BCS: 169 | Automation + Building a 7 Figure Coaching Business

Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan
BCS 169: In this episode, Karl answers questions about:
– Automation to maximum efficiency
– What it takes to build a 7 figure coaching business
And more…
Karl Bryan helps business coaches get clients. Period.
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SFC 169
[00:00:00] Karl: Welcome to Business Coaching Secrets with Karl Bryan. If you wanna attract new high end coaching clients, fill live events and build a wildly profitable coaching practice where business owners pay, stay, and refer, you’ve come to the right place. In this podcast, Karl provides his keys to the kingdom for finding and signing.
High paying clients and building the coaching business of your dreams. Here we go.
[00:00:38] Christian: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, coaches around the world. Welcome to another episode of Business Coaching Secrets. It’s your boy the Road Dog here with none other than the man, the myth, the four and a half foot legend, number 22 in your program.
But as he likes to say, number one in your. You, Dr. Karl Bryan welcome.
[00:00:59] Karl: Not a doctor. How are you buddy? What’s going on? You are straight back from none other than one. Las Vegas. Indeed acquiring minds. Want to know, did they lose your luggage and did you make it home? , there you go.
[00:01:14] Christian: I did make it home. Every single flight was delayed and yes, I did not see my luggage after I checked it in to go to Vegas yet to be found.
So absolutely amazing how it’s probably sitting in Calgary somewhere. I. I don’t know, dude, I’m beyond words with, with how this is all happening. I, yeah. Anyways,
[00:01:35] Karl: there you go. The world is broken shoots. Nobody wants to work those airport security. I was going through whatever you call it, security and whatnot, and it was just like, like there’s no staff.
Like it was not gonna happen anytime quickly had a connecting flight. Everybody, you know, behind MES moaning, everybody in front of mes moaning. I’m probably doing a bit of moaning and it’s just, Let it go cause there’s no one there working. So it’s not the person to person to moan at is the poor bugger that’s there working at at night.
[00:02:11] Christian: it’s hit over the head like a shovel yesterday of if help your clients in some form of automation, right? Because they, I, I just think that this labor shortage and, and, and everything else, I, I don’t, I don’t think it’s going away overnight and I kind of feel we’re in for a couple of years of horrific customer service, no matter where you go and what you do.
Yeah. But do you think helping your clients automate and becoming more efficient, like that’s gotta be a thing though.
[00:02:44] Karl: Well, For sure, for sure. But I’ll tell you also, but just retaining staff, right? Like, you know, like my company, and I don’t wanna, like, you know, we don’t have a problem with staff in any way, shape, or form.
But again, you know, like there’s four things that motivate people, rank recognition, prizes, money. We’ve talked about this on different podcasts in the past, right? So automation without doubt, you know, it’s like robots are coming, artificial intelligence is coming. You know, drivers list, cars are coming.
So without doubt automation is, it’s, it’s coming anyways, right? Without the great re resignation. But I do think that in a more realistic and small business centric way, I would be going and helping clients, you know, recruit that staff, but then also. Like, what, what does show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcomes.
That’s Charlie Munger. You know, you, you gotta really incentivize your staff. You gotta keep them around. You know, I got, you know, o always worked for me for 10 years. Chrisling, it’s eight or nine years. Craig Mcle with my CTO for say 13, 14 years. And I’m not, but you know, at the end of the day, you gotta work really, really, really, really hard to make sure.
Staff are feeling a part of, you know, the company, the culture you’re building a bit of a, you know, a community within a community, right? With your staff. And if you’re like listening to this and then going, Okay, yeah, that’s a good idea, not make sense, how do I do it? Four things to motivate people rank or four ways to motivate staff.
Rank recognition, prizes, money. When I say prizes, think competition by the way. But money is forced by design, not by accident. And of course it’s important, but people don’t stay for money. People stay for, you know, culture and a purpose and feeling like you’re, you know, they’re working towards something and learning and having fun.
Anyway, so without getting all, But that’s, you know what I mean? Like that’s where we gotta really focus. I think small businesses that they got an automation for sure. Road dog, you know, things like crm, as an example come to mind. Obvious. The business, the chiropractor is doing it horrifically, the dentist is doing it horrifically.
So helping them with those types of things. Absolutely. So that’s, yeah,
[00:04:59] Christian: for me it’s just thinking of just in general, right? You know, like right now that’s obviously gotta be top of mind for, for anybody in a business, right? Is just how do I, how do I get staff, how to retain staff, how to, and it’s just, if you can go in, I think, as a business coach right now and, and be like, Look, I can help you with those two things and I can help you become more efficient with what you have already.
I just think that that’s gonna be a lights out conversation for, for any coach going in right now because you know what? People will only tolerate poor service for so long. Because people are fickle man. And I know I am, like right now with We Jet, they’re, they’re not on a pleasant list for me. I will likely not use them again for a long, long time, just.
Like yesterday I got home. I, I had to wait an hour before a single employee made back to the non-security side of the airport so I can actually speak to somebody like it. It’s absolutely horrific. And and an organization as large as that, and this is me being fickle and perhaps, you know, jaded and bitter, but when you have a company that that’s, that’s that big, Yeah.
You should have been on top of this like, The fact that they couldn’t see that coming. And yet, Air Canada has staffed everywhere right now. I’m sorry, what? Air Canada is supposed to be the bad guy, right? Like West Street was supposed to be the fun underdog and all of a sudden what’s happening? Like, how’d that role reversal happen?
It was crazy. Like, anyways, there you go, dude. Yeah. Enough about, I I think you can sense my bitterness just a little too much there, but there you go. Shoots. Anyways, do you wanna dive into this because no one cares about my if anyone see my luggage, by the way, sees my, shoot me that Fantastic
[00:06:46] Karl: Purple flowers, folks.
