Amongst The Hysteria Of The Current GLOBAL Pandemic By Glenis Gassmann

Amongst the hysteria of the current GLOBAL pandemic, I thought you’d appreciate some REAL hard-hitting, no fuss, solid, actionable advice to help you & your Business to THRIVE in these seemingly uncertain times.
I’ve had word from many of my colleagues, a team of business Coaches right across Australia, that Business Owners are living in panic, fear of the unknown, not taking actions in line with minimizing any impact this global event we are in the middle of would have on their business.
Just this morning, I woke to an email from a colleague saying small businesses in his area are in FEAR, STANDSTILL MODE. They are concerned about their business and how COVID-19 is going to impact them.
I have lived through Mad Cow Disease, the Millennium Bug, GST confusion, SARS, GFC meltdown & Swine Flu, and even I must admit to feeling a bit anxious in the last month.
I found myself fixated, waiting for the next round of news, how many people have contacted the virus, deaths, quarantines, countries in lockdown, etc… Exciting stuff… I felt like I was reliving my own annus horribilus 2012 OR the Day After Tomorrow.
The media sensationalizes everything real for us to prick up our ears with their message, ” Latest breaking news” and show us videos of people fighting in the supermarket over LOO paper, etc… REALLY for real!
They’ve sucked us into their spin.
Have you noticed that WE ARE LISTENING and WATCHING with bated breath and how every conversation seems to have a reference to COVID-19 and the impending devastation!
Then I got REAL. I took charge and have been talking to as many Small Business Owners as I can, spreading this message.
DON’T Panic.
Buying toilet paper, rice, pasta, and Tuna …. is not going to help your business.
This will!!
Stop listening to the sensationalism and get to the REAL facts.
Do The Research And Then Decide How That May Impact Your Business
This is what the real facts it looks like for me …
- We have a virus spreading around the world
- It has the potential to kill people with low immune systems
- We need to be vigilant and responsible around NOT spreading the virus
- We need to keep track of what is happening in our area of the world AND
- We may have to make some NEW and Different choices in your life and business and work out how …
- We can innovate our business UNTIL this has passed
Be sure “THIS will pass” like the Y2K, GST confusion, GFC. It is all about how are YOU and YOUR business are going to RIDE the storm. Will you play the victim or will you take responsibility and innovate your business to meet the changing markets and conditions?
Let me share my TIPS for Business Owners on how to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and THRIVE in unstable times.
These tips were implemented when the GFC hit Australia.
I was Coaching Small Business Owners.
Together, we brainstormed how each business would thrive and put that into action. Those business owners minimized the impact of the GFC on their business and thrived.
These tips are tested and proven.
Here they are:
1. Make it your business to know the facts of what’s happening in your area of business, sift out the sensationalism and take control of what you can control, understand how this may impact your business with customer traffic and buying habits to ensure you have created a safe environment to continue having customers visit.
2. Ensure you have addressed and have clear communication (written/verbal/ both) on what you are doing to avoid the spread of this virus within your business, therefore making it a safe environment to be in for yourself, staff, customers, etc. This could look like advising of new procedures you are now implementing. (I was at a seminar last night, and the chairs that are typically placed 20cms apart in the line were now 50cms apart, and the microphone was wiped down after each person used it ….we were given instructions to leave if we felt unwell, avoid handshaking, wash your hands regularly throughout the day… amongst other things. That was an environment that I felt safe in, and people there were being responsible for the impact of this not spreading unnecessarily.)
3. Review all your marketing materials in line with what your target audience wants from you. Review this monthly for the next six months, brainstorm and understand your market and their problems and provide a solution to that. Is the Covid-19 going to impact your target audience? In what way? By how much? What can you put in place to minimize this for your business? What new offer can you promote? How can you INNOVATE your business so that you come out ahead of the game when it passes?
4. DO NOT stop your Marketing activity – This will hurt your business. You may need to tweak, realign given the current market conditions, change your message, change your offer, change your market, diversify… BUT DONT STOP … Stopping or Standing still will have you be in survival mode or even extinction. You can have your target audience pick up your marketing message without all the white noise around you, even with this global event happening. There are people still living and need what you sell… what is your offer and how are you getting that message to them in an innovative way?
5. BE PREPARED AND DO NOT PANIC. No stockpiling… the panic madness of the piling of toilet paper was crazy and not required. This is a real CASHFLOW wastage … high stock is not recommended unless you have usage for it in the short term or saving money by purchasing for the long term. If you are wondering what areas you should be investing in right now…. look at “Leadership Development and Team Training” create a space for creativity to flow and Innovation to turn up and STRATEGIC marketing. Doing the work on your target market problems and providing a solution for that is key to getting a much higher ROI on your marketing budget. Spend the time to do this as this global event will go away just like the ones before it, being prepared, taking the actions and constantly revisiting the plan in line with new real information is what 95% of thriving businesses do when there is an overriding event that is changing on a daily basis and out of our control.
You CAN THRIVE in BUSINESS, not just Survive in troubled times…
Bottom Line question … Are you going to shrink and contract or meet it Head on and be prepared to Thrive?
It’s your choice.
For more information on how to thrive in these times, – here is a link to ASK me any question you have around your business concerns
To your business success
Glenis Gassmann
PS I have been in business for over 30 years, servicing the SMALL Business Community, ranging from IT automation, Accounting business solutions, and now working with business owners who are struggling to grow and scaling their business so they can fund lifestyle now and for the rest of their life.
PPS Drop me a line if you know someone who you believe has a captivating personality and would be capable of leading workshops for small business owners. This opportunity has mid-six-figure income potential. They must be a team player as they will be working closely with our team of professional business coaches to reduce the business failure rate worldwide.