BCS: 142 | The Biggest Issue With The Business Coaching Industry + Concepts That Don’t Work

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 142: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– The biggest issue with the business coaching industry
– Concepts that don’t work
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC Episode 142
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to business coaching secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay and refer. You’ve come to the right place in this podcast. Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing. High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:40] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls coaches around the world welcome to another episode of business coaching secrets. It’s your boy road dog here with none other than the man, the myth, the legend, the king of the Caymans. But he’s not in the Caymans. He’s in the church and KCO boy, I gotta work on this intro shoots Karl Bryan.
[00:01:02] Karl: How you doing road dog. Good hearing about
[00:01:05] Christian: Holding down Fort for you up here in Canada, making sure that you know, you’ve got a safe country to come back to. I I’m, I’m doing my best for you.
[00:01:18] Karl: How was the well done? How is the, the,
[00:01:19] Christian: yes. How is all that going? How’s the rum?
[00:01:26] Karl: I love, but I will tell you that Caribbean rum is not too bad. Been watching a little bit of cricket, the west Indies. I’m now a west Indies fans, little FYI. I love Australia in cricket, but west Indies. I’m right there. And Met a young guy actually played for Turks and CACO so we had a good chat, but Turks, Inco shoot. That’s that’s what’s happening, bud? That’s what’s happening? Sun shining. There you go.
[00:01:57] Christian: I did check the timestamp on when you sent that text. So it was either sincere early morning text.
[00:02:04] Karl: It was a very sincere early morning text. It was very my days of, yeah
[00:02:10] Christian: Anyways let’s go. I was, I was gonna say you, you’re talking about cricket.
You know how I just saw this, one of my Australian friends posted it on Facebook. You know how they have like these golf simulators and everything else. Inside of sports bars and stuff, like, were you actually in your clubs and like, like shanks was in
[00:02:25] Karl: Calgary, I’m sure you remember shanks. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
[00:02:28] Christian: So I saw that now they’re popping up like in Australia where they’ve got that, but for cricket, so you you’re actually.
[00:02:39] Karl: I would be all over that. I would, you have to import that to Turks and shoot will do well then actually we probably do horribly cause they don’t actually like cricket. That much is what I’m learning, but that’s, it’s the national sport, but nobody it, so there you go.
[00:02:55] Christian: Well, just what does it lacrosse as the Canadian national sport. I guess there’s enough people that play, but it’s not like really that many people are playing it even though the national lacrosse league is back and televis. I think it’s on Ts. I have yet. I don’t, I don’t understand lacrosse. It’s just like, how do you call a penalty? And is it after the 10th time they whack you in the hands? Or like, how does that work? You know what I mean? It’s unreal. I gotta ask you though. Do you have the NHL package down there? Cause like I’m sure. You must be lamenting, like just not being able to see your boy, Austin Matthews and
[00:03:33] Karl: Shoots hockey, the oh, too much.
[00:03:40] Christian: This will be the year that they win is the year that you don’t win. I’m not
[00:03:51] Karl: follow. Yeah, this put some money on that. You heard it here first folks.
[00:03:57] Christian: Well, anyway, the good news for you is it’s the leaps and they’ll just continue to let you down. So that’s good. Anyways, did you wanna mention Tom Brady’s name before we get going?
Or did you wanna just.
[00:04:09] Karl: Right, but you did it for me. Thank you.
[00:04:12] Christian: Everybody’s happy now, Tom. Good job on Carl of you. And there it, there, it.
It’s funny, cuz I just see biggest issue is, is, is in the next. And it’s like your biggest issue is your obsession that you have with Tom Brady. But if we were to dial back into bigger macro question here and early on here, what would you say? And I can’t wait to hear this, cuz this could go 20 different directions.
So this all, what is it fine this morning? What is the biggest issue that you see with the business coaching industry?
[00:04:54] Karl: Like that’s a question right there. Yeah. There you,
well, biggest issue. I that issue, yes. Wow. Bare. So, wow. Okay. No barrier to entry. Might be a topic for another Doug. You say we go in a bunch of different directions, but I, I think that one’s pretty obvious. You know, like coaches, coaches will tell you how passionate they are about helping people. Right. I love Tony Robbins and that’s the reason they get started as a coach.
Right. And like, I drive a fast car that does not make me a mechanic. Right. Think about that as a metaphor, you, you need to, you know, I like to help people and I’m, I’m not gonna become a doctor anytime soon. Right. So you, you need to be able to identify problems. And then very clearly succinctly And with probability, I’m gonna say it solved them, right?
Like hence why we built business coaching software, by the way, we built profit acceleration software to make coaching. I call it turnkey cause it’s never turnkey. Cause you’re, you’re involving you know, psych lot of psychology involved and that’s never going change no matter, you know, what anybody does.