[00:06:48] Christian: So if you see it, Yeah. Well, I, thanks for letting me your, your suitcase , You fantastic. So anyways on that note boy oh boy, we could take this a million different directions, but I’m gonna go ahead and leave it there. Question I was gonna ask on the last show, we didn’t have time and it’s interesting to me because the question is, was it take to build a seven figure coaching business?
And the reason I say it’s interesting is, That’s a kind of a rare question because most people, Carl wouldn’t, they, wouldn’t you agree? Like typically it was like, I just don’t wanna make a hundred grand. Yeah. So I think this person’s obviously elevated thinking, so bravo, Right? You know, high five to you.
But yeah, so I think it’s a fantastic question. I want to bring it to you because we don’t really get that as much as I think we should. So let’s, let’s kick that off. What does it take to build a seven figure
[00:07:37] Karl: coaching business? There you go. I, and I agree with that by the way. I think we actually said again recently, but it, you know, it’s not the size of your brain, it’s the size of your thinking that, you know what I mean?
If you put me in a 7, 8, 9 figure room, it’s just some people are thinking bigger than that. That’s the difference. And of course there are some very you know, tactical. Like, you know, step by step, you know what I mean? You don’t just want to build a nine figure business and then magically do it. That would be stupid to say, but the level of thinking’s gotta be there.
So, So two things. One, belief, right? The, obviously you need the belief that you can do it, but here’s the thing, like, belief is not binary, right? Like, it’s not a yes no, it’s not this or that. It’s. You know, how much do you believe? Right? Like it like, oh yeah, I can only get the seven figures, but you can almost hear the language and the tonality that this person is kind of dreaming.
You know what I mean? Like at what level do you believe, Like is this something like, And then if I look at your habits and I look at more to the point your sacrifices, like someone’s like, Oh, I’m just not a morning person. Yeah. Okay. In order to build a seven figure business coaching company you know, from, and I’ll assume, remember you’re the plane, right?
Good metaphor here for our va, you know, the road Dog’s Vegas trip, like the, the plane was on the ground and in order to get it up, Takes an enormous amount of effort and fuel and whatever, right? But once it’s up in the air, you know, anybody could, you know, for the most part, could fly it. Maybe not just anybody, but you know what I mean?
Like, so, so where plane is down, so like to what level do you believe, Well, you’re gonna have to sacrifice, right? So you might have to wake up at 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM. Depend upon your temperature, right? And like you know, for a period of time, not forever, right? But you gotta get that plane up to 10,000 feet so that it can be flown easily.
So anyway, so the level, it’s not just, do you believe you can hit seven figures? Cuz that’s too painfully obvious. It’s at what level? And then if you wanna know what level, If I look at your level of sacrifice, that’s. Give me a good idea as to whether or not you’re gonna get there. Right. The other thing, if you wanna hit seven figures, there’s, I always train, there’s three baskets to building a coaching company.
There’s lead gen, there’s conversion, and then there’s fulfillment. And most people without an enormous amount of experience, always think lead gen. They think building a seven figure coaching company would be about lead gen. And I can tell you that by a million miles. That’s the one that you can systematize.
That’s the, that’s not the hard one. The, the, the reason you won’t hit seven figures after hitting six is that you’ll get caught up in basket number three, which is fulfillment. That’s what takes you all the time, right? So if you kinda, it’s like if you lead gen, think time conversion, think expertise, and then fulfillment.
That, that’s, Sorry, that’s the time one, right? Like the fulfillment takes all the time, which is what takes you away. So you can’t do one and two, right? So bottom line you know, thinking of those three baskets, you’re gonna have to have a plan and then the way you do it, like group coach, we built group coaching software for that exact reason.
We’ve got lots of really successful coaches. They hit six figures. They hit multiple six figures. And the automatic, the automatic question, the automatic. You know? Yeah. You know, when we speak to them, it’s like, how am I gonna get this thing to seven figures? I’m maxed. And I, I don’t see a way clear, like, they see this, what I refer to as a glass ceiling.
A glass ceiling is one that you can see through but can’t get through, Right? So, so group coaching is a way to go from, you know, six to seven figures. And again, that bowls into basket number. So, so anyway, so to accomplish seven figures, you know, you’d basically fall into what I’d probably call the 2% coaching club.
And there’s a reason that 98% aren’t welcome or don’t make it. And that’s again, the level of sacrifice, right? Like the truth is you’re probably not ready. So, accepting that, accepting that is reality is probably gonna a good thing, right? So, you know, growth is gonna be required. And again, growth looking a lot like sacrifice.
Like are you willing to wake up at 5:00 AM every single morning? And then are you able to wake up at 5:00 AM without an alarm clock? Right? Because again, it’s now, it’s not the alarm clock that’s waking you up if you’re gonna hit seven figures and then continue to grow, you know, it’s kind of that push pull thing.
Road dog, right? Like you’re pulling you know, if you’re pushing on a rope, how successful is that? You wanna be pulling on a rope, right? Like, in other words, you wake up at 5:00 AM you. Automatically, You know what I mean? But I, I so rode Doug. I had a seven steps to seven figures is something again that I, you know, have gone over, you know, many, many times in the past.
And it’s just real simple. If I were to break those down one is mindset. You gotta create the mindset that you’re worthy of seven figures. But like I said earlier, it’s belief. But on what level do you believe. Right. Gotta go really, really deep. And then have you believed that for 10 minutes or have you believed that for a year?
Have you believed that for 10 years? You know what I mean? Like, and hopefully 10 years is probably too long, but, you know, two weeks probably isn’t long enough. Where, you know, you really gotta build up that, that intestinal fortitude, that inner strength actually become worth seven figures. Okay. So that’s like, You know, based on the value in between your ears, are you really there?
