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BCS: 184 | Black Friday Offer + Are You To Available

by | Business Coaching Secrets Podcast, Karl Bryan

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Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 184: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

–  Should you offer a Black Friday sale?

–  Are you to available?

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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SFC 184
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing high paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s your boy the Road Dog, with none other than the man, the myth, the four and a half foot legend. He’s the number 22 in your program, but number one in your arts. Karl Bryan is in the.
[00:00:59] Karl: goes, how goes, what’s happening? I’m getting short.
[00:01:04] Christian: Sorry. Other than you being short everything’s good. I’m, I’m not short, so that’s good. Yeah. Life’s good bud. Life is good. Getting ready for getting ready for all the the people that are getting ready to plan and finish out the year and then start their next 12 months.
What an exciting time to be a, a business coach as I just actually got a, a notification from one of my guys today who they had an excellent year and are now like we need to spend some money before the end of the year so I don’t have to pay as much income tax. So there you go. That’s always a beauty
[00:01:37] Karl: This is a good message to get.
[00:01:43] Christian: So, there you go. Right. Actually speaking of that real quick, is that do, do you, do you ever do anything like that? Did you ever do like an end of year, like, Hey, by the way, because, you know, we get all the emails always typically right? Hey, use up all of your benefits and everything else that you got.
[00:01:57] Karl: you ever do anything like that? Yeah it’s, it’s a 50 50. It depends on where the individual is at, right? Because you gotta, like, you’re, you’re spending a dollar to save, you know, 28 cents. You wanna be a little bit cautious with that. That being said, if there’s something that needs to be bought and it’s, you know, on the hit list, like, you know, you own a landscaping company and you need to buy a new lawnmower, right?
And you pull the trigger early. But you know what I mean, like, it’s, again, you got a little red arrow, you are here. Different situations. Call for different dynamics and another might be relevant there. Like what do they say? If it a appreciates you buy it. If it depreciates, if it depreciates you, Elisa, or rent it.
And again, and that’s where I’ve seen, you know, folks you know, make all kinds of wrong decisions there, but answer Ro Doug is little red arrow, you are here. And that would help you make the decision as to what you should do.
[00:02:54] Christian: But so in in, in that, in that vein cuz every year, you know, it’s like, well up in Canada, we’ve got Boxing Day, but you’ve got your Black Friday, you got your Cyber Monday, you got man on man that you could have a million different ones.
But those are the big ones. Right. Did, would you ever recommend a, a coach put together a, I don’t know, any sort of a. Entry level just to get people in on sale, quote unquote. I’m using air quotes here that you can’t see anything like that. Like, is that, is that or or is that discounting yourself and your services?
[00:03:27] Karl: Yes. Debate for that, but no, I would be encouraging coach. See the problem, I think we talked about maybe something like this, maybe last week or the week before, but like if they do a Black Friday special and then they do a Thanksgiving spec special Black Friday special, a Christmas special, a New Year’s special.
If they only get one client per special and Valentine’s Day and everything else, at the end of the 12 months, they would end up with an extra, you know, six, 12 clients. Right. And when you do your numbers at the end of the year, an extra six to 12 clients can really matter. And it just gives people a reason to kind of pull the trigger.
So, no, I would encourage coaches to absolutely do it. There’s the other train of thought that you’re now all of a sudden putting yourself on sale. But the way you combat that real simple is you just add a whole of value as in a significantly more expensive, you know, product. And then shave a little bit off as a result of, of the, the holiday, right?
The Black Friday. So then you actually end up, you know, with a more expensive unit when it’s all said and done, but you’ve done the old, and everybody’s heard this, anybody listening to it, but they’ve added a ton of value, right? So, so I’m gonna say yes, absolutely. Love
[00:04:46] Christian: it. Love it. Well love that. Yeah, that makes sense, right?
It’s interesting what I think one thing that people tend to forget is, do they even know how many clients they need as a business coach, do you know exactly how many clients you need? Because I’m sure, again, let’s just assume it’s a big assumption. You’ve actually set your price, sort of, it doesn’t, again, it doesn’t have to be in stone, right?
You feel free to increase your prices as you gain more clients and more experience for that matter. But if, like, really if you get 10 clients, you’re probably pretty good, right? So then you’re, you’re creating natural scarcity. And speaking of scarcity, that was a long lead in by the way. Do you wanna be, when it comes to your availability, Karl, you know, it’s that whole, you don’t wanna miss out on an appointment, but at the same time, you don’t wanna look like you’ve got all the time in the world.
So, you know, like do you wanna sort of be overly available or do you wanna be hard to get ahold of?
[00:05:48] Karl: Oh, good question. Okay. You kind of look at, once again, gray being too available is gonna be a killer for sales. It will be a killer for your preeminence killer for your positioning, right? So gotta be varied to be too available is a horrific idea.
An example of where coaches messed that up is they have a calendar and then they sell out the cal, you know, send out a 30 minute calendar link and then the guy can see, or the gal can look at your calendar and see that there’s nothing but openings for weeks, like in including this week and this afternoon, right?
So you, you know, solution to that, by the way, is having two calendars. You definitely want, you’re gonna send out that link. You want your calendar to look rather scarce. So. You know, it’s, I, I feel like the other thing is like, you gotta stop asking rich people for money and then poor people for advice, right?
Like, again, cause I think that the newbie coach and a lot of bad advice is, you know what I mean? You gotta get the, you know what I mean? You need to be overly available, right? Here’s what you want. Here’s the frame road, Doug. Easy to find, hard to access, right? So again, like Steve Jobs knew exactly where he was, right?
He’s in Apple headquarters at the top floor, and that’s exactly where he is, right? Tony Robbins. You can find a guy almost anywhere you know, online and every, and you literally a calendar of his events or right there on the internet. Warren Buffet, again, sitting in his office, literally tell you where he is.
I think everybody knows where the guy lives, but easy to find, hard to access, right? Another frame, I actually said this on my, my YouTube videos, Rog, which you love. But you, you want him to know your name but not your face. That’s a A mentor of mine that is very passionate about that. So, you know what I mean?
Yeah. You want him to know your name and not your face. Maybe just, I think it’s perky, self-explanatory. Something to think about, like, again, imagine being Michael Jackson back in the day and going out for You know, be a little bit, not that anybody here listening to this is gonna become the next Michael Jackson of business coaching.
Right. Gotta get serious. Although one might. Right? But is it realistic that you’re ever gonna get that popular? The answer is no. But I think that’s a pretty popular frame for you and maybe your coaching clients as well. But Tony Robbins has the model that might be the. Way to think about it. And that’s the, the more you pay, the more access you get, right?
