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BCS: 183 | The Future Of Twitter + Black Friday

by | Business Coaching Secrets Podcast, Karl Bryan

Black Friday

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan


BCS 183: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:

–  The future of Twitter

–  The best way to off Black Friday sale

And more…

Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.

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Black Friday

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SFC 183
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high-end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing.
High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets Two, boy The Road Dog, with none other than, as I said in the pre-show, the friendly giant him. We’re playing the opposite game today, apparently. Folks, Karl Bryant shoots, welcome to the show.
[00:01:00] Karl: How go is it? Road Dog? What’s happening in Road dog’s world?
[00:01:04] Christian: Well, you know what, I’ve been talking about my passion for youth sports coaching lately, but you coached your daughter’s first hockey game shoots. I wanna know how that
[00:01:16] Karl: went .
I did. I, I get, I embarrassingly excited before the game, did
[00:01:24] Christian: you, did you shoot up and, and do the whole Don Sherry thing or or not so
[00:01:27] Karl: much?
No. You’ve actually got the coaches all, I’ve got myself a t-shirt and it says Coach on the back, and they got me one and I wore that. So there you go. So I was ready to go, but honestly it was really good. It was really, in fact, you know what I put out, there’s. Literally this morning to date this thing, but I put out a video where I talked a little bit about it and I’ll tell you, road dog, we won.
We took it home. Five one. And I, maybe, here’s what I said in the video, and this maybe this is where you want to go and this is what here to talk about. But, you know, I, I just, I asked myself, I mean, these kids are green, right? Like my daughter has, I can’t believe that she’s playing hockey. I did not, it was my wife that really convinced her to play hockey.
I wasn’t even like, Didn’t even cross my mind, to be honest with you. She’s a little bit of a girlies girl and I just didn’t think hockey was gonna be her thing. Right. She didn’t enjoy soccer all that much, so like, you know, I just didn’t think hockey would be her deal. But she’s out there. And like I’m thinking of before the game, like I’m coaching, first thing I do, I get all of the kids’ names.
I did my best to get the pronunciation cause I got some, you know, some names that I wasn’t exactly sure how to say ’em. Why? Because I want my kids to feel good, right? But had all of their names. And then warmup, I’m working out, okay, this kid, this kid, this kid, this kid, I got all their names pretty much nailed it right before the game even started.
Good warmup, but at halftime, here’s the thing, so these kids can’t play hockey. Actually, no. Hang on. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Before I go, the first thing I’m thinking about is how can I help these kids win? Because I know you can be a beginner, you can be intermediate, and you can be elite. And at the end of it, if you won, The satisfaction and the, you know what I mean?
You had way more fun when you win, right? Like even beer league, right? Road dog, when you’re doing, you know, you’re curling. There’s no doubt in my mind, you, you bring it home. Good team, bad team, good game, bad game. When you win, you just feel better. So one of the things I went in, I said, look, my daughter’s first game.
And these kids, they’re new. Like, I wanted to win, you know what I mean? Not, not, you know, this is like beginner hockey on steroids, right? I wanted to win, so that was it. So at halftime I just, so a lot of that I’m like, okay, what are these kids doing wrong? And I’m looking, obviously some fundamentals, but the kids who get the puck and then they, you shoot it away for themselves and then skate onto it, and then they get the pocket and they shoot it away, and then they skate onto it.
Well, That’s, you know, probably no surprise anybody listening, that’s not the way you play hockey, right? You gotta get that puck. You gotta keep it on your stick and you gotta keep it away from the other team. There’s one thing I know about hockey, and this is where it’s very similar to basketball, but it’s a game of keep away.
There’s a reason why basketball has a shot clock, right? Cause otherwise, LeBron James just grabbed the ball. You never get away from it, right? So there’s a reason, there’s a shot clock in hockey. There’s not a shot clock. And one of the things you wanna do is you wanna keep it away from the other team while shooting.
Is the exact, you know what I mean? This is just giving the thing, it’s giving the puck away is what it’s doing. But anyway, so at halftime the other kids are drinking water and I’m literally on the rink. And especially this one little guy who’s really good. He’s my stud, he’s my guy. He’s the one that’s gonna, this kid’s gonna win The scoring title this year is my goal.
Anyways, I like, I got the kids skating around, like they’re drinking water on the other team, standing against the boards, and my guys are doing like circles with the. Holding onto the puck, not allowed to shoot it away, not allowed to lose it. Go around, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. And, and that’s, you know what I mean?
And then lo and behold, guess what? And, and then during the game, so the second half when I’m calling out, don’t shoot it, don’t shoot it, don’t shoot it. I think that it meant a little bit more, and without doubt, my guys and girls on the team, they were holding onto the, the puck a little bit more. So, so anyway, so my kids were a little thirsty.
for the second half. But but it was good shoots. I don’t know. It was like so much fun. It was like embarrassingly fun, if I’m totally honest with you. There’s lots of people there, you know, like everybody’s real excited. And this is the first game of the year, and this is probably like on the island.
This is like the number one sport for. X-box, like it’s, it’s popular and there’s lots of girls. You’d be blown away at how many pink helmets were been around. So, so shoots, that’s how it went. We won, took it down like say five one. Bingo. Bango, bongo. And my daughter had a great time. Her best bud kind of thing plays on the same team, and she had a great time and, and the little goalie.
Sage’s best buds brother, and he did great and he was very happy. So we won. Shoot. So did I, I dunno. Is that, is that what we’re looking for man? How did I do? What do
[00:05:59] Christian: you think? That’s, it’s good, bud. It, it’s amazing though how fun it is to coach these kids, right? Because you’re, you’re, it’s, it’s so much beyond.
The game. And that’s that, that’s the best part of it. So, so is this gonna be like a, a per, was this just a one off or are you gonna be coaching with Buddy? This is the league
[00:06:15] Karl: man. I’m in. I’m in. That’s it, man. I’m already organized an extra training. We’re gonna, we’re gonna crush this little. Little hockey league bud.
