strategic stuff you need to get to when you wanna get to it sooner than later.
But I do wanna get some small wins. So I don’t mind you getting tactical for the first 30, 60, maybe 90 days, but ultimately you wanna identify what those big rocks are, what those big problems are. And a, and a real big problem is one that when you solve the problem, many other problems will disappear.
Right. But, but first, OK, what you gotta do, you gotta identify the big rocks, right. And frankly, it’s hard work both for you and for the coaching that can feel like You know, like it’s, it’s not exciting. It’s not like jumping out of a point. You know, it’s not that fun, sexy stuff to be working on with your client, but identifying what those are.
These can be the one percenters that represent 50% of the value in the relationship. But anyway, so no doubt you get it and you’ll, you’ll get there by asking questions. You ask the right questions. You define the, you know, if you ask the right question, you often often find that you’re defining a problem.
And when you define the problem correctly, the answer becomes self explanatory. Like the, the answer becomes almost automatic, right? So. Anyway. So the bottom line road, Doug what I would’ve been saying there, and that was just, you know, last week that I sent that out, just working on trivial things. If given the option between trivial and complex, you’ll naturally go trivial, your client will go trivial.
And as I say that, I know it’s, oh, this is obvious. But look at your day to day activities over the last 12, you know, 12, like 12 hours. Last 12 days you know, last week, last month, last quarter, and you might trivial you, you so, and you know, again, and don’t be lazy in your thinking. Don’t let your clients be lazy in their thinking is kinda the way that I’d finish that off. You know, being lazy will leave you to those trivial things, right. It it’s, it’s significantly harder and you’ll kill more brain cells go into the big stuff.
So anyways, that’s my that’s my answer, shoot.
[00:11:36] Christian: So there you go, bud. So much to no one’s surprise. The next question is about. Franchising. Like how often do we get these? You know what I mean? Yeah. So you, you know, a thing or 10 about franchising. So it, the person just said, look, my coaching client is a sole proprietor and has three meta spas gross revenues of 3.5 million.
And it is now obviously thinking about wanting to franchise, what would you suggest there?
[00:12:19] Karl: Nice. How many spa about
get a disproportionate valuation? Right? Like lots of rollups in this place. This space again, they’re, they’re kinda sexy. Everybody wants to get into ’em. So PE firms, private equity firms are buying. A bunch of a roll up is like they come in and they don’t buy one or two, like they’re buying like a hundred of them.
Right. So they have you know, a lot of advantages, obviously owning a hundred spas versus two or three you know, they’re buying better and all that sort of stuff. Insurance is so much cheaper owning a lot of real estate. Anyway, so they get a, they get a evaluation, like a high one, you know, multiple well over 10, which is weird.
So I dunno, let’s just say 10 to. And then it, I think it will. I think it’s a little bit high as it stands now. And that come down by bottom line. That’s that’s a good business. Be kinda great coaching.
So threes, and if it’s.
AUM. Right. But start with the little arrow here. They’ve locations. Well, how million what’s net
Three to four, four to five. Two to three. Can’t remember, but like they wanted to add another location or again, franchising came up and it was like the intelligent thing to do. Was to go to existing locations and make sure that they’re Uber profitable. This is where the guy that wants to get to a million dollars.
That’s his ego talking. And remember you could hit 500 grand and making X profit and then get to a million and be making less profit a million than you were at 500,000 or maybe let’s assume the same or a negligible increase. You know, you got more staff, more locations, more headaches, more dramas, more suppliers, more emails, more customers, more things to do, like, is that what they ultimately want?
So again, just making sure that, you know, they’re not letting their ego drive them. And franchising is amazing. It’s an unbelievable way to grow a business. But you also, it’s not for the faint of heart. If you do it wrong, you take on the wrong person initially could be messy. So, so anyway, so I don’t know, I’d I’d list the, before making that I’d, I’d look at the 3.5 million, which again is obviously gross the way they worded that, I guess.
Right. So that you know, is not all that exciting. You know, you got three locations let’s lift up the hood a little bit and the answer might be to be going in the other direction. And maybe, you know what I mean, like wiping, you know, going to one or maybe going to two and really making them, you know, crushingly profitable and really, you know, drilling down on the systems and making them super turnkey.
And that’s gonna be a more like a franchisable business. Cause again, what I’m thinking is they’re thinking that they get the four locations that sounds more franchisable than having one or two, which is. Debatable that that could be right. That could be wrong. But having one crushing location, that absolutely works.
