The Growth Of A Business Coach – From Zero To Over $70,000 In 6 Weeks with Terri Levine
Live event
A few months ago I did a live event for business coaches and business consultants.
Most of the audience of fifty or so participants were either new in the business or had been in a for a number of years and never figured out how to consistently earn six to seven figures a year while actually not working many hours and making a big difference to their client family members by giving them the results they hired the coach or consultant for.
At the end of the event, I offered to help a certain number of these coaches and consultants by taking them under my wing, into my client’s family, and providing them the tools, techniques, and mentorship they needed.
One gal in particular stood out to me throughout the entire day of my event. She was open-minded, curious and took a lot of notes, and asked very deep questions.
In this article, I will reveal what has happened for her over a 6 week period after joining me as a client family member of mine.
Results like these are meant to be shared and the way she grew her business will certainly help you, as well.
Week One – The Journey Begins
Week one this client’s family member showed up on my small group coaching and mentoring session with many ideas of what type of coaching to do, how to differentiate herself in the industry and she was frustrated with marketing that never seemed to get results.
I asked her if she was willing to follow all of my mentoring and follow exactly what I guided her to do step-by-step even if she wasn’t sure that what I was suggesting would work. She agreed.
On this first coaching and mentoring call I gave her an assignment. I asked her not to guess what her prospective client’s family members wanted as the one result they were seeking. Instead, I asked her to post on Facebook and LinkedIn this question: If I could help you get one result in your business, what result would you want?
She posted the question on social media as directed. I also had her ask her past client family members and current client family members the exact same question. Finally, I asked her to email her entire database the same question. Her database had less than 2,000 contacts and I told her that size didn’t matter.
My final direction was to post in our closed client family member’s Facebook group her results so that we could look for the theme that showed up as answers to her question came in about the result people were actually seeking.
Being a great coaching client she did exactly as I instructed.
Within about six days she had 21 responses. A clear theme emerged. Her audience was primarily college students or recent college graduates who wanted to start their own business and had no idea how to do so. Fortunately, there are online training courses to help them out.
Because my client family member had started a business in college that had made money she was the perfect coach/consultant to help them.
Week Two – The Money Comes In
When this client came to the second week of group coaching and mentoring I helped her create a Core Unique Positioning Statement®. This statement is not a Unique Selling Proposition. It is a statement that has you as the coach or consultant clearly become the one and only person in a certain niche. No one else can make the same claim.
As an example, my Core Unique Positioning Statement® is: I am the only business strategist that helps coaches, consultants, advisors, and therapists to grow to six and seven figures with my simple three-step system Command, Connect, Convert® proprietary proven process that helps them get a consistent qualified lead flow – guaranteed.
We crafted her statement together on this second coaching/mentoring session. I then told her to do a few Facebook Lives teaching her target audience how to begin a business and to give them real tips and strategies they could implement. I had her incorporate her Core Unique Positioning Statement® at the end of each Live.
I also asked her to join Facebook groups with this exact audience and to create value for them daily by offering help, solutions, and suggestions to them. Finally, I asked her to start her own Facebook group for this exact community.
I told her to offer brief consultants of no more than fifteen minutes with people she thought she could help and if she could help them further to offer them a $3,000 six-week program to launch their business. Once again, she did as I instructed.
Before the start of the third week, she had enrolled 4 people at $3,000 each in her program and she was excited and wanted to grow faster. $12,000 was a great start.
Week Three – Momentum!
She returned to the third group coaching/mentoring call very excited and now said she wanted to figure out how to gain a lot more client family members. I guided her to get more of her exact target audience in her Facebook group and to begin giving them great video content.
During the same week, I helped her to create a very short and very unusual webinar where she had nothing to sell and massive value to deliver. We automated the webinar and she began inviting her email list and her social media community to watch the webinar and then to apply for her group program.
We also raised her program price to $5,000 per person and instead of the program being delivered in 6 weeks time we made it an eight-week program.
She followed all my directions once again and was excited to do as instructed.
Week Four – Exponential Growth
Again this client’s family member showed up on the group coaching/mentoring call. This time she was ecstatic. She had followed my system and now had 3 more people join her program at $5,000 each.
This means she now had made an additional $15,000! She had already made $27,000 and had only invested $15,000 in my program so her return on investment was clearly there. In this week I added an Instagram strategy because her audience uses Instagram heavily.
We also tweaked her webinar a little bit and tightened up her program offering.
Week Five – Serious Money Rolling In
This week when she comes to the coaching/mentoring call she is happy to report her Facebook group has seriously grown as has the engagement she is getting from her Facebook Lives and she also had 9 solid leads from her webinar.
She accepted 5 of the 9 people she spoke with for their 15-minute consultants. That means she now added $25,000 more in revenue! She is now up to $52,000 in earnings.
On this call, I showed her how to do closing during 15-minute sessions by using an application process after her webinar. I gave her a license to use my email templates and my application and asked her to do practice closing with some of the other members of my client’s family.
Week Six – Money And Freedom
Again she comes to the coaching/mentoring call pumped up. Not only did she enroll 4 more clients at an additional $20,000 (now up to $72,000) she is ready to grow and scale her business. This week we set up freedom systems and processes that will let her grow a coaching company versus a coaching business. A coach in a business is doing it solo.
They trade time for money and can not scale and if they get sick and can’t work no income comes in. If they want to sit on a beach in Tahiti for a month no income comes in. They have no business to sell and no legacy to pass down to their families.
She is going to create a coaching company instead of a coaching business. She is using interns to do her social media work now and they also write her email campaigns and they manage her client family members as well as handle billing. This week we outline how to hire more coaches and she is ready to engage high ticket closers as well.
She, like me, will now only be doing the actual coaching and consulting work. She will be the CEO, visionary, and rainmaker for her coaching company which will be positioned to sell or pass down to her family if she chooses.
How Does This Case Study Relate To Your Business?
There are many lessons to learn from this case study. Let me sum them up.
Get a mentor or coach who has a clear and proven process to take you under their wing and guide you.
Trust in them and follow their process – even if you think it makes no sense.
Be certain you know the ONE result that your niche is looking for by asking them – do not guess.
Create your own Core Unique Positioning Statement®.
Use Facebook Live and Facebook groups to create value for your niche.
Create a webinar that is not boring and actually brings you leads – view mine here (NOTHING like what you might expect!):
Use an application to have people apply for time to speak with you for 15-minute sessions.
Learn how to have fast closing conversations.
Do group coaching/consulting to leverage your time.
Only sell high-ticket coaching programs.
Make sure you can guarantee results.
Create a company – not a business.

About Terri Levine
Dr. Levine has more than 30 years of business, sales, and marketing experience encompassing work with over 5,000 business owners. She is also a best-selling author of over 30 titles and a very popular keynote speaker.