But we, you know, we try to make it as turnkey as possible. So I, I do believe we’ve done that, but any who as a, as a framework Here’s what happened? Like literally. Just the other day. Right? So my wife and daughter and I, we went horseback riding was awesome, right? A stingray with a five wings.
We’ve done this a times, right? We’re riding. And then, so we done it a few times and like we’re walking
four in the S You know, my wife’s loving it. My daughter’s got a big smile on her face and then we’re, we’re going along the beach at speeds. Right? So like, you’re, you’re ripping around like you’re, you’re riding the horses, you’re riding the as, and now you’re just doing this in like two inches of, and the water splashing up and it’s, you know, the winds flowing through your hair and just kinda cool.
You know, like you, you feel like you’re running in the the wet version of the Kentucky Derby, right. It was unreal. So. The ride’s over. Right. And then we’re like, so basically, and there’s, there’s a bunch of folks and it it’s on this popular little walkway, right. There’s lots of people walking by and then there’s a little place to get refreshments.
Right. And so we went with another family this time and so friends standing there were waiting in line. And I’m thinking, look, you know, I’m waiting in line for the water and a buddy that I’m with, with his family. He says, look, the line’s too long. I’m just gonna wait and I’m gonna get her back at the hotel.
Right. And then I’m there sitting there going, I need water. I’m getting water. Like that’s what’s happening. And I think maybe as a metaphor, moral of the story is that some people see the water. And then some people see the line. Some people see what they want and commit to, and then people see, you know, what’s basically in the way of what, what
use areas, your life, where the happens. You know, and the people around you, by the way, and your coaching clients, where they see the line, rather than the goal, they, they, they see the line instead of the result, they see it instead of the water. So, so I think that’s a major issue for coaching client, right?
Cause the client will say that they’re overwhelmed and then the coach will say that they. Gave them so many great ideas, but they didn’t do anything. Right. It’s no such thing as a bad student. There’s only a bad teacher. It’s you’re I always say little arrow, destination and coaching is the middle. The problem is it’s very difficult to identify.
Little red arrow. You are here. So picture a big map at a ski hill or a national park, little red arrow. You are here and then establishing what they want, which we’ve talked about that many, a times and many other podcasts. So I won’t go down that track too far, but you know, that’s the key, you know what I mean?
And you, you just, there’s gonna be so think LA to New York. There’s going to be potholes. There’s gonna be an accident. There’s gonna be, you know, Rero, if you’re gonna go on that far of a destination, so you just gotta dial in on the destination and adjust your approach. When you, everyone public speaker, the speakers never wanna fill the therefore aspiring actors never get off the ground and their dreams stay in fantasy land.
Right. Like, I think another issue road dog is like people see success in business coaching. Like it’s a game of hide and with your teenage friends, right? Like you magically find the person and then it’s over. That’s not the way works. This, we’ve heard this before. Coach trying to it to coach. Who’s trying to crack it to really go down this, like, it’s the journey.
Right. Like, you gotta work hard every day to stay passionate. Don’t expect your passion to your passions. That is not gonna love hockey, hockey rink. I gotta tell hockey, never like, right. So you work very hard passionate that as the job, or like, you know, not being able to see the forest through the trees or not, you know, they can see the summit.
But they’re not seeing the entire mountain, right? Prog you end it. The podcast progress equals happiness that there was a destination. Passion would automatically go cause the progress. Would automatically halt once you reach the destination, right? So a, a better, a better framework is, you know, don’t do what you love, love what you do, you know, fall in love with the marketing fall in love with the clients.
Fall in love with the results. Fall in love with the testimonial. Fall in love with the event. Fall in love with people. Fall in love with going the networking group fall in love with tracking your results. You know, and, and by the way, I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. And this is great advice for your clients.
Don’t everybody says, do what you love. Right? And normally you see a billionaire doing a talk. He will always finish, or certainly part of his message is do what you Love’s. Again, I hate to say it. It’s pretty bad advice and it’s coming from somebody who’s already cracked it, cracked it big time. You’re significantly better off to do what you’re good at.
Right. So that that’s where your clients, you can have a lot of success. So with that kind, so the right answer, like I think I’ve built, like, what we have built is profit acceleration software. And I think again, the, the. You know, the whole premise behind it is to make coaching significantly easier. And then to help people build profitable business in months
in development. But we’ve been, we’ve been at it for say 12 months and six months, you know, farting around. We got this new profit acceleration simulator that if by any account, the, the early, early results in that it is gonna be a little bit of a game changer. The premise behind it, the profit is, is business owners make they’re trying to million, right.
And that’s their goal and that’s their ego. And again, yes, I’ve talked so lot, but I could never speak up. Cause this is the foundation. What’s the biggest issue with coaching it’s this is the business owner. He was at 500 grand and now he’s in a million. Cause that was his goal. And now he’s making less money at a, than he was at 500,000.
