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Does Your Content Marketing Need a Boost? By Tom Jenkins

by | In the Magazine, Tom Jenkins

Learn How to Use Webinars to Level up Your Marketing Campaigns

If you’re only using webinars for education and lead capturing, you are leaving a ton of opportunity and, most likely, dollars on the table.

In fact, for many of today’s top marketers, webinars are the most valuable tool in the marketing toolbox. 

Webinars are popular lead magnets because they work, and they work quite well. Research shows marketers who embrace video can increase their leads by 66%. However, lead generation is just the tip of the iceberg.

Think of webinars as marketing’s gateway drug. Webinars empower you to set the table for a successful marketing campaign using nearly any marketing channel.

The Cornerstone of a Content Marketing Campaign

Whether you’re trying to build a six-figure coaching practice or your business cranking on all cylinders, you just need to keep your pipeline of leads full.

Content marketing is an essential part of a successful coach’s marketing playbook.

To maximize the impact of your content marketing efforts, integrating top-tier SEO strategies is crucial. This is where Space’M Online comes into play, offering unparalleled expertise in optimizing your content for search engines.

By partnering with SpaceM, you ensure that your insightful articles, blogs, and videos reach a wider audience, climbing to the top of search engine rankings.

This dual approach of compelling content and strategic SEO not only keeps your lead pipeline full but also positions your coaching practice for long-term success and visibility in a competitive market.

The most respected names in coaching like Eben Pagan and Dan Sullivan use webinars to drive their content marketing because they know this model will set them up for success.

Webinars don’t discriminate. If it works for the big guys, it can work for you too.

It All Starts with an Email

If you’re looking for a way to make a splash in your prospect’s inbox, a webinar may be just what the doctor ordered. 

Webinars give you plenty of opportunities to reach out to prospects and customers. 17% of Your audience will sign up on the day of.

This is another great reason why you should have a series of encouraging emails to entice attendees to tune in. Don’t forget to offer a recording for later. 28% of folks who are interested in your webinar want to watch it on their own time after the original presentation date.

Building relationships is just the beginning. Once someone opts into your email list, they’re giving you the green light to present them with other items of value. Maybe you’ve created an e-book with the framework for reaching goals faster.

Or perhaps, you can offer them the opportunity to take a course you’ve created.

You can even use these new relationships to level up other areas of your content marketing. If you’ve got awesome content on your blog or social media platforms, send an email blast letting everyone know they should head over and take a look.

The Perfect Launchpad

From an awesome blog article to a string of Facebook posts, taking pearls of wisdom from your webinar and expanding on them will give you plenty of ammunition for the other channels in your marketing campaign.

Have a success story from your webinar? Publish a short write-up about the student on social media. If you just finished a webinar about setting goals, write an article detailing the importance of setting measurable goals.

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. Pulling a few clips from the webinar and uploading them to YouTube is a great way to repurpose content.

Plus, if you’re like me and you have a face for radio, you only have to worry about getting in front of the camera once. By now, you get the picture. Take a few golden nuggets from your webinar and expand on them or branch off to a similar topic on another marketing channel.

The Next Generation of the Book

Did you ever notice that some of the highest-earning, most popular entrepreneurs and coaches have written books?

Sure, some do it because they have a story to tell or a message to share with the world. Others use their book as a marketing tool. Having a book gives them a physical to market and bolsters their credibility.

It also opens doors to public speaking or similar opportunities.

Clever coaches can leverage webinars in much the same way. Webinars can be used as a lead magnet or a premium sold alongside another item. The webinars themselves can be a product.

There’s the traditional approach of selling access to the webinar. Bundling multiple webinars together into a single package presents an opportunity to increase your leverage, create another product, and deliver more value.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, webinars have several advantages for entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to marketing.

Time-Books take months or years of writing, editing, and tweaking. Webinars can be knocked out in short order with a little bit of research and time set aside for the recording.

Easy on Your Audience-Books take time to read. many entrepreneurs don’t have a couple of hours every week to devote to reading. Webinars are a quick way for coaching clients to get a solid education without losing large chunks of time.

Simple to Distribute-Webinars can be sent out automatically. Getting your webinar into the hands of prospects takes a little more effort than sending an email.

Statistically speaking, 30% of cold traffic driven to the webinar’s landing page will sign up to attend. Taking things one step further, webinars convert prospects into buyers at a rate between 5 and 20%.

Building a Foundation of Trust

Every business coach knows before someone can buy from you, they have to trust you. Webinars give you a chance to connect with the audience on a deeper level.

This level of connection is invaluable for building your personal brand and laying the groundwork for a strong foundation of trust.

Don’t Forget about Going Live.

Going live on social media can be thought of as the webinar’s little sister. Going live allows you to do many of the same things with your marketing. It also holds a couple of major advantages over a formal webinar.

Live streaming comes with a built-in audience and doesn’t require you to invest a lot of time and research to put together a polished presentation.

  • Most savvy cell phone users have an average of 8 apps on their phones capable of playing streaming video.
  • Streaming apps account for about 10% of the total apps installed on the device.
  • 53% of People report having anxiety when they are without their phone. 
  • If these folks are willing to devote 10% of their precious digital storage to streaming apps, you can bet this is a trend worth paying attention to.

Just like with webinars, you can use your streaming videos as catalysts for the rest of your content marketing campaign. If you hit on something that’s getting a lot of traction, it may be the perfect topic for a white paper, blog, or even a book.

Livestreaming is also a great tool to generate interest and awareness for your programs or products. Just remember, people, go on social media to have fun. It’s not the time to hit them with a hard-sell sales pitch.

Keep your streaming videos short, entertaining, and valuable.

The next time you are reviewing your content marketing plans, consider including a webinar.

For about $100 and a few hours of your time, you can create a versatile piece of high-converting content your audience will crave.

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