Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and lil ‘ole KB (me lol) sitting in a tree… with Karl Bryan

Last week I talked about Warren Buffett’s’ magic.
The man is a maestro and I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from him…
For a change of pace, I want to talk about something a little more progressive (Buffett is a lot of things… but progressive ain’t one of them).
The foundation of any top performer is creating a vision for themselves and their work. World records will consistently fall at the Olympics because for four years hundreds of athletes wake up at 5 am with one SINGLE GOAL in mind.
This single goal (I like to refer to it as a NORTH STAR) makes decision making easy… knowing when to say no and where to place energy. Elon Musk isn’t trying to swim the butterfly (or, maybe he is and he’d likely do it darned well LOL) but his roadmap is an impressive one that I’ve tried to carbon copy many times for myself and business coaches that use my online coaching system and lead generation tools.
From the outset, Musk has had a transparent roadmap to provide sustainable energy to the world.
He describes how he would achieve this in 4 steps that you can find on his website:
- Create a low volume car which would necessarily be expensive (The Roadster)
- Use that money to develop a medium volume car at a lower price (The Model S)
- Use that money to create an affordable, high volume car (The Model 3)
- Provide solar power (No kidding, this has literally been on his website for 10 years!!)
Musk continues providing his reasoning here:
The reason we had to start off with step 1 was that it was all I could afford to do with what I made from PayPal. I thought our chances of success were so low that I didn’t want to risk anyone’s funds in the beginning but my own.
A low volume car means a much smaller, simpler factory, albeit with most things done by hand. Without economies of scale, anything we built would be expensive, whether it was an economy sedan or a sports car. While at least some people would be prepared to pay a high price for a sports car, no one was going to pay $100k for an electric Honda Civic, no matter how cool it looked.
Musk could have done what the 96% do – jump to Step 3 and create an affordable, high volume car on Day 1. The end result being the scrap heap with the majority of bankrupt car makers (DeLorean… cough, cough) and business owners.
But Musk did the exact opposite. The secret to the success for the Tesla is the audacious goal of “providing sustainable energy.” Originally, he was laughed at.
My plan
I remember coming up with the plan of “being able to find ANY SMALL BUSINESS OWNER $100,000, in 45 minutes, without them having to spend an extra dollar on marketing or advertising.”
My reticular activating system went into hardcore overdrive for a LONG TIME to help come up with simple distinctions to make my vision a reality. Now I can do it in my sleep and when I did, finding coaching clients became a cakewalk.
I no longer needed to generate leads described as “business owners with money”… I just needed to find willing participants… make them tons of dough in the first 90 days following a system (easy)… then collect my handsome slice of the pie.
The “vision” (finding $100k in 45 minutes) combined with the roadmap (8 simple strategies anyone can use to put money in a bank account) is the secret combination.
When I told ppl about my plan to create this process I was laughed at by many of the industries top dogs. Now I have proprietary software to make the process bulletproof.
Who gives a crap about Elon Musk and Karl Bryan?
In other words, what is your bold, audacious single goal – your NORTH STAR – that’ll help you achieve “Your promised land?”
Once you work out what this single goal is… everything becomes easy. Secret… don’t make it about you. Most coaches have a goal of “10 clients,” “$100,000 in revenue” or heaven forbid “to make lots of money and not work hard.” puke!
Those goals are so lame and uninspiring… they will not get you to the promised land. Make your vision about others and their success and you’ll earn more money than you can spend.
Try to make enough money for you and you’ll get a certain level of distinction. Try to make enough for your family and the distinction will increase. Try to make enough to support your community, your church, a charity that is meaningful to you… and the level of distinction will significantly increase!
I’m writing another piece today about something I discovered about Jeff Bezos at Amazon. It’s similar to the above and frankly a wee bit of magic IMO…
Watch for it. I’ll have a Part 2 to this post as soon as I can get it completed.
Thanks for tuning in,
PS. If you’re struggling to get coaching clients or the attention of small business folk… leave a comment and I’ll send you some primo resources that’ll help you big time.
PPS. If you’re struggling to get in front of “clients with money” or immediate financial results for your small business clients (they keep canceling on you and that creates an environment where you need to generate new clients all the time) leave a comment and I’ll introduce you to our 8 strategies that put money in any business owners bank account (so you can get paid!!)

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.