That’s again, where, you know, belief not being binary. When somebody tells me they wanna make seven figures, but I can often hear like, in their voice and the tonality and the, you know, the, the volume of the way they say it. You know what I mean? And compared to, you know, the voice infliction compared to the way they say other stuff.
You know, like they really feel like they’re there. They have a roadmap, again, like a plan rather than a goal. A goal is look is great. That’ll get you there. That’ll, that’ll get you started. Sorry. Right. But if you can’t, if you tell me you wanna make seven figures, and then I often say this, right? Like, I’ll go play dumb and like, Hey, what is that?
Per month? I can’t remember. Right. And again, they very seldom have an answer. And it’s 83,000 300 3800. $83,333 a month. Right. If they haven’t taken the time to, you know, acknowledge that and then reverse engineer what that would look like, and how many clients that would be at their current run rate, not quite ready.
Right. Like that binary, you know, they’re, they’re probably not, you know, really the level of belief is probably not you know, they’re the, to the level that it needs to like, you gotta, like what’s the It’s like, so I’m thinking of Grant Cardone. He says that There’s a phone call me, get that road done.
Enough people, What does he say? Like his competition is obscurity. And again, you might love Grant Cardone and you might hate card Grant Cardone. Completely irrelevant, right? The guy’s a billionaire. Probably doing something right. Probably doing some things wrong. And that’s a, that’s is what it is, right?
So are we, so am I. So it was road dog, no doubt, right? But Grant Cardone says that his competition is obscurity. It’s like someone who doesn’t know who they are. So like, having enough people know that you exist, you know, it’s like, what’s that saying in marketing? It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
And that’s no, that’s categorically incorrect. It’s who knows? You. Right. So again, they say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that is not true. Or certainly again, maybe in a non-binary way, it’s not at the level what’s a million times more important in my opinion. And feel free to disagree, but you wanna hit seven figures.
I encourage you to think this. Who knows you, You know, who knows your dentist, who knows your landscaping client, who knows? Chiropractic client who knows your personal training client we were talking about in the, the pre-show, right? So anyway, so that’s it’s number four. You know, you need to be worthy by, based on work ethic.
Very, very, So there’s value and then there’s work ethic. Okay, Two different things. I guess maybe this falls into the you know, sacrifice and, you know, are you waking up at 5:00 AM and then at what level? If you wake up at 5:00 AM and it’s like, Oh my gosh, and you need to have six cups of coffee and you got toothpicks in your eyes.
Probably a pretty good chance at tomorrow or next week, you’re, you’re not doing it. So again, you know, are you looking after your body? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping well? Are you looking at things like weighted blankets and like, you know, actually, you know, working out how you can get a better night’s sleep so when you wake up at 5:00 AM you’re actually ready to rock and roll.
Right? You don’t need that. Coffee’s great, but the problem is I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life, by the way, but, you know, multiple cups of coffee. I know it’s gonna happen, right? Like that. That’s a caffeine high. And what happens on the other end of a high? You come down. Is that good for going from six, multiple, six to seven figures?
I’ll let you decide, but the answer’s obvious, right? Another one road dog that we, we talked about and it’s like, I love this like distance, you’ve got to be comfortable losing people close to you. Right? So the example that I give, like if I’m playing hockey and my buddies are there, my family’s there, whatever, you know, they’re in row three and I’m on the rink playing where only, or, or I’m in the stands and then they’re playing.
Right. Well, there’s only five feet of distance between us, right? They can see us in the box and they can see us on the rink, but when you’re playing and they’re watching, there’s, the distance between those two is incredible. When I’m on stage and I’m speaking and then you’re in the room listening and you’re turned one way, and I’m turned the other we’re.
You know, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 feet apart. But there’s a lifetime of distance between the two of you, right? Like think when you go see Tony Robbins, you’re in the same room, but I mean, there’s enormous amount of distance between you and him. Well, that’s great. The problem is there’s a lot of people, like there’s a lot of athletes like, you know, every.
Professional athlete has got a hometown of people that were, you know, better and faster and stronger, and whatever, you know, had more potential than, you know, X, Y, z like Michael Jordan. But Michael Jordan’s the one who made it. What happens a lot of the time is the guys, they, they excel. They excel, Excel, and that distance makes them uncomfortable.
They start to lose people who are close to them. They don’t re, they’re not thinking of this cognitively. Like they’re not, you know, I mean, this isn’t on a conscious level, this is on a subconscious level. They start feeling that distance. And they wanna come back to them or maybe more to the point those people start making them feel guilty, right?
And then take love away. Your gr one of your two greatest fears in the world is losing love. They take that love away. And then what do you do? You start drinking, you start the drugs, you stop, wait, you stop waking up at 5:00 AM and dribbling the basketball, you stop going to training you self sabotage, right?
So anyway, so distance that’s a huge, I I can’t begin to tell you how important that one is. Your clients help them with that. And by the way, I think, and if you liked that which I do. This is really something, a really powerful thing to be talking about your clients with because like, they’re gonna be like, they’re probably not there right now, but you explain that with the relationship with you, that they’re gonna go to new heights and this is something that they’re gonna experience and you wanna ready them for it.
I want you to think about that on a subconscious level. You’re really framing your client to go, Wow. My coach and I are about to go to significantly new heights, you know? So that, that, that can be really good for your relationship cuz all of a sudden they start believing in you in a higher level.
Cause they’re like, Wow, I’ve never thought about it like that. You know, like that. And that’s absolutely something that can happen or that absolutely happened to me in the past. And, you know, thank you for explaining that and very step by. This is what’s happening and, and now I can be, you know, cognizant of it.
I can be wary of it, make sure it doesn’t happen again. So that’s self sabotage in a nutshell. And then seven Was like overthinking, you know, like you just, you gotta, you know, getting congruent with a seven figure mindset dictates that you gotta stop overthinking. Maybe, again, thinking of, you know, the distance thing, how that would eat, eat at you.
