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Sell More Courses and Coaching With This Research from Harvard

by | In the Magazine, Leo Swan

You may have the best course in the world…

But if you don’t understand this one principle –

You will never be able to sell it.

You could be the next Tony Robbins.

But if you can’t convey ONE thing to your prospects effectively –

You will never be able to sell out your coaching/courses like Tony can.


That one thing you need to convey is this:

You are not a “coach”, a “mentor”, or “consultant”.

You are the SOLUTION.

You are the bridge that will undeniably help someone get from one situation to another.

That’s great but what does that really mean?

It means that in your marketing, you are NOT selling your services, packages, courses, or programs.

You are selling the result it brings your clients.

But why?


According to studies done by Harvard Professor, Gerald Zaltman:

Emotion is what drives 95% (or more) purchasing behaviors, and also, decision making in general.

When you fully understand this –

And when you fully understand how it connects to your marketing –

It will bring an immediate and massive shift in the way that you market your services.

The fundamental statement this research boils down to is this:

It’s not about YOU. It’s about THEM. So make it about them.

What do your potential clients WANT to hear from you?


People love hearing about themselves.

They want to hear:

—-> That you understand their current situation and the struggles they face

—-> That you understand what they want to achieve

—-> That what you are offering is the catalyst for that change

You can’t just tell them those things…

You have to SHOW them.

For example, let’s say your niche is middle-aged women who are starting a business.

Your marketing copy should never lead with:

“Join my (offer) to start a successful business!”

Think back to the research from Harvard –

You need to tap into their emotions (in the right way) to get them to make a decision.

Leading with: “I’m the solution” taps into people’s natural defense mechanism.

It comes off as ‘salesy’ and pushy. And no one likes to be sold – I don’t care who your prospects are. This applies to them.

You need to lead with the fact that you are someone that understands them.

You do that by leading with their desires and frustrations regarding what you sell. Then give them hope that they can get their desired goal and position yourself as the means to get them there

Headline example:

“It’s never too late to start the business of your dreams”

Desire: Business of their dreams

Pain: It’s probably too late

Hope: It’s not too late?


Don’t pitch your service.

Pitch something that’s free and VALUABLE like a video training (webinar or VSL) or PDF.

This will build trust and authority with your prospects.

Then you demonstrate that you can help them by providing value and celebrating the success of your clients.

It’s about them. You are the vehicle that guides them, not the driver.

Ultimately, if someone is going to make a change in their life, there is only one person who can make it happen.

You don’t get the results, all you do is show them the path and help them stay on it.

All your marketing should be is giving them glimpses of that path.


This instills hope while simultaneously positioning you as the person with the knowledge and wisdom of the path.

Because you walked it and have guided others down it.

You already know that though.

This type of marketing has become pretty commonplace nowadays, but it’s important to remember why that is.

When you remind yourself that 95% of decisions are made emotionally, it makes it much more obvious why your marketing is failing.

Your marketing will thrive or fail based entirely on the decisions of individuals.

Their decision to click, or their decision to keep scrolling. Their decision to buy, or their decision to go to one of your competitors.

Always go for emotion and storytelling over logic and reason in your marketing.

Cheers Leo Swan

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