The Danger Of Complacency by Jennifer Jimbere

Walt Disney was a dreamer, and his road to success was rocky.
Despite being one of the most influential people of the 20th century, Disney endured many failures before creating ”the Happiest Place on Earth.”
There Are Two Things We Can Control:
1. Attitude
2. Effort.
I had a recent experience that had me thinking about trust and how being complacent can have you quickly losing it.
As coaches, we offer an intangible service until our clients experience how transformative and profitable they can be when having a trusted confidant. We do not have products that people can come into our office and pick up. The knowledge and know-how to create space for positive change can only be experienced, not picked up.
Our education is just the beginning; most professional coaches have spent decades building context.
I want to share a recent experience I had when hiring someone who offered six months of 1:1 support for my business. I won’t go into many details; however, the person offered a special promotion for the holidays, which I decided to invest in.
Within 20 minutes of our first phone meeting, I was told, “That is not included in this package, not for this investment level.” Month two, was the same; several times it was mentioned services were not included in the promotional package I purchased.
My trust was quickly lost, and I was distracted as she was talking. I kept thinking she was not the one I needed and did not want to continue working with her.
This scenario happens often, I’ve run into multiple people now that looked good on the surface, but when you got behind the screen, you saw something completely different.
This makes it even harder for those of us that are working with integrity and heart to be of service to our profession.
When you decide to partner with someone, I invite you not to hold back. Give them all you can, show the value of partnering with you.
With 13 different degrees and certificates, I take out whatever tool is needed at the moment to support them. I commit to those who choose to partner in possibility with me to get them across the finish line they set for themselves.
Few Things
I have learned along the way with more than 2500 logged coaching hours if you want your business to grow:
1. Welcome clients with the best of intentions to support them fully. No matter where they come into your business, meet them where they are.
2. Clients trust you to bring your best.
When you hold back because they are not your “private level” clients, you will never know if they could have been, especially if you make it clear to them that they have not paid enough.
3. Directly address the issue they came to you for. They trusted that you were the expert.
4. Respect their time. Time is precious, and they have set it aside to talk to you and gain support. Put their interests first.
5. Deliver the unexpected.
Disney created “The Happiest Place on Earth” with hard work and dedication.
It’s a small world, after all.
Building up one happy client testimonial at a time will help you take your big, bold dream and turn it into something magical.
Maintain momentum and make it a great day!

About Jennifer Jimbere
Jennifer Jimbere is the President of Jimbere Coaching and Consulting, Co-Founder of Radical Joy Seeking Women’s Club. She is an Entrepreneur, International Best Selling co-author in the Dream Boldly I Dare You Series.