I love like the Ted Lasso show, right? He says you need to have a, a goldfish memory, basically seven seconds, and then you move on, you forget everything. You know, you overthinking. If you introduce me to a perfectionist, I’ll introduce you to somebody who’s not ever gonna accomplish a whole heck of a lot, right?
It’s just, it’s, it’s impossible. Not gonna happen. So overthinking it’s, it’s an enemy of success. So row dog, real simple. So those are some thoughts. What do you think, bud? That’s what I think you get. Yeah.
[00:19:47] Christian: I remember a while back you were going over things. Was it, you said it was like things you need for seven figures, like you did that a while back.
I think some of those were, if I remember correctly what was it now? Network, leverage and productivity. I think that’s it. And I’m guessing those are
[00:20:03] Karl: correlated. Yeah. And actually, yeah, I remember. Yeah. Nice one, nice one. High five. But probably should have. So yeah, those ones. So seven things. You need to go to seven figures.
What are the status, value, visibility leverage. Where am I at here? That’s for productivity. Abilities to overcome obstacles, which is different than abilities, but like, you know, problem solving. And then the seventh was network. So look real quick, seven figure value kind of went over that a minute ago, but you just, you got at like, can you actually help your clients?
Like, sounds painfully obvious, but like once you get past goal setting and time management, are you gonna actually be able to. You know, really help them take new heights. Like, are you, are you worthy of, you know, earning seven figures? Right? Status. So like, status, I, I just can’t like, And again, in between your, not only in between your ears but externally as well.
But I think the two have to come together. Like if I, if I look at your Facebook profile or I look at your Instagram profile, or I look at your social media maybe it’s, you know, your, your more LinkedIn guy or gal. If, if I spend about five minutes on it, it’s gonna tell me an enormous amount. About where you’re at, right?
In terms of hitting seven figures. So like, if, if you’re like dropping Trojan horse style posts, sell, sell, sell, morr, you know, you’re on one level, right? If you’re there. Educating other people in your industry, there’s a certain level that you’re at or a certain profile or status that you’re bringing across.
And then if you’re like helping, you know, your prospective clients, the chiropractic dentist to butcher the baker, the candlestick maker you know, like that again, there’s diff like if I look at your social media profile, like what am I gonna see there? And by the way, and that’s not to say that you gotta.
You know, you got a money, social media profile, you’re gonna see a whole lot of nothing. Last while, which, good, bad, and different. Don’t know. But if you, you scroll down, you’re gonna see, you know, once in a while, I’m, I’m dropping a, here’s just something that I would encourage you guys to be thinking about, right?
But what you’re really gonna see is a picture of my daughter and I, and. You know, my dad and I and actually took a photo of my dad. I was in ca Porto with my dad, and he is got a couple of girlfriends going on, kind of, he teases himself, but whatever. So him and his har but so the bottom line is like when I go to your Facebook Pro, like seven figure status, hopefully that’s obvious, but like on what level?
Are you operating at, You know, maybe that fake it till you make it falls in, right. Visibility. Again, obscurity, maybe falling into what I talking about a minute ago, but these are slightly different. The bottom line is like, if I go to your Facebook profile, I just said like, I’m not doing a, I’m doing a horrific job.
If I was using Facebook to promote my business, I’d be in all kinds of strife Right now are my personal profile. Right? Seven figure visibil. Right. Like, are you, But I, I will tell, but I get a hundred th hundred, like I do a daily email. A hundred thousand people get that email every single day. So that would be an example of me doing it there.
I’m not, do, I’m not using my personal Facebook page to grow. Right? Cause it’s not. Not what I’m doing. Could, that’s just not what I’m doing. Should you that’s, that’s up to you. You know what I mean? But at the end of the day, if you’re not and you wanna hit seven figures, if I don’t, if there’s not, if you can’t show me your seven figure visibility then you’re not ready for seven figures, debatably, right?
Seven figure leverage. You know, like how do you approach the accountant, right? Are you going to the accountant and giving him the amazing idea that if he sends you clients, you’re gonna give him a percentage of the revenue, right? And just little, little pro tip, that’s not gonna work. They might tell you how enthusiastic they are, but they’re just not.
Messaging you back, you go to the accountant and then think to yourself, what are the three biggest problems that he currently faces or she currently faces? And then you solve that problem for them. And as an example, I can tell you this, wrote a book accounting or co-wrote a book accounting one on one for business coaches.
The problem that the accountant has is that clients come to see them three times, you know, once a year at the end of the year. You’ve heard of tax season. They’re so busy for three months of the year, they can’t get home to have lunch. If you solved that problem for them, that might help. So what you do is you say to the account that send me a few clients and I will make sure that they.
That they come to see you, you know, 10 to 12 times a year so that you’ll never, they’ll, they’ll never participate in that tax season. And then you will have their attention. You’re solving a problem that the accountant has. If I were to go to a magazine operator, how does a magazine make money? They sell advertising.
Right. I would help them sell more advertising. Like, introduce me to three of your clients. Tell me how much they’re spending per year on their ads, and I will work to double it. I, I, I’m not magic and I can’t guarantee that, but I can tell you that that will be part of my undertaking cuz I personally believe that advertising is super, is a super, like advertising.
The profit is a super. Which by the way, I personally believe that’s what I’ve experienced. You should think like everybody hates advertising until they need to sell their own car. Right? That’s literally a sign that’s in. Business Coaching Mastery event in Cancun. So advertising, so help them solve their magazine advertising issues of people buying ads and then canceling them and they can never get them to advertise again, right?
Versus just give them a percentage of any anybody that sends to them, right? How do you approach, you know, the local incubator? What kind of testimonials do you got? Are you collecting testimonials? Do you feel comfortable collecting testimonials and other pieces of social. Show me how many referrals you get.