We’re gonna be going, I told them Saturday morning, 6:00 AM make no plans. , I think the parents are a little scared of me, but anyways, whatever,
[00:06:31] Christian: but we’ll be fine. Did the t-shirt did it match your sweatpants or how’d that go? Did that work out? Shorts,
[00:06:37] Karl: bud. Shorts all the way, man. Oh,
[00:06:39] Christian: shorts. I forget. Island Life.
Listen to this. Holy smokes. . Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Folks. And this is how it works when you’re the big shooter himself. Number 22. Number one in your program. Sorry, number one in your heart. That’s what I meant.
[00:06:54] Karl: Nice. Hey
[00:06:56] Christian: speaking of big shooters, Man, this is this. I’m getting so good at these transitions.
It’s, it’s insane. . By the way, I just wanna talk about Elon and Twitter, but I, I love how everybody is raking Elon over the coals last week. It’s just like, how could he possibly lay off all those people? Meanwhile, enter Meta and Zucks and it’s like, and they’re doing the same thing. This wasn’t just a Twitter thing, folks.
Like suck, laid off it. Was it 1100 employees? And I just, I love him. People are like, yeah, but he laid off somebody who was whatever under whatever hardship. It’s like, do you honestly think he reviewed every individual file? Like get a life anyways? It’s literally this to this. You’re done. You don’t think he did you think Elon Musk like the.
Paul O’Brien Who time management 1 0 1 guy right here. You, you think that Elon spent the time to look after, like, you know, a couple hundred names and making sure that all of their personal circumstances fit in with his layoff plans? I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a rip about that. He’ll just pay whatever he needs to like, no.
[00:08:05] Karl: Oh yeah. Look, you’re, oh, shoot. So it needed to happen. Gonna happen. Always gonna happen. It doesn’t matter who was, who was running Twitter that was happening, so, oh, it was happening
[00:08:14] Christian: for sure. But anyways, so how, how do you think this, this whole story is gonna
[00:08:20] Karl: unfold? How do I look healed? Double the value Again, it’s so funny to listen to the narrative.
In terms, you know, and it’s tends to, you notice that it’s like dramatic one way or the other, he’s either gonna crush it or of course the, the world’s gonna fall apart. He’ll double its value in 48 months, is my opinion. You know, like, just call it 50 million, it’ll be a hundred million in 48 months, and this can be.
I would like that, you know, again, timestamp it. Let’s see if I’m right. I bet I am. Could be wrong, could go to zero, you know, who knows. But my money all day long, twice on Sunday will be on him doubling it. And then, and then by the way, once he doubles it, you go from 50 to a hundred billion. Then you go to, you know, then you move towards a trillion where some of the other big boys have ended up, which is an insane number.
People don’t realize like a million seconds is 11 days. A billion seconds is 32 years, right? So 11 days, 32 years. So compare a million to a billion is like, they’re not comparable. And then, by the way, what is a trillion seconds? If a billion seconds is 32 days? What is, or sorry, 32 years, sorry. What is a trillion second?
And it’s 30, it’s something like 31,000, yada yada Yeti trillion years that. 32 years for a billion seconds and 32,000 years for a a trillion seconds. Am I saying that right? It’s just crazy. Anyways, so they’ll go to hundred billion, they’ll end up that if they, from 50 billion, they’ll be experiencing hockey style quick, you know, direction towards a trillion. That’s my opinion. So I wrote, I’m just thinking like, I think that every, I think they’re gonna leave. I think they’re gonna, I think he’s laying up a lot of these people and his goal will be to get him outta California. He’s very vocal about that in the past, right?
Where he is not a huge fan of of California and all these people, by the way, saying I’m leaving. I, I said this in an email and it’s like when someone feels the need to tell you they’re leaving Facebook. They are not like, and by the way, post it, they’re gonna leave Facebook and then they tell you on Facebook that they’re leaving Facebook.
They’ll give you the red hot tip. They’re not leaving Facebook. Right? And by the way, the more that they stamp their feet the more that you could be guaranteed that they’re gonna be back before you know it. So if someone’s leaving Twitter again, they’re, they’re gonna have absolutely no need to tell anyone and to talk about it.
So, you know, they just exit. It’s like when someone’s getting divorced, right? By the time they’ve made that decision and they’ve got there it, it’s very calm, right? It, there’s no emotion involved. It’s just transactional at that stage. So if you’re gonna leave Facebook, you just leave Facebook. If you’re gonna lose, leave Twitter, you just leave Twitter.
You would feel no need to go and jump up and down and tell everybody. So but I think, so the problem with Twitter is there’s no real business model in place, right? Like they don’t earn money. Running four day training right now internally on how to read financial statements and basically there’s a cash flow statement and there’s three types of cash that live on it.
There’s operating cash, there’s investment cash, and then there’s finance cash. Twitter are masters and have been masters for many years at finance cash. In other words, raising capital, and then not so good at building a business that earns money through operations paid accounts, advertising subscriptions, shopping, conferencing, acquisition, right?
Like the way Facebook bought Instagram and then Facebook bought WhatsApp. You know, to my knowledge, you know, Twitter really hasn’t done any of that. Not certainly. On that level, not even close. So basically they’re not very good at Operation Cash. And what is the first thing that Elon Musk, when he did, when he took over, he started doing what, what do they call it?
Twitter, blue. And it’s like 10 bucks a month or five bucks a month, whatever. It’s right. Like 10 bucks a month. Yeah. And there was some issues of course, right. But the first thing he did is he started revving the money engine, right? And, and, and, And you gotta understand. And then what’s the functionality, what’s the utility?
It’s to eliminate all the fake accounts. Right? So like if you were pissed off and like if you’re a Kardashian and then there’s a bunch of fake Kardashian accounts out there, wouldn’t you like this idea? Right. And the answer is obviously, so there’s, it’s not just about the Kardashians. There’s lots of be great players that got people running around with fake accounts all over the shop.