Right. And that again, is that unique? It’s. Almost the trend. It’s almost more common than the opposite, right? So it’s, it’s not about growth. It’s about doing a profitable business. The only difference is when they get to a million, making less money, the same money or improvement on the way we’re making it 500,000, like their profit 5,000 is the same as their profit of a million.
But the difference is they have way more staff, way more things to manage way more headaches. They’re way more. Overwhelmed. And the sad thing is a business owner because they’re not educated on this stuff and they don’t have access to our software to you and the business coach that’s using it.
They’re confused as to why this is happening, right? Like again, a way better goal rather than hit a million ego is to hit 5,000 with 50% and make two 50,000 and run a small, tight, full, valuable business that keeps getting better and keeps getting easier to run. Right. That look when, when I drop the simulator again, what I use is the example is the magic of business is compounding, but nobody ever wants to think about compounding, do the hard work.
What I by that is when you take a penny and you double it for 30 days. On day, you’ve got like 5 million, but on day 29, you’ve got two the day before that you got five, the day hit
compounding. So small. What am I saying? Small incremental improvement. Multiple areas of your business. That’s right.
But you take sing, you take singles in good base, running over home runs every day of the week, twice on Sunday, then not to mention defense that’s boring stuff. Like defense would be equivalent of accounting and financial statements for me for business. But nobody wants to do that stuff. Everybody wants to hit home runs like in hockey.
Everybody wants to have the big slap shot. So, so I actually wrote Doug here’s like another example. In fact, I was reading about this not long ago. Maybe I was listening to it. What is it called? A black death of child bed. I believe it’s called. And it’s like this phenomenon in Europe. And moms were ridiculous within, I call it 72 hours of delivering their and no one could work it out, knew what was worse and worse.
Gotta the point where maybe even more mothers who were giving birth died as a result. If you understand the math and you, you look over history you know, young mothers don’t die and of course you’ll gimme, anomal generally speaking, young mothers do not die. So how the heck happening? It was scary as me.
So the story goes that the doctors were studying every one of the corpses and they were studying for trends in irregularities. And anything you could find out about was what was going wrong. Right. And a researcher pointed out and he said, the doctors are doing. We’re not stair, like we’re not washing their hands and definitely not stair their hands before going in to help them birth them that afternoon.
And that was another giving in the morning. Right. As the ones giving birth in the afternoon, if you can believe it. Right. So the slight adjustment made was washing her hands focus. You know, know their hands, any tools they would’ve been using. It was so long ago. I don’t know that there was many tools, but Dingo Bango, Bungo black death of child bed basically disappeared never to the return.
It was like, literally washing your hands, airplane, everybody scared getting, you know, whatever, a crash on an airplane. And then you think about you know, mechanical issues and you think about the engines not working cetera. Planes go down because pilot error. Right. So, and that’s just, I say 90% of the accidents are pilot error.
Right? So. Would yeah. Fly with a, a pilot that didn’t have a pre slight checklist, right. Or the, the 2008 financial collapse was wholly avoidable and a hundred percent like it was pilot. Let’s call it right. Same with the fall of say, Lehman brothers moral the story, you know, You are likely your own problem.
Your client is likely the old problem. Whereas we wanna think the pandemic, the collapse we taking falling by the wayside. You know, Facebook changed their algorithm, apples changes like it’s, it’s own business’s, but
the in business owner. Right. So makes you wonder, like, in these crazy times that. You know, like with cor you know, the beautiful coronavirus and whatnot, like, you know what I mean? Is there something we’re who, and totally missing that in, you know, 1, 5, 10 years, we’re gonna look back and go my goodness, right?
Like how could we been so silly, you know, to lock one another in our houses and that sort thing, keep our kids on sport. But anyway, so. Road dog. What mistakes are like business owners making, right? Like again I think last week we talked about this or the week before that, but the law of triviality is something that I wrote about recently.
And I got a lot of feedback on that. It’s just, you gotta big rock versus little rock. Gotta go to the big rock. Given the option. The law triviality is that if given the option of doing something complex and something. Trivial, you’ll go to trivial almost like 80, 90, 95 depend upon the individual, but 90% of the time they go.
Right. So that’s why the local school spends so much on the yearbook. They should ING and a look at what’re teaching the kids. Right. So what are those one business? Going to what’s trivial. So biggest issue road, dog, no barrier to entry. Again, you don’t a coach. You’re passionate, loves
a problem in a business, and then basically prescribe a solution. And then kick them in and you know what to basically get there. So I dunno, Doug, what, what do you think,
[00:19:17] Christian: bud? Well, I think a, you need to move closer to a window because you’re cutting out a little bit. So I’m not sure if you’re action tur and CAOs, or if you’re in some sort of end of Bay’s bunker in, in the mountains right now.
It’s hard to say how bad, but it’s not that bad, but I’m just saying every once in a while, you’re cutting out. So lift your hands and then, you know, that way you’ll be at least five feet tall.