How comfortable are you asking for a referral? When are you asking for a referral? Like are you, are you asking for a referral on, you know, the first meeting on the third call or something like strategic? Or are you waiting for an infliction point, like they hit a home run and then you ask for a referral at that point?
And that’s the best time to ask for a referral, right when they hit a home run. But how many referrals are you getting? You know, do you have a growth loop within your business? And if you don’t, if your client doesn’t, maybe you’re not ready. If you’re not helping your client do these things that I’m describing, you might not be ready for the big time.
You might not be ready for seven figures, right? Anyway. So you, you know, you approach the digital marketer, you approach the, the podcast host. Like I get asked, you know, we don’t do interviews right on this like on our podcast, right? Just, I get asked about doing interviews and being interviewed, which I don’t do interviews and I don’t, you know, I don’t wanna be interviewed and I don’t wanna interview here.
Right? Just a personal preference, not a, it’s just whatever. But like, the way that I get asked is what I’m saying. Some folks are just completely out the lunch, Right? It’s not gonna happen. Anyway, so hopefully you’re seeing that You know, just videos and Facebook, you know, like the way that you’re positioning yourself.
So basically seven figure leverage. You know, how many joint venture partners do you have? How many referrals do you have? And then I’m gonna tell you again, your trajectory towards seven figures. Productivity is another one. You know, like you. You know, the secret to cleaning the sink is to only clean the damn sink when you’re cleaning the sink.
You know what I mean? Like, you know, walking and chewing. And by the way, women do this better than men. So maybe I should maybe answer this two parts. But, you know, generally speaking, the, the secret to productivity is to really dial in and be present. Are you doing that? Like when you’re doing something, are you just bloody doing it?
And then there’s the ability to overcome obstacles, solve problems, right? Both imagined and unimagined. The worst ones are always the imagined ones. Like, you know, like as an example, imposter syndrome is something that happens when you’re trying to go from six to seven figures. Imposter syndrome is something you gotta fight, you know, are you, are you willing to push through?
You know, I got it. Road dogs had it. You know, are you. Imposter syndrome, you’re just gonna keep bloody going or you gonna let it worry you. Right. And the trick obviously is to keep pounding. Just keep going. Yeah, that anyways, imposter syndrome is very real and something that should be, But if you’re seeing it as an obstacle, again, you might not be ready for the big time.
You just gotta run over the top. You gotta concentrate on, you know, your mission, your vision, you know what you’re there to accomplish. And by the way, maybe you don’t even have that, by the way. Like that Vision seven figure network. By the way, guys, I just got over Covid working on my hat trick here. So if I am coughing today, that’s the reason.
Seven Figure network. You know, just who are you networking with? Who are you attempting to network with? Who do you feel worthy networking with? Like Road Dog and I again, we’ve talked about like, if you’re gonna do it at local event, do it at, you know, do you feel comfortable booking at the yacht club?
Do you feel comfortable going to the local hotel? Going to the penthouse, you know, and un fucking kick butt hotel locally and, you know, renting the penthouse for the night and doing your event there. Does that that feel like something that juices you or is that something that goes, Oh, like I’m not quite ready for it?
Just be honest with yourself. It’s fine. But if you hear that and you’re like, Oh. And if you immediately go, Oh my gosh, how much is that gonna cost me? Right. Like, It’s not completely irrelevant, right? What you gotta do is you gotta make sure that you make that much more as a result. And there is no way that the pen post of the, the local Hyatt or whatever can be that expensive for one night.
That, and maybe by the way, you, you don’t even need it for a night. You only need it for a few hours, right? Just that should be something if you immediately go to cost, that might be, again, that’s in, that’s in between your ears. It’s just a matter of getting the right people in that room. And would that elevate your status?
And by the way, would it do it both externally and then internally as in do it for them, as in the accountant and the magazine and the digital market. And the online directory and the podcast host when you invite them there. And then would it do it in between your ears, where suddenly you become worthy?
You’re the guy or gal speaking at the, you know the penthouse. I used to do it at the place called the Palacer. That was like the, in Calgary, the number one hotel rented the penthouse of the Palacer. Bingo, Beo bongo. And it worked. It worked. Magic, I gotta tell you, it worked. Magic. Maybe that’s one for you guys.
But if you wanna hit seven figures, these, this is the level of thinking. So seven way I got there, Seven figure network. How, who are you networking with? Who, if you’re doing your presentations at Humpty Dumpy to save yourself 50 bucks you’re not ready for seven figures, I don’t think. Maybe I could be wrong.
Anyway, so I, I just think systematically, if you were to kinda. You know, rip through those and work through ’em in between your ears. This, this is how you get the seven figures and this is the way I kind of always taught it. And I will tell you a solution. If you’re listening to this and you’re like, Sign me up, this is what I want.
I gotta tell you, I’ve dropped you know, mentioned this in the past, but I’ll continue to mention in the future, but Live Event Mastery if I. Coach out there, and I want to hit legit, you know, zero to six, hit multiple six figures, hit seven figures. I’m doing our program Live Event Mastery, which means I’m putting four to 10 people on, call it a Tuesday.
I round a, you know, a breakfast boardroom table. Where they’re eating. I’m doing my dog and pony show and when I say dog and pony show they, whether they buy for me or not, I change their freaking life. Right? Like I just drop my best stuff so that when they leave they’re like, Wow, that was, that was a worthy, cuz they, they may not be paying for it.
They may or may, you might charge ’em. We encourage you, not cuz end of the day, wanna make sure you put bums on seats. But. It’s the, it’s their time that they’re spending with you, and you need to respect that at the highest level, right? So, so anyways that tends to look after all these things, but the mistake that people make you say to me, Oh my gosh, sign me up their live event mastery.