Like the more you pay, the closer you get to him. Like, like if you pay 10 grand and get his master university, you’ll go up on stage and it says, you know, get a photo of Tony Robbins. What’s Tony Robbins? And the other 1000 people that bought, or, and I think it’s actually a hundred at a time, right? Like 10 photos of a hundred people, whatever.
It’s right. But it’s like this huge group shot and Tony Robbins is standing in the middle and Tony Robbins will come up and shake your hand and look you in the eyes, right? Does it for every person. But like, that’s the access that you get, right? You go to his university, you’re not, you’re not getting close to him.
You spend a million dollars a year plus upside. You’re working one to one with the guy. You spend a hundred thousand dollars and you’re in his. You know, as platinum partnership. Again, you’re in the same, you know, on the same boat, in the same you know, facility as him, but it’s not like, you know, you’re, you know, you’re not going and he’s not sitting beside you having lunch.
Right. It’s not happening. Anyway, so, so the frame road, Doug, is that as they pay more, they get more access to you. A one-on-one for coaches is that, you know, they get, do they get a weekly call? Do they get a biweekly call? Do they get a monthly call? Right. And again, a monthly call was significantly less expensive than a weekly call.
So, so yeah, I think, but I, I think what we’re looking for is two things. One is that frame of the more they pay, the more access they get. And also though, by be, by being too available, and there’s a lot of coaches, I’m gonna saying if you, if you can coach, you can’t sell. And if you can sell, you can’t coach, which is a bit on the, you know, it’s not quite like that.
There’s definitely folks with both talents, but. It’s more rare to be one or the other. And I think that the coaches that can’t sell they kinda, you know, throw themselves around at a high level where they’re just way too available. And I would encourage ’em to have a good hard look at that. So that’s my answer.
What do you think?
[00:09:55] Christian: I, I like it, I think you need to turn down your notification shoes, but hey
[00:09:58] Karl: in a complex
[00:09:59] Christian: world, I’m trying to find a good transition here cuz we got a question about simplifying, and I’m just trying to think of like, again, like anything, how do I even simplify this question?
Holy smokes. When it comes to just chunking things down or simplifying anything, what do you do? Like, do you have a, a frame that you follow when it comes to basically just, okay, here’s this big complex thing, here’s how
[00:10:22] Karl: I simplify it. Yeah. Okay. Dummy down to three I, here’s where I would start. And back to high level psychology, I would tell you this as well.
You dum it down to three steps. There’s something magical about three. Okay, so three steps to marketing. Step one is the right market, right den chiropractors, medi spas, restaurants cosmetic surgeon, business coaches, new moms, golfers, et cetera, right? Butcher baker, candlestick maker. So you got like the market.
Here’s talking specifically to a category of people. You know, then step two would be the right message. Like, you know, are you looking for high end coaching clients post pandemic and looking for clever ways to get in front of your ideal coaching prospects, right? So like the right method, is that the best message?
Is that the worst message? Somewhere in the middle? But at the end of the day, there’s no doubt that I am speaking to, you know, coaches and wanna be coaches with that message, right? Or, you know, maybe it’s that we’re going to successful coaches and are you interested in building a suc? Are you a successful coach and looking to build a team of coaches underneath you, right?
And again, we can solve that problem, right? Where we have a flagship program where you build a, a team of, you know, 10, 25, 50 plus plus, plus plus coaches underneath you. So the translation of that is that you’re building a business coaching company with business coaches doing the work while you strategize and.
Farm off the, the butcher baker, candlestick maker type work, which is not for everybody, but no doubt, you can see how that message is not gonna talk to a newbie coach. But that message would talk to somebody who’s having some success, right? But the bottom line is step one is that right market. And then step number two is the right message and the right words in order to get to a result.
And then the medium, right? Like, so how are they gonna reach ’em? Social media, Facebook groups, radio, LinkedIn, direct mail, radio TV trade shows maybe lunch and learns you know, email list and podcasts like we’re doing here. Yeah, so, so they’re, so that, like, that’s three steps to marketing success.
And, and remember like marketing is not about looking good. It’s about a predictable system to create. I wanna say completed sales, like sales that, you know, end in a credit card or money in a bank account, you know, the end. So it’s, you know, again, marketing is not about looking good. It’s about a result that is finite and that you can count and it’s tangible.
Kind of sounds obvious, but I, I know that a lot of folks are messing it up and using marketing to kinda make them feel, you know what I mean? Like, they’re messing it up too much looking good and not enough tangible results. So, so there’s three stepss, that’s, that’s an example that I dummy it down to three steps is the overarching thought.
[00:13:01] Christian: And that’s what I do. Okay. So can you give us a couple more kind of practical examples, like one or two, just something like dummy down to, to three steps.
[00:13:10] Karl: Okay, well, okay, so let’s go to marketing message, right? Like three components to that, like, so it needed, needs an answer to a question like you’re creating a marketing message.
How do you get there? Again, if I broke that down into three, I would answer a question like, why you versus the other options available to your ideal clients, right? Number two would be creating think unique selling proposition. Internally, we, we refer to it and teach it as a market dominating position.
It’s like unique, unique selling proposition, but it actually solves a problem, right? So that explains you know, positioning the competition as well as outlining what we’ll call your primary benefits, the primary results that you bring. And then third would be a offer what’s called it a mafia style offer.
So that a, a mafia style offer is one that they can’t refuse, right? So it elicits action. So like, like a simple way to help your client create a message is to give them three pieces of paper, okay? Once again, three. But write, get them to write down features on one, advantages on another. And then the third one is benefits, right?
And by the way, when doing benefits, which is significantly more important than the other two, be thinking customer, customer promise and deliverable. You know, so it could be speed, it could be quality, it could be quantity, et cetera. And then once you complete those three, I, you know, rank the results of everything and just do it on one page, what’s nice and easy and you’re putting the best ones, not in order, not in your order, but importance for your ideal client.
Like, you know, my software finds any business owner a hundred thousand dollars and 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. Or like another promotion I did, this is going back, I don’t even know 15 years ago, but how I earned $187,000 in my first nine months online as a coach, right?
And then I followed that promotion up. I built a big database, some bought, some didn’t. Obviously more didn’t buy than did well I went to that, you know, the non-buyers. But I put another program, how I generated two, what was it? How I generated 250 hot new coaching leads in 90 days using Google, right?
And I put that in front of them, right? And the way I notice how, like how I generated 250, it was a quantifiable hot new coaching leads. I was selling to coaches. And as if they’re not looking for hot new coaching leads. And it was timely, like 90 days using Google or the other one, like how I earned $187,000 right in my first nine months.
And then it was online as a business coach, right? So again, like, you know, really definitive and real tight but if you went features, advantages, benefits on a piece of paper, rolled those all out and said like, what is my clients looking? What are my ideal clients looking for? And what’s the order of importance?