That is totally dialed in. And totally duplicable. Now this is right. That’s mindset, a little bit won. Just, and, and just cuz they want to do something doesn’t mean that they’re right, right. You motivate an idiot. They do stupid things quicker. This is where experience matters, right? Communication.
You know what I mean? Cause there might be a chance that they wanna franchise. Then you’re like, well, geez, I think we should wipe one or two of these locations off or we should be lifting up the hood as opposed to expanding. This can sometimes be something that they’ll push back on and not be favorable initially.
And this is where your as a business coach, your communication, your ability to communication here is totally key. And firstly, with always communication, firstly, with. But for this example, you know, we’re talking about managing somebody else and the coaching relationship in a positive way. Like when a client disagrees with you or a debate around direction, most coaches, what I’ll find is that they posture and explain why, you know, you are wrong and then they’re right.
Or, you know, like that’s not true. This is true. Like, they’ll try. You know what I mean? Like posture, like as though hang on a second, I gotta pound my chest here a little bit. What is that? That’s conflict. That’s resistance, right? With that idea, you do this most effectively by reframing. As a question, right?
So you wanna make it their idea. How do you do that? You reframe it as a question, right? So as a, as a framework, think masculine energy wants to be right. Feminine energy wants to be understood. Right. So analyze what kind of, and that’s not man or woman, right? That’s, that’s masculine, that’s, you know, road be me.
Every, guy’s got plenty of feminine energy and then all, you know, women have plenty of masculine energy, especially when things in and around business. So you wanna be thinking about what kinda energy that is that you’re dealing with here. So you again, so masculine energy wants to be right.
Feminine wants to be understood. So I analyze that a little bit and you know, you don’t wanna make them wrong. You don’t wanna make feminine energy, feel like it’s misunderstood and you gotta learn. So what do you gotta do? You gotta learn to hear them. You hear it all the time. You got one mouth in two ears.
There’s a reason why, you know, you’ve really gotta listen. Don’t listen to respond. Listen to. Right. You’re looking for emotional cues. You’re looking for, you know, how to use those emotional cues and whatnot, to help and adjust their thinking and ideally make the direction that maybe makes more sense than expanding.
But you know, going to these existing, you know, like going to systems, going to processes, going to understand their existing business at a higher level, they, they think that they’ve got to four locations or whatever, it’s that they’re, they’re kicking butt and they know it inside out. Right. Well that.
That’s not necessarily true. Right? A lot of the time, the guy that’s got one location, doing unbelievable numbers with unbelievable profit margins. There’s a debate to say that that guy knows it significantly better. You know, if you don’t understand profit margins, if you’re not spending time thinking about profit margins, You’re not opt.
You’re not running your business in, in, in the right way. And I’ll tell you that if you line me up a hundred business owners, I’ll show you 80, probably 95 business owners that aren’t thinking gross profit margin. That again would be a mistake. You know, your client’s never gonna go big by thinking small, you know, like things like using pauses you know, think of, you know, your dad speaking to a six year old child, that’s been a bad boy.
You wanna use that voice? As opposed to posturing and saying, you know, you’re wrong. This is the right direction. You’re making a mistake. You know, like somebody says to you, like, Propose your coaching fees as an example. And they say, it’s too much, you know, your answer, you know, you’re right. It’s a large investment in yourself and in your company, but the question is you doing what you’ve been doing?
Are you really going get to where you and where you said you wanted to just earlier in this conversation, you know, do you wanna stay stuck? Is, is it fair to say it’s a big investment now? So when your company company’s earning an extra two 50,500,000, a million with 50% margins and that’s X amount of profit doesn.
You know, 24,036,000 coaching relationship become irrelevant. And you’re not only gonna have those revenues for this year, but once we build them, it’s not like they’re gonna stop. When we, we add 5,000 of gross revenue, your business with, you know, 40 to 50% margins. It’s not like, and it’s gonna stop in 12 months when I, you know, when I walk and I go do something different.
You know, did your competitors grow to 10 locations and, you know, XM number, you know, five or 50 million or 10 million gross revenues with 40% margins by thinking small? Or did they do it by investing in themselves, investing in their own company? Right. Or, you know, you sit down with our software. You know, my software just found us over 175,000 in newfound profit and only 45 minutes.
Is it fair to say if I’m bad, you’re bad. The market falls on its head. It’ll still manage to double your money at 40, you know, $20,000 for my fees. If we get the $48,000 in profit, you doubled your money. And if you go invest X in Bitcoin right now, and you doubled your money, you’d be happy about that. You said that earlier.