What could possibly go wrong? Here’s what goes wrong. Is you’re not committed. You don’t go all in, right? Like so I always say if you’re gonna do live events, you gotta book 10 of them. You gotta do 10 of them. And what most people do is they do one and then report back and tell us how it went. They do two and then decide if they’re gonna do a third.
Right? That attitude, forget it. You gotta do 10. Why Just you double a penny every day? What do you get on day 30? Right? The answer is 5 million plus. That’s the reason on your 10th. It’s like doubling a penny, you know? Doubling a penny, doubling a penny, doubling a penny on day 10. You get this compounding effect of respect and status, and you get better.
Your entertain your ability to tell jokes gets better. Your ability to tell stories tells better. Your conversions are better. The attendees are better. The people that are running the events or own the chamber or like, you know, the people in and around you all of a sudden take you seriously, right? Like the joint venture, you’re gonna get joint venture partners there and that’s gonna lead to them then wanting to do an event in their boardroom.
But bottom line, I’ve talked about it lot in the past. Live Event Mastery just and forget Live Event Mastery. If you’re not a client of ours, just do a local live event consistently. And then just watch what happens. But you gotta do a number of them, don’t do two, and then decide if you’re gonna continue or you kinda already failed.
Right? Just K Road, like the highest leverage position, right? I talked about leverage in there and like the highest leverage position that you, or frankly, any business owner, including Road dog, including myself, Ford, Pepsi, you know, Elon Musk. It’s getting in front of ideal clients, right? Like getting clients out in what I’ll call the wild.
Can be a treacherous undertaking. So think of this like if you go to someone’s list and they get 50 people to show up to your webinar, your live events or get on the phone with you, right? And then you get two clients, which would have to be semi horrific results, right? But you got two clients and they put 50 in front of you.
That can be better than getting, say, 10 clients out in quote unquote, the wild, right? The wild being, you know, cold Facebook messages, cold networking groups and not to mention it’s a hundred times more expensive and difficult to do, right? So frame differently. If I get a hundred clients from out in the wild, there will be approximately 70 to 80 that I wish had bought from someone else, right?
So, You know, if I bring it back to a sentence, not all clients are created equal, right? So, The, So if you agree with that, and I hope you do cause I think I’m right. The solution to that is to learn how to get really good at working out who has your ideal clients, right? Like if someone has an active accountant or working with an accountant, it’s fair to say that they have a legit business and would easily be able to pay you to become their coach consultant.
Right? Whereas the financial planner or the insurance guy or the realtor showing up to the local networking. Probably not so much maybe by the way, but not so much. But the, the accountants clients, surely you could see how that’s a home run or if somebody’s advertising, I said earlier, right? Like they’re, they’re spending money with a digital marketing agency or they’ve got, you know, their sign up on the billboard that, you know, To cost, like they get a sign on the billboard.
My question to you is, do you know how much that costs? And the answer’s probably no. And then I’m gonna say, you might not be ready for the big time, because I would wanna know how much they’re spending on that billboard. Because if they’re spending 1000, 5,000 in, you know, depending upon where it’s at, it could be 10,000.
Right. Well, I wanna know that, right? Because what does that tell me? It tells me that if they’re willing to spend five grand for that PI little billboard, surely they would be willing to spend five grand a month, 60 grand a year for some really good advice from you. Right. Is that like, wouldn’t you see how that’s like an A Grade?
Awesome, you know, client slash prospect. And then by the way, I would ask myself the next question, which is who sold them that ad to get on the, the, the billboard? And then I would wanna build a relationship with that individual. Right. So, so anyway, an an X factor of this row dog, any audience you get in front of is basically like they’re ranking you, right?
Our society is totally addicted to comparison, right? Like your prospects are pegging you on a list relative to your industry at the time, like as in other business coaches or consultants, and depended upon the level you operate, right? Maybe it’s local, national, or maybe international level, you know, that.
This is what they’re gonna be like questioning, Right? So if you like, what about you as a business coach? When I say somebody spending two grand a month to be on that billboard, what’s your temperature like when I say, Why don’t you spend two grand a month to get on that billboard? And I’m not saying you should, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but I am saying that you should consider it.
You know, if you’re doing local live events and you’re the heavyweight speaker the realtor is doing it, it might not be a bad idea for. Right. And by the way, it might be a horrific idea, but I gotta tell you, would that take, you know, would that make the accountant take you a little bit more seriously when they’ve been looking at your photo talking about your live events at the Chamber of Commerce, you know, the last, you know, 30 days in a row going to and from work and they’re like, Oh wow, that’s you, right?
And then they recognize you cuz you’re smiley picture is on it. You know, it works for realtors. It, it could work for you, right? But, The bottom line is like, would in a comparison between you and the competition, if you were spending two grand a month on that billboard, do you think that that accountant might elevate you in terms of status, therefore take you more seriously, therefore help you get that joint venture done, or get that local event done in his, in his boardroom easier?
Right. And I would dare say yes, best use of two grand a month. I don’t know. Should be, should be thought about, right? But no matter how far you climb, I gotta tell you, like high school behavior happens like comparison and it’s social media with likes and comments and you know, being compared to other people in your space, right?
Even think of like the sexiest man alive and the sexiest woman alive, right? Like when you see them, you immediately go, Oh. You know what I mean? Like somebody else would’ve been better looking, somebody else is sexier, somebody else’s, whatever. You know what I mean? Like, you just, you just automatically compare, like they picked that person is pretty much the first question that would go through your mind.
And that’s you going through an automatic you know, like response of comparison or, you know, it’s like, LeBron, he’s so good. It’s insane, let’s face it. Right? But he’s constantly compared to who Jordan. Right. You think of Kobe, who was he constantly compared to Jordan. Right? And it happens to Elon like Elon Musk right now, who, by the way, I said that that Twitter thing I thought was gonna come and bite him firmly on the backside.