I think the, you might find is gonna be significantly easier to be able to work out how that messaging would go. So anyway, so that’s like, you know, three steps to creating like a marketing message is answer a question, create a market dominating position, and then an offer. And then internally road, Doug, like when we help, so a, a new business coach comes on board with us.
We help them in three specific tight areas. We help them with lead generation, we help them with conversion of high-end coaching clients, and then we help ’em with fulfillment. And then if you look at our software again, the software does exactly that. Helps ’em with the lead gen, helps em with the conversion, helps ’em with the, with the fulfillment.
Right? Even Rod Doug, when I, we talked about this in fact again recently, but when I do a if I get up and I’m gonna do a two hour presentation, I would create a certain amount of areas that I would talk about, call it five. Might make sense to call it three. So I’m gonna go three specific areas, and then I would give, then there’s three, a framework of three that I do for each, which is question, problem, solution.
So like, you know, goal setting, you know you know, have you written down your goals? And then I would explain the problem. The problem that you probably wrote down is that you wanna do a million dollars a year. Well, the problem with that is you can accomplish what you actually want and a lot of folks do.
And then they actually lose money. So the solution is to build, like, would you wanna build a seven figure business and lose money or a seven figure business and, you know, make a hundred grand and have that many clients and that many products and that many services, that many staff and that much deployment.
Or would you rather have a business that does 250 grand with $200,000 a profit, which is twice as much profit a quarter of the revenues, and we’ll presume, you know, close to a quarter of the work, which one suits you better and they all of a sudden start thinking about it. But it it’s question, problem, solution.
So that way I don’t need you, I don’t need notes, I can just literally, you know, go to my next topic and just go question, problem, solution. Makes it, makes it really, really easy. If you don’t wanna be standing up there and using PowerPoint, of course, then the question is, should you use PowerPoint when you talk?
And the answer is maybe but I can tell you Tony Robbins doesn’t use a PowerPoint and there’s a reason why. So the less PowerPoint. And the more dynamic you are, the better your presentation. But maybe you gotta start with PowerPoint and then dummy it down, dummy it down until you don’t have one.
Right? That might be the frame. But anyways, bro, Doug, that’s it. You know, you break it down into three. Even like their pricing, you should have three pricing packages. You should have platinum, gold, and silver. Your client have platinum, gold, and silver. Silver or silver. The question is, do they Right? Even the name of your company you know, three words.
Very, very powerful. You look at any professional sport, they’ve all got three words. National Football League, national Hockey League, major League, baseball, professional Golfers Association. On and on it goes. And then, and then they break it down to an acronym like nhl, N F L, nhl. Mlb, like major league baseball, et cetera pga and they, and it’s not by accident.
Maybe there’s, there’s something magical in three. So when you wanna dummy something down, you wanna simplify something, not always possible. By the way, we have like a like a framework that we teach interrupt, engage, educate, offer, you know, and it’s four. We tried to try to find a way to make it three, but it just didn’t make sense to take one of them out.
So in a perfect world, that would be a framework of three, but the reality is it’s a framework of four that we teach, right? So, so not, oh, what am I saying? It’s not always possible. At the end of the day, the end goal should be the best possible product for your client. So, you know, in the interest of getting to three, don’t go make the product less, but if you can, you’re gonna make it really, really like a million times easier.
For your for your clients to follow. So there you go. Shoot. But that’s, I think the magic of three. What do you think? Okay, so I’m gonna
[00:19:53] Christian: change gears here completely. Just to kind of keep you on your toes a bit , but, and I wanna talk about your favorite topic is talking about your feelings, A hundred percent.
You love it. It it’s, it’s always beautiful. But when we talk about emotions, okay. Emotions obviously play a big part in business, and I, I want, I want to get an idea of how you see that, how you see emotions playing a part in business. And then as a follow up, I wanna know, because I know you’re gonna have some good insight there, do you have tools to help you manage them?
[00:20:27] Karl: Ooh. Shoots, feelings, emotions. Tear us up here. . That was a lame. Now still look emotions. I like, you know, do they play a part in business? You know, emotions start wars. They end wars, they make babies, they end marriages, they start marriages. They start fights. End fights. You know, they create lifetime jail terms for somebody who would be otherwise referred to as a really good man, good woman, maybe you know, it leads people, you know, nobody’s gonna commit suicide and not have emotions front and center.
Negative emotions by the way. So yeah, emotions must be controlled. And I, I would say that most successful people, right? Like, and when I say successful let’s go like financially successful, let’s weigh up happiness content. You know, their, their level of contentedness, , I dunno, what’s the word there?
I dunno. Like, you know, how content they are on a scale of one to 10, their level of fulfillment, right? Like how genuinely and not, not the one that they play on Facebook. I’m talking about legit in their quiet moments. How stable are they? How comfortable are the emotions. Like, okay, so the, the Uber, I’ll tell you this, rod Dog I know this for sure, the Uber elite, right?
So again, people that have really, let’s use sports as an example. They’re insanely disappointed in their own performance and they use successes as motivation towards a higher level. Of performance, right? Like they, they don’t bask in glory or past performances. And by the way, when you see somebody doing that, and when they do, that’s when they start to slide, right?
So that’s why Tom Brady will, you know, have three and out and come back to the sidelines and throw the iPad and smash his helmet, and people are watching. What do you think when you see that you go, does it really, like, does he care that much? Like, is he, is there something I wanna tell you that ab the answer is ab succinct completely.
Otherwise you just don’t, you know, have that level of success of that, you know, on, you know, that, you know, timeframe as in like whatever it is, 15 years plus plus nowadays. But the bottom line is that he’s insanely disappointed with his own performance and anything that you’d refer to as success, he just uses his motivation.
Towards a higher level. So when he wins a Super Bowl, believe me, he’s thinking about some of the missed passes and a couple of the games during the playoffs when he almost lost it for his team, et cetera. So, so, and when they stop to do that, they start
and all, somebody starts to, you know, that language and that attitude starts to slide a little bit. They, it’s a slippery slope. They’re about to go from Uber Elite to somebody who was Uber elite. Is that, I dunno, that’s what I’d say. And then I, so then also road dog to manage it like the best of the best.
Perform their best on the biggest stages, right? Like they peak at the right moment versus try to maintain a certain, and consistent, consistent, I’m gonna say quote unquote, level of performance. Like it’s, it’s not uncommon for a tennis player to win more points, but lose the match. Okay. Why? Certain points matter in a close match.
Okay? So an example is break point, right? So like in a tight tennis match when you look at the statistics, the person that won the more, you know, the more break points than lost them. The, the person with a better percentage there will generally be your winner, right? I remember a few years ago drew Brees, whose unbelievable quarterback new Orleans Saints, right?