So don’t you think this is a good idea. You get it. I’m trying, like you take, always take objections and questions. That’s like the, so you’re sitting with somebody and they’re putting up anion in a sales environment or the direction of their company or the direction that you’re talking about going, you, you take it and you turn it into a question.
That’s that’s the way that you reframe it. You know, and you want them to also feel strong. Like they’re sitting there, like, you know, like, I don’t know, like in a weak head space you know, you want them to answer from a strong place. So like Tony Robbins always takes you to a strong place.
Emotionally, if ever been to Tony Robbins, he’s got you up and Ja up, you know, jumping up and down, doing your move, massaging your neighbors, highfiving screaming. Yes. Standing up and punching that, you know, the air with your fist. He’s doing that for a reason. Right? Cause he’s getting you into a strong place.
Well, Great question. Pre-close as you’re sitting there and talking to somebody is, you know, when was a time in your life, when you made a big decision that you were nervous about it worked out incredibly well. Okay. Well, they’re gonna with, you know, she started a business IED up to the, I walked up to the girl.
I asked her to marry me. I took on the big client. I took on the big dealership. I signed the paperwork. Right? Well, whatever it’s that they say. You now have and what I refer to as an anchor, and then they can, you can come back to that anchor and you’re take back to that strong place. That’s, you’ll be able to, you know, get them into a, a, so making a strong decision, like, look, let’s, let’s look at these existing locations and reframe the way that we’re approaching this.
And let’s tighten up our systems, tighten up our processes and let’s get this thing ridiculously instead of trying to build a big business that satisfies our ego. Let’s build a small ruthlessly tight kick ass one. You know what I mean? Like that’s, that’s gonna take some reframing, I guess what I’m trying say, by the way that be the should be, but little arrow you are here, what you want is the, you know, the, the line in between those two points, right.
You can go in the other way. And asked them about a time when they missed out on something. This is again, putting them in a, like investing in Bitcoin when they found out about it at right or a client they missed out on cause of a missed opportunity or, you know, not, not putting themselves out there. You know, you could also use that.
And represent yourself as the missed opportunity. They don’t wanna let go. They don’t wanna sign you. You got other people asking for your attention and taking you on. You can only take on 10 coaching clients at a time. Look, if you wanna do this, I invest in people that are willing to go all in on themselves.
You know, that can make hard decisions quickly. Look, you gotta make a hard decision. It’s time to make it. And if you don’t make it, I’m making it for you and the answer’s. No. I know, as I say that a newer coach is listening almost position is and you, you gotta be good at communicating. Anyway, so,
so the frame is, objection, resistance. Turn it into a question. And just always managing your, and you know, so what if, if two people have got rapport, right? The person with the highest level of belief will influence the other one, right? So you’re at a negotiation table. You’ve got rapport. They’re, they’re either more determined to say no.
Or you are more determined to get them to say yes. And the one that’s more determin. The one with the stronger belief system. Is the one that’s gonna influence the other one. You’ve got to, you know, maintain that emotional state. And here’s what happens with coaches is that they take on 10 clients, they’ve got three that cancel, and then they, they don’t think about the seven that are crushing it and working really well and taking their business to new Heights.
They think about the three that aren’t getting anywhere. Right. And. That’s you know, like, do they wanna be spending time there anyway? So that’s, I dunno, road dog that’s little red arrow you are here. I would, you know, just cuz somebody has three locations that are working, sounds like semi successfully doesn’t mean that they’re ready to franchise by any stretch of the imagination.
Again, that could, you could see, you know, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of examples where that has literally gone, you know, shaped. So, and. I guess the road, you know, the, the track that I followed there is there’s a debate to say it, those revenues that, you know, I’d like to know what the net is.
And, and they might want to go and tighten up what they’re already doing versus expanding, start expanding more clients, more headaches, more staff, more drama you know, more revenue does not mean more profit the end. So anyway, so there you go. Shoot. What do you think? But you like that sense?
[00:25:43] Christian: Yeah.
I, I, I do like that because the big thing for me is always, really like, you want to expect, you want more, you want more headaches. Like you want more staff. Like, why is it that, that everybody, why does everybody always go to the, and by the way, when they’re saying, saying numbers, right, it’s always ego. It’s like, well, I did this, but did you like how much, what was your net?
How much did you actually take home? Cause no one cares about anything more than like what you took home. So you mentioned ego there. And then also like, cause the, the next question that came in. It’s interesting here, cause I’ll just, I’ll read it. My, my coaching client is the type that wants to hit a million dollars for his ego.