And now all of a sudden, all of these affairs and all of these children, and I, you know what Elon, he may. He may have, I don’t know. Let’s see what’s gonna happen. Very, very smart guy. He’s gonna be ridiculously successful no matter what, but I think he’s getting a little bit of treatment that he is not used to where he used to be the golden child and could do anything.
And that’s kind of turning on him from what, as I speak here, it’s kind of turned a little bit. So, but it all comes back to our addiction, to comp, you know, our addiction of comparison we call it. So, So Ro Doug. Yeah, that’s yeah, you know, status, value, visibility leverage productivity network, and the ability to problem solve or overcome obstacles.
So those, those are those needs shoots and yeah, super important for somebody that wants to, you know, really knock it out the park. So how was that?
[00:39:00] Christian: Can we next week go into, Cuz I’m curious how you can use that, that a. Of comparison to your advantage. Can we dive into that on the next show? Yeah, sure, sure.
We’re up against the clock here now, but I just think that that’s just a, it’s a really, Cause I know we’ve, we’ve had conversations about some of this stuff in the past and I know you’ve got some really good thoughts on that. And I just think it’d be a really good one to dive into. So tune into that next week folks.
But if you were to take something from like, what’s the one. Shoots like from this episode, if, if someone was to take one thing and implement it into their their business, what would that be?
[00:39:41] Karl: What would that be? I think the obvious one road dog, I think like, pretty much spent the entire episode by the way, but like becoming a seven figure coach, like it sounds so platitudinal and so like obvious, right?
But you, you gotta do it in between your ears before you’re gonna do it. You know what I mean? In reality and but, and I think that’s obvious that I think kinda. You know, dissecting that and like going, Okay, well what does that actually mean? You know what I mean? Like, you know what I mean? Like seven figure status.
Like, like do you have it, Do you feel like you deserve it? Are you willing to put that out there? You know what I mean? Seven figure value. Like do you legitimately on the pre-show, right? Somebody asked Carl, you know, could you remember starting again? What would you do? Any advice, yada yada Yeti, right?
And I said, Look, Give me a client. Granular, granular, granular. Give me a client that you would like to help. Right? And if you don’t, if you can’t think of what that is, think passion. Think expertise, think experience. Right? And then I think we came up with a personal trainer. And then I said, Here’s the homework tonight.
Write down 50 ways you could help a personal trainer and legitimately help a personal trainer. Little pro tip, by the way, if you wanted to help a personal trainer, all they gotta do is like every Monday they gotta do a free event. Right at the local park, we’re somewhere cool and it’s a freebie that anybody can come and they can mix it really easy for people to refer people to.
You just said something really important, how easy it is it to refer people to you, Right? And you have a free event going on and all they gotta do is that. And then their job is they need to be salesperson cuz they need to elevate their, you know, confidence in themselves. So when somebody, a freebie comes to their Monday, Monday, Tuesday night, Freebee personal training class, they get to turn ’em into a personal training.
That’s it. You know, And then they gotta sell ’em supplements and they gotta sell ’em other stuff, right? But, but anyway, so like, write down 50 ways to help a personal trainer, Right? Legitimately, legitimately, legitimately, right? And basically the following day, my opinion is that you are gonna be so excited and so pumped to get in front of personal trainers because you’re gonna be looking at this list of 50 ways to help them, and you’re gonna be.
I think every one of these 50 ways could actually help a personal trainer. And like if I helped a personal trainer for 90 days and we accomplished six of these 50, I couldn’t even imagine the difference that it could make. Right. And then like, so all of a sudden your particular activating system will kick in and you’ll start, personal trainers will start falling outta the sky.
You’ll be driving and you’ll see somebody in a, you know, somebody in a park training a bunch of people. And then you’ll see the billboard, you’ll see the ad online. You’ll. Speak to an accountant and say, Hey, do you know a personal trainer? You speak to the banker and say, Do you know a personal trainer?
And then you speak to a friend and do, you know, a personal trainer? And then you’ll start doing some homework locally to find personal trainers, and you will suddenly have yourself the list of 50 personal trainers who you could help. And now you just gotta get in front of ’em and find a way. And surely you could convert if you got a list of 50 and you’re horrific at sales and horrific at coaching, and horrific at closing and everything, and networking and everything.
Surely you could get one, two, or three of them to part with some money. For you to basically be able to take these, you know, to beta test these 50 ways to help them. So, so anyways, you know what I mean? Like it’s gotta happen inside your ears. And I think that that’s a really granular way to take one foot in front of the other.
Right? But that would, I think, so that’s seven figure value, right? And then visibility. How are you? The what? Again, if I look at your social media profiles, what am I gonna see? If I look at your LinkedIn, what am I gonna see? And the answer is probably not a. And then my question is, is that a good idea? Is that, is that gonna help you accomplish your goals?
And then you’re like, Yeah, but what am I gonna post? And I don’t wanna look like an idiot. And then I would go, Well, we gotta go back to number one, the status thing. Like how, like you’re not quite there. You know what I mean? So we’re, you’re not ready for visibility because you’re, you’re in between your ears.
You’re not, you’re not there. Right. And then once you get there, and the next one was What was it? Leverage, right? Like again, cuz now you’re speaking to the accountants, you’re speaking to the magazines, you’re speaking to the incubators, you’re collecting testimonials, right? And powerful case studies.
Well now your leverage is gonna go up, right? Because you’re gonna be more willing, like, you know, it’s one thing to know the accountant, speak to the account. It’s a whole nother planet to get the accountant to do what you ask them to. Right. Well, if you don’t feel worthy and in between your ears, you’re not totally comfortable, you deserve that, it’s not gonna happen.
