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Pictures of me playing hockey and doubling coaching referrals by Karl Bryan

by | Coaching Lessons, Karl Bryan

As a father, I’ve learned a lot about “moments” that I just didn’t understand before my DNA entered this world.

I was a small guy but a pretty good hockey player growing up, got paid to play at one stage (could hardly eat on the money but it was A LOT OF FUN)….have all the broken bones (knee, elbow, collarbone, wrist, cheekbone, fingers) and the missing teeth (8) to prove it; I’ve played inline hockey for Team Canada (ice hockey on hockey rollerblades) multiple times. When it comes to betting on hockey, fans might absolutely love sites such as 텐텐벳.

I did lots of coaching and one of the kids I coached just won a Stanley Cup with the Washington Capitals!

Here are a couple pics from The World Championships last year where we were playing against Slovakia. In the one, my buddy Derek Hahn (played Pro for many years and one of the best players I’ve ever had the privilege of playing with) gave me a great pass and I should have scored. But didn’t. And of course, it was captured on film haha.

I always knew there were moments in a game that dictated winning or losing.

In tennis, Roger Federer knows the points that matter (breakpoints as an example), so does Serena. It’s not uncommon for the winner of a tennis match to win fewer points than the opponent and still win the match handily.

In hockey, more goals are scored in the last two minutes of a period. And more goals are scored in the last 5 minutes of the third period than in the rest of the game combined.  “Pay attention and hold your man” when the clock hits 5 minutes!

In football it’s the same… the last 5 minutes are ultra critical. That’s when big game players like Tom Brady, Brett Favre, Aaron Rodgers and Johnny Football (joke, haha) earn their money.  Baseball… it’s the 8th and 9th inning… but also “moments” happen when there are guys in scoring position. Seriously, it’s the same in all sports.

When my daughters went to Disneyworld…

I knew I had to be there. And during the day when my 5-year-old was about to meet her idol Princesses Elsa and Anna (Frozen princesses for those that don’t know LOL) I knew this was not the time to take a break in the beer garden.

My 20-year-old daughter Sarah met “Harry Potter”… same deal.  It was a moment and I needed to be there. However, 9.30 AM when they first arrived… that was not necessarily a moment.

The same goes for my coaching clients. I use this same process to create a fanatical following and receive a ton of referrals as a result.

Let me give you an example

When I was starting out as a coach, I remember one of my clients was crapping her pants because she needed to do a 15-minute presentation to her networking group (her first intro to public speaking)… and I showed up to support her. #Moments

When my new real estate client sold a $1 million dollar house (*this was 2004 when $1mm houses meant something haha) and paperwork was signed… I flew into town unexpectedly with a six pack of his favorite beer to celebrate.

When my client received delivery of their first “direct mail campaign” I influenced them to do and the new flyers all got dropped off in huge boxes to their office… I showed up.

A rock star friend and mentor of mine had his first child “Ollie”… I was one of the first on the scene to hold the new bub.

A professional athlete that misses the birth of their first child (maybe the 5th or 6th you could stay home for… haha, jokes) for a Hockey game… I’ll never get that. 

Bottom line… there are #Moments when you can make a huge impact with your coaching clients and increase retention, and referrals, 100 fold. Go above and beyond…  and do what it takes to build a bulletproof relationship.  Being present for certain moments can help do that.

Speaking of which tomorrow I’m working on a post about what I learned from Harley Davidson and their CEO Matthew Levatich.  I’ll try to get it complete and to you tomorrow.

Thanks for tuning in,


PS. If you’d like to know “How I find any small business owner $100,000 in 45 minutes… without spending a dollar on marketing or advertising…” leave a comment and I’ll get you access to one for review.

PPS. If you need help attracting small business owners…or with your coaching business’s lead generation… just holler via a comment… and I will help get you in front of more small business owners than you’ll be able to handle

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at


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