Listen, you know, the, the other thing I wanted to just actually ask is like, what, what about all the things that you reference as concepts that you like, you quote unquote stand against, right?
Like, I feel that those types of things are relevant here as well. Like would you not say so?
[00:19:54] Karl: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Two, I think you mean like the look, so the four hour work week rode up, right? Subconsciously somebody reads the four hour work week knows that Tim Ferris, you know, Tim Ferris is the man. I mean, gimme a break.
I mean, the guy’s, you know, obviously a very intelligent guy. Well, the title of the book, if nobody, you, you buy the book, read the front cover, maybe the, you know, the back cover. If we’re lucky, get halfway through chapter one, if you’re super lucky and then assume that the book is about a four hour work week and it’s.
You know, not just about a lifestyle book, but it’s like getting 40 hours of work done in four hours as opposed to the other, so a four hour work. Week’s great. As long as your competition, isn’t pumping out eight, right? So, yeah, state lake that’s something that I, you know, be careful with that passive income.
You know, I’ve said this a zillion times, but the guy promoting passive income, pretty much the people with passive income are probably not out there promoting it. You know, the secret, we both know the secret and share the same view of it. It’s completely missing action. Right. So positive thinking is better than negative thinking for sure.
If the secret was the secret, the guys who wrote the book, would’ve been sitting in their, their hotel room, you know, really pumped up on their bed, going, you know, hoping for a big bag of money to fall on their head, you know, fall outta the sky, into their, under their head. Clearly they were going from community community to city, to city, state, to state country, to country airplanes, buses, travel promoting the secret.
And that’s why it was such a success. Right. You know, do what you love and make millions, man. It’s kinda similar to eat chocolate cake and lose lots of weight. You know, again, do what you’re good at, you know, just doing what you love. If you do what you love, you’re about to hate what you’re used to love.
Right. The end, you gotta fall in love with the process. Fall in love with your clients. Fall in love with the marketing fall in love with, you know, building the landing page, following in love with, you know, looking at financial statements and like tweaking those financial statements and finding little ways to, to squeeze it right.
Multiple streams of income road, dog, and talked about this to death, but it’s a huge, your, your coaching client is sitting there trying to work out how they’re gonna start another company, start another division, start this, start that. And you know, then. If they’re synergistic, then I’m all for it. As in the same client, be sold something different.
You know, like that’s like Amazon web services You know, basically what Jeff Bezos did is he looked at his profit and loss statement, look at his biggest expenses and started the company to do that because he became his biggest client immediately. In other words, the business, you know what I mean?
Like he, his business became profitable on day one because he was the client, his other business was the client. Right. So, but multiple streams of income. You know, just doing bill gates, wasn’t out there. And Jeff Bezos wasn’t either and Michael Dell wasn’t and anybody else, you know, trying to. What would just, you know what I mean?
Like, you know, build their re real estate portfolio. Of course those things happened. So the framework is get one stream of income to 5 million before you deviate under any circumstances. And then of course, if I spoke to you and you’d got the 5 million, I would challenge you big time on whether or not that time.
Energy and focus would be better spent, you know, drilling down on that same, getting it from five to 15 million with high margins, as opposed to going to another business, taking your eye off the prize, watching expenses grow and becoming that business that I talked about earlier that made more at 500,000 than they did it a million.
And the’s confused. You know, so, you know, posing on Facebook with lots of cool stuff. Other one, like I say, love Jeff Walker. And I love the products launch formula, but like launching product after product, after product, I I’ve had one product for 15 years and I just keep improving it. And, you know, I, the simulator, it’s all part of the exact same bundle that I had over a decade.
Right, but I just, I constantly am updating, upgrading our existing offerings. So I’ve had one offer. So imagine if you hire a sales guy and there’s only one thing for him to sell, how much easier is that gonna be for him? And then there is a debate to say that there should be. Which I think again, we talked about that recently.
I just think, you know, platinum gold, silver products, and there’s absolutely debate for that’s
we’re something, something that isn’t broken
So I wanna do so here’s, so you talk about standing, you know, things that I stand against and whatnot. I mean, just, this is love the guy. Can’t what is it? Why is what I’m call it? I’d probably. Making a meal of that, but like, he’s got this framework right. Where every business and their staff know what they do, they know how they do it, but do they know why they do it?
Right. So what is that? So they got what, how and why, and it’s, it’s not the why you do what you do. It’s not about earnings and it’s not about profit. It’s, you know, that’s not a why it’s about purpose. It’s about cause it’s about belief. It’s about why should anyone care? About the problem that we’re solving.
Why should anybody care about what it is that we get outta bed on a daily basis for it? And then if they do have it, which most of them don’t like, there’s say 90%, including the coaches listening, if they do, it’s like, is that communicated at a high level? Right. And then so basically cynic he teaches this reverse engineered process.