Right? And then there’s productivity. So what happens when the accountant, here’s, here’s again, remember we started with basket number three, fulfillment. What happens when the accountant refers the personal trainer to you? Right. Are you gonna allow for that? Oh, the bloody personal trainer doesn’t do anything.
Are you gonna let that happen? Or are you gonna be ruthless? Ruthless and dogmatic that you know, much like when your kid didn’t wanna brush their teeth, it wasn’t like, again, my daughter doesn’t wanna brush your teeth. You know, sometimes it’s a game, sometimes it’s demanding. Sometimes I’m taking something away.
It’s like, like it’s a non bloody negotiable. Whether or not she brushes her teeth, it’s a matter of how she’s gonna brush. How we’re gonna go about it, doing it tonight. Right. And of course she’s at the age now that’s not so cha, but you get the idea, right? But with your client, how many coaches do we know?
Road Dog, that always say, Oh, these PU clients never do anything. And then what they tell you is that they’re overwhelmed. Right? Well, they’re not overwhelmed, right? Like again, you got a list of, if they have a list of 10 things to do, which frankly it’s more like 30. Giving them two extra things to do is not a good idea.
Go to that list member. A real mentor can tell you what not to do. One of the first things that I would do with that personal trainers, I would assess their daily to do and I’d start taking things out. Right. Anyway, so, you know, like, so not, Yeah, roo, you know, you guys are listening, you’re kind of getting all of this, but when we say, are you worthy of seven figures in between your ears, my question is on a granular level, have you gone like real micro to go, Okay, well what does that actually mean?
And I think I just gave you, you know, status valued visibility, leverage productivity, problem solving, and then your network, right? Is like seven areas you could go to and then assess. Your current activity your past activity and your future activity, and maybe your present as in today, activity to rank yourself and say, You know what, I, I’m not achieving my goals because I’m not actually, You know what I mean?
I’m, I’m not worthy of them because I’m not doing these things. I gotta start doing these things. And by the way, you could do all of those things. And here’s the problem. You’re not gonna feel the effects today, tomorrow, next week, right? Like again. You gotta be thinking, you know, you gotta think further out, like a, oh gosh, I had this back and forth with one of our clients.
Right? Great guy. And, you know, and so, you know, accomplished, great guy. Done some very, very cool things in the past. But like, I’m telling you, this guy’s in his own way, right? Like, you’ve got no stinking idea. It’s just that, it’s, it’s more obstacle. You, you’ve got to You know, if, if for every problem, give me three solutions, okay?
Like, don’t, I don’t wanna hear a list of three problems. I want to hear a list of nine solutions. That’s, that would be a better idea. And, and we’re all guilty of it starting with me, right? And that, you know, sometimes things are just challenging, but you, you gotta, you know, you, you gotta make that look just, you gimme a problem, you gotta gimme three solutions to it.
There, there’s the rule, right? Was I submitted Anyway, so there you go. Shoots in between your ears. It’s not, you know, what you’ve done in the past and whatnot, it’s just you, you gotta go out there, exercise value at the highest level and that’s, it. Shoots, that’s my. One thing, , I
[00:47:21] Christian: didn’t realize the one thing was like, it just opened this Pandora’s
[00:47:25] Karl: box to a rabbit hole.
[00:47:27] Christian: It, it’s some days, shoot, it’s easier than the, for you to go down the rabbit hole than others. And today it’s one of those days. So congratulations. Thank you. Listen folks, thanks for tuning into another episode of Rambling with Karl. I mean business coaching secrets with Karl. And if you’re not on the inside getting access to the pre-show or you aren’t getting Karl’s daily very clear and concise, the one thing emails, and by the way, with his upcoming career in comedy, you definitely need to get those emails because we all need to know what’s going on with what, what was his name again?
What’s your character? What’s the guy? Dangerous Dave. I haven’t heard about Danger Steve in a while, but I need from
[00:48:08] Karl: today, I actually, one of my good buddies, Nate Bailey, legend client, gonna be in Cancun. He better be well, we did tell you today, and he sent this to me and he circled it and read pen and like, you know, like a laughing emoji.
What’s the so, you know, I got covid, right? So like my wife’s coming in out, you know, in and out with the thermometer is that there’s only the only thing. The only difference I can ascertain between a rectal thermometer and an oral thermometer is the taste.
[00:48:42] Christian: There you go, folks. You see, Do you see what you’re missing out on?
By not subscribing? Go to focus.com and get your tickets for Karl’s stay in Vegas. I’m sure that, I’m sure that Planet Hollywood is gonna be calling to have Karl be a regular performer, but anywho, until that happens, focus.com as we can subscribe today. And again, if you enjoyed the podcast and hopefully weren’t completely offended, please leave us a review.
If you like what you heard and fe, please feel free to share it with anyone that is a fellow business coach or somebody you think that might make a great coach. And that is it for another week. I, I’m just trying to get that choke outta my head. There you go, folks. Remember, progress equals happiness.
Take care, everybody.
[00:49:27] Karl: Karl bryan built profit acceleration software 2.0 to train business coaches how to find any small business owner more than $100,000 in 45 minutes without them spending an extra dollar on marketing or advertising. This becomes a business coach’s superpower. So as a business coach, you’ll never again have to worry about working with business owners that can’t afford your high end coaching fees.
Check us out at focused.com.

Karl Bryan, Creator of Profit Acceleration Software™
Karl Bryan gets clients for Business Coaches...period. He is the Founder of The Six-Figure Coach Magazine and creator of Profit Acceleration Software™ that shows you how you can BOOST bottom-line profits of any business using the power of compounding growth without spending more on marketing. His goal is straightforward… to help coaches and consultants get more clients.
Get a tour of Profit Acceleration Software™ at focused.com.
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