Had like broke all kinds of records, will walk into the hall of Fame. He beat, he played Brady twice in his first year in Tampa Bay. Beat him both times, right? Whoa. What happened in the, what happened in the playoffs? Guess what? Brady beat Bruce. Right? When it all mattered, cuz certain points, certain games, certain, you know, certain things matter at a higher level and that’s why Brady’s got his six rings.
Right? And he did, and by the way, that, that was the first year in with the, the Buccaneers and they, they won the Super Bowl after knocking off Breeze and Debatably. You know, they beat ’em twice, not often. You lose the same team twice in one season and you go into the playoffs and knock that team.
Right. Look, I no idea what the statistics look like around that, but I gotta tell you, they’re not overly great. And then also rod dog, like the best of the best, never feel like they’re ahead while competing. They kinda like, again, I’ve said this lots of times, but you introduce me to a pro professional athlete, I’ll show you somebody who is more motivated by pain than pleasure by a lot, right?
So they compete like they’re scared to lose or maybe fighting to catch up regardless of what the score is, right? And this creates their competitive advantage. And again, I will show you Brady, like even when, you know, they can be up by 10 points and he’ll come back and believe me, he throwing of the iPad and the smashing of the helmet.
It might be a little bit less in those situations when he is ahead than when they’re behind. But that being said, make no mistake about it, you’ll be able to see game film where he is up by 10 points or more comes back and he is pissed right off, yelling at the players, yelling at himself, sitting with his head down, staring down at the ground.
And you just say that he is red faced and he’s, you know, Unbelievably angry again because, you know, he’s playing like he’s scared to lose or fighting to catch up, right? So, and, and that again is what separates the Serena Williams, the Michael, Schumachers, the Roger Federer you know, the Michael Jordan, the Wayne Gretsky, et cetera.
That’s that. That’s it. So, so, so if somebody’s listening to this, my question is, where do you fit on that scale, right? Like, are you insanely disappointed in your own performance? Like when you do look, when you do a live event, right? At the local Chamber of Commerce? My question, when you walk off, how do you feel?
Are you like, again, do you feel like you’re playing from behind? Do you feel like when you do get on, if there’s 10 people or there’s a thousand people, do you buckle with a thousand? And do you relish the opportunity to speak to a thousand? Does that make you throw up in your mouth? And I would challenge there a little bit.
If you wanna be the Uber elite, you really wanna step this up. You really wanna, you know, crush this as a business coach and effectively have emotions working in your favor versus against you. You know, I want you to be absolutely dying to get in front of a thousand as opposed to the opposite. So anyway, so I would just, yeah, like, you know, rod, I’d, I’d ask a business coach listening.
And then, by the way, when you’re working with your clients, are you helping them? Like, are you challenging em in, in, in that way? You know, like they’re playing, they, they basking in past and I’m gonna tell you that. That’s the introduction to somebody who’s gonna lose. You know, like remember winners win tournaments, losers lose ’em, right?
Like if you look at in Super Bowl after Super Bowl that the best defense wins, right? You look at the number of fumbles in the Super Bowl and the team with the most fumbles more often than not loses. And, and by the way, that goes for games and that goes over you know, rivalries and that goes over seasons, fumbles lose football games or in tennis it’s unforced errors.
Again, winners win tournaments. Losers lose them errors. In baseball, how many times have you seen it? There’s two out and the short stop misses the ball, gets the air, and next thing you know, they go on with two outs, have a three, four run. Inning happens all the time. Errors lose baseball games. And that’s why they keep it as a stat right there.
Every time you look at the score in a baseball game, you see the errors, right? You know what a triple bogie is? A triple bogie is a bad shot followed by a stupid shot. What I mean by that is that you’re behind the tree and you’re like, I know what I’m gonna do. You know, I got behind this tree. So what you, you got two options here.
You try, put it through the branch and make like a tiger woods level chip shot, right? That even he might question it, whether or not he would take it. Probably not, but you know what I mean, right? Like, you’re gonna take a shot that you probably, you’d have to hit the, you know, really like an eight or above at a 10 shot for your skill, versus you just turn your body to the right, chip it out into the center of the fairway and just accept the bad shot, right?
So you get a bad shot followed by a, a stupid shot or a suspension in hockey, right? And I’ve had a few of these. It’s a, it’s a bad penalty, followed by a temper tantrum. Well, what happens now? You’re sitting in the penalty box, now your team is disadvantaged. And not to mention, what do the players do if they’re watching you take a stupid pen, a bad penalty, and then watching you you know, have a temper tantrum?
What do you think? What does that do? The, the same way that a fight in hockey is renowned for basically amping everybody up on the, on the bench. What happens when you see your teammate throwing a temper tantrum in a tight game? What do you do? This dickhead? Is that good for you? Is that bad for you? Is that good for team morale?
Is that bad for team morale? Is that gonna work in your favor? Is that gonna work against your team? And on average, if you were to put it on a scale, it’s working against, and this is where your emotions, right? Like, and, and by the way, most of those happen. In the last two minutes of the game. Well guess when the game is one and lost more points are scored in the last two minutes of the half and the last two minutes of the football game than, than all the other time combined.
It’s crazy. You, especially in hockey, I used to have a thing we do not get scored against in the last two minutes of the game. So everybody would acknowledge when there’s two minutes and in fact, one minute as well was something we’d acknowledge a lot, but we noted when there’s two minutes to go, one minute to go, we don’t let the other team score.
Right? We tighten up defensively big time, which by the way, you’re gonna manage your emotions cuz everybody wants to score a goal and that’s like way more exciting and that’s sex here. And you know, don’t get your name in the paper by passing the puck type of stuff. Like, you know, you wanna, you wanna be the guy, right?
Well when you’re tightening up defensively, you don’t tend to be the guy, you just tend to, you know, move in with everybody else. But this is how you win as a team. You make sure you know, we don’t wanna lose it. Winners win tournaments, losers lose them. We didn’t wanna lose it, right? So, so, yeah, just, you know, and so when those situations come how you handle yourself matters, and that just simply, it’s managing emotions.
Remember Tom Brady, like they were down, I think at like 37 points at halftime against Atlanta, the Super Bowl. They, they still hold it up. And by the way, I believe that’s an identity thing that Bill Belichick would deserve just as much credit as Tom Brady there. But let’s not go down that rabbit hole.
But the bottom line is, that’s an identity thing. That is a, we are gonna, if we’re not going to, if we’re not gonna win, we’re not gonna come back in here at the end of the game and not be able to say, we put, we left everything. And I mean everything you know, on the table. You know, and it, rod Doug, don’t, I’ve been saying this a lot in you know, some videos and whatnot I’ve been creating, but like, don’t concentrate on what you do.
And it’s not that you don’t concentrate, but I want you to concentrate less on what you do and concentrate more on who you are, what you are. I know that almost sounds like maybe throwaway line or a little bit, I don’t know, trite platitudinal or whatever, like, you know, like just, you know, you’re, if you start sharpening up your identity I believe that new heights can be yours in a very real tangible way.