After speaking privately with his wife, I know that he needs to other stuff like spending more time with his family and kids, you know, do you have a secret for helping him reframe his goals and outlook around time versus gross revenue? So say same conversation, Carl, right? It’s just, why do people continue to do this?
And is there a way. That, I guess you could maybe, I guess, make them feel that power that you mentioned on the other side of things, like, do you have any, any sort of,
[00:26:56] Karl: kinda tips on that? You just though, like what I just explain, like you gotta, it’s gotta his again, make him that’s work out, right. That that’s, you’ve already defined you know, Like a alpha male type personality there.
Right. And the wife, when you say something like a private conversation with his wife, right. Got some family dynamics there and you gotta look welcome to world coaching. You gotta manage, like to pretend like that’s not something that should be managed. You’d you’d be nuts. Right. So, so yeah. So what I just explained, and again, the way you do that is you turn into questions.
Take them to a strong place, you know, and just talk about, you know, this isn’t about ego, you know, gross profit margins, just, you know, again, the, the secret, if you write down the top 10 brands in the world, by your estimation, I’m gonna show you 10 brands with one thing in common, lots of different things, but they got one thing in gross profit margin, right?
Said that a lot. Absolutely true Rolex Ferrari. Disney apple, you name it like, you know, you, you know, Louiston, you name the top brands in the
world’s for like establishing a, like a quote unquote ideal kinda lifestyle. And it’s D is definition. E is elimination. A is automation and L is liberation and quickly let me run through so, so D for definition, right? Like, so money is not the ultimate goal. People think that money’s the goal, but people really want money for like want choices.
They want options and they want lifestyle, right? And again, lifestyle for you and lifestyle for me and lifestyle for somebody else could be different. Right. But choices, options, and lifestyle. That’s what the guy that wants the red Ferrari, et cetera. Again, he just, he wants the choice to be able to go buy the red Ferrari or not.
Right. He wants the choice to go buy the monster house. He wants the choice to go by. The house in the neighborhood that he deems to be, you know, better for his kids, better for his wife, better for his family, better, you know, better access to schools. Right? So again, it’s choices, options, and lifestyle.
So, so D’s definition. Right. And, and by the way, this is for someone that wants a great life with options, but not work 80 hours per week until they’re 65. So again, this guy, this is where you gotta reframe it. Right. But a guy that wants build a nine figure business will have a very different definition and, and that’s okay.
But it sounds like, you know, young kids involved and that sort of thing, and a wifey that’s You know, thinking there might be a better roadmap for her husband. Again, you just gotta, you gotta, you know, but definition is the D you, you gotta, you gotta define what that is. Right. And then E elimination, you know, being busy all the time is lazy.
Think about that. The guy who’s busy all the time is really a lazy thinker, right? You’re you’re, you’re working and not thinking. So the best selling book is think and grow rich. It’s not work and grow rich. Right. So being in many cases, you know, being super busy in many cases is. It’s someone, how would I describe it?
It’s hiding from what they’ll discover when they slow down something you’re often gonna find. And that’s again, in that alpha male, that tends to be a little bit ego driven. See like Tony Robbs while we say people come to a seminars to make more money and build this new career and start the business and kick ass with the business.
And they normally leave with something very different than what they came for. Right. Like they, they don’t have a great relationship with their spouse, kids or friends. You know, some people actually feel like some people actually feel pain when they try to calm themselves. Right. So like meditation, as an example, for some people it’s literally it, like, they’ll describe it as like pain when they, when they hear that.
Oh my gosh, exactly. Right. So like the person who doesn’t have a great relationship with their spouse, kids, friends, and whatnot. Gosh, do they really need to go build. You know, an extra million dollars of gross revenue is not what they need. And the answer is normally not, but the bottom line is elimination as opposed to addition.
Right. So you gotta, and then like what, we’ve talked about this a lot, but like, okay. So if you asked me an example of things that you could eliminate and it’s the unimportant activities, right? Like we talk about eating, right? Like one of the most ineffective bloody things you can do is the act of. You know, deciding what groceries you’re gonna buy jumping in the car, going to grocery store, lining up, buying it, you know, pushing the cart around, getting out, paying, going to the car, putting everything in the back of the car, driving home, traffic, jams, everything else, getting home, getting the groceries from where the back of the car into the kitchen, into the kitchen, onto the counter, onto the counter, into the fridge, into the freezer downstairs where, you know what I mean?
Like it just. It’s insanely efficient and then that’s just getting the groceries. Now you gotta decide what you’re gonna eat, which you gotta do that three times a day. Right. And you make a you know, like it’s just, it’s it’s in. If you see how much time you spend on getting groceries, eating, et cetera you know, make a meal plan.