So it’s, this is a really good thing. So he immediately solved the problem that he knows is out. And then he turned it into an insane money generating you know, delio for the, you know, for the business on a monthly recurring basis. Right. I think somebody that turns on the blue check mark. Is gonna want to turn off the blue check mark, right?
And other, other platforms will follow suit in my opinion, right? And LinkedIn are already doing this, by the way. They’re charging like 20 bucks to 150 a month. So it’s not like this is unprecedented by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, there’s a debate if you looked at it from the other angle, you’d go, wow, he’s doing this so cheaply.
It’s incredible, right? And he’ll also wildly go after content creators. He’s gonna make it really, really attractive. In other words, it’s gonna make it really, really easy for them to make money in an impressive way on Twitter. Your guess is as good as mine as to how he does it, but watch this space and he’ll absolutely do that.
He, he’s just gonna make it more functional. Rodg, right? Like he’ll increase the utility of it. Like, I mean, the guy built PayPal and online merchant services. He built SpaceX. And he launched a rocket into outer space. Right? Nothing serious. And he learned it on YouTube, right? Tesla into the juggernaut that it is, you know, it’s a car brand now that’s, you know, leaving forward and others that have been in the game for, you know, a hundred years plus scrambling.
And by the way, Tesla’s a battery company, right? It’s not a car company, it’s a battery company. It’s what people miss. So. You know, if he’s done, all of, you know, if he’s done that in all those different industries. And by the way, he started from scratch, like with Tesla and whatnot. He started from, his airplane was on the tarmac right from literally a standing start.
Here he is starting with the, what did he pay? 44 billion, is that what it was? And he is got hundreds of millions of eyeballs as a starting point. And, and then by the way, everybody’s saying that he overpaid or whatever that number was, 40 odd, you know, let’s call it 44 billion. I, I dunno what it was, right?
Let’s call it 44 billion. They’re saying he overpaid if he doubles it in a couple years the way that I project and, you know, have a look at what others smarter than me are saying, but he’d be amazed if anybody in the note doesn’t say. You know, he wouldn’t have bought it. If he didn’t see a path to a hundred billion, he wouldn’t have bought it.
I’ll give you the red hot tip. I mean, the guys, he’s playing chess and everybody else is out there playing checkers. So, so yeah, I, you know, I think that he’s gonna kill it. Road dog and I, and again, I think that this will be the business that has the biggest impact. I think this is the one that’s gonna bring all of the others together.
And, and remember who he, who controls your attention controls you. So I don’t know, like, you know, Tesla doesn’t have your attention. It just got your attention. This has already got your attention. And anybody listening and thinking that Twitter isn’t like a major player, believe me, the big dogs Twitter, don’t kid yourself.
You know, the, you know, Twitter is. To call it a major player and to say that it’s on Facebook’s level would be an understatement. It’s just a very different platform. You know, it’s like Facebook is for grandma and grandpa and you know, family kind of stuff. And Twitter, you know, it’s political, it’s it’s business, it’s, anyway, I, I don’t wanna pride along and I ain’t the expert there and I don’t wanna be I just think it’s gonna be amazing thing.
And even it will be an amazing thing, even for the most staunch liberal or democratic minded person. It will end up being a really positive for them and it will clearly be a really positive for, you know, the conservative. Republican type. I think it probably already is for them, but, so that’s my that’s my answer.
Sh what do you think?
[00:16:03] Christian: Well, it’s funny when I was talking about the layoffs, one of our insiders made a comment that Amazon had an announcement today, so I looked it up. Amazon’s gonna lay off 10,000 employees, so yeah.
Q Q, the outrage. Everybody cue the outrage. How dare they? Anyways, on that note yeah.
Speaking of. Getting rid of things and discounting. There was something else I believe that you wanted to share about discounting. I think something that you
[00:16:26] Karl: picked up. Yeah. So well, okay. How about like a 60? I, I just thinking, you know, again, we talked about discounting probably went deeper than either of us planned on it, but look, moving on like it’s still.
I’m having a bad time today. I’m stumbling. But anyways, Gary Bayner, Chuck, he built this family liquor store from, I think it’s like a 3 million when he took over to a 60 million business and annual sales. I’m not bad for a 20 year old, by the way, was trading baseball cards. When he took it over.
His primary advertising strategy was a lost leader, like as. Fall into the family of discounting. And so basically what would he do? He advertised the most popular brands like Budweiser, Coors, Jim Beam Canadian Club and whatever else, right? The other like top, top, top Sailor SE sellers. And he promoted them for below cost.
As in the store, lost money didn’t break even, didn’t make fine margins. It lost money when somebody came in and bought what they actually advertised. So Bud Canadian Club, what have you. But customers would walk in the door For these discounted offers. And then what would happen was storytelling that, again, we’ve talked about this on the podcast to death and many, many times, but storytelling would effectively take over.
So like basically what he did is he had salespeople working the floor of his liquor store instead of attendance and people just standing there and, you know what I mean? Like, you know, just. You know, the gal or the guy working behind the till, you know, dinging the money. He basically had sales guys, he had storytellers, right?
So he’d encourage the bud. And by the way, he was the number one sales guy. That shouldn’t be a surprise, right? He was always there, but he’d take the Budweiser guy and also get them to try a craft brew that was similar but far superior for a list. It’s called both watering Reasons that included, you know better for you, better tasting, no headache the next day.
And really why not support a family owned smaller local type business. Right? And then by the way, as they did that, the story continued and, oh, if you like that, why don’t you take a bottle of Red Home for your wife and again, tell ’em a story about a killer wine. You know, maybe it’s one that they just got in.
And all the other wives are ra raving about all the different reasons. It’s fantastic for this reason and it’s fantastic for that. And it goes with chicken or it goes with fish or it goes whatever it goes with, it goes with your girlfriends, right? It’s got a cool name, it’s got a cool logo, it’s got a cool commercial, it’s got a cool slant, whatever.
