What Does Your Brand Stand For? With Isabelle Mercier
Hey Coaches!
Are your decisions driven by the right values for your brand? Your core values shouldn’t just be a list of words that you think people want to see in a brand or that other successful brands have on their website.
Your core values are your true north and should speak of who you are, how you want to be experienced in the world, and what you stand for.
Uncovering and crafting the right core values for your brand allows you to make decisions that are aligned with who you are and what new normal you want to create in the world.
Brand Builder & Business Performance Catalyst Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte has been leading the “Speak Human Movement” and has a message to share with you!
In this month’s LeapTV Episode, Isabelle helps you ask the big question: What Does Your Brand Stand For?
Listen in as Isabelle shares one of her top tips to start playing a bigger game.
The tip she shares sends many coaches running scared. But trust us, it’s a GAME CHANGER!
So, will this help you?
By taking the time to understand what you wholeheartedly believe in and uncover the values that drive your decisions to help you deliver your genius, you will attract more people who believe in what you believe because people don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.
In this LeapTV episode, you will:
BRANDING: Learn how to leverage your core values as your best decision-making tool.
LEAP OF THE MONTH: Uncover your decision-makers.
Give it a watch & leave a comment or insight below the video to let Isabelle know what has resonated with you in this episode and one thing you will implement as a result of it.
Contributed by Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte

About Isabelle Mercier Turcotte
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a brand strategist, best-selling author, TEDx Speaker and business performance catalyst at LeapZone Strategies with the sole purpose to empower change and growth. "Momentum Generator" is her middle name and she has a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners raise the bar to create outstanding brand experiences through business strategies, performance coaching, and brand alignment.