And you’ll just save yourself absolutely hours and then just pay somebody to basically go and do all of that. So there’s all kinds of meal options. We talked about that a don’t beg labor. So aren’t doing that guy wants to continue to grow his business kick butt, and then his wife wants more time. Well, I make, what, how could you have both?
And if he’s gonna go and make more money. Okay. Well guess what, then what can eliminate and what can eliminate for his wife, right? What eliminate
for jobs famous for it. Right. But you, you no longer have to think about what it is. It’s decision fatigue. So what, what things can you eliminate? Right? A, is automation. So you wanna outsource things that are done repeatedly that don’t take a lot of. You know, talent and like managing emails would be a good one, right?
So somebody’s not gonna be able to reply to all your emails, but if you get 10 emails, I would dare say that five of them could be templated and responded by somebody else who you trust. And then other emails will need to be handled. You just, when I go to my inbox, there’s basically just there’s stars there.
And the anything with a star is something that I need to handle and anything without a star is something. You know, is handled for me. So that way, again, it saves me an, you know, an incredible amount of time of sifting through all of that. And, and if this guy thinks of himself as you know, $50 an hour, it makes a lot of sense to hire somebody for 10 or, you know, 10, 15, 25 to do those tasks.
If he thinks of himself as worth 500 or 5,000 per hour, which might make a lot more sense depending upon where he is at, it’s gonna be easier again. Right. So, you know, get someone to drive, you get someone to wash your clothes, make your, you know, get them to make your smoothies, get them to mow the lawn, get them to clean your pool, get to clean the house twice a week.
And then by the way, and then do those things for your wife. Right? So not just thinking about you, but thinking about your wife, so takes pressure off of her. So she’s gonna be more comfortable doing a little extra with kids, cuz you’re at the office. If you’re taking those types of things off of her, And some of them I get aren’t gonna be possible.
And then some people aren’t in a position to be able to straight away, but I would again, then I would go psychology and say just big, small. So believe your and lot, but you know, business owners should absolutely be What do you call it? Absolutely be outsourcing that sort of stuff. And then L is liberation you know, is four things that people are motivated by.
Again, Doug we’ve handled that it’s money mastery slash status. Love slash relationship and then movement slash freedom for those driven by freedom, which is ultimately the ability to choose. And this is a big one, like surfing is better in Australia, right? Skiing is better in Canada or Australia.
Life for you might be better in Turks in cake house, right? Like why tie yourself to a single location is what lifestyle experts will ask you, right. Especially. You know, not, you know, and kids get a factor in kids, kids need certainty. I’m not fan of moving kids around and that sort of thing. I do think they need certainty.
Let’s forget what I think,
factor that it’s You know, it’s, it’s, it’s one of those you gotta tread lightly. There. You got again, if you, you go to an alpha, you know, he doesn’t wanna be wrong, you know, he wants to. Right. There’s a part of that will also be understood upon. You know, whereas energy’s at, but you don’t wanna create resistance and whatnot.
You need to handle that delicately. And you certainly wouldn’t say like, oh, your says this like that. And by the way, that’s what you gotta coaching. You navigate all of that row dog. Yeah. A difficult one. But just thinking about that, you know, definition, elimination, automation, and maybe liberation. I’m trying to think of where that’s from.
I can’t. I can’t. But anyway, another,
[00:36:38] Christian: another thing to, to, to think about really, as, as I’m listening to all this is lifestyle over bank account. Yep,
[00:36:46] Karl: absolutely. Yeah. Look, it’s not for everyone. Right. But is, is that relative income, more important than absolute income, right? Like if one person’s making 400 grand and is locked in his office to quarterly reporting and doing 60 hours a week.
In the office in a, in a one hour commute to and from work. So two hours a day sitting in the car, is he better off in his BMW, nice house than the guy making 60 grand from his home office selling mugs. And t-shirts on Amazon only doing 40 hours a month. Right. And, and depends what drive you, right? Like your definition.
Right. But I, I dare say that many will go for the home office. In order to get to this conclusion, though, you need to redefine this it earlier, like what it means to be rich, right? Like my best friend I’ve had the same best eight years old. You know, he’s like a brother, he works for the government.
He works 38 hours a week gets full benefits, has two kids. He’s a rockstar dad and, and his mind is rich. Right? Time is more important to him than. And importantly, the amount needs to, you know, and by the way, he’s, he’s, it’s not like he’s unmotivated, whatnot, you know, he’s super smart guy, but like, and when the kids are older, you know, he’ll hit university, he’ll likely, you know, make more and work harder, but in a, in a different season for him.
