8 Strategies that are Simple and Work with Adrian Ulsh
In my series of articles in this magazine I’ve been discussing strategic marketing and its importance in helping coaches as well as small business owners to generate more leads and close more sales.
Previously, I explained how any coach can build a 7 figure coaching business if they focus on selling products and stop selling services.
In an earlier article, I outlined 8 simple strategies that coaches can use to easily find more than $100,000 in less than 45 minutes for ANY small business no matter what they do or what industry they’re in.
Finding prospects this large amount of money quickly and effortlessly obviously makes it fairly easy to sign up prospective coaching clients.
But what’s even better about these 8 strategies is they actually work… and produce extremely lucrative results for the businesses that implement them.
Since these strategies come from the coach, and are then implemented with the coach’s help, guidance and expertise, the coach can negotiate with the client so they receive a portion of the additional profit they produce for the business.
Our coaches typically negotiate a monthly retainer with their coaching clients of at least $997 per month on a 12 month agreement… and then they negotiate a 20% profit contingency that entitles them to collect 20% of ALL additional profit they help EACH of their clients earn over the term of the agreement.
The 8 strategies we teach them to implement have a track record of producing approximately $500,000 in additional revenue every year.
So do the math… if you’re coaching a business with a 50% profit margin, and that business generates an additional half million dollars in additional revenue in the first year alone, you receive $50,000 of that additional profit… PLUS your $997 monthly retainer which is an additional $12,000 over the full year.
That’s $62,000 in one year… for ONE client… and for working with them a grand total of 3 hours per MONTH!
Those 8 strategies are basically a PRODUCT you implement with every business you coach. You simply repeat the exact same strategies with every business you work with, year after year.
Now you’re on your way to seven figures, and this is just one methodology coaches can use to build a million dollar plus coaching company.
But here’s something else I love about having those 8 strategies for a coach to use to easily find more than $100,000 in additional revenue in less than 45 minutes.
That bold claim becomes the coach’s market-dominating position. However, this can also double as the coach’s USP (aka Unique Selling Proposition)!
Do you know any other coach willing to make that type of claim? That claim is market- dominating because its hot button based.
Please remember there is a HUGE difference between a USP and a market-dominating position. A dentist may be the ONLY dentist in their area that treats periodontal disease in patients – so yes, that does indeed make them unique.
But it won’t help that dentist attract more patients because no one thinks they will get periodontal disease until they do. A market-dominating position MUST be based on the ideal client’s “hot buttons” which are the problems, fears, frustrations or concerns they face when buying a specific product or service.
Like the dentist, you can be unique WITHOUT being market-dominating.
However, if a coach is capable of finding more than 6 figures in less than 45 minutes, that’s BOTH unique and market-dominating.
I encourage you to give this a LOT of thought regarding YOUR own coaching practice.
When you can become both market-dominating AND unique, you will have one of the most powerful messages in the coaching space.
And if you want to learn our 8 strategies for finding north of $100k for ANY small business, contact me and we’ll make that happen.
So until next time,
Adrian Ulsh

About Adrian Ulsh
Adrian Ulsh is the CEO for Leader Publishing Worldwide, the largest online provider of coaching services worldwide. Adrian currently works with more than 500 coaches in 24 countries advising them on building 6 and 7 figure coaching practices.