Real quickly what you say to yourself about yourself when you’re by yourself really, really, really, really matters. Anyway, so I think do that. Watch what happens. But yeah, RO Doug, I you know, managing emotions is absolutely critical and I. You know, I, I guess I talk a lot about Tom Brady more sports there, but like, that’s what you gotta do.
I think if you handled your business and handled your performance like an athlete, you’d get significantly further faster. You know, imagine if the average business coach worked out the, the way that a professional athlete works out in the gym on a day-to-day basis. If you work the phones and work rooms and worked your lead generation like that, you’d be an absolute brick and superstar of, of coaching.
So, so that’s my answer. Felix, what do you think,
[00:32:28] Christian: bud? It’s interesting when you, when you talk of sports too, right? So and let’s just pick whatever, be, be it soccer, be it football, be it, whatever, right? How much game tape do they watch? How much preparation goes into, like, goes into the game that they’re about to play.
So when you say be more like an athlete, like how much. How much prep time are you just showing up? Are, are you just showing up for that meeting? Have you done any research? Have you, have you looked at their competitors? Have you taken a look at the company? Have you looked at their Facebook, their, their Instagram, their LinkedIn?
Have you looked at their website? Right. Like, I, I don’t think a lot of people are putting in the, the proper amount of preparation and then yet they’re, they’re somehow surprised when the meeting and, and that call or whatever doesn’t go well. Right. I, I think there’s something there. But, and then on on, go ahead.
No, I was just gonna, I was gonna just change it up here, but do you have anything on that?
[00:33:26] Karl: Yeah. I, I did a video and it was like, why business owners tell you to f off. Don’t know, but it’s apologize that we talked about this last week. I don’t think we did. But it’s just like kids that need love the most ask for it in the most unloving ways.
And then it’s like spouses that need love the most ask for it in the most unloving ways. And then I segue that in the business owners that need love the most, ask for it in the most unloving ways. And more to the point business owners that need help the most, ask for it in the most unhelpful ways. Right?
Like as in they don’t ask for it. They know, they ask rich people for money and and broke for advice. You know, that kind of thing. And it’s just, it’s, it’s just managing those emotions. Like the guy who you call and tells you where to go is the person that you’ll call in two weeks. The exact same individual, you the same, like the same phone call, the same reason for the phone call.
And then you’ll have one of those one and a half hour calls and you’ll feel like long lost best buddies from high school in the eighties, right? And like that, do you know what I mean? Cause so again, so if a business coach is getting told where to go, and, cause what happens is they emotions get the best of them and they feel like I’m not enough.
Feel like that person’s taking love away. Right? Everybody’s too greatest fears and And then, so what do they do? They don’t make the next phone call. They, they start questioning how good they’re, in fact, a buddy of mine was playing in a band on the weekend, did an unbelievable job. And I was chatting to him afterwards and having a beer to do, and a guy came up to him after his cell, whatever, like after he played and like poked, the guy was drunk, right?
And poked him in the chest and just said, you’re a jerk off mate, blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean? Like just having like a massive go at him for absolutely no reason. And I could see that my buddy was rattled at like a really, really high level. And I like, and I spent some time and I was just like, man, are you kidding me?
Like, you absolutely killed that man. You killed that. And but I, I, so he played great. I’m up there. I was literally telling him how great he was doing, and then, you know, he circled back to this co, you know what I mean? Like, you know what actually happened at the end of the show. So he totally disregarded the fact that I told him that he was great and a number of others said that he was great.
His girlfriends there telling him how amazing he was and he’s totally disregarding all those comments and couldn’t get away from the one guy that came up and poked him in the chest and told him he was a jerk off and terrible and everything else, right? Like it’s, you know, you just gotta look what you gotta do.
You gotta manage it. There’s certain points you know, that matter in tennis more than others. There’s certain opinions that matter significantly more than than others. So when you call the business owner and he tells you to f off. But your three coaching clients told you how amazing you are and they’re crushing their revenues and they’re crushing everything that they’re doing with you.
You know, what are you gonna concentrate on? And that all sounds good, right? Rod Dub, like, we know that that can be really, really hard to balance. But, but you gotta do it. And I, and I think if you don’t plan, so if you don’t plan for the, you know, the poke in the chest and you don’t plan to get told af off, you get planned to, you know, have you know, people hang up on you and tell you you’re no good, then you’re not gonna be prepared for it.
You know, like, you know, 1 0 1 Bill Belichick prepares for what could go wrong significantly more than he does for what could go. Right, right. So, so yeah. I, I love the question. I, I hope everybody can, you know, really pick that up and, you know, try to operate like professional athletes. Like imagine how difficult, like when you win the Super Bowl, you lost multiple games throughout the year.
Right. One team of all time. The laie dolphins that went undefeated. Like it’s not happening. It’s just, it’s how you manage. You know, like that would be losing clients road dog, right? Like, no, it doesn’t feel good for anybody to lose a coaching client and I’ve lost plenty of them over, you know, the years.
It just, but again, it just needs to be next. Cause you’re, you’re not for everybody and you frankly don’t wanna be outta the road dog anyways. Yeah. Just managing those emotions, super important. Hope everybody can pick up what we’re putting down. Super, super
[00:37:29] Christian: important. So easier said than done, right?
Obviously, it’s like you could have a hundred positive comments and you got one jerk in your comment section and it’s like, oh my God, my day is ruined. So I’m, I’m trying to relate this back to sports and how we’re talking about it. Much, much like, and I’m gonna flip a little bit of this on its head here, much like a hockey fight can change the, I guess the momentum.
And the pace of the game, right? And can really fire up a team. What, what strategies do you have or what do you do when it’s like something bad happens, it throws you just off into a loop mentally, and you’re like, oh shit, I gotta get myself back on track here. Like, is there anything that you do or anything like that to just be like, Hey, time to correct this behavior and get my
[00:38:21] Karl: mind right again.
Nice. Okay, I’m gonna go like a baseball player. Strikes out, what do they do with a baseball player? Strikes out 10 times in a row. I can tell you what they do. They get ’em, first of all, fundamentals, right? We don’t go, you know, you’ve been right-handed for ages. You should really start hitting left-handed, right?
Like, it’s stupid, even say, right? But that’s, you know, the, the defensemens like, you know what even turned inside out 12 times in a row. We, we gotta put you at center. You need to start playing forward even though you may be n hhl. So that’s clearly not it. So, fundamentals, what does the coach do to the baseball player?
Strikes out 10 times in a row, batting cage, fundamentals, keep your eye on the ball, elbow up, knees bent, butt down, et cetera. So you gotta go to the fundamentals. But what they also do is they’ll put you in front of game film where, you know what I mean? Like 10 home runs, 10 singles, 10 doubles. You running the bases like a superstar and high fiving, you know, the, you know, the, the, the.