Right. And maybe not the BMW, but is definition of rich in mind. Are different and, and that’s totally okay. And he knows exactly where he is at and he’s happy as a bloody lurk. Right. And again, he’s a, he’s an absolute rockstar dad and the relationship that he has with his kids and just blow you away.
Right. So, but importantly you know, that monthly lifestyle. So you’ve also, if you’re, if you’re gonna take the one approach, you know, you might need to dial back a few things, right? You can’t be, you know, losing money each month and winning, right. It’s another critical distinction. It’s like entrepreneur versus employee.
You know, one guy does 60 hours to build his business and another does 60 hours and he’s answered to the boss, right? The entrepreneur can do the same, but then take the week off, you know, two weeks off, a month off, you know, depends upon, you know, staff, but you know, maybe it’s build that nest egg for retirement, but it it’s worked hard and smart for seven years.
To not work hard for 30 years, that’s, you know, that the entrepreneur mindset doesn’t always work out that way. That would be an understatement, but you know, all these things are relative. And I guess it needs to come back to what I said, you know, definition, if you only years live, you know, you know, a week while your kids are young, your definition, you position in such a way that you’d make that decision, as opposed to them saying, Hey, what you’re doing is.
Right. So it’s always this dance. If you, if you listen to Tony, Robbs talk, he almost talks in constant questions. It’s almost, it’s like an absolute art form that I do not have. He just literally just talks in, in questions, kinda so, and think effective versus efficient, you know, I believe in, you know, kinda work hard, play hard, you know, if you’re an entrepreneur and the solution.
To getting rich is to not take a vacation. You’re crazy. You dream bigger when you’re, when you’re away, right? Like not taking vacations is an expensive habit. You can do the right things and then you can do things right. You know, more important and doing the right things, doing something unimportant well, and with you.
You know, vigor does not make it important, right? Like what decision can you make that other, that will eliminate other decisions, right? Like which big rock could you move? What problem could you solve that will eliminate others? Right. I think 20 talked about this to death that you could never mention in enough, more important than 80 20 is when you factor 80, 20, you know, down multiple times, you get the 1% of your activity represents 50% of your efficiency.
Right. So like, what are those 1% activities in your business? What are those 1% activities in your client’s business? And by the way, big rock, they’re not gonna stand out. If you just go ask your client, what’s the percent activities that, you know, percent of your revenue and clients and lead and conversion and cetera, what’s, what’s the 1% of your staff that represent 50% of the efficiency around here that they’re not gonna have.
I would be amazed that they’ve got the answer for you. Right. So you, how do you get there by asking a series of questions and know what you’re looking for? And that’s where experience comes in, you know, 20 is also what do you call it? Parkinson’s law. Like what do you say? Like the, the task will grow.
In time and complexity to fill the time allotted for its completion. Am I wording that? Right? Like if I had days, like where I built a five hour, five hour presentation, like I business coaching mastery, we did that in KTU not long ago. One of the biggest takeaways and macro business coaching concepts, like I took.
All the biggest stuff like, and I basically drilled it down, but I got it done in like record time. So why? Because I had to cause the event was coming up, but I was on my way to Cancun in an airplane and had to kinda, you know, get her done. So magically, I got it done. If I had, you know, I knew three months in advance and I needed to get this done.
And guess what it. It didn’t, you know what I mean? Like it didn’t get done. It got done when it needed to be, right. Like somebody will write an email 17 times and then not even send it right. Like just so many, you know, ways of production. Now I’m again, this is, but you look, you wanna be looking at your calendar.
You wanna be looking at your time. You gotta be careful that the task doesn’t grow. Well, the, the time allotted for its completion needs to, so Kennedy would dare deadlines.
So, you know, be conscious of these activities, you can make mistakes. Can’t the same mistakes type S make, right.
Does the student, when you went to school, when did you study for the exam at the same time that rode dog and I did. And that’s at the last minute, right? So again, You gotta create that deadline. But unfortunately for a, for an entrepreneur, you kinda gotta manufacture a deadline because you, you know what I mean?
You probably, you don’t have, you’re an entrepreneur, so you the, which is great, but blessing and the student didn’t have the deadline for the test and well, that’s what happens. It’s like, you need to get this project done by this date. And again, when does the project get done? It’s not a test, but it’s all of a sudden, a due date, the same thing.