Of how in, what am I gonna inspired brands, inspiring brands, like organizations that like, if, OK, so if someone has a tattoo of the brand, we’ll call that an inspired brand. And if no one’s ever got a tattoo and no one’s ever gonna get a tattoo, then that would be a uninspired brand. Let’s call it. Right. So think Harley Davidson think Burton, snowboards definitely apple maybe Nike might fall into it.
Tony Robbins you know, people and brands. Like I’ve written, like these are the types of companies that I’ve written about. And again, don’t think that that’s right. Would also semi fall into that category mouse. So an example of right. And if they like everyone else, they’d say something like apple computers are the best.
They’re designed beautifully by the best of the best. They’re simple to use for even the most novice of computer users of any age. Do you want to buy one? Right? And that’s how most of us, and that’s how most companies are building and creating a marketing message. And a lot of business coaches are doing it.
A lot of business coaches are doing it with their clients, right? So if we were an accounting firm, we employ the best of the best that will save you tons OFS. We do all the work for you. Simplest, you know, simplest can be for even the most novice of business owners. Want us to do your taxes? Do you wanna buy from us?
Right. So not exactly inspiring. I would dare say. So think of a little bit of telling a story or the, the greatest speech of all time is Martin Luther king and it started with I have a dream, right? Didn’t start with, I have a step by step plan. It started with, I have a dream. He started with what he believes he painted a picture before he even got going with his you know, with his speech.
So how does apple do it? They. Then again, I’m gonna probably not quite nail this, but in a nutshell, everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently, we challenge the status quo by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use user friendly. We just happen to make the world’s best computers.
Do you. In a nutshell, they got to the same place. Do you want buy one? But they started with how they’re challenging the status quo and painting a picture, you know, like basically their dream. So they reversed, engineered the order of the message was starting with why. And that’s kind of Simon Sid’s whole stick is that, you know, you start with why and.
You know, and, and most again are like starting at a point, like, you know, is a main theme. How do you do it? How do your clients do it? The, the restaurant did, when you go to the local restaurant, they have a storyboard. What do you call it? Like a little tea frames. Delio that’s the wrong, but do they have something on the table that tells the story?
If I flip over the menu, does it tell the story of the owner, why they do what they do, why they choose sushi where they’re originally from, why they’re the best, et cetera. Does the, the chiropractor sit down before he takes x-rays and starts cracking your back? And does he tell you a story of why he does what he does and some of his higher living views and then things that he stands against?
And I think we all know that without your guidance, the answer is no. And the same with the landscaper. And then they’ll say, well, they don’t have time. They don’t wanna hear it. That is how you deepen a relationship times a hundred with your client. And that’s how you get what we refer to as price elasticity where basically someone’s charging a hundred, you could charge two 50 and still get it.
Somebody’s charging a thousand. You could charge 2,500 still get it. Somebody’s charging 5,000 and you could charge 10,000 and still get. You know, and that how apple is apple, they’re telling their story, you know, 100% of the time. Right. And, and again, as a framework, they’re kinda standing again. So I, I kind like that, you know, start with why, and then I can feel road somebody’s listening to this and go, it’s pretty high level concept.
Like how would I learn to do that? And like anything with the, you know, a penny doubled for 30 days, You know, becomes roughly 5 million, 10 million, whatever it is. You just gotta get a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. If you just work on this for 365 days, you know, consecutively, you’d be dangerous at 365 days.
Right. But it’s boring. It’s tough. It’s tedious. It’s not sexy. It’s not delusional. It’s not the four hour work week. It’s not the secret. It’s not, you know, when you know the lottery ticket kinda, you know, high ticket sales, instant success. So anyways, row dog that’s yeah, like. You know, obviously those concepts I stand against that I don’t stand against just to hear myself think it’s like, I just, you know, multiple streams of income.
I can show you a zillion examples, why it’s a really stupid idea, you know? So I, don’t not standing against it to hear myself talk, I’m standing against it for the protection of my clients. I’m doing it for the protection of the business coach, client relationship. You know what I mean? That’s so that’s my answer.
What do you.
[00:30:35] Christian: Well, it’s funny. You’re talking about like the, why, the story, all that. I, I still laugh. It’s like, there’s still people out there that are. Family run business. We’ve been in business 25. Like no one cares. like, you know what I mean? Like I saw, I saw an ad actually, this, this morning on that it’s like, we’ve been around since 1950.
So I’m like, I don’t, I really don’t care. You know? Like there comes a point where it just it’s like, yeah, I wanna know that you’re legit and, and you’ve been around. But then after a while it’s like, OK, well what, like, why, why else should I care? You know what? I. Yeah, so that that’s interest actually saw good.
It was actually an agency that put it out. They, that they made a good point of just saying when it comes to your story, it has never been easier to get your story out there. But the problem is, yeah, it’s the, it’s the same for everybody. So you’re, you gotta make sure that you stand out in that sea right now in that red ocean that we’re in.