It’s right. So, so they’re telling stories. Then all of a sudden they’re sending the wife home with this new. You know, the, this new craft booze that they never planned on leaving with, and now hopefully this is pretty obvious, but these boutique labels have got massive high gross profit margins, right?
And gross profit margin. Of course, the holy grail of business, right? Again, I told you I’m literally running as a speak. I’m halfway through running a four day training on how to read financial statements, right? So, so these boutique sales with massive margins easily made. For the losses they were taking on Budweiser, Jim Beam, and, and the other big names.
Right. And plus they found that the clients tended to be really loyal towards these smaller craft options when they got it right. Cause it was unique and it was neat. And the friends would come over and it’s like, oh, where did you get this? It’s a, it’s a way, like, you know, if you pull out a bud, I mean, there’s just, there’s no more story to be told about it.
Right. Whereas a craft. You know what I mean? Like a craft option. It’s all of a sudden a talking point and now all of a sudden you start defending the beer, talking about the beer, you know, buttering up the beer as in talking about how amazing it is. Well, guess what you wanna do? You wanna go get another one?
Well, guess where you buy it? The other, this is a craft brewery, right? Like, remember the other liquor stores aren’t carrying it, so all of a sudden it actually increased traffic over time. Right? And of course they were doing the math and this work, but it we’re Like they were losing. So it’s discounting, but they were losing money to get people into the store to turn ’em around, tell a story, go into sales mode, to basically bring him into the, you know, the different aisles with craft.
And if you remember, like Gary V, he got started with line, what was it? Line. Wine library tv. I think that’s what it was, right? So basically he was, he was telling stories and, you know, drinking wine and spitting it into the, the jet stuff, football hat, which you may have, may not seen. But I just think that like, that is a strategy.
Like maybe let’s get super crazy. Right? And you could advertise. So let’s talk about business coaches. We’re not selling Jim Beam or craft beer. Roe Doug, do you think like a, a business coach could advertise. The only business coach in town that operates on 5.5% of your client’s additional revenues, right?
Or maybe you’re using our software and you can find any business owner a hundred grand, 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. And again, find ’em a hundred grand in record time. But do you think that might be able to get you in the door and then you tell a powerful and influential story.
To basically unlock the road towards $2,000 a month retainer, as in your high end coaching fees. Like you see how you, again, you could put an advert out there and by the way, expect to have to work a little bit for that 5.5% or whatever that offer is. But if you’ve got good storytelling ability and you’ve got good segue, you’ve got the ability to basically be c.
And, and remember when I say be confident again on YouTube video I literally put out today what I was talking about is like, like I would sit down with a business owner back in the day and I would have a check in my pocket. This would, you know, almost all face-to-face have a check in my pocket and like I would whip out the check, like I would say, okay, so this is way back 2004, 2005, 2006, right?
So I say road dog. Do you wanna buy my coaching? You say how much? I say 10 grand. And then you’re sitting there humming, ha a few objections. You wanna call your wife, or you’re asking your wife and your wife walks in the room, whatever it is. I would pull a check out of my inside pocket. I’d write, you know, road, Doug $10,000 and then I would date it today, 12 months from, you know, now.
And basically say, does this, turn it around, slide it across the desk and say, look, does this make you a little bit more comfortable? Right. And magically, guess what I got the coaching clients. My conversions were insane. I was never short of a client. That was just never my, my problem was always keeping up and staying organized.
It was never being able to find a client. But what I’m getting at their road dog, it’s like, you know, like putting that discount out there of 5.5%. What I want you to, it’s, it’s not what you do, it’s who you are, right? And if you really want to crush it as a business coach, and you really wanna move the needle, I I, I want you to go deeper than you’re gonna go to the networking function and make this offer.
You’re gonna go to the Oil and Gas Club join and make this offer. You’re gonna go to the Chamber of Commerce and speak to the gal, sells all the memberships, and organizes all the speakers. And this is gonna be your pitch. This is gonna be your offer. Here’s what you’re gonna. I want you to go like, all go Steve Jobs.
Go Gordon Gecko. Go like Superman. Go Spider-Man. Go Wonder Woman. Go Oprah and like, think of how Michael Jordan would be a great example when you watch, watch a replay from back in the day and watch Michael Jordan walk onto a basketball court. I mean, it, I just don’t know. If anybody else has ever walked onto a basketball court and looked like that, right?
Like, again, the level of confidence, what I’m trying to get at is who he is. Why did he dominate year after year, game after game, playoffs, after playoffs you know, just so dominant. It was insane. And then, by the way, and then he’s the guy in the movies and he’s the guy in the commercials. And then, you know, he, he becomes a owner in Nike and he becomes a billionaire.
It’s just who he is. I would challenge everybody listening road dog, to not just, you know, dig deep because maybe while I’m going there, like discounting is not something that Road Dogg and I wanna be talking about or throwing out as like, you know, the number one option. We, we’ve talked about that for the last few weeks in different ways, right?
That’s, it’s not a starting point, but if you think about Gary Vaynerchuck, He did 60 million of liquor sales and he started at the age of 20 by basically going, well, this is a good idea. Everybody else is advertising this. I’m gonna advertise Budweiser CO’s light and all the most popular liquors, I’m gonna lose money.
But when they come in, I will convince them to get over to the craft brewery aisle and I will sell them booze and I will sell them beer and I will sell them wine and I will convince them like he had no idea. But. It came from a, you know, significantly, yeah. It come from a very, very deep level of identity and who you’re so I dunno, that’s what I wanna say here.
Road, Doug. I, I don’t want anybody here to think that we’re trying to turn him into the discounter. What we’re trying to do is you know, create a dynamic where success is the only option. And you are, you know, you’re not gonna be the one that’s gonna die wondering, you’re gonna go all in, do whatever it takes.