So. You know, and one of the things that I do wrote Doug, we talked about this at different times on the podcast. My alarm goes off four times a day at 8, 10, 12, and two idea just keeps me on point this again, it goes off four times a day. I call it quarter time. Right? So, you know, first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter.
And it just jogs me like, am I being the question I’m asking, am I working? You know, I working on, you know, 1 50, 80, 20 type activities. You know, and am I kind of, you know, am I being efficient with my time? Right. Am I being active? Am I just, you know, kinda too around? And of course, guess what? Cause that alarm’s been going off for a long time.
I dare say like, I don’t need the alarm to go off anymore kinda thing. Although sometimes it does jog me for sure. But again, because I’ve done that for a long time, I, I think that I’ve become significantly more efficient. You know, I do, you know, daily email to get that bad boy out. You know, it’s not the easiest thing in the world.
Anyway, so that’s that’s what I’d, I’d say road, dog. You know, and maybe again, like might be worth mentioning here. Like I, a business that I would start, or like the one that I wanna be helping, you know, like service based companies, you know, painting roofing, handyman that kind of thing. Like they can’t come and get squashed.
By Amazon, like a bug you know, like this is relevant, especially in this day and age. I mean, Amazon can send out a press release and basically crush the, the stock price of an entire industry. Right. Like unbelievable the power that they have, but, you know, so just making sure you’re building a life around, you know, things that you’re enjoying and.
You know, not perceived enjoyment, but real enjoyment. And by not thinking that your business is vulnerable, I would dare say, emotionally will keep you in a, you know, stronger kind of place, you know, and again, and what is that enjoyment versus perceived en enjoyment, you know, like a trip to Hawaii, Turks and Costa Rica, Mexico, is that cooler to you than the BMW of the Mercedes.
And I will tell you that, you know, that experts much smarter than I will tell you that it spends your money and time on experiences as opposed to things. But you know, you, but you also, you know, do both, you know, but by the, by the four year old and jump a plane and take your familys. And you know, so this is where the balancing act is.
Nobody cares about your new BMW except for you. And that new car smell goes away remarkably quickly. So anyway, so that’s there’s, there’s no right and wrong with that stuff, but I totally
life. So that’s our job as a coach,
I think. What do you think shoots?
[00:46:28] Christian: I gotta, I gotta, I know we’re going long and I’m gonna wrap, but just the, the one question you, you mentioned your quarter. You mentioned your daily email. Do you have certain amount of tasks that you complete per quarter? You know what I mean? Like, is there certain things you’re like, okay, well, on the fourth quarter I gotta do.
Cause I think you do your daily. Yeah. Good. Right.
[00:46:49] Karl: So that’s a, yeah, the answer is. No, it’s big rocks, big rocks, right? It’s just, I know that my daily emails become a big, I don’t
reason doesn’t.
You know, people have been enjoying it and it’s been good and it’s kinda, and it’s very good for me. Cause again, I learn, I learn and then I turn it into an email and that’s part of how I, the learning. Right. So anyway, so I think, yeah, as opposed to a certain amount of task, it’s your senses, you know, what’s the problem, what’s the problem.
I’ve got a big rock, which won’t talk about today, but like that, you know, internally for our company. And it’s not about growth and it’s not about, and it’s an existing. You know, quote unquote thing. And it’s a, you know, there’s a problem and it needs to be solved and that no matter what the time is, but I gotta be careful road, right.
Like I gotta do my best to manufacture deadlines and then help guys, you know, the engineers and manufacture deadlines to make sure that we, you get this stuff done, get this stuff completed. So, so there you go. So that’s my answer to that answer that, so
[00:48:01] Christian: would, would, would you say though was a good starting point cuz you know how they always say like.
No more than four tasks, right? Like, yeah. That the day dude, that’s we all got four things done in a day. It’d be amazing. You’d
[00:48:19] Karl: Tony. Yeah. So I think so here’s what. Tony Robbins has a program. What’s he called RPM, right? Rapid. So what does he do? Rapid planning something or a method. I think it’s called, but at the end of the day, it’s like, you go to your todo list and you got like 10 things to get done.
Right. And he’ll tell you when he’s right, that you’re not getting it done. I’m not getting it done. They’re not getting, nobody’s getting their todo list done. Right. So to try is ridiculous. So what you do is you go to the three most important things. Take them to the top of the do list, put everything else aside and get those three things done.
Right. And you, you said four, so, you know, you could go to four, but I, I believe that he says three that’s know that’s a productive and there’s a, you know, this, right? Like there’s a good chance. You’re not getting those three things done. Like that’s too many things to get. If they’re big rocks. I mean, they’re probably not getting done today anyways.
