Ted Ciuba
Ted Ciuba, known as America’s foremost internet marketing consultant, made his first money online in 1994 and went on to form World Internet Summit, the largest and the longest running entrepreneurial internet marketing training organization in the world.
He knows from the trenches of his own business and of thousands of clients worldwide what’s working at this moment and what’s not. He works with coaches, consultants, speakers and authors to set up online lead generation and closing systems so you make an impact with your message, product or service; get more qualified eager leads; close more high-paying clients; amplify your cash flows and increase profitability; reduce your workload; and build a scalable, sellable business in a predictable down-to-the-dollar-and-day way so you enjoy the freedom, security, and lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
You can contact Ted Ciuba via the contact form at QuantumUp.com
Articles by Ted Ciuba

Claim And Unleash The Mysterious Charisma Master Closers Possess with Ted Ciuba
Master Closers routinely closes 4 – 5 times what the average sales person closes.
Have you ever wondered how you could acquire that mysterious charisma master closers possess for yourself?