Like, how can you differentiate yourself? Right. Like, and that’s no one. Why? Like, I, I know I’ve got my, my theory on it and that’s just, people are too scared and they’re of being, I guess, maybe not vulnerable. I don’t think that’s the right word, but just on, in terms of, they’re almost embarrassed, I think of why they do what they, right.
[00:31:56] Karl: Yeah. Rob, Doug ado gets hard. You know, and given the option between complex, let’s call it hard versus easy. They’ll go to easy, right? And to come up with your story and craft it in an interesting way, it’s much harder than it is to not do that. It’s just the truth. And that’s where they need the coach.
Like if given the option, your kids would go to bed without brushing their teeth, but they got dad there going, guess what? You’re brushing your bloody teeth. Right. And eventually what happens? It becomes second nature. Have their 30th birthday one, one day. And it’s not even a question and, and flossing and all the rest, same thing.
They come home. It’s easier to not do their homework than to do the homework. Cause it’s harder. Right. So again, but it’s the big rock. It’s the, you know, is that the best example? No, but no doubt. You get the idea, given the option to be hard and easy, you’d naturally go to easy and that’s you, me and everybody else.
That’s why you gotta have, you know, you gotta have a framework. You gotta have. You know, you gotta have some it’s discipline, but it’s, it’s significantly bigger than discipline. Right? Cause you gotta be working. I want be healthy. Right. That’s why you brush your that’s. Why vegetable. So
[00:33:06] Christian: you’re talking about sharing your story. How often do you think you should share.
[00:33:12] Karl: Apple does it every single day and pretty much every single ad you know, it’s, it should become, it becomes the, of the product. Like it’s like, have you ever seen a laptop? You ever notice you ever somebody take a sticker and put it over?
The people just don’t do that. Right. Like versus, you know, you got an HP computer, they they’ll put the sticker over top of it, Microsoft. It depended upon. There’s a lot of big Microsoft fans out there, but there’s also the exact opposite, but Microsoft, you know, gets covered up and then apple does not. So, you know what I mean?
That’s part of the story and, and by the way, the products are so beautifully engineered it’s. That’s part of the, you know what I mean? Like that it becomes fabric of the whole thing, you know, it’s, it’s the business coach, the way that they show up to the local networking group, you gotta show like you go to the networking group, go with the attitude that you’re gonna help people.
No matter what, no, if anybody pays you, anybody doesn’t pay you completely irrelevant to change the existence of the people in the. Right. The end. You, yeah. That’s you. And I like when we started this podcast, we sat down, drank a lot beer sitting down. What’s the plan. What what’s we just about at the, of the day, the standard, the benchmark was gonna be nothing short and, you know, advertising.
Interviewing other folks like have a look. You, you seen an ad, you don’t think get an email every single day asking if.
Yeah, that’s the end. So it’s not gonna happen. I dunno. So there, and that’s not to say that it’ll never happen by the way, but I, I can tell you it hasn’t happened yet. It’s not gonna happen for the foreseeable future, the end. So it’s, it’s just value. So I, and I don’t wanna, this isn’t about, you know, road, dog and me, this podcast.
This is about the business coach. Rolling up to the local networking group, the local, when you do your event, Like we always talk about educating road. Doug, if you guys are on the pre-show before this, he always starts it with, look we’re, we’re not here to try to be politically correct. Right. Like, so, and, and not that we’re total, you know, it’s not like we’re being ruthless either because frankly, I, I don’t know that that’s gonna add a lot of value.
What we’re, what we’re doing is we’re trying to be entertaining and we’re trying to be educational. Well, when, if I’m gonna do a speaking event at the local chamber, the standard is that if there’s. Two people, 20 people, 200 people, 2000 people standing in front of me. The standard is that I gonna elevate the level of consciousness of every single person in that room to the best of my ability, the end, the that’s, the goal.
And then the money comes and believe that if every business coach took that. First of all, they would initially do it row dog. And I don’t know that they would have the capacity to roll up and add value at every single group with the same people. But then guess what, if they set the standard to do that?
You know, then guess what I believe that would get, I’ll give you another example, like I’ve and.
I’m listening to something. So I got my phone up against my ear. I’m doing whatever, and I can see it in people’s body language and their, the way that they look. And they’re thinking, look at this idiot, right? He’s walking up and down the beach and he’s like, you know, can’t get away from his phone and he’s staring at his phone, but you see, they don’t know what I’m.
You know what I mean? Like I’ve got a bigger person, like a bigger purpose. I’m trying to educate myself because road, Doug and I are gonna do a podcast or I’ve got a live profit acceleration call on Tuesday. I’ve got a live pro I’m gonna be dropping a, you know, profit acceleration simulator on Thursday.
Well, I’m doing homework on that and what it, you know what I mean? You get me road. Like, I, I don’t care what they think. Because I have very clear and defined bigger picture for myself. So walking up and down that beach, I’m really, really okay. With staring at my phone because I’m not staring at my phone.