You know, the you know the run you batted in the run to win the game in X trainings and you come around and your entire team’s waiting for you and they show you, you know, like somebody’s in charge of the video coach is in charge of putting together all that tape, which he’s already got pre put together by the way.
And he sits you down and he watches, you know, he watches it with you, you watch it and they insist that you do. So you go back to that’s you, you know, you’re not the guy who struck out 10 times in a row, although you are, but that’s you, that’s why you’re here. That’s why we picked you, that’s why you’re playing third base for the Pittsburgh Pirates, et cetera.
So road dog, I’m gonna say fundamentals for sure. And then, you know, so then look, okay, so, and then I’m like, okay, the business coach doesn’t have a video coach and there’s not, like, that’s not available to them, right? But again, like. What I do is, I actually like, a, a superpower for me is going for a walk.
And actually nowadays I love riding my bike along the, the beach which is kinda re hasn’t replaced that. I still go for lots of walks and I, some of my best thinking is done when I go for a walk. But I would, again, I’ve fallen into what we’ll call a slump. I will go for a long extended walk. And again, I, I repeat things like, okay, ro a couple things.
Like one one of the things that I will do is I will set a goal for myself and then I, this is one of my personal fundamentals, which will not necessarily work for everybody, but I gotta tell you, it works magical for me. But I will write down my goal on a piece of paper, but I’ll do it so that I cannot see white on the paper anymore when I’m done.
And I’ll wa you know, I start with going across, you know, like, say it’ll fit like twice across the page, so I write it, you know, twice, twice, twice, twice, twice. Go all the way to the bottom. But then I go, like in between those two lines, and then I’ll start going down, and then I start going cross it like when I’m done.
You literally cannot see white on the paper. That’s always the goal. So I, again, so I set myself a goal. The other thing about goals if the obstacles are stopping you from accomplishing your goal, what you need to do is make a significantly, significantly bigger goal, right? Like so and ex, let’s say that a guy, let’s say a guy’s got a beer belly and he doesn’t want to take his shirt off at the beach.
But he happens to be laying down and is got his showing. And if he gets up and goes to get a drinker, if he gets up and has to go to the bathroom, he will always put his shirt on and walk to go get a beer or go to the bathroom because he’s walking by a bunch of people and he’s very insecure about his beer belly, right?
Well, okay, there’s a dog drowning or there’s a kid drowning and he gets first sight of them. Right. What happens? He stands up and the last thing he’s thinking about is this big fat gut. What is he doing? He’s going to save the dog. He’s going to save the kid. He’s racing towards the water and he won’t give a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of thought to who’s gonna see his beer gut.
You know what I mean? So good example, horrific example. Don’t know. But what you gotta do is you gotta make sure that you’re chasing big. You know, we got what do you gotta, you gotta shoot for the moon, and then if you miss, you’re ending up in the stars and you really, really crushed it. So what I’m saying is you wanna accomplish a goal and the obstacles are stopping you, you gotta make the goal way bigger.
And the example that I would give is if you’re trying to get the 10 grand a month with your coaching, or you’re trying to fill an event at the chamber with 10 people and it’s not happening. You need to change, you gotta start putting a hundred people in the room, but legitimate. But don’t be full of pooping, right?
Don’t go from 10 to a hundred if you’re not ready for that. But that being said, like what I used in a video recently is that you wanna, you wanna elevate the level of consciousness of local business owners and eradicate business failure within three years in your city, right? Which is, let’s just assume that’s like a monumental, crazy, huge goal, right?
And that may or may not fit the person listening, but no doubt you could see if that was legitimate, your goal, and you wrote it down and you wrote it on the paper and piece of paper until you couldn’t get there and you sent it to yourself time and time and time and time again as you were going for a.
I find it very, and by the way, when you spoke to the accountant, you spoke to the promotional company, you spoke to the incubator, and you spoke to the, the gal at the chamber and the chairman of the board of the chamber, and you’re speaking to people about your event, your excitement about the event.
And you said that, here’s my goal. This is what I’m doing, this is why I’m alive. This is my purpose. This is why I’m calling you. This is why I do what I do. I don’t know, I have a hard time believing that those people won’t believe in you at a significantly higher level. Right? Like the most famous speech of all time.
What was it? I bet everybody knows what it is. Martin Luther King, right? And what were the four? How did he start that speech? And I bet you if you’re listening to this, you know what it is. I have a dream. He didn’t start with, I have a step-by-step plan. He started with I have a dream. Right? So when you, when you talk to the accountant, are you bringing him your step-by-step plan or are you bringing him your dream?
Right. I think that there’s huge, and, and by the way, again, we can only assume that a dream is gonna be significantly bigger than a goal, right? So, so anyways, road dog, that’s what I that’s what I do. You know, I, I write down the goal. I repeat the, you know what I mean? The, the result of the goal. Time and time as time and time again.
And in fact, here’s one last thing, road dog that I do, but I go, I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes to, and then enter my goal. Let’s just call it a million dollars a month. I now, I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes to make a million dollars a month recurring revenue Starting now.
I now command my subconscious mind to direct me to do whatever it takes to make a million dollars a month starting now. I now command my subconscious mind, and I just say that to myself over and over, and over, and over, and over and over again, legitimately. And I say it loud and I say it with animation, and of course I get myself to a place where I can’t, you know, I’m not walking down a busy street doing that, right?
Like, like a weirdo. But I’m going out into the bush, you know what I mean? I’m by myself. I’m where, you know, people can’t really hear me. You know what I’m walking and I’m doing. And by the way, if that sounds semi-familiar ripped off from one Tony Robbins, where before he gets on stage, he says something significantly longer.
But again, he, he talks to his subconscious mind and demands that he finds a way to move the people in this room no matter what happens. And he takes brevity, it takes sarcas, it takes humor, whatever it is. He demands that of himself to move the room. And he says that before he goes on stage every single time.
So, so rodda, that’s my that’s some of the things that I do, but I. What’s important is I come back to the fundamentals and I would encourage everybody listening to think about what are the fundamentals for The way that, you know, the baseball coach will, will put you in the batting cage. And, and again, you’re, you’re making 10 million a year and he’s talking to you about keeping your eye on the ball.
He’s talking about keeping your elbow up. He’s keeping about bending your knees, keeping your butt down, getting your low, your center of gravity lower. Well, if you were six years old learning how to play tee-ball, guess what they talked to you about? Keeping your eye on the ball, keeping your elbow up keeping your butt down, lowering your center of gravity, it’s the exact same way you teach a six year old is the same way that you teach somebody who’s making 10 million a year to hit the ball out of the park against the greatest pitchers, you know, the, the best pitchers in the world currently.