So, so that’s the way I, you know, just big rocks shoots, I think, you know, thinking of the little rocks and big rocks, and then does the big rock, you know, knock out little rocks that don’t need to be done. And that’s very common. So there you go.
[00:49:26] Christian: There you go. Awesome. That’s a whole, we could have a whole nother conversation on that because the, the, the, the, what I’m employing.
Is basically, what’s a big rock that I want to accomplish say this quarter. And then what are the, basically the way I look at it is just the system I use. We call them weekly doors. What’s the door that I gotta open this week, so I can then get to the next door. And then it’s we call it a domino door, right?
Cause each domino will then make the other one easier. And then by the end of the quarter, you’ve got this massive thing accomplished. So, but anyways, we, we could do a whole thing on that, but why don’t you close us out and give us one thing from today’s podcast that people can implement to their business?
[00:50:09] Karl: You know what, just the, I can’t remember the question, but it was something about spoke to. My client’s wife and she says that his goals should be different. Like, that’s a, I dunno, it’s I wouldn’t define that as a bigger rock, but I would put that as a big rock if you know what I mean. Right. Like to not manage that and get to the bottom of it and just understand here’s something I did with my daughter just literally two days ago.
Right. So we do these, you know, funny little things and like, so I just said to her, I said, here’s the question of the day baby? And I said, is it true? Right. So is it true? So somebody says you’re the meanest person ever. You ask yourself the question, is it.
But like, I’m like, okay, one day. Cause why don’t I want her to have a bunch of videos, the same reason that you don’t want your kids having a bunch of videos online, you know, I don’t want her to be about likes and shares and all that’s, there’s a, you know, a debate to that’s very unhealthy. It’s also debate to save the kid that crush it, you know, and starts making some money at a young age is set up better.
So there’s a debate that we won’t have today about that. Right. I just said to her, you’re gonna put up a video one day and then somebody’s gonna say, you’re ugly. You’re the ugliest person I’ve ever seen, or they’re gonna say something derogatory, something negative. I said, baby, what are you gonna ask yourself?
When they write that? She said, is it true? And I said, absolutely right. So. Maybe, I don’t know, first of all, maybe there’s some value there, cause that that’s first principles thinking basically the mental model, which I believe to be insanely powerful, but you know, just going to what is true rather than trivial, but what is true you know, going, just because the wife thinks it and just because the husband thinks it and just whatever, you know, going to what is real and that dynamic might be an effective roadmap.
To just hang on a minute, you know, the wife’s not right. The hubby’s not right. You’re not right. It’s like, you, you, you gotta go to the real fundamentals of this situation. You know what I mean, to try work out like, you know, what is true? What is right, what direction should everybody be going? I Don know, is it true?
I don’t, I did that. My daughter, literally two or three days ago. And, and she liked it by the way. And I, you know, she said it to me a couple times. Since then, so maybe there’s some value in that, but, but the what to manage the wife and hubby relationship is part of what you gotta do. So there you
[00:52:44] Christian: go.
I like that. Is it true? Or is it trivial? There you go.
[00:52:48] Karl: That’s that’s nice. Boom. Nice. Nice. All right,
[00:52:51] Christian: everybody. Thanks for tuning to another episode of business coaching secrets with he’s no longer the man on top of the head. What am I gonna say now? The man at the end of the pier. Like you’re changing my whole game here.
My God. Anyways, king Carl is Caribbean castle. Oh, that’s got a nice ring to it. King Carl. And is Caribbean castle. If you’re not on the inside, what’s that you like that is that good? Is that our new step
[00:53:20] Karl: shoot shoot, spelled on, keep going. Let’s go.
[00:53:24] Christian: If you’re not on the inside getting access to the pre show or you aren’t getting Carl’s amazingly hilarious emails every single day with jokes, for sure.
To offend your mother, be sure to visit focus.com and subscribe today. And again, if you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please share with a fellow coach or someone that you think might make a great coach. Or just any fan of Tony Robbins is clearly Carl talks about Tony. If did you wanna mention Tom Brady real quick before I sign off
the unofficial boyfriend of Carl Bryan? Anyways on that note, we would appreciate if you rate this episode, as we know those giving services, given insane amount of weight towards reviews, and that is it for another week on behalf of Carl Bryan, Tom Brady, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. It’s the road dog signing off and remember folks progress equals happiness.
Take care, everybody. We’ll see you. The next episode,
[00:54:25] Karl: Carl Bryan built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an. Dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower.
So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.