What I’m doing is I’m, you know, increasing and high, like leveling up my level of consciousness so that I can give it a higher level. If that makes. I dunno how that sounds, but I gotta tell you if I wanted to go to the same networking group at the same eight. Eight to 12 people on a weekly basis. And the standard was that I was gonna change their life, improve their life, increase their level of consciousness every single week.
When I showed up, I would have to educate myself on a weekly basis so that I could come up with a new metaphor, a new example, a new story a new really cool branding exercise, a new really cool way of looking at a financial statement, et cetera. I don’t know. So that, so the answer is you’re telling the story, you know, apple does it through literally their products and the way that they look and the way that they’re designed definitely they’re advertising.
But I, and I think that a business coach could do that too. What do you think? You, you, what do you think RO do?
[00:38:10] Christian: Yeah, I’m just trying, I’m just trying to place it right. Because it’s like, obviously, like, I, I get it. Like, I, I get the importance of like, your story is what separates you from everybody else?
So, I guess my question would be is like how, like, let’s say, cuz you talk about like you and I both, we love live events. Right. So the question is, do you put it right up front? Like, or, or how, how do you, how do you weave that into your presentation? Is there, would you put it right up front? Like just to build that, that credibility and everything else and, and I guess more like likability as well, the.
[00:38:41] Karl: Funny. I gotta tell you, I did a lot of live events and I didn’t even like, I, my story was the one thing that I didn’t wanna go over and what I do. So what, what I would do the way that I do at road and this isn’t gonna be for everybody. Cause you, you shouldn’t be shy with delivering your story, but like, let’s say that I get to numbers.
If I’m gonna do an. And you’re gonna come to it. And it’s two hours long with a million percent certainty. I’ll tell you that I’m gonna talk to you about numbers. And then what I’m gonna tell you is part of my story was that I got started a sales and marketing guy, and quite frankly, I did pretty well.
And then all of a sudden I got introduced to this really cool concept. Of financial statements, understanding undervalued assets and undervalued opportunities. So now, you know what I mean? And then I’m gonna delve into, so I got, I’ve gotten to know, I mean, I literally wrote a book account. Co-wrote a book of accounting, 1 0 1 for business coaches.
I can read a financial statement. I can explain a financial statement. I’ve sat with accountants with 30, 40 years of experience who have said to me, wow, you really explain that? In a unique, different, easy to understand way that I wish somebody would’ve, you know, explained it to me in the past. Right. So that’s what they’ve said.
So then I go into, okay, now let’s have a look at X, Y, Z, and then part of that road would maybe explaining that percentages are a hack. Some massive wealth and the profit acceleration for a business. What do I mean by that? Two to 3% you get a landing page. You’re driving traffic. You have 2% and then you increase it to 3%.
The naked eye looks at that and goes a 1% improvement. I don’t know. That’s not very exciting. Well, I’m gonna show you, that’s a, when you understand how to read numbers and you understand percentages, that’s a 50% improvement and that’s absolutely, we’re spending a whole lot of time, energy and killing some brain cells on if a client’s got 20% margins and we increase them to 30%.
The naked eye looks at that and goes, he that’s 10% improvement. I dunno. It’s okay. Not bad. They made a hundred grand last year. So 10% would be a 10. It’s good, but it’s not great. Would that those brain cells be bettered in another undertaking focus elsewhere. Will. You guys, if you’ve listened to anything I say, you know what I’m about to say 20 to 30 is not 10 it’s 50.
So if they, they profited a hundred thousand dollars last year without hiring a salesperson driving traffic, learning how to use Facebook doing high ticket sales, you know, hiring a sales team, managing a sales team, outsourcing X, Y, Z to India or whatever. They’re now making an extra $50,000 just by going to their profit and statement and doing it an intelligent way.
So part of my presentation, part of the way I I’m littering my story throughout, and frankly, personally, that’s the way that I like to do it. I also believe that humility is a superpower. So what I try to do is per like I try to deliver in a confident way, but with humil. Cuz I believe that I just believe that humility is a superpower.
So again, as part of my, like, I can’t believe I got as far as I did by not understanding how to read a financial statement. And you know, when I was reading the secret and high ticket sales, rich dad, poor ad type books, Now I read letters to shareholders as more of my foundation. And I can’t begin to tell you, you know, the, the difference that it’s made for me.
Right. Anyway, that’s the way you’re,
[00:42:10] Christian: you’re, you’re staying humble. I, I get it’s like you walking up to a podium, like you gotta stand on a little stool, you every
time, right? Like that’s humbling.
[00:42:21] Karl: Geez. One, one thing I
[00:42:24] Christian: will say, and then we gotta wrap, but when you talk, it’s no different than what I’m, when I’m running ads, people don’t even know what they’re looking for. You know what I mean? It’s just like, you don’t even know the metrics and the KPIs that you need to be following.
