Master Saying No with Isabelle Mercier

Coaches! Isabelle Mercier has a great video for you this month! In Master Saying No, she shares with you how to step into your genius, own who you are and choose how you want to represent yourself and your brand.
Why is this important? Isabelle has learned through her years of experience as a brand builder and business coach that most people still do not know what Branding truly is… it’s so much more than a logo, a business card or a website. Branding is really about being more you. It’s about you stepping into your own genius… your own ability to choose. This requires daily practice, and often a catalyst – something that brings you a feeling of “Hell Yes” or “Hell No”, to ensure your decision is coming from a place of inner alignment.
As Ghandi said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Here’s what this episode is about:
GROWING YOUR BIZ: If you don’t say no to what you don’t want, you’ll never have time and energy for what you DO want.
LEAP OF THE MONTH: Decipher your vital few and eliminate the trivial many.
Give it a watch & leave a comment or insight below the video to let Isabelle know what has resonated with you in this episode and one thing you will do as a result of it. Enjoy!
Contributed by Isabelle Mercier

About Isabelle Mercier Turcotte
Isabelle Mercier Turcotte is a brand strategist, best-selling author, TEDx Speaker and business performance catalyst at LeapZone Strategies with the sole purpose to empower change and growth. "Momentum Generator" is her middle name and she has a relentless passion for helping entrepreneurs and small business owners raise the bar to create outstanding brand experiences through business strategies, performance coaching, and brand alignment.