Four Steps for Generating Extraordinary Client Testimonials, The Most Powerful Client Attraction Tool There Is! with Mary Morrissey
As coaches or consultants, we can successfully market ourselves in a multitude of ways, but client testimonials are particularly powerful.
Why? Because they provide proof to new potential clients that you deliver on what you promise!
Being able to provide compelling testimonials tells potential clients that they will receive a meaningful, worthwhile return on their investment in you.
Like most coaches and consultants, chances are you do one of two things in your business…
Either you do not consistently ask for client testimonials or, if you do, chances are you may not be sure how to ask for them in a way that ensures you wind up with a super powerful endorsement for you and your services!
Regardless of which category you find yourself in, here are four steps to follow to generate a greater number of glowing testimonials for your business that will help you attract more of your dream clients to you.
STEP #1: Ask Your Clients at Precisely the Right Time
You never want to pressure or incentivize any client into providing a testimonial for your services.
The best testimonials come from clients who are so over the moon with the transformation they’ve experienced from working with you that they’re genuinely and eagerly excited to share it with everyone they know!
So first of all, ask for testimonials from clients who have openly expressed how thrilled they are about the changes that they’re experiencing with you.
More importantly, testimonials should come from clients who have experienced highly specific results personally or professionally. This helps avoid vague or cliché’ testimonials that don’t really speak to the concrete benefits they’ve reaped, and that you could help potential clients reap!
And here’s another important strategy: There’s no need to wait until the end of the client’s engagement with you to ask for a testimonial!
Simply wait until you’ve developed a strong amount of trust and rapport with them. Then as soon as they’ve expressed to you that they’ve experienced an empowering breakthrough or achieved a desired result while working with you, ask them if they’d be willing to give you a testimonial! At this point, a client will likely be very enthusiastic about sharing their story.
STEP #2: Ask Precisely the Right Questions
The most powerful client testimonials paint a clear picture of the client’s before-and-after transformation.
This is why it’s important to ask your client specific questions to help guide them as they share their experience of working with you.
Simply asking for feedback with no guidelines is likely to generate overly general responses that don’t do justice to the profundity of the client’s experience.
Some of the best questions to ask your client include:
- “What was going on for you in your life/business that had you decide to reach out and want to begin working with me?”
- “How has that area of your life/business transformed since we began working together?”
- “Are there any results you experienced that surprised you along the way? Results that you weren’t expecting?”
- “What would you say to someone who is considering working with me?”
- “Is there anything else you’d like for me to know?” (You’ll be surprised by the gold nuggets you’ll receive in response to this question!)
In addition to being powerful and compelling, you want your client’s testimonial to be honest, fair, and reflective of where they used to be, and where they are now as a result of working with you.
Testimonials should reflect the client’s own perceptions and should be written in their own voice and tone. Asking the right questions will help you achieve these highly personal, impactful testimonials.
STEP #3: Format Your Testimonials And Use Mixed Media
There is no one “right” format for gathering testimonials!
If you’re able to get a video testimonial from a client, even over Skype video, this can be a very powerful marketing tool!
You can also send your client the questions above in an email, or ask them the questions in person and write down their responses. Sending the questions by email however can allow the client time and space to sit with, think about, and thoroughly respond to multiple pointed questions.
Ultimately, however, you want to choose the format that works best for the client.
Regardless of format, you can always edit the testimonials for length, cohesion, and clarity. I always recommend that you gather testimonials through as many types of mixed media as possible!
Audio clips, video clips, and footage or photos from live events can all be very moving and effective when promoting your services to attract more dream clients to your business.
STEP #4: Share Your Testimonials With the World
Once you’ve gathered an abundance of extraordinary testimonials from your raving clients, your next step is to share these testimonials liberally – on your website, on the back of your business cards, in print brochures, in your email signature, and so on.
A client quote on the back of your business card is the perfect way to actively remind potential clients that you will deliver on your promises. And a longer video interview will engage prospective clients more deeply once they have taken the initiative to visit your website.
Do not underestimate the power of abundant testimonials!
The more places you share your client success stories, the more success stories you’ll attract.
And remember that social media rules the world these days – don’t be shy about sharing your testimonials on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Consider sharing a powerful short anecdote daily or weekly to keep reminding your online community of the incredible successes your clients are experiencing!
Of course, always be sure to receive a client’s consent
before sharing their testimonial…
Ideally, they’ll agree to allow you to share their endorsement across multiple marketing platforms like your website, business cards, social media, and so on.
Also, be sure to ask them if they’re comfortable with you including their last name, or do they prefer just their first name and last initial for example? And is attaching a photo of them alongside their testimonial okay?
Always ensure your client agrees to you sharing their words with others in your marketing materials. It’s important to protect the rapport and trust you’ve built with your client.
Well-crafted client testimonials are one of the most powerful client attraction tools you can have!
Articulate, heartfelt testimonials are practically priceless when it comes to attracting more dream clients to your coaching or consulting business.
If you’re committed to business growth, make requesting testimonials from each and every client you work with an important part of your business.
And as these powerful testimonials help you attract more amazing clients and grow your business, you’ll make a much larger impact in your industry and in the world!

About Mary Morrissey
Mary Morrissey is widely considered the world’s foremost expert on “dream-building,” which is the art and science of transforming your dreams into your reality.
Mary is the author of two bestselling books, No Less Than Greatness and Building Your Field of Dreams which became a PBS special. In 2009, Mary founded Life Mastery Institute™, the world’s leading training center for transformational life coaching.