Right? So, so it’s fundamentals, bud. It’s just so what, what are those fundamentals to the individual, to the question? There
[00:46:48] Christian: you go. Shoots. There you go. I was gonna actually ask you about your incantations there, because Thanks. What do you, what do you say to those, and again, I I we gotta wrap here, but what do you say to those folks?
You know, let’s just go ahead and just say me that are just like, man, that is so woo. You know, like, it, it is like, really, like that is so woo. Like what do you, what do you, what do you just say? Just try and, and challenge me. Like, what, how does that work?
[00:47:16] Karl: Remember the time I was driving, right?
[00:47:18] Christian: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn’t want, I didn’t wanna go there, but yes. Oh my God. It was hilarious.
[00:47:23] Karl: You’re like, well, who are you talking to? You were super animated. I was like, road dog honest again, this man, I was doing my, you know, I now command my subconscious mind. Like I, I was doing that, right? So, so I, I. I would just look, if it’s too woo, then your fundamentals are different than mine, right?
Mm-hmm. What are the fundamentals? You, you gotta go to the fun. Like the fundamentals are to pick up the damn phone and make three phone calls. Actually, you know what? That has to be in there. What mean? Because then it comes back to like, those are the fundamentals, right? Or, you know, you’ve got 10, your, your problem is that you’ve got 12 coaching clients, but you feel like some of ’em are gonna cancel because you’re not fulfilling to do, do well.
You don’t need to pick up the phone and speak to new people. You need to pick up the phone and speak to the people that are paying you. Like, that’s the fundamentals, right? And then, you know, action. You know, action’s gonna solve a lot of these problems. But that, yeah, very look, Rodo, that’s super, that has got to be in there where, you know, send out the emails, make the phone calls, do the introductions, go to the networking functions, hopefully high level networking functions as opposed to low level functions.
You know, plan the live event, pick up the phone, and, you know, generate leads to get people to your live event, et cetera. So that’s, would you
[00:48:42] Christian: agree, Karl? Don’t fight who you are. Like if, if your identity, if, if, like, you see a lot of these guys, oh, you gotta get up, but, you know, nevermind the 6:00 AM thing.
Now we’re, we’ve gone to five and now 4:00 AM like, it just drives me crazy. Like, we’re gonna get to a point where it’s like, oh, you don’t need, need to sleep, you know, all that nonsense. But if you’re a night owl, be a night owl. Like, just go, go with what works for you. And, but with. With the understanding that there are likely going to be some things that you will need to change.
But I, I would say just don’t, don’t fight the flow of, of who you are and your, your identity and, and like knowing that your identity will change. But if you’re naturally a night owl, take that time, right? Like put that into your day planner and figure that out, rather than fighting it and getting up super.
Because I did that for a while where it’s just like, oh, I, I know I need to get up super early. Dude, I was exhausted all day. Like I was less productive, right? Yeah,
[00:49:37] Karl: yeah. Certain things. Go ahead bro. This is actually time. Like, I literally had a conversation today, a very, you know, like a long and somebody very, very close to me.
And without going into the specifics, but here, cuz I, I hear you wrote Doug and I would agree with that. You gotta stay true to who you’re hundred percent don’t, you know, if you’re the sales type, you know, don’t try to become like, You know, Mr. Spreadsheet, and if you’re a Mr. Spreadsheet, don’t try to become, you know, Dr.
Sales, cause you’re, you’re gonna, you know what I mean? And use like, all kinds of fancy lingo and you’re, you know, selling people. So what we’re talking about here is your identity, right? But I do wanna push the envelope in terms of, you know, like, believe me, Elon Musk has expanded his identity a number of times over the last couple of decades, right?
Steve Jobs expanded his identity you know, and what he was capable of and his, his fundamentals adjusted, et cetera. So I wanna, you know, so, so the person that I spoke to just look, they’ve taken on a significantly bigger role, very different skillset, and very different than what they’re used to. And it was like, you know what, I’m, I’m not, I’m not feeling it.
You know what I mean? Like, Monday’s here, and I’m not really excited about the week and this isn’t the way I wanna feel. Right? And I was like, okay, look. And, and that may be, and I get it, but where we ended up is that look, when you go to the, if you, when you go to the gym, you hurt, right? So growth hurts and it hurts me.
And it hurts road dog. And it hurts you. And it hurts Steve Jobs and it hurts Tony Robbins. It hurts everybody, right? So, so I wanna make sure that we’re also while saying, okay, yeah, be true to who you are, but let’s not give them a pass on the growth thing where, you know, they’re not becoming the best.
Remember it’s not, you know, concentrate less on what you do and more on who you are and what you are. And I think that there’s some serious power in that. So would you agree with that, Doug? Do you see what I mean? And then, and by the way, the end result of that conversation was like a massive thank you.
And you know what? And I, you know what I mean? And I’m, again, sent a video that really talked about identity at a really high level and effectively what I just described, right? Where, you know, growth hurts and it hurts Steve. You know what I mean? Like, it hurts Steve job, so it’s yours. Heck gonna hurt you.
So, so what do you think Ro, Doug, you follow me? I wanna make sure we don’t get, yeah. How, how about this for
[00:51:56] Christian: putting a bow on this, you tell me. So there’s certain tasks and certain things that you still need to do. So you can’t get, you can’t get away with not doing unless use sales calls as an example.
Okay? So guess what? You still need to make sales as a business coach, but if it’s not you to use that really awkward script that sounds super canned and super fake and phony to you, guess what you’re gonna, you’re gonna read it like that. So just be you on that sales call and see what happens. But you still gotta do the freak and sales
[00:52:27] Karl: calls.
Yeah. There we go. So, so, so action. Right? So fundamental what you just said is that a fundamental is actually putting in the damn work, right? So, yeah, just, just, you know, they gotta add to the woowoo stuff of, you know, I now commend my subconscious mind, yada yada y And by the way, that’s gonna be amazing for some, and it’s gonna be not so amazing at all for others.
And that’s okay. But the good, these are fundamentals of mine. Question is, what are your fundamentals? And by the way, RO, Doug, there’s people listening going, Hey, I don’t even have, you know what I mean? I don’t have that rule book. I don’t have that thing to fall back on. I don’t have the equivalent of the, you know, the batting cage.
And you gotta create that. Cause you’re gonna have, you know, gonna have good days. Like, it’s not like you’re gonna have no bad days. It’s that you gotta like success master Uber elite success. Is managing those bad days on those bad periods so that they don’t last, and then they don’t halt progress of the positive stuff.
And that’s the secret again, remember in football, you know what I mean? Fumbles matter, right? In tennis, unforced errors matter in hockey penalties, and then suspensions matter, right? So you’ve gotta manage all of that stuff. You gotta make sure that you’re not dropping the ball. That’s what you gotta do.
