The Bookworm – Part XII by Ben J. Pritchett

I have a confession to make. I suffer from a nasty affliction – BSOS – for the uninitiated, that stands for Bright Shiny Object Syndrome, and I’ve got a terrible case of it!
I’m certainly not alone though; it’s something suffered by many entrepreneurs and business coaches.
It’s the thing that causes entrepreneurs to have perfectly good marketing programs to change them just because they got bored with them. It’s the thing that causes us to not quite have one business running successfully before starting another one. It’s the thing that causes us to jump onto every new Internet fad thinking that it’ll be the panacea for everything that needs fixing.
What’s the cure for BSOS? Focus. Clarity of purpose. For us as coaches and as entrepreneurs. Learn to avoid BSOS, and you will help your clients too. Here are some book suggestions to help you out:
The Power of Focus
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Les Hewitt
I first read this book about 15 years ago and got a lot out of it. Although, I must say, after reading my opening to this article I really should read it again. Probably every year.
Every one of us is inundated with ideas, concepts, and opportunities every day. Every hour probably. Distraction is almost guaranteed unless we lock ourselves away in a room without any contact with the outside world. Since that’s not possible, we must figure out a way to filter those distractions and only follow through with the ones that will further our goals — no easy task.
This book will give you ten strategies to bring more focus to your life. As a business coach who is looking to both grow your own business and teach your clients how to grow theirs, I recommend spending a little extra time studying Strategy Seven: “Ask for what you want.”
Too many of us give away our best ideas without ever asking for anything in return. Ever found yourself in a conversation with a business owner where you gave them all sorts of advice and ideas, then, hours later you realize you never even thought to ask them for their business? Never thought to ask them for a referral? Learning to ask is a powerful tool.
Once you’ve got asking down, jump to Strategy Nine: “Taking Decisive Action.” Boy am I ever guilty of not doing that one. I get stuck in a perpetual planning mode where I’m trying to make sure the plan is perfect, rather than just getting out there and getting stuff done. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve done lots – I bet you have too – but the number of ideas that have died on the drawing board is incredible. Maybe my best ideas have been left undone?
Taking action may result in more mistakes, but you’ll learn lots and avoid the regrets of things left undone!
How To Be F*cking Awesome / I Get Sh*t Done: My F*cking Awesome Planner
By Dan Meredith
Alright, right off the bat you might be noticing some unusual language in the titles of these items … If you’re easily offended, I highly suggest that you skip this one and move on to the next recommendation.
With chapters like “Be Shameless,” “Be Weird,” and “Be Spiteful,” this is not your typical book of business advice. However, if you’re open to some new ideas from somebody who has experienced a lot of success by thinking outside the box and viewing the world with a refreshing sense of irreverence, this could be the book for you.
This book doesn’t really contain anything absolutely new, but it does present ideas in a new way. The author is an entrepreneur who has experienced considerable success by playing by his own rules, and he tells you how he did it. Maybe his ways will work for you too. It’s an irreverent, fun read if you decide to give it a try.
If his ideas resonate with you, then his planner might work for you as well. This is the first of two planners I’ve noted in this article (number two is coming up), and only you can decide which one might work best for you.
High-Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way / The High-Performance Planner
By Brendon Burchard
Okay, so it’s another book on habits. Stephen Covey had seven of them, then discovered there was an eighth that required another bestselling book to explain it. Burchard says we only need the six that he espouses.
Here’s the reality, whether we go for six, seven, eight, ten or a dozen good habits of planning our days and executing them, we’ll do better, be better and experience more success. So will our clients, especially if we can do it first. It’s much better to lead by example — right?
Here are Burchard’s six must-do habits:
- Seek Clarity
- Generate Energy
- Raise Necessity
- Increase Productivity
- Develop Influence
- Demonstrate Courage
Pretty hard to argue with those, and I don’t see any reason to say more about them here. It’s also pretty hard to argue with the success that Brendan Burchard has achieved in the personal development arena. If he can achieve those results, then maybe his habits can rub off on you and help you achieve similar results. Get the book and give them a shot.
Furthermore, if you don’t have a daily planner that you’re happy with, give his planner a try. I have tried (and failed miserably) at using a planner or journal over the years. Two of my team members (in another company that I run) have been using High-Performance Planner since January of this year and love them, so I might give them a try myself (I gave them the book to read too).
To conclude, there is no doubt that we need to focus to succeed (as do our clients). These books and planners may give you the focus you need, ideas to implement, and a way to keep track of them. If they work for you, share them with the people you coach as well.
Until next time, be focused and get stuff done!

About Ben Pritchett
Ben Pritchett started his first business at the age of 15, and began his own consulting practice in 1991. For over 25 years he has worked with clients in many industries including restaurants, direct sales, software development, tourism, dimension stone (granite quarrying and manufacturing), aviation, and optometry, just to name a few. Companies coached by Ben have nearly doubled and tripled their revenues in a single year.