They think I just need to get an ad going like, okay, there’s, there’s your image, your headline, your copy. Yeah, super important, absolutely. Where it’s being directed to. But then how do you know, how do you measure what’s actually working and I, and, and that’s, that’s the same business
[00:43:00] Karl: knowing your numbers.
Can I expand on that? You tell me if I’m right. So what, what they do is they hire you and they’re looking for a savior and then the way that you, and you’re always gonna get those types of guys, right. Business owners. So the way that you close the gap is that
[00:43:23] Christian: educate. Yeah, we’re doing this a client right now. It’s like, they’ve got it’s like three grand a day of ad spend. It’s just like they they’re. So. They want a very specific result and it’s like, yeah. Okay. Well, here’s, here’s what the stats are telling us. And, and here’s what the numbers are telling us.
So there’s certain things where it’s like, look, you know, and again, we’re looking at trends, we’re looking at everything. It’s like, well, your weekend numbers are always lower than your weekday numbers. Like, it’s just, they, they, cuz they don’t know, they don’t know what they’re looking for. And then it’s all the little tweaks like this morning we made a tweak for a.
Switching off and I hate to dump on ClickFunnels, but you, you switch off of that and onto another software. And guess what? As you know, if you go to a landing page, if it takes you more than three seconds to load you lose 20. I think it’s 20% every second thereafter. Well, you switch another software that loads under three seconds.
Whereas the click funnels for fully load with 17. Are you kidding me? 17 seconds, bro. Like it’s yeah.
[00:44:23] Karl: See you later.
[00:44:25] Christian: But, but who’s tracking that who’s doing those tests. So who’s looking at their financials. Who’s pointing out, you know, as, as you always say, the big red arrow you are here, like, look here, this is where you need to look.
And, and no one’s doing that for them because they’re too busy, wearing too many hats, doing too many things inside of their business. And the problem is they probably still have a lot of beliefs that they’re operating under that are completely wrong. And, but anyways, that that’s a whole nother. That’s a whole nother thing.
It’s, it’s sort of like just to kind of circle the whole thing back, you get into business because you have a strong, why you start going into the business and you get lost in the business and you forget your why, and then you wonder why you stop succeeding.
So like, it’s just, it’s so funny. It’s it’s. Financial services, you get into it because you wanna help people retire for their or plan for their retirements and have, you know, whatever better, better plans, all this stuff. Well, what they didn’t tell you is you’re gonna spend most of your time prospecting and and recruiting.
It’s like, well, wait a second. What? And you don’t know what you’re doing. And then it’s like, oh, and then that becomes the big problem. So anyway, so. There you go, shit. You wanna close us out? Is that the big thing that, that people should be incorporating from today’s podcast? Do you think?
[00:45:47] Karl: What’s the big thing.
Look, I like, you know, again, some people see the line and some people see the water. And, you know what I mean, making sure that you’re not surrounding yourself with people that are looking at the line. And then of course you, and you might be the kind of person that’s looking at the line and not the water.
So you’re like, oh, don’t beat yourself up. You do every day, get a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. And again, 365 days. You don’t recognize yourself again, championship baseball teams are built on singles. Home runs make sports. You know, the east ESPN highlight reel, the singles do not, but the singles and the, you know, the base stealing running of the basis in an intelligent way.
And then defense, defense defense are also complimented in there, but it’s, it’s not home runs, win championships. The it’s championship teams are right. Somebody 92 93. That there you go. I think it was 93. I was, I was in Australia laying on a couch at, I dunno, what time of the morning? Anyway. I was like, oh my God.
But anyway, so there, so you know what I mean? Like that, yes, that won the world series for the Toronto blue Jays, but that that’s not the, the guys on base or the, you know, the, the singles before that, that got him the two, three runs or whatever the heck score was. So anyway, singles win championships, small little wins, small little wins, so that You know, that’s it Manny you concentrating on the line or the water concentrate on the water and getting in clever ways to get there a little bit quicker each day, each day.
So there you go. Shoot. So it’s my final thing.
[00:47:37] Christian: All right. Well, there you go, folks. Only one Tom Brady reference, and that was by me
across the board.
Anyways, you go. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of business coaching secrets with the king of the Caribbean king Karl. And if you’re not on the inside and getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Karl’s daily emails, or just wanna learn more information about, say the group coaching software or some of the other stuff that Karl was talking about today, go to focus.com and subscribe today.
And as always, if you enjoyed the podcast, please share with the fellow coach or someone that you think might make a great coach. And of course, as always, we’d appreciate if you’d rate this episode, as we know that all the streaming services really heavily favor the reviews. So if you like what you heard.
Please leave us a positive review. That is it for another week folks, we will see the next episode and remember progress equals happiness. Take care, everybody.
[00:48:45] Karl: Karl Bryan built profit acceleration software. 2.0 to train business coaches, how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an. Dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never, again, have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees. Check us out@focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.