So that’s what I got you.
[00:53:51] Christian: There you go. All right, bud. So action. Like we’re gonna go into our one thing. What’s the one thing. That that you’re, that you’re pulling from today that people can take out and, and actually you know, start implementing? Would it be action or do you have something
[00:54:03] Karl: else that stood out to you?
That they, I think everybody here needs to decide what their fundamentals are. Like, like road told you, you know what I mean? He’s not the 5:00 AM guy. He doesn’t wanna be the 5:00 AM guy. He tried it and guess what didn’t work for him? And guess what? And you know, and Tony Robbins will tell you again, you know, he’s a night out.
He’s not the 5:00 AM guy and that works for him. That the, that’s Tony Robbins, that’s road dog. That’s not you. What time do you wake up? And by the way, have you experi like Road Dog is able to say that he experimented. That’s how he’s gonna be different than a lot of the other folks, right? Like, okay, he’s established over a period of time.
He’s not the four 5:00 AM guy. Right. What about those phone calls? Are you more of a private message guy? Are you an email guy? Are you a pick up the phone guy? Are you a drop in guy? Are you a joint venture guy or gal? Are you the, you know, the speaker guy or gal? Like, like what is, you know what I mean?
Like, what do you gotta do? You need to get up in front of, you know, 10 to 25 to 250 people consistently and you’ve got the ability to get in front of those folks. Okay. Well have, if that’s a fundamental for you when I count, how many people have you spoken in front of in the last 30 days? That’s gonna be one of your fundamentals.
But, but that, those, those events aren’t automatically gonna happen. They’re gonna be, again, phone calls, messages, reach outs to be able to get some of those speaking events going. Right? Are you, so road Dogg establishing what I’m gonna call this as scoreboard. Okay. We did our read financial statements.
What I talked about is if you had, like, if you’ve got a golf scorecard and all it’s got is the hole one through 18, it’s got par, you know, 3, 4, 5, 3 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, et cetera. And then it’s got your score and you get, you know, 5, 4, 5 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4 all the way through, right? How much does that tell you about the golf course in your game?
And the answer is not a lot, but if you expanded your, go your golf card to have the, you know, number of drives, the number of chips, the number of puts, And then you expanded that to have the distance of your drive, the distance of those tips and the distance of those puts. And then by the way, you could get more, you know, more funkier than that, but no doubt.
You could see how the expanded scorecard would tell you significantly more about your golf game then, you know, cuz if you’re, if you’re killing the drives and then you’re killing the putts, but you suck at chipping, we know where your game’s falling down, right? And if you’re great at chipping, good at driving, and then you suck at putting, we know what you, you know, if you’re gonna hire a coach, we know where we need to.
You know, we need to turn the knob a little bit. So, so the more you’re, so we’re talking about a scoreboard here, roto, right? And remember us think of, think of what a scoreboard looks like for baseball, right? It’s very complex. What does your scoreboard look like? What does your scorecard look like?
And I think you’re gonna admit that it’s not very impressive if it exists at all. So let’s create that and let’s call that the fundamentals. That’s where you gotta go back to. Number of phone calls, number of private messages number of actual phone calls, number of follow up, phone calls, number of joint venture calls, number of follow up, joint venture calls, number of emails sent out, number of educational emails sent out.
Number of problem solved for free. Number of speaking event, number of people in those speaking events. Number of days sales at the end of the, at the end of the day, at the end of the week, and the end of the month. Like, what does your scoreboard look like? And I’m gonna dare say that you don’t have one.
And by the way, road dog, another thing that I always had was a world record week. Again, world records at this Olympics coming up, world records, records will get knocked over, left, right, and center. Why? Because people plan for four years to beat that time or that score, and that’s why they get knocked over.
If you created a world record week for yourself, number of phone calls, number of clients, revenue in your bank account, I dare say that you would have significantly more if you put that on your scoreboard, you’d have a significantly more productive week, month, quarter, and years. So, so there you go, dude.
That’s what I’m gonna say. Fundamentals fine. Define the fundamentals. There you go. What do they? Yep.
[00:58:13] Christian: Well this is it. Most people don’t even a know what their fundamentals are, so that would be a great starting point. And you talk about like the golf cart, man. Like that’s, that’s it, right? Right there.
Like, I’m, I, I love golf, so, but. If initially, maybe you just track your score for each hole, right? And then you, then you’re gonna naturally be more curious to break that down and get more data and, and, and then go deeper into your metrics, into your numbers to identify where the problems truly lie. But the way to get going is just to get started, and that is what are you tracking and are you tracking?
And then, but again, one step back, do you even know what you need to track? So there you go. Well, thanks for tuning in everybody to another episode of Business Coaching. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[00:58:59] Karl: What? I’m sorry buddy. Can I just jump in one last, I just think this might be, I’m. This is gonna be a golden nugget, folks.
Here we go. You know, but, but you know, like, okay, you’ve got it. You, you need little win, little win, little win, little win, little win metaphor example, if you were learning how to put, if you were teaching a five year old how to put, and you actually wanted to teach them, what you would do is take them up against the hole and put the ball back three inches and have him sink it.
And then once he stunk it, you’d go back four inches, have him sink it, go out five inches, have him sink it, and then you’re gonna get the 10 inches and you’re gonna get the 12 inches, you’re gonna get the two feet, et cetera. But you’d start one inch away and then go further as opposed to the other way of doing it.
How most people try to learn how to put and wonder why they never do it is that they start from 10 feet away and never quite get. You what I mean. So small little wins, small little wins, small little wins. So on their scoreboard, on their fundamentals, if they’re just starting out or they’re, you know, not having the success that they want, I want ’em to create a bunch of little wins as opposed to try create this Mac daddy that we talked about earlier.
It’s where is their airplane needs to factor into it. So, sorry, shoots, but I wanted, I couldn’t live without saying that. I’m sorry. Shoots. There
[01:00:13] Christian: you go. Couldn’t hear that folks. There’s the passion right there, and I’m glad it’s also showing up on the podcast and not just on the videos. All right. Again, on that note before he can pipe in on that me knocking videos, which are fantastic, by the way.
Love the hat. Thanks for tuning into another epi episode of Business Coaching Secrets with the King of the Caribbean, king Karl. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Carl’s daily emails, which are jam packed with amazing jokes, maybe not the jokes, but there’s some great information in there.
Or you just wanna learn more on how to actually grow and expand your coaching business, go to and subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the the podcast, please share it. Please like it. Please comment, please leave a review wherever this is. Please go ahead and do that. As we know that all the streaming services give a huge amount of wait to reviews, so please leave us a review if like what you heard, and that is it for another week.
Remember, folks, progress equals happiness. We’ll see the next episode. Karl Bryan
[01:01:11] Karl: built profit Acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower.
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Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™

Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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