Case Study “Forgiveness” Coach with Adrian Ulsh
His client wanted to create a video for their website’s homepage that would be able to show… in just a few minutes… that their product really was top of the line. I explained to him that prospects buy results, and he would have to be able to demonstrate… to the prospects complete satisfaction… that this product could really deliver what they were claiming.
I mention this because many of you have this exact same problem. How can you convince your prospects that we can actually deliver on the claims we make… whether it’s finding any business $10k in 30 days… or that we can help them generate all the clients their business can handle… without spending a dime on marketing or advertising.
The key is to make this type of a bold, brazen promise… and then prove to them you can deliver on that promise… and do it in a short enough time frame that they will gladly give you that time to prove yourself to them. Let me give you a real-life example from my own coaching background.
I had a client in California who called herself a Forgiveness Coach. She went by Dr. Debbi, and she specialized in helping women that had suffered a devastating loss… like the life of their child or spouse… to regain their identity and self-esteem. Many of these women were unjustly blaming themselves for what had taken place, and many of them were on the verge of a mental breakdown… even suicidal.
So here’s the way we helped Dr. Debbi prove… beyond any reasonable doubt to these despondent women… that she could help them turn their negative situation into a positive experience. Here’s the script I wrote for her to record and post on her website. This is the script that helped Dr. Debbi generate all the leads her practice could handle. I’m going to read her script word for word…
“The story I’m about to tell you may be very disturbing for you, but I want you to listen to it very carefully and put yourself into the same position as the woman I’m about to tell you about.”
Recently, a young mother in New Jersey had her first child… a beautiful healthy little boy. She had taken 90 days of maternity leave from her job, and spent every waking moment with her child as they deeply bonded during her 3-month work hiatus.
She was so dedicated to this child that she even enrolled in newborn parenting classes, where one day the subject of SIDS… Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was brought up by one of the moms attending the class. Just the mention of SIDS made our mom so uncomfortable and disturbed, she immediately changed the topic… avoiding the subject completely.
When the time came for her to return to work, she enlisted another young mother as the perfect babysitter for her own precious newborn. She naturally assumed that since her babysitter was herself the mother of a newborn, that she would know you never put a baby to bed on their stomach.
Unfortunately, the babysitter didn’t know. Her first week back on the job, our young mom received a frantic call from her babysitter screaming that her precious baby boy wasn’t breathing. The mom called 911 and rushed to the hospital… where the baby was pronounced dead… another victim of the mysterious SIDS syndrome.
Let me stop for a moment and ask you a question. I asked you to put yourself in the position of this young mother who has just lost her child to SIDS. How do you feel right now? Devastated, nauseated, remorseful, sorrow, are you crying?
Well as you can imagine, this mom was feeling all of these wrenching emotions and more. After the burial, she went into deep depression. She stopped going to work. Never left her home. Stopped calling and going out with friends. Quit attending family functions. In short, she gave up on life. She didn’t see any reason for her own life to continue, and she seriously contemplated suicide.
On the day she had planned to take her own life, she sat on her couch to decide the best way to do it. That was the turning point for her. She brazenly asked herself the most important question of her own young life. Is this what my son would want me to do? Or would he want me to use his death as a catalyst so that no other mother has to endure what I’m going through right now?
She made her decision right then and there… her son was NOT going to die for nothing. He had been sent to her for a purpose… and even though his life was only meant to be 4 months long, it was to achieve one of the greatest goals for mankind… to save the lives of others.
Our young mom asked herself a question. What could I possibly do that would save the lives of other newborn infants from the devastating ravages of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. After several days of deep thought, she hit upon the perfect solution.
She took out one of her son’s sleepers, and on the front, embroidered just three little words on it… THIS SIDE UP! Today, more than 3 million of those sleepers have been sold worldwide, and the countless numbers of lives she has saved has been estimated well into the thousands.
In a recent interview, she admitted the devastation she had felt and her near-term brush with suicide. She simply felt she could no longer go on living a productive and happy life, and would rather die than live that way. It took her own act of courage to face up to her own sorrow and grief, recognize it for what it was, and find a way to turn her devastating loss into an opportunity to enhance the lives of others.
She now admits she feels tremendous peace within herself… both in her heart and her mind. She now realizes her child’s life had a purpose, and she is proud of her son for helping her discover her own true calling. She has made total peace with her situation… a situation that could have ended her life… not to mention the lives of the thousands of newborns she is credited with saving.
My name is Dr. Debbie. I’m a “Forgiveness Coach.” The story you just heard is what I do. I help people just like you… people who have had something happen in their life that has created a void, a loss, a situation that you are finding it difficult… or perhaps impossible to live with… to confront your situation head-on… and with my help, together we will turn your situation into the opportunity of a lifetime. I will help you find the peace of mind your searching for and so richly deserve.
You deserve to be happy… to be fulfilled… to know that your life and actions make a huge difference in this world. My job is to guide you on your journey to fulfillment. I want to personally encourage you to take action right now. Don’t put this off… you’re far too important to me to do that. Let’s me help you get started right now to restore peace in your life… and let me do it for free.
I want to send you two powerful tools you can use immediately to relieve the pain and anguish you may be feeling. Whatever emotions you’re presently experiencing, these tools will instantly help you feel better. Just complete the form on this page so I know the right tools to send you.
How many of you right now are ready to sign up with Dr. Debbi?
The key here was she created emotion through her storytelling – and did it in such a way that her target prospect could instantly relate to it. These are women who have suffered a similar devastating loss, and they’re desperate to regain their self-respect and self-esteem. They want to make a difference and to use their loss or negative situation and turn it into a positive result.
The story she told did exactly that for the mother she was using in her example. The other women listening to this could easily relate to the situation… and they too want to end up with this same result… so they started contacting Dr. Debbi in droves.
Remember, prospects buy results.
You MUST be able to demonstrate to your prospects complete satisfaction that your product or service can really deliver what you claim… and do so quickly and convincingly.

About Adrian Ulsh
Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.