And again, don’t do your best. You’re gonna do what it takes and always remember this. You’ll be remembered in life for when you refuse to give up. And then my question is, what do you refuse to give up on? The coaches that are the least successful with us are the ones that go day to day, week to week, month to month, quarter to quarter, year to year, and are deciding on ongoing if they’re gonna continue.
If that’s you. This is just not for you. You’ve got to go deeper. And that’s not to say it’s not for you. It’s that you are gonna have to look inside yourself. You’re gonna have to, if you really want to crush this and you legitimately wanna hit 500 grand and then you wanna move to seven 50 and you wanna become one of our unicorns that hit a million dollars.
It’s gonna come from within you. Do you know what I mean? Like, you just, you just become that individual that this is what you do and this is what you’re, as in a business coach, a business consultant, a business strategist, a marketing consultant, somebody who’s just not gonna, you know, you’re just, you’re not gonna accept anything but success.
So, road dog. That’s what I did want to go over. Just look. Gary Boehner, Chuck, that story is insane. In my opinion and the way that he did it, and he obviously crushed it and he became, again, Gary Vaynerchuk. I mean the guy’s literally world famous. Yeah. So there you go. Shoot, that’s my answer by the point.
So a
[00:26:46] Christian: couple things. First off, there’s a whole identity issue that we could discuss right there of just truly believing that you are the person that you wanna become. But before I go there, when you talk about discounting, we’re heading into Black Friday, right? So perfect example. So, Just like Gary V did.
It was basically, it’s that loss leader thing, right? Isn’t, isn’t that all it is? It’s just like how many Black Friday specials are you going to see? How many marketing offers period do you see that are drawing you in enough to get your attention, but then you’re going to ultimately sell them something else, right?
No different, right? You with me on that?
[00:27:28] Karl: Hundred percent. That’s it. So Rodo, can I expand on that? So I wanna, so here’s what happens. A business coach will run a Black Friday sale, quote unquote, right? In some way, shape or form. Come to my live event, download my report, download my book for free. And then they’ll only end up, like, they’ll get one client and only a few takers on the offer that they put out there, right?
And then they see it as a. But then if you looked at every event throughout the year, so back to school hockey, just, you know, so I was like, hockey just started. I was helping. So just hockey just started. There’s some promotions they should be doing in the, the, that every year hockey started. I had all kinds of promotions when I owned a hockey rink to basically hockey started, you could imagine the sales, but there’s thanksgiving.
There’s Christmas, what did I say? There’s back to school. There’s Veterans Day, remembrance Day in Canada. Just think of all the holidays throughout the year, and then if you got one client on every single holiday. You, let’s just assume there’s, there’s gotta be, there’s, there’s one, there’s one reason a month.
And let’s assume there’s a couple that there’s not summer, fall, spring, everything. Right? But let’s just go 10 offers a year, then that’s 10 extra clients a year on what was perceived to be a failure because you only put it out there and you only got one sale, right? Like, like Austin Road Dog. You’ll go to these What do you call ’em?
Like, you know, these events that you go to and then it’s a, it’s a pitch fest, right? That personally I’m just not a huge fan of, but who cares what I think. But you go and there’s like 10 speakers and there’s 10 people pitching, right? Well, the big dogs get up there and they pitch and guess how many sales they make?
1, 3, 5. And you think that they got their head between their legs. They’re like, oh my gosh, what a failure. And of course, they’re not happy with those types of results in any way, shape or form, especially when they’ve been in the room and they’ve got hundred sales, or a thousand sales, or 3000 or 5,000, 10,000 sales.
And one pitch absolutely happened, but those exact speakers go to different events. And they only get 1, 3, 5, 10 sales. And every time somebody comes up and says something to the effect of, Oh, like, do you regret pitching? Like, do you feel like that was the wrong room? And they’ll say like, you know, in concert with one another, just no.
You, you never speak without pitching because that’s who they are. That’s what they are. That’s what they do. And if nothing else, what they do is they see it as training and practice for the event when they get a thousand, 2000, 3000 sales. Right. But anyways, RO Doug, you just mentioned again. So, so should a coach throw an offer out there for Black Friday you know, and all the other, you know, and Christmas, et cetera.
And the answer is yes. Just don’t expect a whole bunch of sales. And if you do get one, what the heck? And by the way, if you only get like five, like only every second offer gets one client, and I said that you were gonna, you know, do it 10 times, that’s five clients. This. And by the way, at two grand a pop, do the math, that’s not bad money, right?
60 grand for, you know, hyping up. You know events not a bad deal. So, so anyhow Yeah, RO dog, they abs. I totally agree. And I, and I think that’s where every, everybody’s looking for the home run. Everybody’s looking for the hack. Everybody’s looking, you know, to cut in line. And I, I just think you gotta look at it differently.
You gotta delayed gratification, hard work, consistency again. They, you know, they’re not more successful. They’re not more successful than you because they’re bigger, bad, meaner, richer, better contacts. It’s because they outworked you on a consistent basis, on a daily basis. That’s it. And by the way, rodda my video today when I was talking about my daughter’s game, like it is the fundamentals.
In fact, that was the name of the, the video. What’s wrong with Your Fundamentals? You know, just keep every day, every day consistency. So, so I’m on board, Roddo. Totally agree bud. Totally agree.
[00:31:30] Christian: Man, that’s a whole lot of promo for your your YouTube channel there one of these days. . We’ll pro, we’ll promo my stuff too, one of these days.
That’s, you know, I’m holding on bud. Just holding on. Hey, listen, you talk about obviously the long game. We all know the long game is, is, well it’s not just important, it’s where the big dollars are. Right? Cuz once you can figure that out. In the spirit of maybe Black Friday specials or whatever. Like how, how would you go about getting, I hate to use the word instant, but relatively quick.
