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Day 1108: Drowning. Rats. Holocaust.

by | Karl Bryan, ONE THING Series

Last week we covered a lot of ground including how ‘money loves speed and wealth loves patience’ as well as what Dave meant when he replied to our three way text with, “Bear with me.”

Speaking of notifying us that the zoo heist was a success…

My Drunk Aunt came over for dinner and here is her contribution to the conversation:

Me: How was your day?

My Drunk Aunt: It was pretty crazy actually.

Me: What happened?

My Drunk Aunt: First, I found a hat full of money…

Me: Sounds pretty good so far, what happened next?

My Drunk Aunt: I got chased by an angry guy with a guitar…


In other news…

The truth will set you free. But first it will make you miserable. ~ James Garfield

*Be willing to sit in the discomfort of unpleasant truths.



‘Drowning Rats and The Holocaust’

A (brutal) Harvard study many years ago dropped rats into a glass of water and they measured how long they could tread water before giving up.

On average… it was 15 minutes before they went under.


Right before they drowned they’d be saved, dried off and then placed back in the glass to tread water again.

Note: they’re pretty exhausted when they go back for round two.

Question for you…

They lasted 15 minutes the first time, how long do you think they lasted the second time they’re dropped into tread water?

15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes..?


45 hours!


Read that again.

Why and how did they do it..?

The Harvard researchers came to the conclusion that since the rats BELIEVED they’d be rescued… they could push their bodies to an unprecedented level.

A similar example to this is people that survived the Holocaust would talk of the torment, hunger, starvation, death of their friends and ridiculously inhumane conditions…

Interestingly, they said the WORST PART wasn’t the brutal conditions… it was not knowing when/if it was going to end.

Possibly a little morbid.

While on the topic of morbid…

Let’s talk about your coaching business.

If you knew that if you committed yourself to filling a small room or a webinar with 4 to 10 business owners every week for 90 days…

That ALL YOUR COACHING DREAMS, financial, impact, freedom and otherwise, would come true…

Would you do it…?

Could you push yourself past the 15 minute mark knowing it’d all work out in the end?

Probably not.

You heard it here first.

Now, pick up the phone and go help someone.

Obsessed with your business coaching success,

Karl Bryan


PS. You will lose more from indecision than you will from making the wrong decision.

PPS. If this helps and you want it to really sink in… GO TEACH IT to someone cause that’s the best way for you to learn it. A friend, your spouse, a prospect, a client etc…

*Don’t plagiarize my work like a lame arse.

PPPS. Marriages break up from lack of money… over lack of love X 100. Business failures lead to destruction, addiction, depression, anxiety, suicides, and unfortunately, far more.

As good business coaches, we save marriages, save families, save kids from self-destruction… we save lives!

A true life of purpose.

PPPPS. If you’re looking for a proven system to follow for your coaching…. I created Profit Acceleration Software™ and high-end step-by-step training to support it…

We did a training that will teach you ‘A strategy that can DOUBLE your clients’  bottom-line profits using exponential growth without spending more on marketing.

Imagine finding your high-ticket coaching fees BEFORE you start coaching your new clients?!  And a proven coaching system created for you to follow with your new coaching client.

Access the free training here

PPPPPS. Forward this to someone that needs to subscribe to my daily emails and get a limited-time, complimentary subscription to my business coaching magazine go here:

PPPPPPS. They tell me my Podcast is Ric Flair style, Money Makin, Client Getten, Joint Venture Landing, Event Fillin, High-End Coaching Client Findin Gold For Business Coaches.

Missed a day? Catch up here.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at


The Six-Figure Coach Magazine

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