The Power Of Persuasion with Adrian Ulsh
How to Keep Your Customers
From Experiencing Purchase Paralysis
Throughout all of my training content, I constantly remind both business coaches and business owners of the importance of “risk reversal.” In today’s marketing saturated world (along with a global economy), when a prospect first makes contact with you and your business, they don’t know you, like you or trust you.
Even after they get comfortable buying what you sell, they still won’t take action unless they feel that all risk has been removed from their buying experience. It’s your job as the business owner to make sure you alleviate all possible fears and take the risk completely out of their buying equation.
Consider this example.
Have you ever been so scared you couldn’t move? It’s a common reaction to a really scary situation. We know we’re in trouble. We know we need to move. But we can’t seem to convince ourselves to do so, so we do nothing.
Think about the people who make a living helping others out of tight spots. Firefighters for example, are trained in how to get into dangerous situations and persuade the immobilized person that moving is a really good idea.
Now consider “how” they do it. The firefighter quickly establishes trust, speaks firmly with authority and gives extremely clear and specific instructions.
These persuasion strategies are the same as those used in persuading your prospects to buy from you. You must do the exact same thing in your marketing copy. Making a decision about whether or not to buy a product or service is far less scary than being trapped in a burning building, but there are surprising similarities.
Your ideal customer might do what you want them to do, but not without some waffling. They hesitate before clicking the Buy button … because they’re often paralyzed by fear.
So break out the tools of persuasion to help them out. Unfortunately, the vast majority of business owners attempt to use information to accomplish that task. Information is not persuasive.
Imagine you’re trapped in a burning building. Now imagine I come over and simply tell you a few logical reasons you should move.
- Fire is dangerous.
- The human body has not evolved to withstand the ambient temperatures inside a burning building.
- The fumes being produced are highly unhealthy.
- The building’s structure is likely to become unsound, which creates additional dangers.
Those are all very good reasons to move. This is valuable information. But it doesn’t help you get out of that fear-based paralysis. Information alone isn’t enough.
Persuasion isn’t about information or the facts. Very often, we already know the facts. Think about this for a moment. How many times have you gone online, found something you really wanted, went completely through the entire “order process” but just couldn’t bring yourself to click on that final “complete transaction” button?
We’ve ALL done it.
Persuasion is about recognizing that the prospect’s fears are valid, and then allaying those fears completely and unequivocally. It’s about saying, “Yeah, I know you’re in trouble and so scared you don’t know what to do, but if you listen to me, I can help.”
It’s about getting rid of the fear. Why is your prospect afraid? Figuring out what scares them is your first order of business. It’s (probably) not burning-building fear, but your prospects do have “buying fears.”
Maybe they’re afraid your product or service won’t solve their problem. Maybe they’re afraid they’re going to throw their hard-earned money away (again). Maybe they’re afraid they won’t ever use your solution. And the big one… they’re scared to death they will look like a fool… to themselves and their spouse or associates… if they make a foolish choice.
Your job is to speak to those fears. In a burning building, you’re scared of moving because being burned hurts like heck. You can’t breathe and you might die. Those are your current fears. They’re big and they’re valid, and someone giving you factual data about fires won’t compel you to move.
But if the firefighter starts talking to you in a calm, authoritative voice that convinces you they actually have a way out of this situation, you’re going to listen up. You’re ready to hear them say something that makes the whole situation much less scary.
They’ll probably give you some very specific instructions. You’re going to take just two steps forward, and I’m going to take your hand. Then I’m going to guide you out of here. Don’t focus on what’s going on around you. Just take my hand.
You can tell they’re a professional and that they have done this before. You instantly know that if you just stick with them and follow their clear instructions, you’re going to be all right.
Sound familiar?
Now it’s your turn. Help your prospects move beyond purchase paralysis. This MUST make up the core message for every piece of persuasive marketing you develop for your business.
You want to convey to every prospect the following message… “Hey, I know you’re afraid of buying this product or service because of (specific reasons). But you know what? It’s going to be okay. I’ve been where you are now, and I know the way out of here. So just take my hand, click on the button that says Add to Cart, and in just a moment you’ll have the solution that makes it all okay. Click the button and let’s get you out of this mess, okay?
“Let’s get you out of this mess,” is the simple and satisfying underlying message.
Here are the steps to follow that makes ANY message persuasive:
1. Open with an attention-grabbing, interrupting headline or opening paragraph
focused on a problem, fear, frustration or concern
2. Engage by promising a solution to the problem in the opener (focus on the
benefits and the likely outcome they will experience)
3. Give them a reason to purchase
4. Tell them what you will do to help them gain the benefits
5. Be specific about the actions they will take
6. Offer them a compelling bonus or some form of additional incentive (when practical)
7. Reverse their potential risk using powerful guarantees
8. End with a PS (use it to restate the benefits)
Persuasion is about saying: stick with me kid. We’ll get you to the solution, safe and sound.
Most people are just waiting to be persuaded that they have nothing to fear. Great business coaches and business owners help them make that final leap of faith.
Once you master persuasion marketing, you will have the unprecedented ability to attract more clients… attract them with greater frequency… at a lower cost… and with total and complete confidence and certainty. That’s the power of persuasion.
So until next time

About Adrian Ulsh
Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.