Okay. Success on say, Facebook and Insta. Like, is there, is there sort of anything that you can recommend to the folks about
[00:32:15] Karl: that? So, road Dog. Did I read this? Somebody sent in Instant Success and then you refused to say it. . Is that what just happened?
[00:32:21] Christian: That’s that just happened, yeah.
[00:32:24] Karl: Nice. Nice. Folks, take that one.
That’s a lesson right there. That’s who Road Dog is, is what happened right there in front of you. Look Rodo, you kinda said it like preframe. You gotta be thinking long-term, but let instant success, private message is gonna be the way to do it, right? Don’t, don’t think you’re gonna go put a post on Facebook and it’s magically gonna do.
You know, magic, although it, and again, it, it can and will, but we’re talking to a business, this question is being asked by a business coach who is pretty new, a bit light on cash and going, look, let’s make it happen. Or at least that’s what I’m gonna assume. And I’d be amazed if I’m not correct, right? So private message would be the way to do it.
Actually we, we mentioned Vaynerchuk, right? He’s an absolute specimen. And his advice is similar. I remember talking to Frank Kern and what he told me when we last spoke is I’ve got thousands of friend requests on Facebook and simply don’t have the time to even think about it. One of the reasons I don’t add people as often I get these instant messages just saying like, sign up for my free list.
Let’s talk about X, Y, Z, where we partner together. Like that message comes through and it’s just like, come on. Like, like, no thanks, right? Like, I want a partner. And I’m, you know, I’m not short on options, just quietly. And I’m not saying that arrogantly, I’m just saying like, like maybe doing your homework.
Like I haven’t done a joint venture in like three or four years and I don’t do interviews and haven’t done one of those in years. So maybe coming to me and asking me, that might not be the best preframe, like as in maybe an indication you didn’t do your homework. But what I wanted to get at here if I wanted instant success, I want to, I need to enter the conversation going on inside somebody’s head, right?
So, When you gain a new friend on, let’s say it’s Facebook, it’s Instagram, it’s LinkedIn connection or whatever, send them a private message and say something to the effect of wow. Great to connect. Actually, you know what, say great to connect with you and then use their name. That will increase conversions.
Do you have a post you’d like me to like, and or engage with slash comment? Right. Do you see how that changes? Like that is what can I do for you? And if they’re on Facebook, on Instagram, and in LinkedIn, who doesn’t like engagement on Facebook? Right? That’s just like, everybody likes that, right? You know, and then, and then assuming they say yes, you know, you like, comment, and potentially share it, right?
Like you just started the relationship by adding value to the other person. Again, they love engagement, right? That was the conversation and that was the conversation in their head. So you did it in a really positive way. And, and again, the frame road dog always lead with value. You never want come across as needy again.
You know, the. Needing nothing will attract everything. Something that, I dunno if I’m making a meal with that quote, but like that, you know, thinking about that as a frame and, and sounds good, but most people are doing the exact opposite, right? Adding, leading with value. Again, my YouTube channel, which is going horrifically the road, just said a plugin, whatever, I’m, I, I just talked about forming joint venture with it, you know, and what I started with is I wanna form a joint venture with.
The first question that goes into my mind is, what’s your biggest problem? And then can I solve it? Right? So like the accountant, the problem that they have is that people come to see ’em once a year and then that’s during taxis and it makes ’em so busy and it just compounds their already busyness. And you want rose petal service and everything done yesterday and you wanna pay the minimum amount, well go to the account that can solve that problem by saying, send me a.
I will work with them. I will guarantee that they come in to see you four times a year at a minimum, if not 10 to 12 times a year. They will not participate in that crazy tax season. And by the way, instead of charging them two grand for the 12 months, you’ll now be charging ’em 10 grand because you’ll be work six, you know, working significantly quicker with or closer with them.
And you know, and. That’s gonna get you done. And then again, go to somebody with a magazine, go to a promotional company, go to a networking organization, think what is the number one problem that they have, and then help ’em solve it. So, so anyway, so just coming road from that place of value is what I’m getting at what I got you.
[00:36:43] Christian: That’s it. Wow. Okay. I, I never know with you and I, and this is like the dangerous time. It’s. We’re nearing close to, you know, the time where I’m like, do I go with one more question? Do I get scared of rabbit holes? What are we doing here? So I’m gonna play it safe today folks, and you’ll thank me later for it.
But of everything we’ve covered today, because I know there’s actually a few real good nuggets in here, and I know that you’re gonna expand on it, what’s one piece, just one that somebody can take and implement into their business?
[00:37:18] Karl: What’s one thing? Shoots. I like the, the, that was good. That was good. Look at, at the fundamentals.
You know, my daughter’s hockey team, first thing I thought about, I j I wanted my daughter. The, the truth is, I want my daughter to have fun. No, I want my daughter to keep playing hockey. I didn’t, six failure for me on that day. Not, and it wouldn’t have been the end of the world far from, but if my daughter played hockey and then didn’t like it.
And didn’t want to go back. That would’ve been like a little bit of a bummer. So I went to the fundamental, and what did I say? Well, I just know that people have more fun when they win, right? Including like my beer league hockey team. When we win, we have more fun. The beers taste better than when we lose, right?
And, and by the way, just watch the Super Bowl, watch the World Series, watch the Stanley Cup, you know, watch the final in a you know, like a Grand Slam tennis match. And these guys are worth millions and millions, tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars. And they’re in tears, right? They get their towel over their head for 10 minutes, can’t even look up.
So I, I knew that winning was important, so I thought to myself, okay, well how can I help them win? And I, and I also knew that knowing I want the kids to, to become a good team and I want them to like me as their coach. And I know that if I knew their name, that would go a long way in making, you know what I mean?
And helping me build that bond, right? So again, I had a piece of paper and I, again, and not only their name, but I was getting the pronunciation of their name and did I hit it out of the park? There was a couple that I. You know, couple of, it wasn’t the perfect pronunciation, but I had every one of their names before the start of the first game.
