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Create Your Book In 30 Days With Becky Auer

by | Becky Auer, In the Magazine

Create Your Book


The quickest and easiest way to do that is to be the author of your own book.

So, you agree!  Now you want to publish a book but you’re not sure how to go about it. You could write it yourself or you could hand it off to a trusted ghostwriter.  You’ve got options but you’re not sure which one is right for you. Ask yourself three quick questions before making your final decision:

Do I Have Time To Write?

Think about how long it takes you to write a blog post or short report. Does it take you all night to write a 2-page blog post or three weeks to churn out a short report? There’s nothing wrong with being a slow writer. But be honest with yourself—how long will the book take for you to complete? Can you really write it in 30 days? Or will it take several months?

Do I Have The Budget To Outsource?

Outsourcing a project can be fun and easy—if you’re working with a professional writer. If you’ve hired a writer who is not the greatest, you could spend hours trying to fix their terrible work and wondering why this book is so hard. 

However, keep in mind that with a professional writer a professional price tag also comes in to play. Be prepared to pay some good bucks to a writer you trust to complete your book on time.

Do I Enjoy Writing?

Before you make the final decision, consider the writing process. Do you get bogged down when writing blog posts or short reports? Or do you zip through writing content with ease and joy? Does writing leave you feeling energized or drained?

So, let’s decide you love writing and you want to get this book done and written in 30 days or less.  Is it possible?  Well, it is and I’m going to share the secret on how to do just that.  

I’ll also share an alternative to writing your own book at the end of this article.    

How To Write A Book In 30 Days Or Less

Have you ever thought about publishing a book? If you’re a business owner, publishing a book can do wonders for your business. It can:

  • Brand you and your business
  • Boost your credibility and authority
  • Provide value to your audience
  • Increase profits, and
  • Broaden your reach

In fact, when you put your mind to it, you can write a book in 30 days!

Why This Is Possible

The 30 Day Deadline Isn’t As Extreme As It Sounds

It takes years to write a book, right? Well, the time it takes to write a book is entirely up to you. Here’s the thing…

You’re already an expert on your business topic. You’ve written an abundance of content on the topic and you’re in touch with your audience. That’s all you need to be able to write a book for your business.

If you wrote two blog posts a day for a month and pulled them all into one file, you’d have between 30,000 and 40,000 words. That’s a book! 

Take a look at the following questions and answer them for yourself: 

  • Are you an authority on a subject? 
  • Can you talk about your subject?
  • Do you already have an abundance of information published on your topic (i.e., video posts, blog posts, interviews etc…)?

This report is designed to help you not only realize that you MUST write a book for your business but also to show you how you CAN write it in a month.

Step One: Identify Your Topic (1 day)

Brainstorming is often the first step to finding a great book topic. You may already have a handful of ideas, so write them down. Take a look at what your competition is talking about. Can you take a different spin on a topic and create a book around that information?

Make your idea super targeted. You can also make the book’s topic unique by showcasing your voice, personality, and brand. Once you’ve made your choice, it’s time to create your book title (though you don’t need to wait for a title to start writing!)

Step Two: Outline and Plan Your Book (1 day)

Now it’s time to start planning the book. Identify chapter topics and main points. For example, if your book is titled “10 Steps…” then your main points are those 10 different steps. Each one will be a chapter. Identify supporting subtopics. Under each main point, create a bulleted list of supporting points. Once you have your outline, the next step is to start writing. 

Step Three: Create the Book (20 days)

Let’s talk about five different approaches you can take to create your book.

Sit Down and Write It

The first approach is the most traditional approach. Create a daily writing schedule. 

For example, if you decide you’re going to write one chapter a day, and there are 10 pages per chapter then you’re looking at four hours of writing each day.

Remember, this isn’t something that you have to commit to for the long haul. You’ll only be writing at this level for ten to twenty days.

Schedule a Non-Stop Writing Weekend

Another option is to set aside a few days to write your book from start to finish.

Dictate It

There’s a saying in the marketing world, “If you can talk about it, you can write about it.”  Most well-written books are often conversational in tone. If you aren’t looking forward to writing, why not dictate your book instead?

Outsource It

You can also consider outsourcing the writing to a ghostwriter. He or she can manage the entire process from start to completion.

Get Others To Write It For You

Have you ever read a “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book? Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen don’t write these books; contributors write them. You can take this approach with your book, too. 

Do you know 5-10 people who can contribute to your book? That’s all you need. You can fill in the gaps, write the forward and even add a chapter or two yourself. You can also interview people and use the content from the interview as chapters for your book. If you have solid connections in your industry, contact them and see if they’re interested in contributing to your book.

Repurpose Your Existing Content 

It’s very likely you have enough content already written and published that you could simply repurpose that content and make a book out of it.

I’d set a goal to write your book in around 20 days and this will leave plenty of time for final editing and polishing – the final step. 

Step Four: The Polish (8 days)

The Friendlies

The Friendlies are the people you invite to read your book before you make it public. They provide feedback on your book. They can also provide testimonials or reviews. 


It’s strongly recommended that you find someone else to edit your book. Spellcheck doesn’t catch everything.

Images and Cover Art

Unless you’re a graphic designer, hire someone to create your book’s cover as well. This can influence downloads and purchases. 

Final Polish 

Make sure your book represents you in a positive and professional manner. 

Congratulations! If you’ve followed this process, you have a book that’s ready to launch.

But if you say ‘no way’ that’s too much work, then let me offer you a solution!  

Create a book a reader can finish in an hour. Small or short books – normally 50-80 pages – gives the reader a sense of accomplishment when they finish a book.

And you have to give readers a way to connect with you, either with an active call-to-action (the #1 thing you want readers to do next) or a passive call-to-action (for those readers who want more information before doing the active call-to-action).

My team can create a book for you in 30 days or less and do 90% of the work!  How you ask?  By creating an “Ask the Expert” Lead Generation book!  The book is laser-focused on educating your best prospects about a specific solution to their specific problem or desired outcome that you can help them achieve. 

This book becomes your 24-hour salesperson who never gets sick, never takes a vacation and says exactly what you want it to say 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The purpose of this book is to generate leads.

Your job is to give as many out as possible. 

If you want a book, but want a done-for-you solution, you can go here to check it out!

Either way, you need a book for INSTANT CREDIBILITY, TRUST, and EXPERT POSITIONING!

Now get writing!

Create Your Book In 30 Days With Becky Auer

 About Becky Auer

Becky Auer has started 3 multi-million dollar businesses. The last was a Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar that she took from $0 to $6.5M in just over a year and kept it there until she sold it. Becky runs group coaching and mastermind groups as well as coaching private clients. For Free Resources, go to

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