What Every Coach MUST Know To STOP Trading Their Time For Money! with Adrian Ulsh
In my series of articles in this magazine I’ve been discussing various ways that coaches (as well as small business owners) can generate more leads and close more sales.
Previously, I explained how any coach can build a 7 figure coaching business if they focus on selling products and stop selling services.
I outlined 8 simple strategies that coaches can use to easily find more than $100,000 in less than 45 minutes for ANY small business no matter what they do or what industry they’re in.
Finding prospects this large amount of money quickly and effortlessly obviously makes it fairly easy to sign up prospective coaching clients.
But what’s even better about these 8 strategies is they actually work… and produce extremely lucrative results for the businesses that implement them.
When these strategies are implemented, they have a track record for producing approximately $500,000 in additional revenue every year for the business owner.
But here’s the takeaway… those 8 strategies are basically a PRODUCT you implement with every business you coach. You simply repeat the exact same strategies with every business you work with, year after year.
Now you’re on your way to seven figures, and this is just one methodology coaches can use to build a million dollar plus coaching company.
And if you want to learn our 8 strategies for finding north of $100k for ANY small business, contact me and we’ll make that happen.
But consider these additional product suggestions for coaches. Most coaches today know the tremendous value of networking, hosting webinars and live events… as well as speaking to groups.
You should be filming EVERY event and speaking opportunity you present. And you don’t need to hire a film crew or purchase expensive equipment to do so.
All you need is an HD camcorder and a tripod, and you can get both for well below $200.
At each event where you know you will speak or present, set up the tripod and camera in the back of the room and zoom in where you will be standing and lock it there (give yourself 3 feet on either side of center so you have some room to move around when speaking).
Vary your topics so you cover a wide range of fundamentals and strategies over a period of time.
Then create a product of your deliveries in a multitude of formats… CD’s, DVD’s, YouTube videos, online videos for purchase (separate or as a group) and so on.
When you attend a networking event, take your CD’s and DVD’s with you and hand them out with your business card.
Offer them at all of your speaking events. As a gift, they establish both reciprocity in those who receive them… and preeminence in those that attend.
All of the videos I create go into my membership site where I charge a monthly fee for members to gain access to them.
This builds up a lucrative, passive recurring revenue stream that now tops 6 figures annually.
Post your videos on YouTube and use them to generate leads for your coaching services… to establish yourself as an authority on specific topics… and to position yourself as a thought leader in the coaching profession.
When you reach the point where your products begin to generate a passive recurring income stream for you and your family, you start to eliminate the “time for money” quagmire ALL coaches often find themselves trapped within.
Next time, I’ll show you the ULTIMATE product you should seriously consider developing as a coach… a membership site.
I will show you the EXACT content I use to help business owners become successful… but in a do-it-yourself online coaching format that is HANDS-FREE to me.
So until next time

About Adrian Ulsh
Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.