Right. And by the way, I’m pr stupid, but you know what I mean? I was proud of that. Like these kids had fun. I think that they all, they all listened, whatever. I’m not gonna, the fundamentals is what I’m getting at. And I knew that winning was, was that. Okay. A business coach if you get the client.
You have fun. If you don’t get a client, you don’t have fun, right? Be in. So guess why we built the software? Guess why we train you on how to find anybody a hundred grand and 45 minutes without you spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising immediately when you come in. Because I know that, that, you know what I mean?
Like that’s gonna help you get that win. So I think road dog, that’s, that’s it. And then maybe just like the, Gary, we talked about Gary b Gary Vayner, Chuck a little bit today and. Just again, like it’s who he is. Like that’s a fundamental as well, like worrying about the tactics and all that sort of stuff.
I, you know, go to your identity, like walk into that room, let’s call it networking. It’s the oil and gas, it’s the yacht club, it’s the golf. You know, the golf club, what have you, you know, with a bunch of business owner and like walk in, like Yeah. Own it. Actually, I get a buddy love the guy, right?
Like you swear he, he’s actually been in. Like funny, funny guy. But if he’s in the movies and he has been in the movies, he’s like a mafia guy. Right? Sounds like a mafia guy. Looks like a mafia guy. Massive shoulders do do. Anyways, we were out, we’re at a bar one time, we’re having a couple pops. He wants to leave.
I can’t remember quite the dynamic, right. But I’m like, shoot, you know, you can’t leave, man. I’m standing here by myself looking like a tool and I don’t wanna, I’m not ready to go home, right? Like, I wanna have a couple of pops. I just, I, this is where I wanna be right now. I don’t wanna go home. But he had to go home.
The kids do, do, do, right? And something, I can’t remember quite how it was. But he’s like something to the effect of the advice, and I’m gonna kind of take it in a slightly different direction, but like when he walks to the bar, okay, he walks to the bar like he owns the bar. Right. Like that’s, that’s his attitude.
That is who he is. That is what he is. Nothing’s gonna change it. He can be with, you know, the Miami Dolphins and he has, you know, strong connections with them and he’s got seats on the 50 yard line to do, do some of you know who I’m talking about, by the way? But anyway, so, you know, he’s, he’s got these types of circles, but no matter if he’s with the Miami Dolphins, he’s with themself, he’s with his buddies who look like they’re from the, you know, mafia types too.
He walks to the bar and he orders a drink, like he owns the bar. And when he was a kid, his family owned the bar, by the way. So anyway, maybe horrific example, don’t know. But when you walk into that networking group, this is where I was trying to go when you walk into that networking group, walk in, like you own the group, like it’s your group and they’re old to see you.
And I know as I say this, you can kind of picture it like it. It’s, you know what I mean? Like, just walk in, like that’s who you are. And then, by the way, in order to do that, you’ve gotta have, think of Michael Jordan walking on the, the basketball court. You need to have your shoulders back, your chest up.
Like imagine that I right in the middle of your chest, I gotta string okay. And then I pull it up. That’s the way it, it’s to say it’s the Superman stance, right? But that’s the way Mike, watch Michael Jordan walk, watch videos, go to YouTube right now and watch him. That’s how he walks. That’s the way you should wa If you wanna walk into that note rigging group and be like as though you own it.
You wanna walk into the room with a girl that sells the most you know, chamber memberships, and you’re gonna form a joint venture with her and you’re gonna form a partnership and you’re gonna become, you know, the solution to her business problems and her client’s business problems. And she’s gonna refer, you know, 25 to a hundred people over the next 12 months to you walk in her office like you own.
Right. Like it’s your office and she’s visiting. Not, and again, not in an arrogant way, but in a confident way. Big difference between the two. Right. But like confidence actually, and not even confidence, but from a place of certainty, right? So not confidence from a place of certainty. And what’s that certainty that you’re gonna help her?
That you’re gonna help her clients, that she’s gonna refer you to three of her clients and they’re gonna come in. And say, God bless you and thank you so much for basically doing that. Like that’s the place that I want you to come at it from. So, and, and that, you know, I don’t know Gary, I dunno how I got there, but Gary Vaynerchuck and whatnot, it’s when he was doing discounting of Jim Beam.
And Budweiser and Coors Light and the most popular alcohol he knew because of who he was as a 20 year old. But he knew he was gonna be able to take them from the bud over to the craft beer and sell it consistently. And by the way, do you think people came in and bought like 10 cases of Coors Light and he lost a lot of money and they weren’t interested in looking at anything, and they were in a rush.
They were having a party. And get outta my way 20 year old kid and screw you. And they lost money on that, right? Did that make him stop the promotion? The answer is no. Because again, he did, you know what I mean? Like it, it just comes back to I’m gonna make this thing work, but also not from a stupidity point of view.
Like he could have done something and it didn’t work well. Do you think he would’ve put the brakes on it? Do you think he would’ve cut it off at the knees? Do you think he would’ve stopped? Do you think that he’s too arrogant and too stupid to basically be able to accept that once in a while he guessed wrong.
And again, because of who he was? No. He was like totally willing to chopped it off at the knees. Did that stop him from taking another risk? And the answer is no. So, Road dog, where am I going? There? Just, you know, it’s, it’s about who you are working on your identity along with working on your tactics and your scripts and your approach, and the people that you’re gonna approach in the rooms that you’re gonna enter.
You know, walking up to the bar, like you own the bar. I don’t know. I, I think maybe there’s a little bit of magic in that for a business coach, lacking a little bit of confidence, lacking a little bit of certain, Walk in there, like you’re totally certain. So shoots. That’s my last thing, bud. Okay.
[00:45:06] Christian: So I, I got two things for you.
First off, if the beard taste sweeter is sweeter, pardon me, with a win, I’m not sure how long your youth hockey coaching career is gonna last. Sure. Their underage, their shoots might wanna settle down on the pints. On the bench. Listen, the one thing that really. You’re talking about the coaching thing, and obviously that’s a big piece for me, right?
And and I look at that. When you look at your daughter’s team and you’re talking about some of the stuff that they’re doing, look, it’s not a straight line to success, right? And as a matter of fact, it would probably be doing them a disservice. To go and just have all of this success straight out of the gate.
Right? Because the hard times, the, the lessons that you learn in the failures are probably far more important in terms of building a proper sort of, you know, we’ll use business in this sense, right? Like, would you not agree that if you just have nothing but everything just land perfectly for you? That’s almost a a, a dangerous type of situ.
It’s never gonna happen, by the way. Right? Nothing ever works out perfectly. Completely Prime Minister of Canada, but you know what I mean? Like it’s just, it’s one of those situations of that there is no straight line to success. It’s okay to suck and as a matter of fact, you’re gonna be
[00:46:20] Karl: better for it.
Yeah, shoots. A great example of that is we both know the kid who grew up with a silver tongue in his, or silver spoon in his mouth and you know, daddy’s visa gold card, you know, at the age of 16 and then got bought a BMW on his 16, 17th or 18th birthday when he could start driving. Like, how did that work out for him?
Right. And. Okay, so you learn like you’re Ro Doug. You’re exactly right. You learn more when you fail than when you succeed all day long and twice on Sunday. But you’ve gotta know, and only wisdom will teach you this and experience will teach you this, but just like the weather, there are seasons, right? And you’re gonna go through tough, you’re gonna go through winter.
But the good news is spring is around the corner, right? So, yeah, you just, you know, taken a few bobs in the mouth, provided your learning and provided you accept that you’re like, on a journey. Like one of the things also, Roddo, I tell you this, and I’ve experienced this with million percent certainty, like imposter syndrome.
When you go to the next level, every, like Tony Robbins goes to the next level, he feels like an. You know, he becomes an owner and the, you know, professional sporting team. He’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Do I belong here? And then he rises above and becomes, you know, certain and confident, right? It’s the, it’s the business coach takes on.
The biggest fear that most coaches have when they’re new is that somebody’s actually gonna say yes. Why they feel that imposter syndrome. And then the question is who they are, right? They start dropping the ball, not replying, you know, head in the sand, hiding. Well, that’s who they are when it’s the exact opposite.
And hopefully that’s the case. And if it’s not, you gotta grow into that. But what you do is you just stand up and you admit when you’re wrong. You admit when you’re over your head, you admit when you’re stretching a little bit. And, and that being said, don’t be in too much of a hurry to go and admit that you’re over your head.
What you do is you go to YouTube you go to the podcast, you get on the phone, you network, you pick up the phone and speak to somebody who’s got the experience you’re looking for. Ask them some smart, intelligent, clear defined questions. Come up with the answers you’re looking for, and then go back and say, okay, here’s what we gotta.
But when you go to the next level, as you continue to grow and expand everybody feel like, like hockey, right? Like, again, I like, there was different teams that I made when I was like a superstar in my, my, you know, when I was with kids like, you know, roughly my own age. And then I went up and played with guys that were older and taller and bigger and everything else.
I imme, I immediately went to imposter syndrome. Like, do I belong in this room? Am I gonna get my head knocked off? Are these guys gonna hate me? Are these guys gonna love me? Do I have what’s in me to basically rise. And because again, I’d like to think, you know, because of who I was, I would, you know, first couple games might have been a little bit how you doing?
And then I got a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. And I ended up just fine and that, so, oh, that’s, so in the business coaching world, same thing. Elevate, elevate el every time you go to the next level. Every time, like the first time you get a seven, like you get $150,000 client, like that’s their gross revenues, right?
They’re small potatoes and a pathetic. And then you go to a $500,000 business and it’s like, whoa. Bigger leagues. And then you get your first client that’s doing over seven figures. You get somebody who does seven figures a year that’s entrusting you to be their mentor. Don’t think for a second you’re not gonna feel a little bit that imposter syndrome that I described earlier with youth.
Right. As you’re, as you’re elevating and moving into, you know, bigger rooms and, you know, guys with mustaches and every, you know, anyway conversation another day. You know, it’s like,
[00:50:06] Christian: you know what folks? All I’m gonna say is this. If and a posture syndrome kicks in, just remember Karl O’Brien lost a BMX race to a guy with one leg. That’s it. Hi. That’s all you need to.
[00:50:16] Karl: There It’s, and my job mercilessly made fun of me, I’ll tell you. And I got a trophy for coming in third once, right? It was three people in the race.
I came in third. My dad, he’s like, did you go up and get that trophy? Like, he’s like, whatcha are you gonna, where are you gonna put that? My friends would come up and my dad would talk about it, and everybody always drive to hockey with my dad and I, right? Like everybody wanted to drive with my dad cause he was funny and he would tell jokes and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And he would tell that story with a hundred percent certainty. If you hadn’t been in the car yet, a new guy got in the car. My dad, let me tell you a story about Carl. And then he tell him. My Karl when Karl was a baby, he was so ugly. We had to tie a pork chop around his neck so that the dog would play with him.
And I’m like, dad, like, stop every time. Every, but that’s maybe, I dunno, maybe that, I dunno, maybe that shaped a little bit of humility in me. I dunno. But I lost to B M X race to a black guy with one leg that happened. He’s fast, man. It was unbelievable. You should have seen him. It was unreal. So I wasn’t the only guy that lost him.
So there you go.
[00:51:25] Christian: There you go folks. There you go. Well, thanks for tuning into another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s not, it’s not B M X secrets, cuz that would be a a mistake. If you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Karl’s delay emails, or just wanna know basically how you can run a better business coaching practice, go to and subscribe today.
And again, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share and please also leave a review as we know all the streaming services rank you hire with more reviews. So please go ahead and do that. And that is it for another week. We will see you on the next episode. Remember folks progress. Equals happiness. Take care everybody.
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Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.

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